Friday 19 June 2020

Session 23: "Same place, same time...." or "A static target is easier to hit than a moving one".

16th Day of Firemoot, Moonday

They searched the tent and a large quantity of money was found, a pearl, a scroll of Darkness and a ring of protection. The money was shared, the pearl kept in safe keeping for the Bard, Adran claimed the scroll and Ulath won the ring in a game of chance between Uthal, Adran, Hagnulf and Beorwulf.

The group healed as best they could and were discussing what to do next when Bandur screamed out a warning and Fargrim let fly a shot from his longbow as arrows flew across the well from the east side of the ruins. Goblin archers in cover had ambushed the group. Fargrim dropped a Goblin archer with his 1st shot. Beorwulf headed into some bushes as Bandur charged another archer. 3 Goblins had sneaked around the tower and attacked the group from behind. Adran was dropped after a quick attack by a Goblin, the mule died from a single, mortal blow from a Goblin scimitar. Ulath tried his best, grabbed the Goblin that had killed his mule, swung him around and smashed him into the Goblin that had dropped Adran. The Goblin he had  hold of then tried to get to a dagger but Uthal beat him to it, only to find out it was a ruse as the Goblin stabbed him with a second dagger and Ulath fell to the ground badly injured.

Hagnulf dropped one of the 3 Goblins with a single arrow as Fargrim took down a 2nd. Bandur sliced through a Goblin archer, nearly cutting him in two with his greataxe. Beorwulf remained in the bushes cursing his luck as Bandur had killed the Goblin he was after. The surviving Goblin archers and the two Goblins remaining of the three that had attacked the group from behind had had enough and ran away.

The group healed up and decided that the Orcs at Wyvern Tor were a target that could not be missed. Tomorrow would be another day.

17th Day of Firemoot, Towerday

Just another day, a fine arrival for breakfast in the addition of Heimdal, Lionel and the ever present Droop to the group. A quick conference and Uthal led the way, finding the tracks of the goblins with ease. The first hour was speedy going until Uthal lost the trail. He found it after a quick search and never faltered until the group arrived on a rocky outcrop, looking across a valley with a 'y' shaped stream junction directly below them. Across the way it could only be Wyvern Tor it was step, big and looked overwhelming. Hagnulf suddenly let fly an arrow, only he observed the Orc guard slump down dead in the bushes across the valley on one of Wyvern Tor's slopes.

Friday 12 June 2020

Session 22: "There's a time to talk and......." Or "Some things are better left unsaid!"

12th Day of Firemoot, Fireday                                                                                  Uneventful day. Arrive back in Phandalin.

Having arrived safely back with Big Al Kalazorn the group decided not to keep the horses but sell them. They made 150gp selling the 3 horses.

Making their way to the Stonehill Inn they met up with Sildar Hallwinter. Perturbed that they had only succeeded in part of the mission he asked if they were heading back to Old Owl Well, they had already decided to head back out in the morning. Daran Edermath entered the Inn shortly after they did and he too extoled them for leaving the mission half done.

Sildar introduced the group to 2 strangers, both travelling together. The first was a barbarian Goliath named Ulath and his companion a Drow named Adran. Sildar was saddened to hear of Gimli’s death but told the group, two for the price of 1. The group said they would think about it and decide after resting for the night. Lionel, Heimund and Droop decided they would remain in Phandalin.

13th Day of Firemoot, Swordsday

The group, less Lionel, Heimund and Droop departed Phandalin, a quiet day and night.

14th Day of Firemoot, Saintsday

Meet a merchant caravan. Tell of an attack by an Orc band to the east of Conyberry. They have travelled from Triboar. Only these 2 wagons made it. A quiet night.

15th Day of Firemoot, Market Day

Arrive Conyberry. Another quiet day and night.

16th Day of Firemoot, Moonday

Arrive at Old Owl Well. Finding a spot of high ground the group could see very low lying ruined walls, outlines of them really. 

A ruined tower, which they could just make out a spiral staircase leading nowhere. The well sat in the middle of the ruins and just beyond it a red tent.

Making their approach the group were astonished to see a group of 12 human like creatures move out of the ruined tower and stand in front of the tent, either side of the well. The creatures then stopped, immobile as though petrified in place.

A red robed figure stepped out of the tent and bid them welcome. The figure told them his guardians would only attack if he was threatened in anyway. Bandur did most of the talking and the figure introduced himself as Hamun Kost. Again he bid the group welcome and stated that if he was left alone his guardians would not attack.

