Friday 29 May 2020

Session 20: "There's a long, long trail a winding...." or " Tip toe through the tulips....what's a Tulip?"

2nd day of Highsun, Moonday
The group then made good speed to Phandalin. Sildar Hallwinter was still at the inn. He thanked the group for rescuing his friend, returning his sword and armour and for clearing Cragmaw Castle, which Gundrun confirmed. Gundrun thanked the group again and informed them he may have need of their services to get him to Wave Echo Cave, for which he would offer them a tantalising deal. The group informed Gundrun they would keep that in mind. They now turned their thoughts towards the Golden Sun Elf statue and possibly assistance from the young elf, Sister Garaele.

Sister Garaele was sought out and although she confirmed the Statue was indeed a statue of a Sun Elf she also thought there was something more about the statue, what she could not say.

The group decided to rest up at the Stonehill Inn. Talking that evening turned to spending some more time training. 34 days seemed to be the optimum period for some members to complete training with shield, whilst others trained in sweep, accurate bow aiming and parrying with Greataxe, which Sildar took a hand in training Bandur 1 on 1.

5th Day of Firemoot, Fireday
This was the last day of their training. The talk had turned to heading for Old Owl Well and completing the posted job related to Old Owl Well. They learned that the Old Owl Well was some 20 miles south east of Conyberry.

Sister Garaele turned up at the Inn and asked the group if they would carry out a delicate task. They agreed as it was just outside of Conyberry. Sister Garaele wanted them to visit a Banshee called Agatha, an undead Elf. If they played to her vanity and gave her a gift of this jewelled comb Sister Garaele gave them then Agatha might give them information about a spell book and its location.

The group departed early the next day.

6th Day of Firemoot, Swordsday
It was a good 60 miles to Conyberry along the Triboar Trail. The first day and night passed without incident. Although the group were slowed somewhat as Gimli kept wandering off looking for herbs. He didn’t find any.

7th Day of Firemoot, Saintsday
The group had an uneventful journey to Conyberry and arrived in the early evening. The Triboar Trail made the going easier. Conyberry was in ruins. At first they were shocked until they realised this ruination was not recent but must have happened years ago. Finding 2 of the better ruined buildings to use as shelter the group settled down for the night. A fire was made and Hagnulf took first watch. Looking up from the fire Hagnulf observed at least 5 pairs of eyes gleaming in the dark. He could make out the shape and size of wolves. He shouted “STAND TO, STAND TO”, hoping the others asleep in ramshackle, half ruined buildings would hear his call.

Lionel, first to awaken and respond, could see the shadow of a wolf outside the door of the building. He fired an arrow but was jostled by Heimund and the arrow flew wide, as Heimund pushed past to stand in the doorway. Hagnulf let fly and hit a wolf. The group burst from the ruined buildings and surprised the wolves who launhed into an attack. Fargrim was hit the worst. Then 4 of the 5 wolves ran off as the 5th fought to the death. They cut up the dead wolf and ate a hearty breakfast.

8th Day of Firemoot, Moonday
They headed along the clear trail north west out of Conyberry and the forest grew dark s the trail wound deeper into the trees. Heavy vines of moss drape the branches, and the air is noticeably cooler than it was in the ruined village. Rounding a bend in the trail, the group could see a screen made of warped wood from the branches of trees standing close together, woven into a domelike shelter in the shadows, a low doorway leading inside.
Fargim tried all his charismatic persuasion to lure Agatha outside of the dwelling, even laying the comb down so she could see the gift. After some time the group were afraid they were on a wild goose chase. Fargrim prayed and was rewarded by the feeling that something undead was near. He entered the dwelling, followed by Bandur (He who follows) and Beorwulf (He who rushes in).

Inside they found a home of sorts. Sparsely furnished with chests, shelves, a table and an old reclined couch. All of it old and of Elven craft.

No sooner had they entered when the air grew cold and a powerful feeling gripped them. A cold, pale light flickered in the air, rapidly taking on the form of a female Elf, her hair and robes waving in a spectral wind. She might have been beautiful, once, but a hateful expression twists her features now. “Foolish mortals” she snarled, “What do you want here? Do you not know it is death to seek me out?”
Fargrim started to explain very eloquently, for a Dwarf, very respectfully in his tone and level of voice as he spoke and he finished by offering the jewelled comb as a gift.

