Wednesday 26 February 2020

Session 7: “What goes up must come…….” Or “Can you fit a round Dwarf in a square hole?”

Session 7: Thunderday, 26th day of Rainmoot – 1491 DR (Gnomengarde Cont)

The group make a decision:

“What goes up must come…….”  Or  “Can you fit a round Dwarf in a square hole?”

The morning after the attack the Gnome Kings called a meeting in the throne room. They asked for help whilst they awaited the arrival of more members of their clan who should be arriving at Gnomengarde within the month.

It was agreed that Gnomengarde, for the present, would make a secure base for the group whilst they were in the area and that the group would aid the Gnomes before the arrival of the remainder of their clan.

For 7 days the group remained in Gnomengarde, healing wounds from the fight with Klarg and the Hobgoblins and taking stock as to their next moves. Some honed their weapons, Bron, had decided to follow a path he struggled with over many years, he would become a fledgling Eldritch Knight. So he used his days attuning himself to bow and sword then he made a scroll that he could use without wasting time and effort if needed for other spells.

 On Towerday, 2nd day of Palesun 1491, the group bade their farewell of the Gnome Kings. They left Lionel and Heimund behind to protect the Gnomes as the others headed for the Dwarven excavations (mines) some 2 days to the west of Gnomengarde.

The Gnomes gave them directions as they traded with the Dwarves at the mines, oil, wine and bread. The group headed west and made good time before setting up camp for the night in a small depression. 

Morning came early and with it clouds, rain but the heat of the day would remain as the sun rose above the clouds. Fargrim walked aways from the camp and stumbled, falling to the ground. What he saw could not be, for the rock that had ‘tripped’ him was no ordinary rock but could only have been Dwarven cut. He got up and began clearing the tufts of grass away. Gimli wandered over and began to give Fargrim a hand. Before long they had uncovered a section of what could only be an ancient Dwarf Road some 6ft by 3 ft in length and width. But in which direction did it go? North-South or East-West? Fargrim had the group walk out in straightish lines. Eglath remained at the camp site for it seemed a second small grouping of stones was found in a northerly direction. None was found east or west, but another 2 groups were found to the south. Fagrim gathered his equipment and set off south, towards the mountains. The rest of the group followed.

It wasn’t long before the group came across what looked like a cleft cut into a smooth rock face. On closer inspection and after removing some overgrowth the ‘cleft’ was now a definite entrance way leading into the mountain some 25 feet and ending at a heavy portcullis, rusted in place. With as many that could lay a hand on the portcullis it could not be shifted.

As Fargrim split the group into ‘shifts’ to keep trying to move the portcullis, Eglath noticed what looked like arrow slits, 1 on one side wall and 2 on the other. The group, all except Bron, went and investigated the slits further. Bron had noticed something as he was walking round outside and was intent on finding out what it was. He was talking to himself as he unpacked his pitons, hammer and rope.

Eglath decided to use a pebble, which Gimli cast light onto, he threw it on the other side of the portcullis. It bounced and skidded along the floor before dropping down what could only be steps. He decided to cast another into one of the slits. He could see a huge ballista type device on the other side. Using the 10ft pole he activated it and triggered the firing mechanism. His speedy reaction saved his life as he caught the bolt, nearly 3ft long, in his hands.

Bron had succeeded in climbing some 20ft up the smooth cliff face. Banging pitons in as he went. As he climbed the next 10ft he slipped several times before he was lowered to the ground. The noise of his ascent had alerted the group and Eglath and Gimli had arrived in time to lower Bron safely to the ground. Hagnulf took over. After a few mishaps he made it to the 40ft point and Bron joined him. They now had a ‘hand-rail’ rope in place and were able to use a second as a ‘pulley’ to assist Bron climbing up. He made himself secure, providing an anchor point for Hagnulf as the wily Elf climbed to the top of what looked like a chimney of sorts.

