Thursday 26 March 2020

Session 12: "Who needs Democracy....?" Or "Lets take a chance it all goes right".

Lionel saw his companions leave Axeholm. He activated the mechanism and the portcullis came down. He walked round and pushed the double doors closed and put the bar in place.

He decided he would try and uncover the well, it may take him longer but he could make a start. He would take regular breaks and head to the room with slits covering the entrance and the cauldron room to see if anyone had or was approaching Axeholm.

Some time into his digging he took another break, he had lost count of just how many, and headed for the ballista room. He looked out and saw no one. Turning round his eyes widened as he saw, standing behind him.......

“How did you lot get in?” Lionel asked as he saw familiar faces in front of him, Caramip, Jabby, Quippy (the female gnomes) with Anverlith, Delebean, Pallabar and Zook (male gnomes) along with 10 other gnomes.

“Day after you left followed you we did, Kings told us to, they did”. After a lot of nonsensical often contradictory talking between all the gnomes, all wanting to add their bit to the tale Lionel found out that the Gnomes had seen the group leave about 5 hours ago but had waited a while for the portcullis to go up. When it didn’t they found they could squeeze through the arrow slits. They then waited for someone to come back and Lionel did…….SURPRISE!

The enterprising Gnomes were already working on oiling the rusty portcullis chain and working out a simple mechanism that would allow them to use both wheels, a simple pulley system that multiplied their strength enabling them to raise the portcullis with ease.

Lionel came up with an idea, would the Gnomes like to remain here whilst he went to join his friends. The Gnomes told Lionel that that was what they were here for, silly. So taking his leave he left some ideas for the Gnomes to be getting on with and he set off after his friends.

Some hours into his journey, nearing dusk, he was following the obvious tracks of the heavy shod feet of the 3 Dwarves and the deep imprints of the 2 Goliaths longer stride, the others just blended into the general track. Bending down in the long grass he could see that the tracks bore left towards a cleft in the mountains. As he stood up an arrow whistled past his ear and thudded into the ground beside him. Looking behind he could see a large group of Orcs, led by a ferocious beast with a double handed glaive, a second large ferocious Orc with a double handed axe pointed in his direction. A group of goblins detached themselves and began loping after Lionel. The Orcs set off behind at a steady trot. Lionel took off at a spring towards the cleft, hoping that his friends were there, and he was not leading himself into a trap.

Lionel broke into the steep sided cleft and could see a wall with an arched gateway to his front. He could see Hagnulf through the gap looking in his direction. Lionel waved his arms frantically, he could hear the Goblins getting closer. Hagnulf sprang into action, quickly joined by Bron and the others. Arrows were fired in both directions all missing their target.

Two Goblins went down with arrows from the group, the main body of Orcs charged forward, with a group of Goblins in front and supported by fire from the Goblins. The group could see a Shaman, silent, immobile behind the Orcs.

The Orc line slammed into Bron, Fargrim and Lionel standing at the gateway. The two Larger, ferocious Orcs seemed resistant to every blow that struck them. Bron and Fargrim were getting frustrated as all their efforts seemed to no avail.

Bron yelled out instructions. Lionel, Hagnulf, Beorwulf, Eglath broke away from their 2nd rank positions and formed a new line. Then Bron and the front line fighters broke contact, although the Orcs slashed at the 5 as they moved back to form a new longer line. The Orcs surged forward and slammed into the new line. A fire bolt slammed into the gateway arch sending a shower of sparks in all directions.

One by one the Orcs fell, leaving only the two larger ferocious Orcs. Felled by the weight of numbers the two previously resistant to all damage quickly succumbed to a flurry of blows as none of the group gave them a chance to regain their feet and fight back. Tired, beaten and sorely hurt the group took in what lay before them, some 14 Orcs, including the 2 leaders and 7 Goblins lay dead in the gorge. Of the Shaman and remaining Goblins nothing could be seen.