Agatha’s demeanour changed as she felt very flattered by the words, even if he was a Dwarf, but the comb sealed the bargain for she loved pretty things.

The ghostly figure smiled with cold amusement. “Very well”, she says. “I know that you seek many things. Ask me one question, and I will give you an answer”.

Fargrim stumbled with his words as he tried to remember the name, he was prompted by Bandur, and he carried on. “We seek Bowgentles spellbook, can you aid us?”
Agatha thought for a moment and replied “ I traded that book to a necromancer named Tsernoth from the city of Iraebor more than a hundred years ago, I do not know what happened to the book after that.” Once Agatha had finished, she simply said “Go, now”. And disappeared.

The group retraced their steps to Conyberry and headed eastward along the Triboar Trail. 

Setting up camp for the night, Gimli took 2nd watch. He soon grew bored and wandered off from the campfire in search of herbs, in the dark. Startled but ready for action he was ready when the Owlbear charged him but missed timed his swing trying to trip the creature up.
It’s beak ripped into Gimli as it passed. Gimli ran for the camp and managed to awaken them as the Owlbear charged into the camp. 
Gimli was badly injured but the Owlbear succumbed to the myriad of blows struck by the group members surrounding the creature.

Friday 22 May 2020

Session 19: "If you go down to the woods today...." or " Mirror mirror on the wall who's the Gundrun we don't know!"

Fargrim decided that they should leave the castle as they had Gundrun so led the group into the Woods for 15 minutes before stopping and saying, “We will make camp here, rest for the night and take stock”. Heimund had been carrying the limp Gundrun and laid him down gently by a tree.
A fire was soon lit and Gimli performed a prayer which helped heal some of the wounds the group had suffered. Heimund noticed some bushes move but before he could react Bandur and an unknown, yet seemingly familiar Dwarf, stepped into the clearing.
Beorwulf was busy practicing his Greatsword skills at the opposite edge of the clearing.
The group looked from ‘Gundrun’ to a second ‘Gundrun’ and back several times before the ‘Gundrun’ by the fire stood up and yelled imposter. The Dwarf with Bandur shouted back that he was Gundrun and the other the imposter. Gimli realised the Dwarf beside him was not a Dwarf and suddenly it changed into a wolf. The wolf attacked Gimli but missed. Suddenly the clearing, centred on the fire, was engulfed in flame as a fireball erupted amongst them. 
Fortunately Bandur and the real Gundrun escaped the fire damage, others were not so lucky.

As the fireball dissipated arrows flew into the clearing, some striking some missing then a horde of Hobgoblins charged into the clearing and attacked the group. Beorwulf was beset by 2 wolves.
The fight was furious, firebolts slammed through the group at times, some hitting most missing.
One by one the Hobgoblins went down. Gimli slumped to the ground. Lionel was being battered into oblivion so caste blade ward on himself. Droop was felled but Heimund stood over him and covered him. Hagnulf struck down a Hobgoblin so to Fargim and Bandur. 1 by 1 the Hobgoblins were killed. 

Beorwulf charged into the Goblins in the woods and thought he had struck the Shaman but killed an archer instead.Bandur struck down a second Hobgoblin so did Heimund. Suddenly the leader of the Hobgoblins fled with 1 surviving Hobgoblin.
The Shaman and the remaining goblins fled too. Gundrun Rockseeker introduced himself formerly and asked if they would check the creature lying by the fire. The second ‘Gundrun/Wolf’ had changed form again. It was a tall, grey skinned humanoid devoid of hair. They found a pouch, inside a large folded piece of parchment. Gundrun explained that that was his map, stolen from him by King Groll and traded to this creature, a associate of the Black Spider. If the group returned the map and Gundrun to Phandalin, he would reward them handsomely.

The group healed themselves as best they could and decided it would be better to take refuge in Cragmaw Castle than face a night out in the woods.

Retracing their steps they came across a dark, quiet and eerie Castle. Entering by the same route they cleared the throne room (14) and settled in for the night making sure the door was barred.

2nd day of Highsun, Moonday
In the morning they checked around the rest of the castle. In a dark room (8) something fell from the ceiling and attacked Lionel. The creature was hard to see, harder to hit. Lionel was hit many times before the creature was killed.

In another room Bandur and Fargrim found a cask of Dwarven Brandy.(5)
 Droop indicated to Heimund that if he looked in a certain cold brazier, under the coals he would find something nice. (9) Heimund did and soon found, wrapped in red silk, a Golden Statue. Lionel looked at it and said that is a Sun Elf.

