Wednesday 26 August 2020

session 31: "When the going gets tough......" or "You never know who your friends are"

 11th day of Firewane, Thunderday

The group made their way to the central circular staircase. As Brutus and Hagnulf left the room they had found the skeletal horse in, Brutus fell through some rotten floorboards into a pit trap and was injured falling onto some rusty swords. To make matter worse he felt a stab of hot energy strike his neck, Hagnulf saw a glowing ball of light, drew his sword and swung at it, after a few strikes the glowing orb had ceased to glow and a strange, limp 'thing' lay on the floor, dead. Hagnulf pulled Brutus out of the hole. They joined the others.

Fargrim and Bandur had stopped short of going down the north corridor as Hagnulf cried out a warning of traps. Fargrim shouted for him to come and check the corridor they were about to head down. Hagnulf found another trap. Brutus and Uthal, wandered off and checked the western corridor and Uthal found a third trap, and fell in it! Brutus attacked a second glowing orb after it struck Uthal with a lightning bolt of energy.

Fargrim jumped over the marked trap as did Hagnulf. Bandur, however, in his haste to follow 'His Shinyness' miss timed his jump and fell into the trap taking some damage. The 3rd Orb was dispatched as quickly as the other 2.

Fargrim moved into the room. He could see two sarcophagus' either side of the room. A pedestal structure in the middle, carved with runes and designs, some of which he knew. Through the pedestal a longsword had been driven. Atop the pedestal was the skull of a dragon. The bones of which were piled up against the north wall.

Fargrim approached the pedestal. Slung his shield on his back and sheathed his sword. He placed both hands on the pommel of the embedded sword and tugged. As he grasped and pulled the dragon skull head turned in his direction and mouthless words filled his head.

'If you are brave enough, if you are daring enough, if you are strong enough and can defeat me the sword shall be yours'

As Fargrim pulled the sword free he was thrown against the north wall as two unseen, forceful blows struck his torso. Bandur supported by Hagnulf swung blindly where their blades swept 'air' they saw fine tendrils of a misty substance flew off the ends of their blades, Fargrim could see the dust disturbed in front of him and struck true, a large piece of misty substance came with the blade as it swung through mid air. Adran and Uthal entered the room and Uthal moved to join in the attack.

Adran cast his Warlock Eldritch Blast, Uthal swung and missed, Bandur swung, mistimed his blow and his greataxe bounced off the wall and struck his chest, causing more damage to his armour.

The more the invisible creature attacked more dust was unsettled and the more it's location could be discerned. Frantic strikes and counter blows by the invisible creature ensued until the last tendrils of wispy material fell to the floor and no more hidden attacks assaulted Fargrim, Bandur, Uthal or Hagnulf.

Fargrim knew then he held 'Frost' a magical Dragon Slayer sword from over a century ago.

Brutus wasn't having musch luck. His attempts to open each of the 4 sarcophagus in the other room had resulted in him being covered in a cloud of acid like particles that damaged his armour. However he did gain a necklace of 6 red beads and a musical lyre. Brutus gave the beads to Adran, who had identified them as a necklace of fireballs.

The 4 sarcophagus held the bodies of what appeared to be a warrior, a bard, a cleric and a magic user.

The group retraced their steps to the room with the Gelatinous Cube in. Fargrim, Bandur led by Hagnulf went to the room with the winding narrow passage. Fargim intended to use his bow and fire at the Cube in support of Uthal, 


Brutus and Adran who would assault from the flank. Events did not transpire as Fargrim had wished. As Fargrim and Bandur entered the tunnel/passageway and were some way in, a wrongly placed foot triggered a fall in. Fargim teleported by prayer into the 'Cube' room on top of a sarcophagus, as he could see. Bandur was trapped, dying, air running out. Hagnulf was nowhere to be seen. 


Adran had been caught behind Uthal as Brutus, who was now enveloped by the 'Cube', struggled to break free. Adran Leapt onto the 2nd sarcophagus and Uthal pondered how he might assist. Uthals plan was simple, he allowed the 'Cube' to envelope him and he grabbed Brutus and pushed him out of the cube.



Fargrim, seeing there was no a gap, ran as fast as he could out of the room and back towards the other room to help Bandur out of the cave in. Fargrim arrived and frantically began to dig, he managed to pull Bandur free just as he was about to succumb to death from lack of oxygen.

Uthal managed to break free and leave the room as Adran followed suit as soon as a gap appeared. The group met up in the central area where they had fallen down the circular stairs.