After the battle a quick check of the bodies revealed:
2,300 copper pieces 46lb
1,700 silver pieces 34lb
80 gold pieces 1.5lb
A 1st level scroll: Inscribed Longstrider        goes to Lionel
4 small bottles containing liquid. 0.5lb’s each
A +2 (damage) Greataxe 7lb        goes to Bandur who exchanges it for his own 1d12+7
A +2 (damage) Greatsword 3lb    goes to Beorwulf who exchanges with his Greataxe 2d6+6
4 Longswords 3lb’s each
2 Spears 3lb’s each
3 Maces 4lb’s each
1 Glaive 6lb
5 Shields 6lb’s each
8 Chainmail shirts 20lb’s each      Bron exchanges his damaged one for a good one  AC 16+2
1 Plate breastplate 20lb                 goes to Gimli in exchange for chain shirt AC 17+2

The group settle down for a night of rest and recuperation at the Dwarven Excavations. Lionel sang and the group felt enthused with the healing nature of his restful songs. Fargrim ‘laid on hands’ uttering words of solemn prayer, as is the wont of any good Paladin and Gimli prayed for long periods through the night and the group slept with renewed vigour.

Lionel who took 2nd watch after Hagnulf, for the Elves could do with little rest whilst the others needed longer periods to sleep, woke the others as dawn approached. They ate the last of their rations and drank their remaining water. Packed up as was their wont, being seasoned adventurers with little time to waste, the group bade farewell to the two Dwarf excavators and headed off toward Axeholm, their new home.

Little happened during the long morning walk and no tracks or sight seen of the Orc Shaman. They approached Axeholm around midday and the portcullis, to their surprise was raised. Teo Gnomes stepped out to greet them with hugs and welcoming words for not 3 hours earlier they had spotted the White Dragon flying just to the north of Axeholm before it headed off to the north east.

The Gnomes had been busy. Most of the lower level had been cleared out of debris, death and decay as could be seen by the mound of rubbish piled up a short distance away from the entrance. The Gnomes asked when it would be ok to light a fire, for they intended to burn this rubbish pile, Bron told them to wait another day and make sure there was little or no smoke for fear the Dragon should return.

The Gnomes informed the group that they were happy to stay and assist where they could, in fact they were very interested in taking one of the ballista apart to see how it worked and could the parts be manufactured by them. The group reluctantly agreed but told them it had to be one of the internal ones and not any in either lower guard room. It was even mentioned that if they could move some of the internal ballista up to the 2nd level cauldron room that would be a bonus.

Regular communication had been arranged with Gnomengarde and supplies would arrive soon for the Gnomes. However, as the Gnomes pointed out, with the increased population at Gnomengarde it would be prudent if the group could arrange separate supplies for the Axeholm garrison. The Gnomes produced a list, a quite extensive list for provisions. They did promise that upon the groups return that not only would Axeholm be spick and span, but the well would be uncovered too.

(Note to group: For Umbrage, Gnomengarde and Dwarf Excavation quests completed you can expect to collect 125gp)

Session 11: "What comes after what went before........." Or "Democracy rules, yeah".

The group had recovered their wits after the encounter with the Ghoul horde and the Banshee. Taking stock they searched the immediate area and Lionel found a hidden room with a large stone chest. Inside they found what were later identified as a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Strength and A Dwarven Dread Helm. 700 pieces of gold were also found. Fargrim claimed the helm , whilst after some wrangling Eglath won the Gauntlets. The gold was split up between the remainder equally, 100 gold pieces each.

During their exploration they found in one of the collapsed areas what could only be a well, as running water could be heard through a small hole in the debris laying over the well.

Secure in the knowledge that nothing nasty lurked anywhere else in Axeholm they settled in for a long rest to recover from the tough battle they had just fought and won.

The morning after: 7th day of Palesun, Saintsday.

The group decided to raise the portcullis and jam it open using the mechanism. Lionel would remain behind with extra rations left by the group.

Some 5 hours later the group entered a small canyon. The canyon led to a wall with a broken gate, within could be seen low walls, ruins of buildings long since fallen.

Breaking into a tactical formation the group skirmished through the ruins until they cam to another wall. Heimund proceeded and topped short when he met 2 Shield Dwarves sitting on a pile of rubble chatting away. Noticing the Goliath they asked for help from their new friend, their BFG, (Big Friendly Goliath).

Joined by the group they were asked by the 2 Dwarves if they could deal with a nasty problem in the main chamber of the ruins. For which the Dwarves would give them 2 stones!

