Wednesday 31 October 2018

Scenario 2: Nobunaga Strikes Back - The Outcome

Scenario 2: Nobunaga Strikes Back - The Outcome

(Note: I have revisited this after printing off the Test of Honour optional rules which are downloadable)

Oda Nobunaga gained a 3rd skill card, Pure Weapon to go with his Supple As The Willow skill & Master Forged Weapon cards.

Because Tadashi's Ronin thugs were defeated Nobunaga took control of the small region dominated by the Ronin, Haruhi came under the influence of the Oda Clan and a Samurai retainer was given the area to control for the Oda Clan.

Tadeshi the Dishonoured was not killed during his epic fight with Nobunaga but his men scattered into the surrounding hills. They will no doubt be a thorn in the side for the newly appointed Samurai Retainer of this area.

Tadeshi rolled on the Aftermath Table (page 4 of the optional rules), he rolled a 5 -1 (cut down) = 4 Captured. Tadashi was taken to a nearby castle until he could be transported to Kiyosu Castle. (This will form the basis for scenario 3: Darkness & Deceit.)

As for the 'Geisha' Spy? I am sure we will be seeing more of her in the future.

Monday 29 October 2018

Test of Honour Solo Mini Campaign

Having purchased Test of Honour (ToH) about 2 years after I purchased buildings from 4Ground I decided that it was time to put them all together and start playing. Along with a fellow gamer, Simon Comben, we played through the scenarios from the boxed rule set making many mistakes along the way.

Having a large(ish) collection of old Dixon miniatures I have now put them to good use and painted up the first batch that will be my Oda Clan for ToH. These will form the start of my own Solo ToH Campaign; Owari no Ōutsuke (尾張の大うつけThe Big Fool of Owari; Oda Nobunaga's nickname). The campaign will cover the unification of Owari Province by Oda Nobunaga, or not if it pans out that way.

This is the overall game map once I have completed the unification of Owari.

An updated more detailed map of Owari showing the different Clan areas.

Castle: Y = Yes T = Walled town.

As the campaign progresses I will add more maps and information about the various warlords of Owari, not all historical, and Oda's progress.
Scenario 2: Nobunaga Strikes Back

Having learned of the Ronin Camp, Nobunaga and his force have managed to approach unseen and are poised to strike.

Note: Tadashi, a thug group and the Geisha are in the buildings (random placement). The yellow areas denote the lighted area surrounding the lanterns.

Nobunaga moves quickly forward, urging his men onward. Unfortunately his noisy ascent up the slope has been heard by the Ronin patrol in the center of the camp!

A shouted warning brings a Thug group and Tadashi out of the buildings. An attempt to bring on reinforcements fails.

Nobunaga advances cautiously down the hill, his Tanegashima unit opens fire after advancing but misses. Tadashi and a Thug unit move to attack Nobunaga. Tadashi misses so do the Thug group. Nobunaga is surrounded by enemies.

With Oda bow, musket and spear groups moving to support Nobunaga, Tadashi beats off another attack by Nobunaga.

Time and again Tadashi and Nobunaga moved in to strike only to have each blow blocked.

A shout from afar as more Ronin thugs appear, returning to their camp after another raid.

Nobunaga moves in with a final lunge at Tadashi. Tadashi tired and carrying an unhealed wound from their earlier encounter staggers back unable to block the blow. Nobunaga plunges is yari deep into Tadashi. The surrounding Ronin break and flee, knowing their leader has taken a fatal blow. Such is the fickle loyalty of masterless Ronin!

Searching through the buildings Nobunaga's men find a 'Geisha' and bring her before their lord. After questioning she is released to travel back to her village. Nobunaga failing to realise she is not the innocent 'Geisha' but a spy from a rival clan!

Sunday 28 October 2018

Scenario 2 Briefing: Nobunaga Strikes Back

Scenario 2: Nobunaga Strikes Back

1. Assemble your forces:

Attackers 15pts
Samurai hero + 2 skill cards gained (Oda Nobunaga)
2 x Loyal Spearmen cards
1 x Loyal Bowmen card
1 x Loyal Musketmen card

Defenders 15pts
Tadashi the Dishonoured + 1skill card + 1 injury card carried over from scenario 1
4 x Ronin Thug Group cards
1 x Ronin Thug Card
1 x Geisha card (spy - no points paid for this card)

2. The battle field:

Yellow circles represent rough position of the lanterns.

3. Setting up House Rule:
Draw out of the bag for each side, start with attackers, first side to draw a samurai token places first unit. 