It was decided, well he kind of volunteered, that Bandur would join Hagnulf at the chimney top and enter the Dwarven hold, find the mechanism and raise the portcullis. Hagnulf could fit down the chimney with ease, Bandur had to remove armour and equipment. Tying the equipment to a rope it was lowered down the chimney, coming to a stop some 20ft below. Hagnulf and Bandur were soon standing in a room some 15ft by 25ft having entered by a very sooty fireplace. Bandur was soon dressed and approached a darkened space in the far corner. Hagnulf put his hand on Bandurs’ arm and whispered in his ear, it’s a door!

The door swung open easily and they could see more details in the room beyond as shafts of sunlight spilled into it from the right somewhere. On closer inspection the light was coming through various arrow slits in another open room to the right. The void room to the left had enough light that they could make out it was large. Four large pillars holding up the ceiling and in the centre 3 large metallic vats. In front of these 3 channels leading to 3 holes next to a wide opening through which they could see the top of the portcullis. But of a mechanism to raise the portcullis there was no sign. As they investigated the vats 3 giant spiders climbed out and attacked. 2 more scuttled around the floor by the south walls.

Bandur was covered in a sticky web as a 2nd spider attacked him. 2 spiders tried to ‘web’ Hagnulf but missed as a 5th spider tried to bite him but missed. For some time, the spiders could not penetrate the armour of Hagnulf nor Bandur. Bandur managed to break free of his web bonds and struck a spider down as Hagnulf succumbed to wounds from 2 spiders. Bandur managed to knock a spider down and was attacking 2 more as Bron and Fargrim burst into the room.

Bron and Fargrim had heard sounds of fighting and climbed as fast as they could. Fargrim slipped and fell the 20ft down the chimney as Bron landed softly beside him. Helping Fargrim to his feet both rushed into the large room where the sounds of fighting could be heard.

Bron and Fargrim aided Bandur by sinking their blades into a spider, killing it instantly. Another spider was scuttling away as Bandur dropped and killed a 2nd spider. Bron and Fargrim drew bow and crossbow as a spider was dragging Hagnulf up to the ceiling. The spider fell dead, bolt and arrow sticking out of its body. They turned their aim to the last spider and bolt and arrow felled the last.
By now Gimli and Beorwulf had managed to make the climb and joined the others in the room. They all combined to make a stable support so Beorwulf could cut Hagnulf down. Hagnulfs’ prone body, covered in sticky web, slammed into the floor. Gimli rushed to stabilise Hagnulf as Beorwulf attempted to cut him free. Hagnulf free at last lay on the floor badly injured. Fargrim prayed over him and some vitality came back to his battered and bruised body. As Fargrim prayed over Hagnulf the others spread around the room and searched the area. (See map above).

Eglath remained on the smooth cliff face outside as he felt……………


Wednesday 5 February 2020

Session 6: " How much more can we take...........whatever it takes men!"

Wineday, 25th day of Rainmoot – 1491 DR (Gnomengarde Cont)


The 2 kings threw quite a party that night and the group gradually got sozzled on mushroom wine. The upside was the kings ordered some glowworm cages to be set at various locations along the corridor sections so that Bron and Beorwulf could find their way round.
It was shortly after midnight that the group found various sleeping places, Eglath & Heimund settled in the kitchen as they were still drinking after the others left.

The 3 Dwarves, Fargrim, Gimli and Bandur settled in the wine celler with Beorwulf.

Hagluth, Lionel and Bron found a really good place and settled in for a good sleep. They felt they had earned it, they all had.

Now: (Revenge is a dish best served with advantage in numbers).

(Klarg the Beastman, accompanied by a Goblin Shaman, 10 Hobgoblins, 4 attack wolves and 6 Goblins, was in search of revenge for his hideout being attacked by the group. See session 1)

Fulgrim was the first to waken in the wine cellar, he thought he could hear a commotion. The others slept on.

Now Fargrim was wide awake and shouting for the others to get up, he had heard a scream - distant and weak but a scream non the less.