Nothing better to do they agreed. Entering the ruined, what could only have been a religious building of some sort, they quickly made their way to the main chamber. Hagnulf skirted right, Heimund approached an alter and was attacked by a ‘Jelly like’ creature. Gimli employed a fire based prayer and the creature was engulfed in flame, shrivelled up and died. Hagnulf was attacked by a second creature and was amazed when he struck it as it split into 2. More of the group joined in and before the long the creature was now 4 smaller creatures. Bron shouted out not to use bladed weapons only blunt ones. Hagnulf kicked, Heimund used his spear, Beorwulf miss timed a move and kicked Bandur on top of one of the smaller creatures. Heimund launched himself on top of his shield leaping above Bandur and coming down hard on another. After some time all 4 creatures were dispatched.

A careful search revealed hidden doors, all were searched as the group split up. Eglath and Hagnulf encountered a 3rd ‘Jelly’ and killed it with ease. Beorwulf and Bron found a bag containing 150 gold pieces.

Rooms were found with rotting vestments and red leather armour. Gimli stated he knew who they belonged to, priests of Abbathor, an evil, greedy Dwarven minor diety. He was also called Grand Master of Greed, Trove Lord and Wyrm of Avarice. His followers had to make a blood sacrifice along with gems or precious metals.

Bron found a collapsed section and asked Gimli to confirm it was a passageway to somewhere, Gimli confirmed and after 5 hours of long digging the cave in was cleared to reveal a doorway. Nothing heard Fargim opened the door to reveal a chamber. On one side was the rubble of a statue on the other a statue depicting a horned dwarf with a large green gem in one of its outstretched hands. Fargrim, throwing caution aside, grabbed the gem. He watched as the gem crumbled to dust as the last grains fell from his hand to the floor the statue exploded outward catching many of the group in the marble shrapnel exploding outwards.

Making their way back to the 2 Dwarves, still sitting on the rubble arguing, they informed them the ruins were clear. The Dwarves handed the stones over, 1 to Fargrim and 1 to Bandur. Both looked at the stones. The 2 Dwarves held a hand to their ear and gave their respective hands a little shake. Still bemused and after 3 more repeated gestures from the 2 dwarves at the same time, Fargrim and Bandur realised they were to do the same. Holding the stones to their ears and shaking them they heard a buzz, then they realised they could hear each other talking. They were sending stones.


Wednesday 18 March 2020

Session 10: “Out of the frying pan into the……..” Or “2nd time lucky?”

“Out of the frying pan into the……..” Or “2nd time lucky?”

The group settled into a simple routine in the cauldron room. Wounds were healed and as they rested their spirits were uplifted with renewed vigour.

Fargrim held a quick council of war. They would retrace their steps to the long room with the raised dais. Order of march would be Fargrim, Bandur, Eglath, Heimund, Gimli, Lionel and Beorwulf bringing up the rear. Hagnulf and Bron declined to follow the group and said they would guard the safe haven of the cauldron room.

Fargrim quickly led the group down the same stairs and into the long corridor outside the ballista room. No sooner had he approached the double doors and he and Bandur stepped through, when a hidden ghoul leapt out of a darkened corner and attacked Eglath. The ghoul was dispatched with quick ferocity.

Fargrim led the way to through the large chamber with the 4 columns supporting the roof far above and opened the southern double doors. Another Ghoul, laying in ambush, launched itself at Bandur. It too was dispatched with ease. Emboldened by this success the group quickly made its way to the stairs. Fargrim led the way. At the top of the stairs he could see a long corridor and 2 to 3 darkened areas which might be corridors or doorways.

Moving forward he saw a set of stairs going down to the east, the corridor extended north and a door entrance to the west. He opened the door and he stepped in. Fargrim was attacked, by 3 ghouls this time.  Bandur rushed in to help. Eglath took up a watch position north of this doorway supported by Gimli. Heimund covered the narrow stairs going down to the east, whilst Beorwulf watched the rear. As the fighting in the room progressed, more ghouls attacked from the north, west and south. More entered the room. The larger ghoul that had run away entered the room and faced Fargrim, a larger ghoul turned the corner and faced off Eglath.