The group asked what he was doing here and could they look around. Hamun Kost informed them sternly that what he was doing was his business and he did not want them to interfere in his business. The talk mentioned Orcs, at which Hamun Kost vehemently decried a group of Orcs that plagued him at the tower. They had not attacked him, yet. But he had seen them taking captives and goods south. He believed they were encamped on Wyvern Tor, a high hill to the south.

Fargrim could sense evil but could not make out for certain if it was the creatures, Hamun Kost or all of them.

When asked about the dragon, the white dragon, he knew that a white dragon was in the mountains to the west and he also mentioned a green dragon but he did not know where it was. Now that he had given the group information he asked the group if they could do him a favour. He needed information about who built the tower here and knew of a Banshee near Conyberry that may have the answer he sought. Or if the group were able, to rid him of the threat of the Orc band to the south. With that he turned and re-entered his tent.

Adran whispered to the others that he recognised the accent and garb as belonging to the Red Wizards of Thal, a country far to the east.

Fargrim and Bandur backed away. Hagnulf and Adran circled the far side of the tower heading to their right. Ulath and Beorwulf stood firm. The creatures still did not move


Fargrim moved towards Beorwulf and told him of the plan. Next Fargrim charged into the crreatures, followed by Beorwulf and Ulath. Bandur moved in support. Blows were struck and blows missed. The creatures attacked en mass. Bandur, Fargrim, Beorwulf and Ulath were all but surrounded, each fighting multiple creatures. Hagnulf and Adran were still moving to get into position.

The Red Wizard came out of his tent and a ripple of magic flowed out from him. Adran was dropped to the ground, Ulath was badly injured, the others took heavy damage from the magic the Red Wizard let loose.

One by one the creatures were felled, Hagnulf hit Hamun Kost twice with arrows, Fargrim made a gap by felling a creature and charged the Wizard. He was met with a blast of magic energy that thankfully missed him. Hagnulf placed another arrow into the Wizard as Fargrim brought his weapon down and finished Hamun Kost off. As he stepped forward to look at his body all he found were empty robes. There was no sign of the body. As Hamun Kost’s body fell, so did his remaining guardians.

They searched the tent and a large quantity of money was found, a pearl, a scroll of Darkness and a ring of protection. The money was shared, the pearl kept in safe keeping for the Bard, Adran claimed the scroll and Ulath won the ring in a game of chance between Ulath, Adran, Hagnulf and Beorwulf.

Friday 5 June 2020



Here can be found all who have fallen during the Sword Coast Adventures Campaign

GIMLI - HILL (GOLD) DWARF CLERIC - 4th Level Cleric of Berronar Truesilver

Born in the year 1439 in a small Dwarf Hold in the Southern Sword Mountains, just north of Waterdeep. Dedicating himself from a young age in service to the Domain of Life of Berronar Truesilver, wife of Moradin. He follows the path of a Cleric in his Gods service. He has traveled from the Mountain Hold to the Sword Coast. Moving northward he ended up in the city of Neverwinter in the employ of a group of minor nobles. Died at Butterskull Ranch on the 9th Day of Firemoot, Towerday in the year 1491.

                                                    BEORWULF - HUMAN BARBARIAN (L4)   
Born in a village along the north east Sword Coast in the year 1472, Beorwolf  excelled in the fighting pits of Luskan. Well known for his berserker rage fighting and after a successful but short lived career began to look further afield for employment. Moving southward he ended up in the city of Neverwinter in the employ of a group of minor nobles. Died at the Shrine of Shivras on the 19th Day of Firemoot,  in the year 1491.

(Played by Harry, sadly no longer with us RIP).

                                           UTHAL - GOLIATH BARBARIAN/RANGER (L3/L1)

A barbarian from the north. He fell in with a Drow Warlock and has travelled with him ever since. Uthal was killed in an Orc ambush.

Born in 1441 in a small Dwarf Hold in the Southern Sword Mountains, just north of Waterdeep. Trainedas a fighter from a young age in the service of the Clan Lord Dolgrim Ironfist. Dolgrim has passed away recently and his son Hargrim Ironfist, father of Fargrim Ironfist is now Lord of ronfist Hold. Brutus has been tasked with finding Fargrim and informing him of the death of his grandfather. Brutus was lost to the group in the Forge of Spells room, in Wave Echo Cave. He was turned into a Golden Statue.

(Sadly Harry, who played Brutus, passed away his memory shall live on forever enshrined in Wave Echo Cave).

Session 21: "Something found, something lost....." or "You don't get something for nothing....."

8th Day of Firemoot, Moonday

The group retraced their steps to Conyberry and headed eastward along the Triboar Trail. 

Setting up camp for the night, Gimli took 2nd watch. He soon grew bored and wandered off from the campfire in search of herbs, in the dark. Startled but ready for action he was ready when the Owlbear charged him but missed timed his swing trying to trip the creature up.