It was a quiet and subdued group that exited the Dragon Barrow by the way it entered. Hagnulf was found sitting on the mound outside, no explanation given for his leaving the Barrow. The group travelled back towards Phandalin

12th day of Firewane, Fireday

A very quiet, yet uneventful day.

13th day of Firewane, Swordsday

The group arrived back in Phandalin.

Sunday 23 August 2020

Session 30: "Be careful what you look for...." or "Well it's not a Womble burrow!"

 24th day of Firemoot, Towerday

The group arrived in Phandalin mid-morning. They headed to the Stonehill Tavern but were amazed when told that all the rooms were taken. Daran Edermath said he could put the group up in his large barn, if they didn’t mind the chickens or the old rooster.

Sildar Hallwinter had left the following message with Daran Edermath for the group:

“The dragon that besets us is not the first to threaten this region. Between here and Neverwinter lies the barrow mound of a warrior whose magical dragon-slaying sword helped fell a green dragon terrorizing the High Road a century ago. Rumor has it the sword 'Dragon Slayer' is buried there too. Retrieve it, and let the sword be its own reward!”

25th day of Firemoot, Wineday

Daran Edermath agreed to help Bandur with his training to parry with his weapon.

Today was a day for getting things done.

Fargrim and Bandur headed for the blacksmith to see if he could repair their damaged armour. He told them he couldn’t start for a few days as he had work on. The blacksmith would start to work on Fargrims’ chainmail on the 27th.

26th day of Firemoot, Thunderday

27th day of Firemoot, Fireday

Blacksmith started work on Fargrims’ armour.

28th day of Firemoot, Swordsday

29th day of Firemoot. Saintsday

30th day of Firemoot, Lastday

Fargrim collected his armour in the morning. Blacksmith started work on Bandur’s armour.

1st day of Firewane, Moonday

2nd day of Firewane, Towerday

Bandur collected his armour from the blacksmith at mid-day.

 3rd day of Firewane, Wineday

4th day of Firewane, Thunderday

5th day of Firewane, Fireday

6th day of Firewane, Swordsday

7th day of Firewane, Saintsday

8th day of Firewane, Moonday

Bandurs training came to an end.

Fargrim advocated to search out Dragon Barrow Hill and try and obtain the Dragon Sword of Lady Tanamere Alagondar, which may be valuable in fighting the White Dragon.

The group would split, Fargrim would lead, Ardan, Bandur, Brutus, Hagnulf and Uthal to find Dragon Barrow Hill. Daran believed it lay to the north of Phandalin between the road to Neverwinter and Neverwinter Woods. Dove, Heimund and Lionel would remain in Phandalin gathering more information and training.

9th day of Firewane, Towerday

Fargrim, mounted on Skane, lead the other 5 from Phandalin in search of Dragon Barrow Hill.

10th day of Firewane, Wineday

An uneventful day.

11th day of Firewane, Thunderday

After a quiet night of rest, the group approached a large hill, roughly some 30ft high. They could observe large stones, 7 in all, standing atop the hill. As they approached Hagnulf shouted a warning as a Centaur approached, hands raised.  

“Greetings, I mean no harm. My name is Xanth. Who leads here?” The Centaur spoke in a firm voice.

“I speak for the group, what do you want?” Fargrim addressed the Centaur.

“Then I give fair warning. I have observed ghostly glimmering lights atop the hill, mostly at night. However, I have need of aid. Orcs led by half Orc Shaman are gathering in the woods of Neverwinter. I have need of assistance in clearing them out. They are based around a place called the Circle of Thunder”.

“At present we are in search of something else. That said, we would be glad to give you assistance in the near future.”

“Then I will bid you farewell. Seek me out at Falcons Hunting Lodge, I am there or near abouts mostly.”

“We will try and get there as soon as we can”. Fargrim replied.

With that the Centaur waved and departed back towards Neverwinter Woods.

The group returned to the task at hand. Ardan brought forth his familiar, flying high he observed through its eyes that the hill was in the shape of a huge dragon. The standing stones like its backbone. However, the Owl would not fly directly over the hill and refused to do so. Splitting up they searched around where the ‘head’ of the hill was. Hagnulf couted around the base of the hill. Bandur and Brutus moved up the right-hand side of the stones. Ardan stood off to one side of the hill. Fargim rode Skane to the top.

