Friday 31 July 2020

Session 27: “Attack when you’re stronger….” Or “Ok boys, I’m mounted lets go”

19th Day of Firemoot, Thunderday. (Part 2)

Hagnulf reported it was difficult to get closer to the walled enclosure but there was a blind spot opposite the Orc sentry on the tower.  Plans were made and preparations completed. Fargrim was deep in spiritual prayer as a shimmering shape took form beside him. After awhile the shape took the form of a boar, a giant boar. Fargrim seemed to be in conversation with the boar as he turned to the group and informed them that this was Skane Brokentusk, his mount, a gift from Morradin. He swiftly mounted the boar and led the group towards the furthest tower from the Orc sentry.

The group gained the cover of the tower as the rain which had been threatening to fall since they left Wyvern Tor plummeted to the earth. Skirting the tower along the south wall they came to a gap where a portion of the wall had collapsed. As Fargrim led the way, mounted on Skane, across the rubble area Skane suddenly let out a squeal of pain as his leg plunged into a spiked pit trap causing him considerable pain and injury.

Bandur pushed on into the compound and was amazed at the height of the building in the centre. Following a fence, with haystacks on the other side, he came to a corner and peered around. He could see 2 Orc sentries approaching fast. They charged towards him pulling swords out as they moved to attack.

Ardan remained by the tower watching along the west wall. Uthal plunged into another trap as he pushed forward to leap over the fence into the haystack area. The fence collapsed under his weight but he kept his footing. Beorwulf charged across the gap in the wall towards the fence. Hagnulf remained on the outside to provide cover.

Fargrim, still mounted, pushed on to support Bandur. Orcs were pouring out of the south west tower and 3 Ogres from the north west tower, all moving towards the group. A group of goblins, who had been resting in the haystacks suddenly sprang into action firing arrows at the Beorwulf, Uthal, Fargrim and Bandur.

Fargrim and Bandur defended against the Orc attack as javelins thudded around them. Hagnulf killed a goblin, Uthal killed a Goblin and Beorwulf charged into a haystack, thrusting up with his sword but getting nowhere close to the goblin he was aiming at.

The alarm had been raised and Orcs poured out of tents and the south east tower, the main building and the north east tower. The Orc leader bellowing his instructions and the guard in the gate joined his charge too.

Orcs lay dead at Bandur and Fargrims feet as 2 Ogres charged home. Uthal dispatched more Goblins so too Hagnulf. Beorwulf burst out of the haystack and moved to the fence to engage a 3rd Ogre.

The haystack area was cleared of Goblins, Hagnulf moved along the south wall to engage the Orcs there. Uthal saw the same line of Orcs moving towards them and charged them to slow them down. Beorwulf was not doing well against the Ogre as Bandur and Fargrim tried to fight off the other 2 Ogres. Fargrim had to dismount and tell Skane to find somewhere safe as the boar had been hit hard by 2 javelins and was near death.

Uthal was now fighting 2 orcs as Hagnulf killed a 3rd then withdrew to safety. His move drew the attention of 4 orcs away from Utahl. Ardan moved down the west wall and engaged the Orcs from outside. 3 Orcs turned to attack and he was forced to withdraw. The Orcs followed.

Beorwulf went down, hit hard. Fargrim and Bandur killed the 2 Ogres facing them. Hagnulf killed another Orc and withdrew again. Uthal was fighting like a Goliath possessed, in rage, and fighting his hated foe, Ardan cast a spell of darkness around him. The Orcs charged into total darkness unable to see. Fargrim and Beorwulf saw a group of Orcs charge into view, stop, then form a battle line 3 deep. A large Orc with a 4th Ogre by his side flanked by Orcs to the front, a line of Orcs behind then the Shaman they hunted, in the rear. A volley of javelins arced towards them. Bandur fell to the floor, dying from 2 javelins that had pierced his armour. Beorwulf lay dying as the Ogre turned and attacked Bandur and Fargrim.

Uthal tried to disengage and his ploy worked as the Orc swung and missed, he was now in a narrow gap where the orcs could only attack 1 at a time. Hagnulf was surrounded fighting 3 orcs off. Ardan was down, after a lucky swing by an orc had hit him. Fortunately the wildly swinging Orcs in the darkness had also killed one of their own. Fargrim dispatched the 3rd Ogre and carried Bandur to safety, healing him by laying on hands. Bandur stood and turned to thank ‘his shinning one; when 3 javelins took him down again, Bandur crashed to the floor dying, again. Beorwulf was dead. 

