Friday 16 October 2020

Neverwinter Nights News Sheet 32


Neverwinter Nights"

Published weekly                                                                                                   Issue 1491/32

Neverwinter Council decree 1 - Crime & Punishment: 

Punishment for a crime can include one or more of the following, based on the nature of the crime, who or what the crime is committed against, and the criminal record of the convicted:

 • Death

 • Exile (for a number of years or summers)

• Flogging (a set number of strokes)

• Hard labor (for a period of days, months, or years depending on the seriousness of the crime)

• Imprisonment in the dungeons of Castle Neverwinter (for a period of days or months depending on the seriousness of the crime)

• Fine (payable to the city; inability to pay the fine leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)

• Damages (payable to the injured party or victim’s kin; inability to pay damages leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)

• Edict (forbidding the convicted from doing something; violation of an edict can result in imprisonment, hard labor, and/or a fine)

I.Crimes against Lords, Officials, and Nobles

Assaulting or impersonating a Lord: death

Assaulting or impersonating an official or noble: flogging, imprisonment up to a tenday, and fine up to 500 gp

Blackmailing an official: flogging and exile up to 10 years

Bribery or attempted bribery of an official: exile up to 20 years and fine up to double the bribe amount

Murder of a Lord, official, or noble: death

Using magic to influence a Lord without consent: imprisonment up to a year, and fine or damages up to 1,000 gp

Using magic to influence an official without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

 II. Crimes against the Gods

Assaulting a priest or lay worshiper: imprisonment up to a tenday and damages up to 500 gp

Disorderly conduct within a temple: fine up to 5 gp and edict).

Public blasphemy against a god or church: edict 

Theft of temple goods or offerings: imprisonment up to a tenday and damages up to double the cost of the stolen items

Tomb-robbing: imprisonment up to a tenday and damages covering the cost of repairs plus 500 gp

 III. Crimes against the City

Arson: death or hard labor up to 1 year, with fines and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus 2,000 gp

Brandishing weapons without due cause: imprisonment up to a tenday and/or fine up to 10 gp

Espionage: death or permanent exile 

Fencing stolen goods: fine equal to the value of the stolen goods and edict

Forgery of an official document: flogging and exile for 10 summers 

Hampering justice: fine up to 200 gp and hard labor up to a tenday

Littering: fine up to 2 gp and edict

Poisoning a city well: death

Theft: flogging followed by imprisonment up to a tenday, hard labor up to 1 year, or fine equal to the value of the stolen goods

Treason: death

Vandalism: imprisonment up to a tenday plus fine and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus up to 100 gp

Using magic to influence an official without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

IV. Crimes against Citizens

Assaulting a citizen: imprisonment up to a tenday, flogging, and damages up to 1,000 gp

Blackmailing or intimidating a citizen: fine or damages up to 500 gp and edict

Burglary: imprisonment up to 3 months and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp

Damaging property or livestock: damages covering the cost of repairs or replacement plus up to 500 gp

Disturbing the peace: fine up to 25 gp and edict

Murdering a citizen without justification: death or hard labor up to 10 years, and damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin

Murdering a citizen with justification: exile up to 5 years or hard labor up to 3 years or damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin

Robbery: hard labour up to 1 month and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp

Slavery: flogging and hard labour up to 10 years

Using magic to influence a citizen without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict 



From the Protectors Enclave District:

Trade route to Triboar City now fully open. The extended route to Yartar is expected to open within the next month.

The Docks District - Neverwinter fishing fleet:

Quotas are down for the fourth week in a row. Fishermen have petitioned the Council to investigate.

Blacklake District:

The Council are trying to raise funds from private enterprise for the rebuilding of the area to the south of the Blacklake District.

The Wintershield Watch have reported they have arrested a number of individuals for possible trespass, daubing arcane symbols on buildings. They are being held in the Halls of Justice awaiting questioning.

The River District:

The Council have raised funds for the ongoing repair of the Dolphin and Sleeping Dragon Bridges to bring them back to former glory.


The funeral of Favric Bladeshaper, Lord Arlon Bladeshaper’s only son, is planned for next week.

Thursday 8 October 2020

Neverwinter Nights News Sheet 31


"Neverwinter Nights"

Published weekly                                                                                                   Issue 1491/31

A word from our publishers, 1491 rolls on. Lord Neverember has issued important decrees that the Neverwinter Council will be making public soon.

From the Protectors District:

General Sabine has confirmed that trials will now be held weekly.

More Neverwintans have joined the Neverwinter Guard and are now more numerous than the Mintarn Mercenaries.

There will be a central celebration in the Temple of Tyr this Saintsday.

Merchants report an increase in trade with the eastern cities as the Triboar Trail is fully open for merchant caravans now.

From ‘Inside’ The Peninsular:

Prison numbers on the Peninsular have dropped for the first time this week.