Bandur swung round, Brutus had disappeared. Searching around he fell, crying out. Fargrim moved to that side of the stones. He saw nothing. Ardan came running up the hill. Fargrim dismounted and looked around before he too fell and disappeared. Uthal now there found a depression in the grass, tied a rope around the stones and jumped in, landing on stone steps that curled round and down. It was Ardan jumping into the hole that took Uthals feet from under him and they both bounced round and round coming to a halt at the bottom. Hagnulf descended carefully and assisted the others regaining their feet.

They were in a passage carved out of the rock. They headed east into a short passageway which gave out into two exits to the south. Uthal and Hagnulf entered the eastern entrance as Fargrim moved in behind. Brutus and Bandur entered by the western entrance.

Uthal and Hagnulf were struck by a Gelatinous Cube monster, Uthal becoming engulfed as Hagnulf dodged backwards. Fargrim let fly and arrow. 

Hagnulf and Brutus moved towards a 2ft wide tunnel leading out of the west wall. Uthal using his barbarian/Goliath strength burst out of the cube and moved into one of the entrances. The group retired back towards the spiral staircase. Hagnulf and Brutus had entered another chamber. On the floor was the skeleton of a horse a rotting saddle nearby. Hagnulf moved to check around the horse skeleton to see if there were any saddle bags. As he reached down and touched the skeletal remains, they moved. Hagnulf stepped back. The bones gathered and rearranged themselves as the skeletal horse stood up. It moved forward and nuzzled Hagnulfs hand. He knew instantly he had formed a bond with the skeletal horse.


Tuesday 18 August 2020

Monday 17 August 2020

Session 29: "All that glitters is not gold....." or "2 mules in the hand are better than kick in the face from a White Dragon".

 19th day of Firemoot, Thunderday (Part 4)

Lionel moved forward and grabbed Uthal, dragging him back into cover, hoping the noise of the falling crates had not been heard. As the group paused, they heard shouting from the Orcs. A large Orc stepped out and dropped his weapons and shield. He shouted out in common “Who is your leader, will you parlay?”. Fargrim shouted out that he was and what did the Orc want. The Orc shouted out that he assumed that Grogbak Gloombane the Half Orc Shaman and Brughor Axe-Biter the leader of the Many Arrows Orc scouting group, were both dead. Fargrim shouted back “and all the Orcs that went with them”. The Orc stated he name was Magbog and if they let him and the remaining Orcs leave with 1 mule, they would leave everything else behind. After some thought Fargrim agreed. Magbog and 6 Orcs departed into the rain with 1 laden mule.

They made sure they had left before searching the large building. Entering the main area of the Shrine, the east and west walls had lines of columns whilst in the centre hung a rotten rope heading up towards the bell tower. 3 doors led from this room, west, east and south.

Checking the west door, they found a room full of barrels and crates. To the south a room with an altar. Fargrim approached the altar and placed a hand upon it. Fargrim went into a trance, head bowed. He was now rising through the air, soaring into the sky. He turned his head as his vision sped towards the mountains in the west. Stormy clouds, cold weather and snow, yet he felt nothing. He soared higher, climbing up through the peaks flying between towering mountains. Eventually he slowed, hovering above an ice bound fortress high on a mountain top. His vision sharpened and he saw with clarity the roof tops of the mighty fortress and the sleeping form of a huge white dragon. The white dragon slept atop a pile of treasure. His vision faded and he was now speeding back, following his path, heading eastward until he floated above his body in the shrine, where he slowly sank back into reality. Fargrim opened his eyes and looked around, the others were staring at him.

Heimund, Hagnulf, Lionel and Dove were entering the eastern door. Hagnulf stood transfixed, immobile. Heimund moved forward and pulled him back expecting some trick or trap or magic. Heimund stood transfixed as Hagnulf slumped to the floor, arm pointing to the room, mouth agape. The others crowded forward. The room was full of piled coin, chests open and overflowing with more coins and gems.

Fargrim had noticed that the altar was not touching the floor and with help managed to push the altar towards the south, curved wall. There was a hole under the altar, within a canvas bag. The bag when opened held some coins and a key.

Ardan identified the key as a Netheril Key, a special key, a key that would open any lock.

The group spent the rest of the day counting the hoard.

10,000 copper pieces, 4,797 silver pieces, 1200 gold pieces plus 19 gems valued at roughly 500 gold pieces, 10 pieces of art worth 350 gold pieces.  With the hoard was a Great Sword (+1) and a Broach which Ardan deemed to have magical properties.