Just at the right time, Gimli, spoke aloud. He called down the wrath of Morraddin to turn these vile undead creatures. As he was praying Eglath fell to the floor mortally wounded, a ghoul about to bite large chunks from his prone body. Bandur had run out to support the group in the corridor and he too was surrounded by Ghouls. Fargrim stood alone. Lionel and Heimund rushed into the room and assisted him in dispatching the large ghoul as Gimli’s prayer had the desired effect and half of the ghouls fled in terror.

Beorwulf began swinging his axe at the large ghoul in the corridor but could not make contact. Both he and Bandur distracted the larger ghoul from attacking Eglath as Gimli spoke a healing prayer aloud and saved Eglath from certain death.

With the ghouls in the room killed or fleeing the fighting switched to the corridor outside. Fargrim ran through a door in the north wall and was confronted by a frightening visage. A ghostly apparition floating in mid-air who suddenly screamed at him. Surviving the wail of the Banshee, Fargrim attacked only to see the Banshee float through a solid wall.

He continued round the corner and with Heimund, Lionel, Beorwulf and Bandur managed to fell the large ghoul lord.

The Banshee came back, Lionel recognised her from an old tale. She was a Moon Elf princess captured by the dwarves of Axeholm and held to ransom, She starved herself to death but cursed the Dwarves of Axeholm. The curse came true as she rose as a Banshee and killed most of the Dwarves of Axeholm, turning them into the ghouls the group had just fought and defeated.

Lionel managed to talk to her and played a soothing tune calming her raging spirit. She forgave the group, including the Dwarves as they had rid her finally of the Dwarf Ghouls who continued to torment her over the years. Her spirit free at last she thanked the group and faded away.

The group searched Axeholm and came across a large chest. In the chest was a Dwarf Helm and a pair of Gauntlets, also a quantity of coin.

The Helm and gauntlets were diced for, Eglath finally gaining the gauntlets after swapping them with Heimund. Fargrim won the helm. Wearing the helm the others noticed how his eyes turned a burning red and filled them with dread. Eglath was filled with a strength he didn’t have as the gauntlets made his arms feel strong and powerful. There was enough gold coin in the chest to give the rest of the group 100gp each. (including Bron and Hagnulf).

Items found:
Dwarven Helm of Dread Visage: Adds +4 to intimidation rolls 
Dwarven Gauntlets of Ogre Strength: Increases strength to 19 whilst worn.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Session 9: “Up the stairs, down the stairs all around Axeholm…….” Or “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”

“Up the stairs, down the stairs all around Axeholm............” 

Or........ “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”

Heimund was loosing his patience with the Gnomes. They kept contradicting themselves as to what to do and how to do it. Some time after Lionel had departed Heimund told the Gnomes he was leaving to join his friends but that they would return, soon.

Heimund visited Umbrage Hill and was informed that Lionel had left there about 2 hours ago. Heimund walked faster. After a few hours walking he could see his friend a few miles ahead. Suddenly he saw Lionel head south towards the mountains. He could see, as he began to catch up, Eglath perched on a cliff face pulling Lionel upwards by ropes very quickly. As a dark shadow passed overhead, he could see Eglath and Lionel climbing faster and then the Shadow, which he could see clearly now was in fact the White Dragon, swooping down on his friends. The dragon blasted the cliff face with its icy breath. Heimund took cover in some bushes, hoping the Dragon had not seen him.
The dragon used its frosty breath to block a dark opening then it flew away to the south, over the mountains.

Heimund ran as fast as he could, he spotted the lower ropes and managed to pull himself halfway up the cliff face. He reasoned that were there was one opening there could be another. It took him over an hour, but he found one. He managed to slither his way down the soot filled chimney until he stood in a small room with one door, open. From the other side of the door he heard voices he recognised. Still covered in soot he entered a large chamber and spoke. Bron looked over and casually said, “Well you took your time getting here!”

(The group had retraced their steps back to the room with the 3 cauldrons. Healing and a quick stock of the situation on how to proceed took place. Enter Heimund.)

Bron, as tactical as ever, thought it suicidal to head back to the room were they fought the ghouls. Better to find another way. Bandur, Lionel and Hagnulf who was badly wounded and shaken from their encounter thought it best to scout below using the stairs in this chamber whilst leaving behind a covering group that could guard against the Ghouls coming through the tunnels.

