Tuesday 28 April 2020

Session 16: "Strike while the iron is......." or "Don't give them time to think!"

Midday, 10th Day of Palesun, Wineday.

Heimund had led the others past the Shrine of Luck and towards the Orchard. Through the orchard he had led them down and between two hills and stopped in a small copse by a stream. The others, panting hard threw themselves down on the ground as Lionel whispered words of healing and soothed their troubled minds. Fargrim had a grim look on his face but had said nothing.
Bandur waited. Sildar still hadn't showed up for his meeting. Time was passing and Daran Edermath offered lunch, simple fare though it was. Bandur took Edermath up on his kind offer.

Not long after they had finished Bandur could hear the thump, thump, of many feet running past the farm. Looking outside he could see Heimund, Lionel, Fagrim and Hagnulf running through the orchard heading north between two hills. Bandur collected his gear and told Daran he had to go. Bandur followed the direction his friends had been running. After a short distance, through the two hills, he came to a small copse. He entered. He soon came across his friends lying on the grass near a small stream, bloodied and worn out.

Explanations were quick to be told. Bandur told them they had to get back to Daran and ask his advice. Daran Edermath wasn’t surprised the group had had a run in with the Redbrands. No one in Phandalin liked them nor what they were doing. Their grip on the town had tightened and the extortion was becoming more open and commonplace.

A plan was hatched. Daran had two old wooden boxes large enough to hide the 5 of them under. He would put rotten apples over the boxes and take them to Alderleaf Farm. Once there they could get young Carp to show them the way to the secret tunnel, for Daran was certain that Tresendar Manor was where the Redbrands would take Gimli and Beorwulf.

The wagon was quickly loaded, the 5 adventurers squeezing into the tight space as Daran poured the last rotten apples over the ends of the two boxes. The journey was slow but no Redbrands stopped them. They arrived at the farm safely and young Carp Said he would lead them to the secret tunnel entrance below Tresendar Manor.

The journey was roundabout as young Carp got his bearings in the woods. He led them to where they could observe the entrance, which Carp said was hidden behind a bush he pointed out.

Hagnulf led them forward and sure enough the tunnel entrance was concealed behind the bush. Lionel was told to watch the tunnel with young Carp and warn them should any Redbrands try to enter the tunnel behind them. Lionel ushered some words that would inspire them and they all felt enthused with new vigour and strength.  He gave additional words of wisdom to Bandur, Hagnulf and Heimund before hiding in a place where he could see the tunnel and any approach to it. Hagnulf entered the tunnel followed by Fargrim, Bandur and Heimund bringing up the rear.

He came to an opening from which he could see a cavern. 

A gorge split the cavern in two but could be crossed over by two wooden bridges. A smell of death and decay permeated the cavern. Moving forward Fargrim indicated a passage to the left and the group followed him down some stairs. At the bottom of which there was a door on the immediate left and a short corridor right with a 2nd door.
Without hesitation Fargrim opened the door on the left to be confronted by the prone bodies of Gimli and Beorwulf. Both had been tied up and stripped of weapons and armour. Bandur handed them a hand axe each. Bandur now favoured his battleaxe!

Fargrim approached the 2nd door, on opening it he could see 4 human Redbrands on the left side of a room seemingly watching something he couldn’t see, because the door blocked his view, to his right. Fargrim attacked before the Redbrands could react. Launching himself into the attack he heard the door slam close behind him as a balled up, tied small figure narrowly missed his head and landed in a heap against the wall. Slowly turning, as he engaged the Redbrands, he could now see 3, large, hairy, fearsome creatures moving towards him.

Fargrim struck out and connected with a Redbrand. Beorwulf moved forward and tried to bash the door open, his shoulder bounced off. Bandur, fearing his ‘shining one’ was about to die, rushed forward and bounced the door open. Narrowly missing Fargrim fighting behind it but hitting one of the large, hairy, fearsome creatures in the face as he did so. He was now able to move to the side of Fargrim and assist.