The group healed as best they could and rested through the night.

20th day of Firemoot, Fireday

The group decided to take another day of rest, healing and pack the hoard safely into chests, crates emptied of their content from the west room, all ready to be loaded onto the 3 wagons and 2 remaining mules.

21st day of Firemoot, Swordsday

The plan was to travel north, join the Triboarr Trail at Conyberry. Rest up then head to Phandalin. It was still raining as the group left the Shrine of Shivras. Dark storm clouds were lower than previous days. The group entered the hills to the south of Conyberry. Hagnulf, scouting ahead motioned for the group to stop.  Most of the group, less Ardan who stopped on the centre wagon, went forward. There on a small hillock they could see the bodies of 7 Orcs. One identified as Magbog. They were all dead and all were in horrific poses. The hairs on Ardan’s neck pricked up, sensing something was wrong he flung himself off the wagon as a giant shadow descended onto the wagons. With a woosh the shadow had gone, he saw a giant white dragon, 3 wagons held in its talons, flying back up into the low clouds.

All that remained was the 2 mules and a small portion of the hoard. They continued onward to Conyberry

22nd day of Firemoot, Saintsday

The group rested up In Conyberry, Fargrim recalled his vision in the Shrine.

23rd day of Firemoot, Moonday

On the road, an uneventful day.

24th day of Firemoot, Towerday

The group arrived in Phandalin mid-morning. They headed to the Stonehill Tavern but were amazed when told that all the rooms were taken. Daran Edermath said he could put the group up in his large barn, if they didn’t mind the chickens or the old rooster.

Sildar Hallwinter has left the following message with Daran Edermath for you:

“The dragon that besets us is not the first to threaten this region. Between here and Neverwinter lies the barrow mound of a warrior whose magical dragon-slaying sword helped fell a green dragon terrorizing the High Road a century ago. Rumor has it the sword 'Dragon Slayer' is buried there too. Retrieve it, and let the sword be its own reward!”

25th day of Firemoot, Wineday

Today was a day for getting things done.

Fargrim and Bandur headed for the blacksmith to see if he could repair their damaged armour. He told them he couldn’t start for a few days as he had work on. The blacksmith would start to work on Fargrims’ chainmail on the 27th.

26th day of Firemoot, Thunderday

27th day of Firemoot, Fireday

Blacksmith started work on Fargrims’ armour.

28th day of Firemoot, Swordsday

29th day of Firemoot. Saintsday

30th day of Firemoot, Lastday

Fargrim collected his armour in the morning. Blacksmith started work on Bandur’s armour.

1st day of Firewane, Moonday

2nd day of Firewane, Towerday

Bandur collected his armour from the blacksmith at mid-day.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Session 28: "Here comes the rain......." or "Just singing and dancing in the rain..."

 19th Day of Firemoot, Thunderday. (Part 3)

A quick look around and Fargrim saw they were in the clear, he led the retreat in the rain back towards the hills. He looked back, but in the rain could not see if they were being followed.

Fargrim forged ahead and the group all but stumbled up the slope behind him. As Fargrim crested the rise dark shadowy figures stood up in the pouring rain.  Tired arms pulled weapons out as the group prepared to defend themselves. As battle was about to be joined, familiar, friendly voices called out all was ok. It was Heimund, Lionel, Dove and Droop. To one side stood an unfamiliar yet familiar Dwarf, to Fargrim at least. Heimund introduced him as Brutus Hammerforge.

Before he could step forward, Fagrim spoke. “You live in my Grandfathers Hold. I recognise you. You have travelled far ‘brother’”. For as Brutus was not biologically related to Fargim, all members of their hold referred to each other as brother.

Brutus informed Fargrim he had important information and Fargrim bade him speak. Looking round, Brutus spoke, “I come on instruction of the Lord of Ironshield Hold, I must inform you that your Grandfather Hargrim Ironshield has passed on to the Halls of Moraddin”. Fargrim bowed his head in silent prayer then raised his head and asked, “Who now is Lord of Ironshield Hold?”. “None other than your Uncle Daergrim” Brutus said. Fargrim sat down. “Such passes the wheel of life”.

Questions where asked and the others were informed that Beorwulf had fallen during the attack. Sorely pressed they had had to leave him behind.

Prayers said for the fallen, Lionel and Heimund went around and healed the wounds of the remainder of the group.