The Neverwinter fishing fleet:

Quotas are down for the third week in a row. Fishermen are perplexed as to the reasons.

Blacklake District:

Several buildings have been daubed with strange arcane symbols; the Wintershield Watchmen are keeping a close eye on the area to catch the culprits.

Disturbing News:

Lord Arlon Bladeshaper’s only son has died in mysterious circumstances whilst on a hunting trip. Lord Bladeshaper is said to be distraught and inconsolable. His son’s funeral is planned for next week. His son, Favric who would have celebrated his 21st birthday in 2 weeks, will be interned in the family crypt in the Neverdeath Graveyard.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

session 34, 35, 36, 37 & 38: "New beginnings......" or "The end of the beginning......"

 19th day of Firewane, Thunderday

The group arrive late in the evening at Lord Gharl Kalinwoods house in Neverwinter.

After meeting with the Steward of House Kalinwood, they are shown to temporary quarters.

20th day of Firewane, Swordsday

Late in the morning the group are summoned to  a room in the main building to meet with Lord Kalinwood.

Uthal, Brutus and Adran are asked to go to move their gear to a new location more suited for a longer stay. When they leave Lord Kalinwood congratulates the group for removing a number of threats around Phandlain and opening up the road to Triboar for trade. He stated he was stilled concerned that Iarno had managed to get away and his links to the Black Spider.

He allows the group to remain here whilst they sort themselves out in the pretence of being hired to escort the next convoy Lord Kalinwood sends out from Neverwinter.

He excuses himself after briefing the group on some does, and mainly don'ts about life in Neverwinter.

The group spend the remainder of the day healing and making plans how to find the cultists who eluded them.

21st day of Firewane, Saintsday

The group well rested and recovered and with what they thought was a sound plan left Kalinwoods House.  Droops was given an important task by Heimund as it was impossible for Droop to travel around Neverwinter. Droop was given a gold coin and asked to guard the groups gear whilst they were gone. If he did a good job he would get a 2nd coin.

They left together and headed for the House of Knowledge. On arrival it turned out the House was a semi-destroyed temple to Oghma. Priests were camped outside and were upset at their change in fortune as General Sabine had stopped the rebuilding, which was being funded by the city, they were left to fend for themselves, raising money by doing burials, minor prayers of healing and begging if necessary. Fargrim took pity and offered 10 gold pieces as the group bade their farewells, the priests offered prayers of good fortune.

It was here the group split into two parties, Fargrim would lead Hagnulf, Uthal and Brutus to the Driftwood Tavern to see if they could find any information from Madame Rosanne. Whilst Heimund would lead Adran, Lionel and Bandur towards the Graveyard a dn Pauper section to the south west gate and beyond.

Hagnulf thought he had spotted someone watching them but try as he might, after hiding in a doorway, he had lost sight of him. Warning Fargrim as they approached the market, he told the others to keep an eye out and forged ahead and crossed the Dolphin Bridge.


Fargrim led his group over Dolphin Bridge and round the north side of Castle Never. On approaching the main gate soldiers issued forth and blocked the road. A military looking woman, mounted on a blak horse, with slight facial scarring and jet black hair rode out of Castle Never with 6 other mounted men and crossed over Winged Wyvern Bridge. Surely this was General Sabine, whom Lord Kalinwood had told them of only yesterday. The way clear as the soldiers moved back into the castle the group proceeded to the Driftwood Tavern.


Heimund and his group looped around and headed for the same market near Dolphin Bridge. Adran noticed someone watching Heimund and managed to warn him by using his telepathic thought projection. Heimund led the group to a quiet area and Adran brought forth his Owl. Using the owl Adran spotted the man and the plan was put into action. Heimund slowly walked a long way round to where Adran brought forth the owl. Lionel and Bandur went there directly, Adran followed the man and kept in touch with Heimund to warn him of impending danger.


The plan went well. in the ambush area the man closed fast, Heimund swung round bringing his shield to bear and the man just about ran into it and fell back stunned. It turned out that the man recognised Heimund from Phandalin and only wanted to thank him for what he and the others had done freeing the town from the Redcloaks. Heimund sent him on his way, asking him to tell no-one they were here as they were on a secret mission. Heimund gave him a tooth necklace as reward.

Having left the area of the market Heimund, Adran, Lionel and Bandur wound their way on a circuitous route  towards the south west gate. Bandur stopped. He had received a message via the sending stones both Fargrim and He had in their possession.     

"Information, going to investigate, southern end of Blacklake District. Come if you can"

"We are coming now", Bandur replied.

Fargrim and the others in his group left the Driftwood Tavern and journeyed back around Castle Never heading east. They moved past the House of a Thousand Faces and came at last to an area of ruination. They had also noticed the further they travelled east the fewer people there were. They found a large building with a strange symbol drawn upon it. They scouted round the building whilst waiting the others. 