Heimund, seeing the way ahead blocked decided to try and outflank the enemy. He had seen an opening to the north of this passage way and he reasoned that it may connect to the other side of the room. He ran into the cavern but as he passed close to the gorge he felt a searing pain in his leg. 

A creature, hiding below the top of the gorge, had struck out with clawed hands and struck his leg. As it climbed out of the gloom below Heimund struck down with his sword calling out a divine prayer. His blow sliced through the abdomen of the creature, spilling its entrails onto the ground as it toppled backward and fell into the gloom of the gorge. He ignored the pain in his leg and entered the north passage.

One of the Redbrands had ran out of the room when the fighting started, Fargrim was annoyed, this Redbrand could bring more enemy down on them. He struck out again and the Redbrand he was fighting slumped to the floor. Heimund burst into the room, saw what was happening and shouted, Bugbears!

The Bugbears had moved in to attack the group as Hagnulf stepped into the room, throwing 2 daggers at a Redbrand, finishing him off and one of the Bugbears hitting him hard. The Bugbear behind the door managed to succeed in ripping the door off its hinges and stepped forward as Beorwulf seeing the gap charged into the room full of rage. He tripped over part of the smashed door and hit the floor, his hand axe bounced out of his hand behind two Bugbears. He was now prone and weaponless!

Heimund finished off the Bugbear he was behind as Bandur finished off the one standing over Beorwulf. The last one went into a frenzied attack, surrounded by the group, but missed all its attacks. The Bugbear went down under a flurry of blows. The group stopped to survey the scene. It would seem the Redbrands were gambling for the weapons and armour of Gimli and Beorwulf. All their possessions were here. They quickly dressed and re-armed themselves. Beorwulf retrieved the hand axe he had dropped and threw it towards Bandur. Luckily, it struck him flat end on, in the chest. Amazed he stooped down and picked it up, “Sorry Bandur, was never any good throwing things”, Beorwulf said sheepishly. On searching the dead they found in a pouch on one of the Bugbears, some coin and a key.

The group moved on into the room opposite the door Heimund had entered by. Fargrim asked but Heimund said he hadn’t run into a Redbrand. So he must have gone through this door. Fargrim opened the door without listening and was confronted by what looked like a workshop of some kind. (11) Beakers, jars, notes and all kinds of equipment could be seen on tables and benches. A rat scurried across the floor and under the table. The group moved into the room. Gimli’s eyes opened wide, he looked at the scattered papers and tomes. He knew what this place was, and he said, “Looks like someone was trying to brew potions of invisibility here”. He picked up a tome, obviously in Dwarvish and commented that it was a journal by a Dwarf called Urmon.  It described the history of the Lost Mine of Phandelver. It mentioned a Mace called ‘Lightbringer’ was commissioned by priests of Lathander, the God of Dawn, from the Mages working with Gnomes and Dwarves of the Phandelver Pact. This mace was lost when Wave Echo Cave and it’s mine vanished from history.

They opened the door in the east wall and went into a rather well furnished room. (12)     A wooden chest at the foot of the bed caught the attention of Fragrim, who used a pole to open it. Inside he could see coin and bags. He opened the bags and he found a number of gems. On the desk a letter had been left, it was addressed to Lord Albrek, Iano possibly his first name. It mentioned travellers to Phandalin, maps and Dwarves. It was signed with an image of a Black Spider.

Fargrim also noticed that there was a crack in the far wall. The crack turned out to be a secret door that hadn’t been pushed closed properly. He opened it and found himself in a corridor with stairs leading upward to a landing. After closer inspection a 2nd secret door was found and opened. They found themselves in a store area at the north end of the cavern. (7) Some opened boxes revealed beaver pelts. Obviously stores from the Redbrands activities robbing caravans and merchants.

In a small alcove another secret door was found and it too opened easily.  They found themselves in a narrow corridor leading south with a closed and locked door opposite them. They tried the key they had found on the dead Bugbear body. The key worked. Inside they found racks of weapons. (6) Spears, short swords, long swords and crossbows with quivers full of bolts. Hanging near the door were a dozen or more red cloaks, those worn by the Redbrands Fargrim suggested they all put one on. They did.