Sitting round the spluttering fire, it was still raining heavily, the group debated on their next course of action. Fargrim advocated returning to the Shrine and dealing with the Orcs once and for all, especially the Shaman. The conversation flowed back and forth and eventually it was agreed to return and attack the Orcs again, the Orcs wouldn’t expect it. The rain was shattered by the fireball that exploded, centred on the fire. Newly healed wounds started bleeding again as the group spun round, stood up as the Orcs charged in from all round. They had followed the group, bided their time then struck when the group least expected it.

Droop was down, hit hard by an Orc blow. Heimund stepped over his comrade to protect him. Lionel and Brutus took a defensive stance. Hagnulf, Dove and Ardan backed off to where they would be of more use. A long line of Orcs led by the leader charged forward then stopped. Fargrim and Bandur recognised the body of Beorwulf on the far right, he looked odd, mouthing silent war cries and screams.

Fargrim and Bandur charged into the end of the line, Fargim attacking the former Beorwulf, for surely this could not be their comrade, now in  league with the enemy. Uthal charged the centre of the line fighting his hated foe, Orcs.

The enemy leader let out a tremendous warcry of his own, instilling the Orcs with extra vigour and resolve, they charged in!

Brutus temporarily confused as to which way to turn struck the nearest Orc. Hagnulf moved round in the rain and attacked the Orcs from the rear. Ardan and Dove let fly with bolt and arrow, supporting their comrades where they could get a clear line to an enemy. Bandur, having killed the Orc he was fighting, joined Fargrim attacking Beorwulf. Heimund now free to act reached down and healed Droop with his lay on hands ability.

The form of Beorwulf went down, Fargrim was attacked from in front by an Orc and behind by the leader. Dove managed to strike the Shaman as he was about to cast, breaking his concentration on the spell he was preparing to unleash.

Uthal was now fighting the Ogre and an Orc. Heimund dispatched an Orc as Hagnulf stepped in and out of combat striking down another Orc. Lionel and Brutus were trying hard to defend against the incessantly accurate attacks from the Orcs they were facing.

Uthal went down under a flurry of blows. Fargrim made a gap and charged the shaman. The Orc leader, Ogre and remaining Orc rushed to defend the Shaman. Fargrim, surrounded, attacked the Shaman. He was fighting off blow after blow. Heimund charged in, Hagnulf moved in support. Ardan moved to heal Uthal. Dove tried to find a better place to shoot arrows from and moved to her right, to another hill.

An arrow from Dove thudded into the Shaman, defences open Fargrim struck with all his might. The shaman went down. Fargrim now fought 2 orcs and the leader. Heimund was stopped supporting him as the Ogre and an Orc moved to attack him. Hagnulf moved behind the Orc who turned to fight him.

Ogre and Orc dispatched, Brutus charged to support Fargrim. Bandur arrived to help as the situation was now desperate for Fargim. Brutus made sure the shaman was dead by simply beheading him. Heimund, Hagnulf and Bandur now struck the Orc Leader, the only Orc alive, in an attempt to save Fargrim. The orc leader with a massive swing of his battle axe attempted to sweep all the group attacking him and failed. He went down after multiple hits. Fargrim, exhausted slumped to the ground.

The group gathered round Fargrim in the rain. “Right, lets get to the Shrine and finish off the few remaining Orcs and see what else we can find.”. Too exhausted to argue, the badly wounded group followed Fargrim in the rain back to the Shrine.

Carefully they entered, not wanting to trigger any more traps the Orcs may have set. Uthal and Lionel went off to the right. Fargrim and Bandur checked out the tower nearest to them. Heimund, Dove, Lionel and Droop entered the are of the haystacks. Hagnulf crept around the walls trying to stay in the shadows. Ardan watched the west wall and moved down to the collapsed section he had moved too not so many hours ago.

Fargrim and Bandur cautiously moved along the inside of the west wall. Dove, Droop and Heimund hugged the west wall of the large central building. Hagnulf was scouting the north end of the building trying to keep in the shadows when he spotted an Orc.

It would seem they wagons had been hitched and were being loaded. Fargrim told Brutus to stop the others following Hagnulf as he was out of sight and wait.

 Uthal and Lionel had crept up to some crates and boxes and they could see an Orc and the wagons plus some loaded pack mules. Uthal moved forward for a closer look, lost his footing and tripped knocking over 2 large crates.

Lionel moved forward and grabbed Uthal, dragging him back into cover, hoping the noise of the falling crates had not been heard.