Heimunds group turned around and headed towards Fargrims location. As the afternoon wore on towards dusk the groups re-united.

Fargrim ripped down the nailed planks and after some pushing managed to open the doors. Fargrim, Brutus, Bandur, Hagnulf and Uthal entered the darkened interior. Adran, Heimund and Lionel explored the outside finding an overgrown graveyard surrounded by a low interior wall.

Fargrim and the others searched around. Empty rooms and a dark area with bars and a gate of bars. Uthal pushed the gate made of bars open. Fargrim noticed the floor covered in a thick layer of dust so asked Brutus and Bandur to help him clear some away. Uthal, not seeing anything  decided to light a torch. As the torch burst into flame it blinded, temporarily the others. The main doors slammed shut and when their eyesight returned a pentagram could be seen on the floor with the symbol of ASMODEUS carved into the centre. Creatures started appearing around the room. Fargrim sprang into action as did the others. Uthal was surprised but dispatched one with ease, as did Fargrim. Hagnulf killed the one blocking him moving out of the room he had searched.

Hagnulf dispatched the creature facing Bandur, Bandur moved and killed the one facing Brutus. Heimund, Adran and Lionel hearing the doors slam shut ran towards them.

Hagnulf moved to assist Bandur as a pile of bones started to appear through the floor and grow bigger. 

 As Heimund and the two others approached the door, they heard snarling from across the road. As they turned seven Hell Hounds rushed to attack. Lionel was hit hard. Fargrim managed to get the doors open, as Heimund grabbed Lionel, spinning round he threw Lionel into the building and safety. Heimund narrowly escaped a Hell Hound as he moved to Fargrims side. Adran adroitly disengaged and moved behind Fargrim.


Uthal quickly finished off the fiend he was facing. Two hell hounds let their fiery breath weapons loose on the door defenders causing damage. They then pounced on Heimund and Fargrim. Adran moved to the pentagram and started to scratch it out using his dagger. Bandur and Brutus moved to the door and assisted Heimund and Fargrim. Hagnulf supported them with his deadly archery, Lionel cast his Bardic inspiration as Uthal charged into a gap between Bandur and Brutus. Time after time Hell hounds blasted the door defenders with fiery breath then pounced in to attack. Time after time the 5 defenders defeated the hell hounds, each time a hell hound was killed it seemed to burn from within until it was only ashes faoting in a hidden breeze. With wild swinging of greatsword and battleaxe at times friend hot friend not foe. Hagnulf was attacked by the bone monster as another black skinned monster with wings appeared in the pentagram. Fargrim swung round to attack this newly arrived monster as a hell hound attacked him from behind. Again, hell hounds were slain as fire erupted amongst those defending the doors. Fargrim swung mighty blows at the winged monster, Hagnulf was sorely wounded as the bones engulfed him then he was thrown clear against a wall. The winged creature flew up, the doors leading into this room all slammed shut and attacked by Lionel, Hagnulf, Fargrim and Heimund the bone monster collapsed into a heap of bones in the centre of the pentagram as the last hell hound. The group battered, sorely wounded took stock. As they did so a boom, boom, boom came from the now closed double doors. Fargrim sheathed his sword and bade others do the same. He opened the door to be greeted by an armed and armoured warrior.

“I am Corbin, Captain Corbin commander of the Blacklake District Wintershield Watch. You will surrender your arms and come with us.”

Fargrim noticed at least 12 armed men outside as the rear and side doors opened and more armed men entered the room. There were more than 50 armed men. Fargrim surrendered his sword and bow and was led outside. Adran managed to hide his spell book behind an alter in the room with the bars he was hiding in before coming out and surrendering too. One by one the group surrendered their weapons and were taken outside. Surrounded by the men of the Winterwatch they were marched through the darkened streets back the way they had come some time earlier. They approached Castle Never but the crossed the Winged Wyvern Bridge toward the Halls of Justice. Here they were met with more guards, dressed differently and carrying themselves with more expert ease, the ease of seasoned warriors. They were then led into the Halls of Justice and down some stairs. Here they were searched, all their belongings removed including their armour. Individually they were locked in cells to await the dawn and a meeting with General Sabine, so they were told.

The next morning the group were taken before the Judicial Council. The Ciuncil comprised the following, General Sabine (Head), Lord Gharl Kalinwood, Lord Arlon Bladeshaper, Mayor Galt Soman, Azalar Falconhand, Ragon Lenz, Shalazar Dent and Pyrman Yzen. The group were asked to introduce themselves. They did so one by one. The charges were simple, the Murder of Hamun Lost, a wizard under orders from Neverwinter, the murder of Favric Boneshaper (Lord Arlons son), the desecration of Lady Alagondar’s tomb and the desecration of an old temple in the southern Blacklake District. The group explained their actions, Adran blaming Fargrim for some of the crimes, and Fargrim denying any wrong doing and tried to justify his actions.