Fargrim agreed. A short rest was called for, healing prayers were used to patch up wounds. The scouting group would consist of Fargrim, Gimli, Heimund, Eglath and Beorwulf. Bron, Hagnulf, Bandur and Lionel would guard the rear. Lionel sang a simple song, enthusing Eglath and Gimli with renewed vigour.

They descended the western set of steps and entered a lower guard room of sorts. Several ballistas were mounted covering several arrow slits. Some covering the Portcullis entrance way and others covering what they thought could be a passageway. Heimund and Eglath spotted a wheel set into the eastwall, roughly opposite where the portcullis was on the other side of the wall. The mechanism was rusted but there was a notch and hinged bracket piece that would lock into a corresponding notch below the wheel.

 Fargrim listened at the door and hearing nothing stepped into a corridor. Heading south they passed arrow slits which conformed their original thoughts. The corridor widened and another door was listened too then opened. Prodding things in case of another mimic attack it was quickly reasoned that there were no mimics and this was a small armoury. There were racks and hooks for approximately 30 suits of mail, and spears and swords, all empty but for dust.

Moving onwards, Fargrim setting the pace and some basic tactics as to how to progress safely, they entered a larger room. As soon as Fargrim moved into the room a group of Ghouls, gnawing at god knows what, leapt up and attacked him.

A furious fight ensued. Beorwulf all but blind in the dark stumbled forward into the attack and was beaten to the ground by a Ghoul for his effort. The myriad of telling blows nearly brought about his demise as Beorwulf crawled into what he thought was an alcove and safety. This move allowed others to join the fight. Eventually the small scouting group won through and 5 Ghouls lay still on the floor. Gimli gave Beorwulf much needed healing. Eventually he could stand but was still badly injured.

3 small doors and one double door led of this room. Fargrim explained how they would do it. One door at a time from right to left, leaving the double doors to last. The first door led into a very large, barrack type, room. Bare cots and two fireplaces were all that was found. They did find a simplified painted layout of Axeholm on a wooden board. This was given to Beorwulf, whom Fargrim had told to light a torch so he could see where he was going. The door was shut.

The 2nd opened onto the privy of Axeholm. The 3rd into what could only be the forge room of Axeholm. Eglath could hear fluttering in the southern chimney and thrust a lighted torch as far up as he could reach. A shriek was heard, and the fluttering got further away. What ever it was that made the noise had flown away. A door leading off this room led to where the Dwarven smiths kept their tools of work. The group retraced their steps back into the room with the Ghoul corpses and headed over to the large double doors.

They listened and nothing was heard so they opened the doors onto what, according to the painted layout, was the room with the void they saw from the cauldron room. 30ft or more above they could make out the arrow slits and the balcony. 4 large columns, one in each corner, supported the vaulted ceiling about 100ft above. The east door they knew opened into the room leading to their first combat with the Ghouls. The north doors were locked shut and could not be opened without forcing them someway. They tried the southern doors, a wide entrance passageway to the long room on the other side was covered by more arrow slits.

The door was opened, the group entered a long room with a hair on a raised set of steps in an alcove flanked by two statues of armoured Dwarves. The group could smell the rotting decay of Ghouls. None could be seen but Fargrim sensed they were close.

As Beorwulf approached the steps a large Ghoul leapt over the chair and assailed Beorwulf. For a 2nd time Beorwulf was felled, close to death. The Ghoul shrieked loudly as the group closed around it. As they attacked so more Ghouls entered the chamber from the east fireplace chimney. Outnumbered it was a hard fight. Gimli used his power of prayer and the Ghoul leader and one other fled the room. The remainder fought to the death. Twice Beorwulf faced death in this chamber and twice he was saved. Eglath first then healed by Gimli.

The group retreated to the cauldron chamber and rested!


Wednesday 4 March 2020

Session 8: "In the cold light of day........." or "How to avoid a frosty reception".

"In the cold light of day......" or "you can you fit an Elf and a Goliath in a round hole!”.

Eglath remained on the smooth cliff face outside looking around from his perch half-way up the smooth face of rock his companions had scaled not moments before. He could see in the distance a lone figure running with ease. After a short while he could make out the figure approaching was Lionel. Shouting at Lionel he caught his attention and told him to tie the loose rope around his waist and he would pull Lionel up. Not a moment too soon. Eglath saw what he first thought was a large bird flying towards the mountains. He quickly observed that it was no ordinary bird but could only be a large, white, dragon!