Defenders set up to 10 points within the stronghold and must include Tadashi. Remainder are kept off table as reinforcements. 

Keep Tadashi, 1 thug group and the Geisha off table. Allocate treasure tokens to each (1 to 3) as a marker. These groups are in the buildings, 1 group to a building.

The remaining thug group is placed in the centre of the area marked by the 3 lanterns.

Nobunagas force will start 3" in anywhere along the board edge where the track starts. (bottom left of picture).

Nobunagas force draws the first token.

All of Tadashi's force are unaware until the Thug group in the center are attacked in melee, fired on or can see any of Nobunagas force.

Anyone within 3" of a lantern is visible, otherwise make a Test of Wits to spot a target. See the Darkness and Deceit booklet for full rules.

4. Solo House Rules for Attackers:
Use new solo house rule chart.

5. Ending the game:
The battle ends when either Oda Nobunaga or Tadashi are cut down. If the spy does not attack any of Nobunaga's force then she will be held and released as Nobunaga believes her story of being a hired geisha for the evening. If she attacks any of Nobunaga's men and is cut down she will be captured and through interrogation reveal that she is actually a spy for the rival family clan and was delivering more information and orders to Tadashi.

(Scenario 2 Solo game to follow)

Border Reiver 2018 September 1st

Border Reiver 2018 September 1st

Border Reiver is a local wargames show held at Gateshead International Stadium on the first Saturday every September.

For 2018 we came up with an idea to put on a What a Tanker game, rules by 2FatLardies, based around the film Fury.

We came up with an old advertising slogan, us oldies can surely remember, and slanted it towards our game.

The team, Alex, Ciaran and Simon standing by our table layout. The shell on the left is an 88mm shell and the one on the right a 76mm shell for comparison if anyone asked during the game.

All the models were Warlord Games tanks from their 28mm Bolt Action range. Simon would be taking over the role of commanding the German Tiger tank, whilst Alex and Ciaran would assist any would be Brad Pitts.

After much stalling on the American side 'Brad Pitt', aka Alex, stormed down the road, promptly forgot about the possibility that the crossroads could be mined (it was stated during the game briefing that anything that happened in the film could happen in the game) and managed to survive only to be taken out by Simon and the Tiger. However after dispatching a 2nd Sherman, Simon was dispatched in the last shot of the game by a young gamer commanding 'Plain Jane' and quite rightly gained a trophy and prize for his sterling, single handed action v the Tiger. (The lad must have hit the Tiger 4 or 5 times before claiming an astounding 8 out of 8 hits with his last shot! Simon could only save 4 so the Tiger was knocked out.

The young winner and a proud Dad holding the prize kindly donated by 2FatLardies.

A pic from the 2nd game showing the MDF tank cockpits which made moving around the table so much easier. For this game we had 3 American tanks on the right with 3 British tanks on the left v the Tiger tank, a Marder III and a Pz IV. Here are a few more shots from the game.
 The Cromwell draws first blood knocking out the Marder III.
 The Pz IV knocks out the Cromwell in revenge.
As the Tiger and Fury trade shots (Fury is bottom left in the picture).
 A view from the German side.
 Simon takes out the US M10 tank destroyer.
 The Pz IV takes a hit but survives.
 The British Firefly moves along the left flank to support the remaining Cromwell. (Middle distance).
Fury's revenge (center left), 'Brad Pitt', aka Alex again, takes out the Tiger.

A great fun day out made even better by the enthusiastic gamers who joined in. If you haven't tried out What a Tanker you don't know what your missing. Can be played in any scale so why not give it a whirl.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Test of Honour House Rules for Solo Play:

Test of Honour House Rules for Solo Play:

more X than swords
all blank
= swords and X
More swords than X
5+ swords
Mounted Hero
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 9" towards
Move  9" charge
Other Mounted
move 9" away
move 6" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 9" towards
Move  9" charge
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 6" towards
Move 6"  charge
Other Foot
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 6" towards
Move 6" charge
Commoner missile
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire
Move 6" towards
Move 6"  charge
Commoner Hand to Hand
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards
Move 6" towards
Move 6" charge

If during a move towards enemy result, an enemy is within that move distance then the group, if armed with melee weapons, will charge the nearest group. Samurai will always attempt to charge other samurai and may have to take a Test of Wits to pass a group that is closer.

1. This is an ongoing document and will be updated as more games are played.

Scenario 1: Tanegashima - The Outcome

Oda Nobunaga took a serious wound card but this was discarded at the end of the game. He gained a 2nd skill card, Master Forged Weapon to go with his Supple As The Willow skill card.