Gimli on hearing the group had found some very potent Dwarven brandy ran through a door he was covering and triggered a trap (2). Masonry blocks fell about him and he was hit several times.

They left for Phandalin, on the way back Heimund again spotted movement, fearing it was the goblins again he turned to face……an Owl Bear. Surrounded by the tail enders the Owl Bear was quickly dispatched
The group then made good speed to Phandalin. Sildar Hallwinter was still at the inn. He thanked the group for rescuing his friend, returning his sword and armour and for clearing Cragmaw Castle, which Gundrun confirmed. Gundrun thanked the group again and informed them he may have need of their services to get him to Wave Echo Cave, for which he would offer them a tantalising deal. The group informed Gundrun they would keep that in mind. They now turned their thoughts towards the Golden Sun Elf statue and possibly assistance from the young elf, Sister Garaele.

Sister Garaele was sought out and although she confirmed the Statue was indeed a statue of a Sun Elf she also thought there was something more about the statue, what she could not say.

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Session 18: "Where fools fear to tread....." Or "Hagnulf the brave leads the way"

1st day of Highsun, Moonday

A gentle breeze had sprung up as the morning progressed and dark, ominous storm clouds were gathering over Neverwinter Woods and Cragmaw Castle. The group had managed to circuit the Castle and had observed several possible entry points.
Hagnulf had taken close interest in one area along the north walls (C). There, he saw as the breeze freshened part of the wall moved. It looked like there was a covering which had been blended in to match the dusty, ruined appearance of the outer walls.

Hagnulf indicated to the group and he crept cautiously forward. Reaching the area, he had spotted he could now see that a piece of canvas had been stretched across an area. He carefully pulled it to one side and peered within. (11) He saw an open area with signs of collapse, ruined, rotting crates and barrels in various locations. Hagnulf could also see what looked to be a door to the east and another canvas screen to the south.
The group quickly assembled in the room Hagnulf had discovered. Beorwulf took up a position on the rubble to the west, Hagnulf, peering though the next ‘curtain screen’ watched with bow, poised to strike. Fargrim opened the east door and found a short corridor with a door in the east and another ‘curtain screen’ to the south.
Beorwulf, his barbarian impatience getting the better of him, threw caution to the wind. He lit a torch and passed through the ‘curtain screen’ to the south and found himself in an open space. He could see a door to the east and a door to the west. 
Still covered by Hagnulf, Beorwulf chose the ‘curtain screen’ to the south. He found himself at a junction, a door to the south and a blind corridor to the west. He threw the lit torch down the west corridor and jumped round great sword now in both hands. The torch sailed through the air and hit an object, bounced back, and landed at his feet.
Hagnulf and Gimli watched the exits from the room. Hagnulf had lost sight of Beorwulf. 
Fargrim decided to bypass the eastern door and went through the ‘curtain screen’ to the south. (12) As he entered, he observed 2 Hobgoblins. 1 Hobgoblin ran out of a door in the east wall the 2nd moved attacked. Fargrim struck a telling blow as Heimund who had closed in behind and with an over arm strike with his spear killed the Hobgoblin outright. The first Hobgoblin ran straight around the corner and Hagnulf dropped him with a well-placed arrow.
Fargrim and Heimund continued south, Heimund was caught unawares as Droop started pulling on his leg, telling him it was bad through the door, awfully bad. Heimund told Droop to hide and he would come back for him, Droop hid in an arrow slit. 
Fargrim opened the door (13) and with a flurry of feathers, claws, and beak an Owlbear attacked him. It took the combined efforts of Fargrim and Heimund to kill the Owlbear. But not before it had sorely injured them both.
Lionel, the Bard, left alone with his thoughts back in the first corridor wandered what was behind the door to the east. (14) He opened the door and was confronted by 5 Bugbears and a wolf!
The central figure let out a roar “and who are you?”.

Quick thinking Lionel, the Bard, bowed courteously and spoke in manner as you would to a King.

“Your majesty, I seek employ, your fame and magnificence are well known far and wide. I have tales to tell, songs to sing and I would like to write down your great exploits and sing of your great deeds so your fame will be further enhanced.”

To which the King, enamoured with the flattery spoke to his bodyguards and told them that what he had been telling them for months was true.