Pushing Lionel ahead Eglath knew they had mere seconds, not minutes, before the dragon was upon them. Eglath managed to get Lionel to the chimney opening and unceremoniously pushed him down the hole and he dived headfirst after the Elf. A freezing cold blast of air hurtled down the chimney. Eglath was stuck but safe. Lionel had landed with a thud and an oomph as Eglath bellowed help. Bandur was the first to respond and entered the room that both he and Hagnulf had left not 10 minutes before. He helped Lionel to his feet then calmly walked over to Eglath, pulled him by the head and out of the chimney. Eglath weas not to happy that Bandur had seized his ears as the main point of contact. Bandur looked up the chimney and informed the now gathered group that the chimney was blocked by a frozen block of ice!

Eglath and Lionel blurted out that the dragon had appeared and obviously had blasted the chimney with its frost breath. The way out was blocked.

The group gathered in the main area. Lionel informed them that Heimund had remained with the Gnomes, assisting building defences. Lionel had visited Umbrage Hill once more and managed to acquire 3 more healing potions.

They inspected the level they were on. They could see through more arrow slits that there was a huge void on the other side of the south wall and what looked like a balcony looking over it from the east wall of the void. On the south wall of the void there appeared to be 3 arrow slits like the ones they were looking through.

They had found two sets of steps leading down from the main room, a side room with rotten furniture in with a steel shield hanging on the wall with a design engraved upon it of a Dwarf gauntlet holding an axe. Gimli had an inspired vision and remembered reading a tome in his home town about a long abandoned Dwarf fortress called Axeholm. It was rumoured to have been abandoned and this may have coincided with the imprisonment of an Elf called Viagria or Viledia or something similar. through a second door in the room with the chimney entrance a small room with what looked like a dug tunnel leading down and left.

 From the tunnel emanated a pungent, rotting smell of decay.
Fargrim took the lead, followed by Bandur and Gimli. Hagnulf, Lionel Eglath and lastly the 2 humans, Bron and Beorwulf.  The tunnel twisted downward, not 2 feet wide, 5 feet high but ever downwards.

Fargrim stepped out into a passageway, definitely Dwarven in construction. The corridor ran roughly north/south. Fargrim headed south. He came to a room with a double door in the west wall, a single door in the south wall and a collapsed section to the east. To the east instead of passageways was a rough tunnel from which the smell of rot and decay was stronger.
Fargrim came to a branch in the tunnel and followed the stronger smell. Before long hissing and snarling noises could be heard from ahead. Hagnulf pushed to the front and stepped onto a writhing mass on the floor. Firing a quick shot into it, followed by a strike from Fargrim; the floor erupted into a hoard of humanoid figures. The smell of stench and decay came from the rotting mass of gnawed bones and decaying flesh strewn across the room. Dwarf bones, human bones, spider carcasses and small rodents made up the decaying mass.

Hagnulf was surrounded and although he fought bravely was battered to the ground dying. Fargrim tried to fight his way to Hagnulf but was blocked by 2 humanoids. Eglath pushed his was forward and grabbed a humanoid in his hands, the creature snarling and spitting as it tried to bite him. Bandur tried to slide through the legs of Gimli and only succeeded in knocking him to the floor. Beorwulf tried a spectacular flying leap but only succeeded in pushing Bandur back to the ground.

Bandur threw himself upwards and Beorwulf used this to complete his flying leap only to land flat on his face in front of a humanoid. Bron shouted for everyone to get behind him.  Eglath dropped the humanoid and stepped backwards. Beorwulf got to his feet. Fargrim, Eglath and Beorwulf felt spiritual energy flood through them as first Gimli then Lionel cast their respective magic to aid the front line.

Humanoid after humanoid fell then a wave of spiritual prayer filled the room. Half of the humanoids fled the room up the stairs. The remaining three humanoids fell under the combined attacks of a revived Hagnulf, Bron, Hagnulf and Beorwulf.

 The group took stock for they had been sorely tested. Just what evil infested this once Dwarven fortress? Could they defeat whatever evil lurked here? They took a brief respite where Gimli and Lionel healed as many wounds as they could with their magic abilities as others used whatever personal healing they had left.