Moving on they came to a door at the end of the short narrow corridor. Opening the door they entered what could only be a crypt.  (4) 3 Skeletal bodies were draped over 3 sarcophogus, 1 on each. Pushing them off they opened each sarcophagus in turn. In 1 they found a signet ring, very ornate and worth some coin in return.

Double doors or the single door? They opened the single door (5) and 2 Redbrands were surprised by the group, still wearing red cloaks. Fargrim, Bandur and Heimund got close enough to the 2 and struck fast, killing them both. They were in some kind of cell area. In one an adult human female and 2 teenage children.

They soon released them and were introduced to Mirnar Dendra, 13 year old Nars and 18 year old Nilsa. She was the wife of the carpenter Thel, the Redbrands had murdered him 3 nights ago and brought the family here to be sold as slaves.

The group took them with them. Hagnulf opened the double doors (3) and found a wide, corridor like room. He tentatively went forward and found a pit trap in the floor. He jumped over it but nothing else could be found, he jumped back over. 

The group retraced their steps to the cavern and tried a passageway in the south east area. It lead along another corridor to another secret door. It too was opened.  (1) They found themselves in another store room with a cistern full of water. Hagnulf followed watery footsteps towards steps and a landing with a door. Beorwulf opened the door. Gimli checked a side room but it was unoccupied. (2)

Beorwulf had found the way out. The stairs led to the old kitchens of the now ruined Tresendar Manor. Making their way back into Phandalin the group headed for the Stonehill Inn.

Toblen made them welcome and was amazed to see Mirnar and her children. All listened to their harrowing story, even the townmaster who at first thought the Redbrands were there to help but then as they took over and threatened him and the people of Phandalin there was nothing he could do but hope. Sildar Hallwinter arrived later that day and apologised for his delay. After much celebrating and a hearty feast Sildar bade the group join him at Deran Edermaths farm. Once there he thanked them for saving Phandalin and asked them if they would join the Order of the Gauntlet. Without hesitation they all did, Sildar conferred on them the title Cheval. The lowest order of the Order of the Gauntlet. Sildar told them being members would open many doors, training being one of them.

12 Spears                                                                                                                                   6 Short Swords                                                                                                                       4 Long Swords                                                                                                                         8 Light Crossbows                                                                                                                   8 full quivers of bolts

A quantity of coin and gems plus a reward from the merchants for good recovered adding up to:

500 gold pieces. Each member of the group took 40 gold pieces, Lionel was given 10 gold 
pieces and 250 gold pieces were placed in the group fund.

A single pearl was retained for the use of Lionel. He would need it when casting Identify.

The letter signed with the Black Spider


The Dwarf Journal of Urmon the Dwarf (Gimli)

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Session 15: "He who runs away......" or "Revenge is a dish best served at spear point......"

Mid morning, 10th Day of Palesun, Wineday.

The items found on the dead bodies in the Town Hall were divided between the group, Fargrim took the War Pick, Lionel took the keen edged longsword. Each received the sum of 121 silver pieces, whilst Gimli counted out an equal amount for the group fund. It was decided that Lionel would carry the group fund and the 4 healing potions.

Beorwulf took offence at the Town Clerks stuttering condemnation of the group. After awhile both Gimli and Fargrim asked Heimund to take the Barbarian outside to cool off. No sooner had they left the shattered doorway than 4 crossbow bolts thudded into the door surround, narrowly missing them both.

Hagnulf ran out to join them. The 3 saw a large group, a very large group, of armed men advancing toward the front of the Town Hall in battle formation. Two ranks of spears with a double rank of heavy crossbows on their left flank. Behind they could see a warrior with a steel helmet, adorned with a Golden Horse head atop, waving a sword and controlling the formation.

Heimund let fly 2 arrows at the formation and saw a crossbow man fall to the ground before following Heimund back into the Town Hall. 

Beorwulf, enraged and back in full frenzy launched himself towards the formation but exhausted from the earlier fight found he was short of making contact.