The 3 Dwarves and Beorwulf, now all awake, headed for the door, Fargrim leading, an attack wolf bounded round the corner and started attacking Fargrim. A second, third and fourth wolf quickly joined the melee on the corner. Bandur rushed to assist and was thrown to the ground, Fargrim's sword was ripped from his hand and flew behind him as he tried to fight off the wolf armed now with a javelin.  Beorwulf rushed forward, spotted the sword and attacked a wolf with it. Gimli cast a prayer and a wolf was struck with a pillar of fire.

The others slept on.

Fargrim channeled his divine power and with a mighty swipe killed a wolf. A second followed shortly.

Heimund woke with the mighty thunder reverberating around Gnomengarde. It took some time but he got Eglath awake. Heimund opened the door to the kitchen to see a group of Hobgoblins charging around the corner into view. Hiemund struck and killed the first Hobgoblin and stood to one side as Eglath ripped the door of its hinges, used it as a battering ram and promptly smashed into the door frame. Eglath had blocked the door but now more Hobgoblins arrived and smashed the door backwards, knocking Eglath to the floor. The Hobgoblins charged into the room.

Fargrim, Bandur, Gimli and Beorwulf dealt swiftly with the wolves and headed for the kitchen where they could hear sounds of fighting. They hadn't gone very far when the blast of a horn reverberated across the gorge from the other side of Gnomengarde. First Gimli, then Fargrim and Bandur changed direction and began running towards the other side of the gorge and the throne room.

Beorwulf continued onto the kitchen and arrived in time to charge into the rear of the Hobgoblins. Dead gnomes lay everywhere, Eglath was lying near death against a side wall, Heimund was battling 2 hobgoblins as Beorwulfs' charge took him into the middle of the fray.

The fight in the kitchen was frantic, Heimund saved Eglath from certain death. Heimund using the body of a Hobgoblin to batter another to the ground. Eglath somewhat revived miss timed a similar attack and unwittingly (?) grabbed Beorwulf and slammed him into the ground. Heimund dispatching Hobgoblins still alive managed to kill the last one then Eglath gave aid to Beorwulf and brought him back from certain death.

The 3 Dwarves ran into a bunch of Goblins but managed to fight their way through, capturing one in the process. Gimli headed for the throne room ans Fargrim and Bandur headed for the Kings bed chamber. The door at the end of the corridor opened and a fire bolt blasted above Bandurs head. They moved closer and a 2nd followed. The door closed, Bandur stepped up to open it as Fargrim, with Goblin dragged in front of him approached Bandur from Behind. Bandur sensing something was wrong jumped back, knocking the Goblin and Fargrim backwards.

Bandur charged  the door and it burst of its hinges and smacked the Bugbear standing on the otherside to the floor, door on top. The Goblin Shaman managed to strike Bandur and Fargrim before escaping through the secret door into the throne room. Bandur and Fargrim struck Klarg many times until he surrendered. Gimli tried bravely to take the Shaman down but failed each time, even Fargrim couldn't stop the Shaman escaping.

Heimund had captured the last Hobgoblin and was dragging him by the foot towards the bridge by the waterfall. However he stopped and as he hadn't searched the Hobgoblin properly was stabbed by a dagger for his troubles. A struggled ensued as Heimund first knocked the dagger away and attempted to get the Hobgoblin to switch aliegance and join him. The Hobgoblin laughed and spat in his face and tried to stab Heimund with a 2nd dagger, this too was swatted away. For it's troubles the Hobgoblin was dangled by the ankle over the bridge and dropped to his death.

A search of Gnomengarde found Hagluth, Bron and Lionel under the stairs in a drunken stupor. Bron was cradling the book entitled Magick of Gnomengarde in his arms.

Magick of Gnomengarde

This book contains the following arcane magic spells:

Burning Hands
Detect Magic
Mage Armour
Magic Missile

A search of the caverns finds a group of hidden Gnomes who were too scared to come out when Klarg attacked.

Caramip, Jabby, Nyx and Quippy are female Gnomes; Anverfth, Delebean, Pallabar and Zook are male Gnomes. The Gnome Kings and the other Gnomes look to the group for guidance.