Uthal broke off and followed Fargim's command to withdraw managed to get on the outside of the wall to assist Hagnulf killing the Orcs surrounding him. Fargrim again healed Bandur with his laying on of hands and pushed the dwarf outside the walls. Fargrim killed an Orc that was attacking Ardan then killed the last Orc attacking Hagnulf. 

A quick look around and Fargrim saw they were in the clear, he led the retreat in the rain back towards the hills. He looked back, but in the rain could not see if they were being followed.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Session 26: "Concentration of effort.........." Or "Sometimes more is done with smaller groups".

18th Day of Firemoot, Wineday

The group had spent the remainder of the day and the night before recovering from the battle, healing and laying plans for today.

The consensus was to track, find and kill the Orc shaman who had eluded them yesterday.

19th Day of Firemoot, Thunderday (Part 1)

Dove Strongheart and

Suddenly a rock landed beside Beorwolf. The group advanced cautiously Another rock landed between Bandur and Fargrim. Bandurs quick reflexes allowed him to oush Fargrim out of the way, then he calmly side stepped the path of the rock as it landed beside him.Fargim ran towards where he had heard a voice call out in Giant,

Aghh, get it orf me. Uthal too heard the cry but only these 2 understood Giant. Hagnulf could see a large humanoid striking something with a club and moved to get an assassination shot in. Uthal charged into the now identified hill giant but mistimed his swing and threw insults at the hill giant. Fargrim and Bandur charged in too. Bandur managed a critical strike incapacitating the Hill Giant long enough for Hagnulf to launch a deadly assassination. His arrow thudded into the Giants carotid artery, blood spurted everywhere as the hill giant howled and collapsed like a felled tree, right towards where Bandur was standing. Again, he stepped to one side as the Giant thudded into the ground where he was standing moments before.

Uthal quickly found the trail again and led the group off in roughly a northerly direction. Suddenly the ground around him erupted in arrows and one struck him a telling blow. AMBUSH. Goblin arrows were fired at the group and they responded by charging towards the threat. Fargrim used his long bow to good effect. Hagnulf picked off Goblins 1 by 1. Uthal charged home and killed more. Adran launched his Eldritch Blast with deadly effect. Beorwolf saw his intended target fall dead, both of them, with arrows from Fargrim and Hagnulf. Then he saw a target and charged in and killed the Goblin. Bandur shouted words of encouragement to Fargrim.

10 Goblins soon lay dead and a quantity of gold was found on the dead bodies, more than they thought. Some 82 gold pieces. These were rich Goblins!

Again Uthal picked up the trail, they waited awhile but there was still no sign of Lionel, Dove, Heimund and Droop . This time there were wagons on the trail.  A light rain must have fallen as the tracks were now very noticeable.

The trail led them to where the hills stopped and in front of them, surrounded by hills they could see a large, a very large, walled enclosure, towers at the 4 corners. A large roofed building standing in the middle. Hagnulf scouted and came back to tell them there was 1 Orc guard he could see on a tower but lots of noise, activity and cooking from within the compound. The compound walls were breached in a number of locations but those that remained were 20ft high and thick.

Beorwolf recalled hearing that there was a place some 5 miles to the south of Conyberry called the Shrine of Shivras. When the Orc invasion reached Conyberry the population had fled here but the Orcs had besieged the Shrine, breached the walls and put the entire population to the sword. The group settled down for a council of war.

Friday 3 July 2020





Born in a small clan village in the Spine of the World Mountains to the north of Mirabar in the year 1472.  Eglath dedicated himself from a young age to learn the Way of the Open Hand Monk. A strange vision he had seen pushed him in that direction. Later a second vision, which remains only known to himself, has led him southward along the Sword Coast in search of answers to the riddle of his vision. Moving ever southward he ended up in the city of Neverwinter in the employ of a group of minor nobles. 

Eglath has left the group to pursue answers to his strange visions.


Dove Strongheart is a wanderer, merchant caravan guide, who seeks to find the dragon that destroyed her homeland settlement. She joined the group when they attacked Wyvern Tor and has been with them ever since. After several adventures Dove returned to Triboar.



Born in the High Forest in the year 1391 in a small Wood Elf village to the north of The Lost Peaks. Orphaned at a young age the youngster fell in with a bad lot and was soon named and shamed as a criminal. Leaving the High Forest he headed for the Sword Coast he migrated towards Neverwinter. His last employment was for a group of minor nobles.