Lionel took up a firing position and engaged the heavy crossbow men and sang words that inspired Fargrim as he leapt through the window.

Fargrim, acting on what Heimund told those inside, climbed out the rear window in an attempt to outflank the formation…….only to find another formed formation advancing towards the rear of the Town Hall.

Gimli following saw Fargrim loose arrows into the Redbrands as he ran over to another building to take cover.

Fargrim and Gimli were engaged in a fighting retreat, trading arrows and bolts with the 2 Redbrand archers and bringing down one of the spearmen.

Heimund shouted for the group in the Town Hall to retreat covered by the archers. Hagnulf jumped through the side widow after Heimund, followed a short while later by Lionel who had dropped another crossbowman. He could see Beorwulf was still fighting.

Beorwulf, exhaustion taking its toll swung his great sword twice and watched it strike the spearman’s shield twice, but his weak strike caused no damage.

 Beorwulf went down under sheer weight of numbers.

Gimli rushed towards the Town Hall, but he felt compelled to retreat with the others. He now turned and faced off against the line of spearmen that had charged towards him.

Heimund peeled off and ran behind the defensive line shouting at the others that the time was now to run not stay and fight. First Lionel, then Fargrim and Hagnulf ran after the Goliath.

Heimund slowed and faced off an attack by 3 spearmen, closely followed by more. He managed to disengage and ran past Fargrim and the others, extolling them to keep running. They did.

Gimli, surrounded, outnumbered heard the tall figure in the Gold Horse Head helm tell him to throw down his weapons and surrender, or die. Gimli could only watch his companions running away as he threw down his hammer and shield.

Heimund led the others past the Shrine of Luck and towards the Orchard. Through the orchard he led them down and between two hills and stopped in a small copse by a stream. The others, panting hard threw themselves down on the ground as Lionel whispered words of healing and soothed their troubled minds. Fargrim had a grim look on his face but said nothing.


Wednesday 15 April 2020

Session 14: "Parting of the ways........" Or "New beginnings".

10th Day of Palesun, Wineday.
As the group went downstairs for breakfast, they noted that Bandur was missing. Toblen Stonehill, the owner of the inn, told them that Bandur had received a message and had left early. He left a message for the group that they were not to worry.

During breakfast the group asked Toblen if the Redbrands were liked in Phandalin. He looked around nervously and told the group when they first came 14 days ago everything was good. The Townmaster, Harbin, had hired them to help guard Phandalin and the town folk agreed, there being no fighters to speak of in the town. Then day after day it got worse as they began to strut around like they owned Phandalin.                                    

Two nights ago Thel Dendrar had got into a scuffle with 3 Redbrands after they insulted his wife on the street. The morning after the Woodcutters house was boarded up and there was no sign of Thel, his wife or two children. Rumours were rife that they had left Phandalin for Neverwinter, or gone east along the Triboar Trail or headed south to Waterdeep, some even said they had been murdered in their sleep and buried deep in the woods.

It was decided after a hearty breakfast that Lionel, Hagnulf and Beorwulf would go to the townhall and enquire about the key to the wood cutters shop. Fargrim and Gimli would have a poke around the shop and outbuildings. Bron stated he was heading back to Axeholm with the supplies, Eglath agreed to keep him company. Heimund had a thought to head over to the Shrine of Luck and see what he could find out there.

They escorted the two wagons as far as the Redbrand checkpoint. The Redbrands looked bored and inattentive as the wagons left Phandalin for Axeholm. The group split as Gimli and Fargrim headed for the wood cutters, the rest headed for the townhall.

The town clerk was having none of it and outright refused the insistence that he hand over the key to the wood cutters shop. He ushered them out of the shop and slammed the door. Beorwulf turned round in a rage and kicked the door in and bounded into the shop. The clerk let out a high pitch scream.

Fargrim and Gimli searched around the wood cutters building and didn’t see anything suspicious as the door and windows were boarded up. Round the back Gimli was drawn to an outbuilding, a wood store. After moving a log an arm flopped out. They had uncovered a dead human male. The scream brought Fargrim at a run towards the Townhall. Gimli remained with the body.