“Good, now sing me a song, play me a tune, tell me a tale or something so I don’t throw you in the dungeon for wasting my time!”

Lionel, the Bard, true to his skill played a lilting, jaunty tune that pleased King Groll very much. Kong Groll spoke to one of his bodyguard.

“Take our Bard to the Kitchen and have Yegg give him some food. Fatten him up a bit, eh”.
The Bugbear led the way and Lionel, the Bard, closed the door. Raucous laughter broke out from behind the door.
Hearing a noise from behind, music being played and load laughter, Gimli moved to cover the passageway and Hagnulf covered from behind. As the Bugbear stepped into view Gimli brought his Warhammer down and smote the Bugbear, Lionel struck from  behind and Hagnulf finished it off with a deadly arrow. Now what to do with the body?
Beorwulf opened the door and stepped into a room full of Goblins (7). Arrows thudded by and he missed his strike. Stepping backwards he fought off 3 Goblins as he tried to narrow the area they could attack from. 
He could see more Goblins pouring into the room from an entrance to the west. Beorwulf managed to kill some Goblins before he managed to break off and head to the open area on the other side of the ‘curtain screen’.
Fargrim and Lionel made their way back to towards the others, unawares that Beorwulf had gone off on his own or that there were Bugbears nearby.

Dragging the dead Bugbear into cover took some time.

Lionel told the others what he had seen through the door. A plan was hatched for Lionel to enter the ‘Throne Room’ and lure another Bugbear out so the group could kill him. Lionel put on his best Bard face and entered the room again. He saw the King, the 4 bodyguards but no wolf, laying on the floor badly beaten up was a Dwarf.

The King asked,


Lionel, the Bard, replied very politely that Yegg refused to feed him and was mouthing off bad things about King Groll. Lionel had cast a spell and from outside the door a distorted Goblin voice could be heard shouting bad things about King Groll the final insult being that if King Groll wanted the Bard fed he better come do it himself. King Groll told a bugbear to go with the Bard and deal with Yegg. The bodyguard pushed Lionel in front of him and as Lionel opened the door plunged a blade into his back and pushed him through, the door slammed shut.

Fargrim got them into an attack formation and told them to follow him.
He threw open the door and walked into a trap. Assailed from right, left, and forward, he staggered under a flurry of blows before he was able to kill one of the Bugbear Bodyguards. He now had space to move which allowed Hagnulf to enter in support. The fight in the ‘throne room’ was fearsome and deadly.

Beorwulf hearing the sound of fighting behind him was momentarily distracted as Goblins burst through the screen in front of him. He was outnumbered, again!

Gimli and Lionel moved up in support of Hagnulf and Fargrim. The fighting was grim, blow succeeding blow as Fargrim and Hagnulf tried to win the day, Lionel joined the fight in the ‘Throne Room’.
 Heimund heard yelling and fighting coming from behind him. Beorwulf, now in rage, was screaming for the Goblins to come get him, which they did. Heimund, moving swiftly, approached the western door, before opening it he said a quick healing prayer and plunged through the door into the attacking Goblins.
Lionel caste a spell of bane over the 3 Bugbears, Slowly Fargrim and Hagnulf gained the upper hand and with Lionel’s help finished off the remaining 2 bodyguards.
Gimli caste a paralysis prayer and King Groll, aware of his surrounding but unable to move, was struck repeatedly by Hagnulf, Fargrim and finally Lionel, the Bard, giving the coup de grace.

Heimund managed to strike down 3 Goblins as Beorwulf sliced into Yegg and felled him. The remaining Goblins fled south. The companions re-grouped in the ‘Throne Room’. They found a large quantity of coins and 3 potions, which Lionel, the Bard, later worked out were healing potions. (There was a label on each bottle indicating such). 

A door in the north west wall was opened and the unconscious Dwarf could be seen bound hand and foot, lying on the cold floor. They untied the Dwarf.
Fargrim decided that they should leave the castle as they had found whom he supposed was Gundrun, so led the group into the Woods for 15 minutes before stopping and saying, 

“We will make camp here, rest for the night and take stock”. 

Heimund had been carrying the limp Gundrun and laid him down gently by a tree.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Session 17: "Quests, quests and yet more......" Or "No plan survives first...."

The group settled into a comfortable slot in the Stonehill Inn. Toblen and many of the regular customers cheered them on. Many drinks were bought and the party was in full swing when Sildar and Daran entered.