(Sadly Neil who played Hagnulf passed away, his memory shall live on as does Hagnulf, somewhere along the Sword Coast - RIP Neil).


Born in 1441 in a small Dwarf Hold in the Southern Sword Mountains, just north of Waterdeep. Dedicating himself from a young age to the service of the main Dwarven God, Moradin. He follows the path of a Paladin in his Gods service. He has traveled from the Mountain Hold to the Sword Coast. Moving northward he ended up in the city of Neverwinter in the employ of a group of minor nobles.

Born in 1470, Hiemund grew up in a Goliath enclave in Neverwinter. As soon as he was old enough he started to work to help provide for his family. He has worked for Lord Gharl Kalinwooda minor noble in Neverwinter for some years. A Goliath teamster who has thrown in his lot with the group during their current adventure.

                                                      LIONEL -  HIGH ELF BARD 

Born in 1370, Lionel was raised in Neverwinter. Following his lust for life, music and poetry, Lionel trained as a Bard and became a minor court musician to Lord Gharl Kalinwood. He has worked for Lord Kalinwooda minor noble in Neverwinter for some years. Presently a teamster who has thrown in his lot with the group during their current adventure.

                                                 ADRAN -  DROW WARLOCK 

Born in 1325,  A descendent of one of Drizzt Du'ordens followers,     his family clan moved away from normal Drow society and lived in seclusion. However, the small settlement was found and destroyed by another Warlock called Nezznar in the belief that the destruction would win him favour with the Drow Matriarchal Hierarchy. He was wrong. Adran was just a baby, abandoned to die by Nezznar but found and raised by wolves. After growing up Adran wondered awhile and soon his dreams were invaded by alien thoughts and desires. He was introduced through these dreams to a Great Old One. The Great Old One led him to his desires and meeting others who would train him how to be a Warlock. Once his training was completed he was sent into the world to find his own way. He befriended a Goliath named Uthal and together they travelled ever westward. Through these travels they heard rumours and picked up stories of a renegade Drow Warlock who had tried, and failed, to win favour by destroying a Drow settlement of outcasts. The very sme settlement that was Adran's home. Adran vowed to find this Nezznar and kill him for what he had done.

                                              BRON - HUMAN ELDRITCH KNIGHT 

Born in 1473, in a village on the far north east of the Sword Coast, Bron excelled in learning the ways of fighting he knew if he was to further improve his skills he would have to leave the village and find employment to gain the experience he required. Bron adventured with the group but left to find training to develop his path of Eldritch Knight. After a period of months Bron returned to Phandalin and re-joined the group.

Session 24/25: "A bird in the hand is worth an Orc in the bush...." or "Better behind an assassin than in front".

17th Day of Firemoot, Towerday

Just another day, a fine arrival for breakfast in the addition of Heimdal, Lionel and the ever present Droop to the group. A quick conference and Uthal led the way, finding the tracks of the goblins with ease. The first hour was speedy going until Uthal lost the trail. He found it after a quick search and never faltered until the group arrived on a rocky outcrop, looking across a valley with a 'y' shaped stream junction directly below them. Across the way it could only be Wyvern Tor it was step, big and looked overwhelming. Hagnulf suddenly let fly an arrow, only he observed the Orc guard slump down dead in the bushes across the valley on one of Wyvern Tor's slopes.

(It had been hard going for Dove Strongheart, a female Halfling ranger attached to a caravan of merchant wagons travelling from Tirboar to Phandalin. She had been off scouting ahead and on her return had come across devastation, the caravan had been attacked….by Orcs. The trail of the Orcs,  from the massacre on the Triboar Trail, to the waterfall had been arduous. But she was hiding observing not Orcs but a mixed group of Dwarves, Elves, Goliaths and a Human, descend the hill opposite her position on the other side of the river. Wanting to warn them that they were heading into a trap but without shouting (the waterfall noise would have masked her shout anyway) decided to throw a stone to get their attention. Her throw was accurate and the stone sped from her tiny hand and clanged off the helmet of a Dwarf. He slumped back onto his backside holding his ringing head. She watched the group spread out, some crossing the river some not. She threw another rock to get their attention, a bigger rock this time, it too hit the same Dwarf on the head and he again slumped down to the ground holding his head. Dove had not noticed a Goliath, with a Goblin on his shoulders approach. He smiled and the Goblin swung down and sat next to her smiling. The Goblin spoke in the common tongue, Heimund, pointing at the Goliath, friend. Me Droop, friend.)