Tadeshi the Dishonoured took a serious wound which he retains until the end of the next game. Tadeshi gained 1 dishonour card which he successfully discarded with a successful Test of Honour roll ( even with -1 die for the card).

Tadeshi has been taken to the Ronin hideout but the hideout has been found out by one of Nobunaga's informers. Oda Nobunaga has gathered his forces and will take a small force to wipe out this vipers nest once and for all.

Scenario 1: Tanegashima Part 2

Turn 3:
Oda Nobunaga felt the flurry of blows from Tadeshi's katana but effectively blocked all attempts to cut him down. Nobunaga countered with his own attacks but with the advantage of height Tadeshi blocked each thrust of the Yari with equal skill.

One of Nobunaga's bowmen managed to move to a flank and fired another willow leaf arrow at Tadeshi, surely this would strike home? At the last minute Tadeshi saw the threat and cut a second arrow in two before it could hit him.

Peasants watched as Nobunaga took a step back to compose himself as more of Tadeshi's band rushed onto the bridge.

Now backed up by his 'thugs', Tadeshi charged forward as Nobunaga moved to counter and a group of Loyal Oda Clan spearmen rushed to support Nobunaga. yet again neither Nobunaga or Tadeshi could find an opening.

A lone Ronin thug rushed up to support Tadeshi and took a wild swing at Nobunaga who blocked this crude strike with ease.

More Ronin advanced to back up Tadeshi as Nobunaga threw himself into a final attack. Thrusting with his Yari he struck home as the press of men behind Tadeshi gave him no room to maneuver away from the Yari.
The craftsmanship of the Yari blade cut through the protection of Tadeshi and he stumbled, heavily wounded.
With their leader cut down badly wounded the Ronin grabbed Tadeshi and carried him off the bridge. Nobunaga himself badly wounded and exhausted stopped his men from giving chase, "We need to get the Tanegashima back to the safety of Nagoya Castle, we can leave Tadeshi for another day".

Oda Nobunaga entered Nagoya Castle a few hours later. His first batch of Tanegashima secured he would now start training his Ashigaru and Samurai how to use them.

(Scenario 2: The strike back coming shortly).

Friday 26 October 2018

Scenario 1: Tanegashima Part 1

Turn 1:
Young Oda Nobunaga approached the village of Gotacrosumi and the vital bridge crossing over the river of the same name.

Tadeshi the Dishonoured was heading for the crossing too, he knew if he was to stop Oda Nobunaga anywhere it would be here.

Tadeshi, throwing caution to the wind shouted for his brave men to follow and set off at a sprint for the bridge. Nobunaga fearing that this was a good place for an ambush advanced his two Ashigaru bowmen to cover the advance to the bridge. Tadeshi, thinking his men were right behind him, sprinted on (he was rolling 5 swords after 5 swords for his Solo movement!).

At last, Tadeshi made the bridge and looked behind him, his men who were nowhere in sight! Oda Nobunaga seeing Tadeshi on the bridge advanced cautiously fearing the enemy trap was about to be sprung. He shouted back to his Loyal Spearmen to join him.

Turn 2:
Oda Nobunaga prepared to charge the enemy. Flanked by his 2 archers and knowing his spearmen were approaching from behind he poised to advance! Tadeshi braved it out and shouted insults at Nobunaga from the bridge for he could hear the shouts of his men approaching.

Oda charged forward and thrust at Tadeshi only to see the Ronin block his thrust and force him back.

An archer let loose a willow leaf arrow at Tadeshi only to see it cut in 2 in mid flight.

Tadeshi hearing his men closing in behind him hurled a final insult and charged Nobunaga. His sword flashed through the air but Nobunaga managed to block the strike with his yari. Tadeshi stepped back in surprise.

The 2nd bowman fired an arrow at Tadeshi but it went wide of the mark.

Tadeshi smiled and an evil glint came into his eye as he hurled himself at Nobunaga using the sun glancing off his raised katana blade to temporarily blind Nobunaga so he could not block the blow. Nobunaga reeled back and went down on one knee, his men gasped, but he slowly raised himself upright feeling the blood run down from his cut scalp. An inch lower and he would be dead.

Tadeshi plays his special skill card Dirty Tricks to ensure his strike gets through.

The strike hits home!

Oda Nobunaga succeeds in a test of Honour so the fatal blow becomes an injury card and a blood drop.

Part 1 Complete. Oda Nobunaga has survived near death, but Tadeshi's men are at the bridge!              (They also have first draw for part 2).