It’s beak ripped into Gimli as it passed. Gimli ran for the camp and managed to awaken them as the Owlbear charged into the camp. 

Gimli was badly injured but the Owlbear succumbed to the myriad of blows struck by the group members surrounding the creature.

 The group healed as best they could.

 9th Day of Firemoot, Towerday

Packing camp up quickly the group made an early start. They soon came across 3, unsaddled horses at the side of the road. Gimli approached cautiously and gained the horses trust. He noticed they all had a brand on the rump B.A.K.

The horses were tied using Lionel’s rope. He volunteered to stay and watch the horses as the group carried on.

Shortly after the group could see a farmstead to the left of the Triboar Road, nestled between two hills.

Butterskull Ranch

Fargrim suggested they climb the hill to their right so they could see more. On top they could make out the main farm building and two ruined buildings, the far left one with wisps of smoke coming from it. The proceeded down a small re-entrant. Heading for a line of trees to give cover to their approach to the farm buildings.

Droop indicated to Heimund that he had found something. Orc tracks. Could be 2 days old. Didn’t know how many. The group advanced with great caution. Using the tree line as cover they approached the main farm building.

Beorwulf, who had been leading, headed over to check out a small outbuilding. Gimli, worried by some dead ground beyond the outbuilding kept a wary eye on it for danger. Fargrim and Bandur approached a window. Hagnulf headed for another.  Looking inside he saw a door close but not who or what had closed it.

Heimund spotted an Orc and charged, Droop took cover behind a tree.

Heimund had failed to notice until he charged round the corner that it wasn’t just 1 Orc but 12. Gimli charged in to support Heimund.

Bandur had managed to get Fargrim on his shoulders and he entered the building, he was in a kitchen of sorts. Bandur with a last push had fallen down. Hagnulf retreated and fired an arrow. Heimund and Gimli were surrounded. Orcs poured round the building and charged into Hagnulf and Beorwulf and Orc charged towards the prone Bandur.

Hagnulf disengaged, fired, disengaged, fired. Slowly taking down Orc after Orc. 

Heimund and Gimli were taking blows and trying to hit back. Fargrim had dashed out of the side door, vaulted a small balcony and charged into the rear of the Orcs. Heimund swung a mighty blow, enthused with holy power and the Orc Leader staggered back, then ran. 

Gimil went down under a flurry of blows. Fargrim took down an Orc. Bandur killed the Orc fighting him. Hagnulf took down another Orc. Eventually all the Orcs were dead. Unfortunately, so too their comrade Gimli. He had fought bravely but had succumbed to his wounds before anyone could come to his aid.

 Beorwulf managed to kill an Orc but succumbed to massive hits from the 2nd Orc.

Then Heimund went down as Droop rushed to his aid, sticking the Orc in the leg with a sharp stick he had found. The Orc turned and swung at Droop hitting him but he stood his ground. 

Beorwulf and Heimund were revived their wounds not life threatening but still grievous.

Beorwulf and Heimund were revived their wounds not life threatening but still grievous.

A quick search of the farm resulted in a cash of money, a chain mail suit of armour, and a human, bound and tied, badly beaten in the cellar. They released him and he introduced himself as Big Al Kalazorn, former adventurer and sheriff of Triboar. He had settled here some 5 years ago, hired on some ranch hands and with his prize cow Petunia made the butter skulls, protected by wax, they could see on the shelves in the cellar. He sold these for a handsome profit.

Kalazorn let them keep the money they found and the chainmail suit. They also confirmed his farm hands were dead, plus some 16 Orcs. Kalazorn was worried. Over 40 Orcs had attacked the farm. Leading them was an Orc with a skull staff and a goatshead with horns helmet. Fargrim and Hagnulf recognised the description of the Orc Shaman that they had encountered at the Dwarven Excavation.

Finding Petunia took some time but she was found safe and well. Kalazorn asked the group to escort him to Phandalin. There was nothing here for him now. They agreed to do so in the morning after they had healed but first they buried Gimli on the small rise to the rear of the outbuilding his money and goods distributed amongst them all. For his devotion Droop was given a light crossbow and a Warhammer, formerly owned by Gimli.

The group healed, ate and awoke refreshed. They left early, collecting Lionel on the way. The walk back along the Triboar Trail to Phandalin was slow but sure.

10th Day of Firemoot, Wineday

Uneventful day.

 11th Day of Firemoot, Thunderday                                                                                  Uneventful day.

12th Day of Firemoot, Fireday                                                                                  Uneventful day. Arrive Phandalin.