Hagnulf had moved cautiously, moving from bush to bush, eventually crossing the stream. Heimund had moved round the slope he was on to the waterfall.  Beorwulf was struggling in some deeper water to cross the stream. Fargrim was already across on the far side when Bandur miss timed a jump onto a mid-stream rock and fell in with a splash. Lionel got his boots wet, then he too mistimed a jump and fell headlong into the stream as Heimund trying to jump over the waterfall ended up being swept downstream and into Lionel, both lay in the water. Uthal stepped across the stream as Adran sat and laughed to himself at eh groups antics crossing a simple stream. Dove and Droop moved around some rocks and using the Elf/Goliath ‘bridge’ crossed the stream. The group gathered themselves as a Hagnulf sighted and let fly a deadly arrow into a charging group of Orcs. He killed the leading Orc. Fargrim and Uthal charged into the Orcs, bravely supported by Bandur. Hagnulf assassinated a 2nd Orc.

(White arrow marks the cave entrance)

Two other Orcs charged into the rear of the group having circled round behind. The first spear thrust just missing Lionel but the 2nd impaling Droop. Heimund stepped up out of the stream and laying on his hands called for the power of his God to heal Droop. Droop opened an eye and winked. Heimund stepped over his prone body to protect him. Dove had taken a position high up on the rocky slope and let fly two arrows, hitting and killing an Orc. The 2nd was dispatched by Lionel and Beorwulf.

Fargrim had dropped another Orc, quickly followed by the combined effort of Bandur and Uthal. The group, now together could see a dark opening in the rocky hillside of Wyvern Tor. As the group approached the ground began to rumble and shake. A creature of rock and stone seemed to literally step out of the rocky side of the Tor and issued a throaty, earthy growl as it advanced. Fargrim and Uthal rushed to attack. Hagnulf moved wide and right to outflank. Bandur charged in as did Beorwulf. Heimund followed. Surrounded the creature flailed its massive stone and rock ‘arms’ and hit various members of the group as the group tried to take the creature down. Beorwulf was hit by two thunderous smites and fell to the ground mortally wounded. Heimund broke off and charged into the cave as Lionel was blasted by a fire bolt, which had come from the dark, cave opening.

Ardan followed Heimund into the cave. Dove and Droop both fired arrows into the rock and stone behemoth. The Behemoth still stood. Dove ran forward, drawing both short swords, leapt on the Behemoths back and plunged her swords into the back of the giant, towering creature. The creature slumped back into the stoney, rocky ground from whence it had been summoned. Nor more earthy growls would utter from its maw.

Taking stock Beorwulf had managed to stem his injuries and was in a more stable condition. The group turned their attention to the cave as both Ardan and Heimund backed out of the cave. Ardan warned the group that the cave had a magical darkness cast in it. They were unable to see once inside.

One by one the group entered the cave and into the magical darkness. Some staid in and others came out and went back in, some ran in hoping they wouldn't hurt themselves. Lionel, Ardan and Beorwulf remained outside. Suddenly for those in the cave the magical darkness lifted. The group took stock inside the cave complex, 3 linked caverns. Hagnulf found a cleft in the back of one and a tight passage that led to the waterfall, s back door exit or entrance?

Droop came running in from the outside, after some time Heimund could make out that Droop was saying Orcs and waving his fingers, many Orcs, Droop nodded yes.

A quick plan was made, Hagnulf remained outside where he hoped he could bring his bow skills to use, the others hoped to funnel the Orcs into the cave system where they could attack with advantage. Dove and Ardan covered the waterfall exit.

Hagnulf was spotted and a volley of arrows from all around struck home. The Orcs charged the cave entrance, a large Orc leading the way and bellowing out a warcry to the others following. THey ran into the group and the battle raged. Bandur, Fargrim, Heimund, and Beorwulf engaged the Orcs. Uthal gave support. Lionel cast spell after spell to bolster the group and weaken the resolve of the enemy. Ardan and Dove kept up a steady fire from bow and spell, clearing one hill of Goblin archers.

Suddenly the Orcs lay dead and all was quiet on the outside. The remainder had fled. A quantity of coin and gems were found on the bodies.  Taking stock the 2 rangers examined tracks and the cae system, They concluded that around 50 Orcs and 25 Goblins had made the cave system their hideout to raid the caravans travelling along the Triboar Trail. However of the loot their was no sign other than the small amount of coin and gems found. 

The group spent the remainder of the day and that night recovering from the battle, healing and laying plans for the next day.