As Fargrim came round the corner he could see a group of armed men approaching the Townhall across the open ground to the right rear. Redbrands!

Heimund heard a horn blowing and headed for the Townhall. Lionel went into the Townhall to placate the clerk. An arrow slammed into Hagnulf frombehind him as he stood outside. Whirling round he saw the Redbrands heading towards the Townhall. Beorwulf and Hagnulf faced off against the Redbrands. Arrows were exchanged and one of the Redbrands fell back an arrow in his gut, screaming.

The Redbrands split, archers remained firing as the others headed round a small building to the road. Beworwulf went into a mad, froth mouthed frenzy/rage and charged towards the Redbrands on the road. Fargrim fired an arrow at the Redbrands and watched it strike home. The Redbrands retaliated by swarming round Beorwulf, knocking him to the ground after taking three well aimed strikes.

Gimli hearing the fight moved round behind the wood cutters shop under the cover of 2 trees fired crossbow bolts into the Redbrands on the road. Fargrim, bow on back, moved up the road to assist Beorwulf. Heimund moved in to support the attack too. Gimli moved up from the trees to offer healing aid to Beorwulf. Redbrand after Redbrand went down, Hagnulf dropped another archer. Beorwulf was struck again and looked near death again.

Striking down the last of the Redbrands on the road a 2nd group were approaching from the south road. Hagnulf took position in the Townhall with Lionel. Redbrands armed with heavy crossbows fired into Gimli and Fargrim. Gimli taking the brunt. Others charged into the Townhall and engaged Lionel and Hagnulf. Fargrim re-armed himself with longbow and slung his shield. Beorwulf now back on his feet moved into cover. Heimund charged into the Townhall and supported Hagnulf and Lionel. The fight was furious. Hagnulf close to death fought like a demon and took down 2 of the Redbrands with stunning, accurate blows. 

The window crashed through and another Redbrand joined the fighting, 3 surrounded Heimund. Heimund drew up his spiritual power and struck the Redbrand who recently crashed through the window with such ferocity the blow knocked him back out the window, dead. Another window crashed in but this time it was Beorwulf who had moved around to the rear of the Townhall. He smashed the Redbrand attacking Lionel and struck him down with all his might. Exhausted he sat down, the frenzied rage coursing out of him.

Outside Gimli and Fargrim fired at the heavy crossbow men. One went down and the other two ran away. Inside the Townhall the Redbrands were finished off. The group took stock and healed each other and themselves where they could.

The town clerk came out from under the desk where he had been hiding and couldn’t believe the carnage that he saw. “Oh my, oh my, oh my, whatever shall I tell Mr Westin?” He stated matter of factly.

A search of the dead Redbrand Leader killed by Beorwulf:

1452 silver pieces.               726 sp group fund     121 sp to each individual            
A finely honed longsword.         (A fine cutting edge +1 damage)
A hefty military pick                  (Nice for bashing people with +2 damage)
A not so good shield.


Friday 3 April 2020

Session 13: "The journey home.........wherever that is?" or "A bird in the hand is better than...."

9th Day of Palesun, Towerday.
Little happened during the long morning walk and no tracks or sight seen of the Orc Shaman. They approached Axeholm around midday and the portcullis, to their surprise was raised. Teo Gnomes stepped out to greet them with hugs and welcoming words for not 3 hours earlier they had spotted the White Dragon flying just to the north of Axeholm before it headed off to the north east.

The Gnomes had been busy. Most of the lower level had been cleared out of debris, death and decay as could be seen by the mound of rubbish piled up a short distance away from the entrance. The Gnomes asked when it would be ok to light a fire, for they intended to burn this rubbish pile, Bron told them to wait another day and make sure there was little or no smoke for fear the Dragon should return.

The Gnomes informed the group that they were happy to stay and assist where they could, in fact they were very interested in taking one of the ballista apart to see how it worked and could the parts be manufactured by them. The group reluctantly agreed but told them it had to be one of the internal ones and not any in either lower guard room. It was even mentioned that if they could move some of the internal ballista up to the 2nd level cauldron room that would be a bonus.