The townmaster even popped in to thank them and apologise for his hiring the Redbrands and their leader Glasstaff in the first place. Most people ignored him.

Sildar beckoned them over to a quiet area and offered them a place in the Order of the Gauntlet. Everyone agreed. Heimund, already an initiate, received the rank of Cheval along with the others. Sildar told them being a member opened up many opportunities, especially training at an undisclosed location in Neverwinter. Daran Edermath would be their contact in Phandalin should messages need to be passed to the Order or to the group from the Order.

The Daran and Sildar put forward some suggestions:

Quest: Old Owl Trouble. Daran has heard stories from prospectors in the hills northeast of Phandalin that someone is digging around in the ruins known as Old Owl Well. More disturbingly, several prospectors have reported being chased from the area by undead. He asks the characters to visit the ruins, a two-day march northeast of Phandalin, and find out who’s there and what they’re up to. Daran knows that the ruins are an old watchtower of an ancient magical empire known as Netheril, and he worries that dangerous magic might be dormant there.

Quest: The Banshee’s Bargain. Recently, Sister Garaele’s (Shrine of Luck) superiors asked her to undertake a delicate mission. They wanted her to persuade a banshee named Agatha to answer a question about a spellbook. Garaele sought out Agatha in her lair, but the creature did not appear for her. Garaele desires an intermediary to bring Agatha a suitable gift, a jeweled silver comb, and persuade the creature to tell what she knows about the location of a spellbook belonging to a legendary mage named Bowgentle. Sister Garaele believes that a character who flatters Agatha’s vanity might be able to trade the comb for an answer. She offers the quest to the characters and offers them three potions of healing as payment for their efforts.

Quest: Finding Cragmaw Castle. After resting at the Stonehill Inn, Sildar Hallwinter establishes himself at the townmaster’s hall. As an agent of the Order of the Gauntlet, his goal is to bring law and order to Phandalin. As such, he wants to find the lost mine of Wave Echo Cave and help the Rockseeker brothers put it back into production, believing that bringing prosperity to the region will help civilize the town.
Sildar also encouraged the group to keep up the pressure on the Cragmaw goblins. He offered the party a 500 gp reward if they could locate Cragmaw Castle and defeat or drive off the tribe’s chieftain. Sildar suggested the party might find the castle by searching the lands around the Triboar Trail for more raiding parties.

Quest: Finding Iarno. After questioning several locals, Sildar learned that Iarno Albrek, a fellow member of the Order of the Gauntlet, disappeared while exploring the area around Tresendar Manor about two months ago, shortly after arriving in Phandalin. Sildar asks the group to investigate the manor and the surrounding area to find and bring back Iarno—or what’s left of him, if something killed him. Sildar describes Iarno as “a short, dark-bearded human wizard in his thirties.”

During this last conversation, Fargrim pulled out the note acquired from the desk in Tresendar Manor. Sildar was saddened to read that it appeared his friend and ally was in fact in League with the enemy. Sildar informed the group that it was imperative to find Cragmaw Castle and find Gundrun Rockseeker. Droop, who had been close to the conversation jumped up and down and said he had been there. Heimund asked him where was that and Droop said the castle. After confirming that it was Cragmaw Castle Droop also told them he had been at the Hideout when Sildar and Gudrun had been captured. He had gone to the castle with the Dwarf, Sildar had remained behind (see session 1 and 2), once the Dwarf was delivered he had been brought to the manor by 3 Bugbears, the ones the group had killed. Droop thought the Castle was north or east of the hideout.

The next morning the group left Phandalin heading north. Reaching the junction with the Triboar Trail after a few hours. They headed eastward and after 3 or 4 more hours found a set of Goblin tracks heading north towards the Neverwinter Forest.

The journey to the Castle

Heimund then Gimli led the group lost and found the trail again and ended up near dark setting up camp. A fire was lit. When Hagnulf and Lionel were on watch they heard a noise but before they could react an Owlbear charged them out of the woods. Lionel was sorely injured, Hagnulf less so. Fargrim, alerted by the fighting stepped out of his tent and into the fight. The Owlbear crashed over the fire, dead.

Gathering themselves the next morning they encountered a hardened track running across their route. They decided to follow it to the right and saw what could only be a castle before them.

What the group see (Outside of the green are trees.)