Regular communication had been arranged with Gnomengarde and supplies would arrive soon for the Gnomes. However, as the Gnomes pointed out, with the increased population at Gnomengarde it would be prudent if the group could arrange separate supplies for the Axeholm garrison. The Gnomes produced a list, a quite extensive list for provisions. They did promise that upon the groups return that not only would Axeholm be spick and span, but the well would be uncovered too.

With everything in place, so they hoped, the group left in the early afternoon for Umbrage Hill. They wanted to ask Adabra Gwynn about the 4 bottles they had collected from the dead Orcs. A steady pace saw the group arrive at the Windmill home of Adabra after 2 hours. She welcomed them all and told them she had seen the Dragon twice during their absence flying around the area. She was able to identify 3 of the bottles as containing a healing potion. The 4th she couldn’t identify. Spending an hour talking with Adabra was good. However she did ask if the group still had her note! They did. She told them to tell Harbin that she was ok and would be staying at the Windmill.

The group left and again at a steady pace made Phandalin just before dusk. The town was quiet. As the group approached the town they could see a group of armed men watching their approach.

“Halt, state your names and business in Phandalin”, asked one of the 4 armed men. They were all wearing grimy red cloaks, and all had hands on their weapons.

After a lengthy discussion, during which the note from Adabra was ripped in two, Harbin Wester showed up and after awhile agreed that the group had been doing a few jobs for him in the local area. He agreed to meet with them in the morning after convincing the leader of the armed men to let the group through. They spent the night in the Stonehill Tavern. Whilst there they gained some information:

a. Sister Garaele had left Phandalin but had returned wounded and exhausted.
b. That Daran Edermath was a former adventurer.
c. From a miner that HArbin Wester had tried to hire him and his friends to deal with  Orc raiders somewhere up the east end of the Triboar Trail, They had refused.
d. Thel Drendar and his family have disappeared, seemingly after a run in with the Redbrands.
e. Pip, Toblen Stonehills young son, had a friend called Carp who told him he had found a secret tunnel in the woods and some Redbrands had nearly caught him. He had also seen a Unicorn.

Hagnulf left the tavern after awhile to scout out the north end of Phandalin and Lionel to scout around the Sleeping Giant drinking establishment, local base for the Redbrands.

Hagnulf had spotted 4-5 Redbrands near a house at the north end of Phandalin,along the track leading to the Triboar Trail. One of the Redbrands had been armed with a crossbow. Lionel had come across young Carp, a halfling child of around 10. He told Lionel his secret about the tunnel and the Unicorn. For an agreed price Carp told Lionel he would lead him to the tunnel if he met him at this spot tomorrow night at the same time. Lionel then spent 2 hours in which he observed 6 Redbrands leave the Sleeping Giant and head west into town. He returned to the Tavern. 

In the morning the group carted their gains form the Orcs at the Dwarf Excavation site to the Lionshield Coster trading post. A sum of money was agreed for the goods and armour and weapons were purchased.

Heimund bought a +3 Longsword for 95gp, he then had it silver coated at the village smithy for and extra 5gp.
Hagnulf purchased 2 daggers, a +3 for 56gp and a +2 for 54gp.
Bandur purchased a suit of +3 chainmail for 225gp and a fine +2 helm for 20gp.
Bron purchased a suit of  +2 chainmail armour for 150gp.
Hagnulf purchased a +1 suit of leather armour for 30gp.
Fargrim sold his mechanical amulet and Dwarven Helm of Terrible Visage for 700gp and with what remained in the group pot purchased a +3 suit of chainmail that was also resistant to Thunder for 1,225gp

From Barthens provisions they bought:
100lb of wheat
50lb of flour
5lb of salt
50lb of cabbage
20 chickens
6 goats
6 sheep
5 cows
10 pigs

Barthen told them he still had the 2 wagons and 4 oxen the group brought the goods from Neverwinter so could use those, as long as they brought them back that is.