In the end the group were sentenced as follows.

Fargrim – Death for the murder 2 citizens of Neverwinter

Uthal – Death for poisoning a city well, by his own admission.

Heimund, Hagnulf, Brutus, Bandur and Adran – fined 610 gold pieces and 30 days in prison for desecrating a Royal tomb and Temple.

Lionel – fined 35 gold pieces and 10 days in prison for his part in desecrating a temple.

The group were locked up for their sentences. Lionel was released after 10 days and stayed at Lord Gharl Kalinwoods. After 30 days he presented himself at the Halls of justice to witness the execution of Fargrim and Uthal with the rest of the group.

6 condemned prisoners were beheaded before Fargrim and Uthal were led to the block. The charges were again read out before General Sabine nodded to the two executioners to continue. As the axes were drawn back time seemed to stand still and a dark veil descended for a few seconds it seemed. When the veil lifted the axes had thudded down and the two severed heads were held aloft to cries of behold the head of a murderer and traitor.

The group were led back to the cells as a precaution. In the morning they were let out to find Fargrim and Uthal standing amongst them, alive. Pyrman Yzen had staged a mock execution and somehow had hoodwinked everyone into believing the execution had taken place,

Lord Neverember himself entered the room and told them they could expunge their debt, those that still owed money and a pardon for Fargrim and Uthal if they completed a task, a task which all had to agree to completing. Lord Neverember did start to explain that should Fargrims execution be found to be false then Lord Arlon Bladeshaper would spare no expense in hunting him down and after much pain eventually kill him.

Uthal started to challenge Lord Neverember, who’s patience began to wear thin. Eventually shutting up, Lord Neverember continued. Sometime in the last few days an item of vital importance had ben stolen from Castle Never, from a very secure room. A room which only 3 living people new about and it’s content. Now that room had been breached and the item stolen. The item was the old crown of Neverwinter, a crown that had been used to bring about a rebellion years ago, a crown that had been cursed and a danger to anyone trying to wear it.

The group agreed to the task given by Lord Neverember. A covered wagon arrived and the group were hidden out of sight inside. From the Halls of Justice the group were transported to Castle Never.

Spending another night in the cells, all be it open cells, the night was long and cold. In the morning after a hasty breakfast the group sat and waited. Mid morning saw General Sabine enter the lower cell area with a group of soldiers. Heimund, Adran and Lionel had their own weapons having paid their fines and not being charged with serious offences. For the others a motley assortment of bland weapons were cast at their feet. Hagnulf took a long, thin bladed weapon as close to a rapier as it could be, Fargrim, Uthal, Bandur and Brutus took long swords. Ill fitting leather was cobbled together into protective strips, hardly armour at all, Fargrim picked up a shield.

Once armed the group were ushered to a grate covering a dark stairwell. Sabine indicated it was the way into the sewer system of Neverwinter. The group descended with Uthal leading the way. The smell was nearly overpowering,  the main course was 10ft wide with a 5ft walkway either side. Fargrim and a few others turned right as those in front turned left. Uthal led his group onwards and ended up overlooking the harbour some 50ft below a cliff. They turned round and caught up with Fargrims group.

Many turns were made until eventually the group headed right as the flow headed that way. It wasn't long before an armoured behemoth erupted from the water with lashing tail and snacking jaw full of razor sharp teeth. Hagnulf was seized in its jaws before being flung to the far side of the sewer. Uthal leapt onto its back as the others, dodging bite and lashing tail struck where they could. Eventually the behemoth lay still, dead.

Proceeding down the sewer the group exited the dark tunnel into the gloom of early morning. On the river bank they moved westward towards the 3 bridges. A plan was quickly devised on finding a damaged cart. Fix the wheel , hide the majority of the group as Heimund pulled the cart and Lionel walked alongside. Soon they were on their way and arrived at the rear of the Driftwood Tavern

Madame Rosene wasn't pleased to find them on her doorstep but agreed to help. Food was provided whilst the waited the arrival of a person Madame Rosene had sent for. It wasn't long before a hooded figure entered by the rear door. It was non other than Azalar. Listening to their tales he told them of the Nashers and the Rats and the potential of Lord Arlon Bladeshapers involvement with them. He also thought, but could not prove that Arlons son, Favric, was in fact a cult leader in the Cult of the Dragon. With the possible implications of his involvement with the Green Dragon in Thundertree and the White Dragon near Phandalin with unconfirmed sightings of Red, Black and Blue dragons to the south and east of the Sword mountains bode for bad omens for the future. Azalar explained his involvement in the Harpers Guild and their alleigance to the Order of the Gauntlet and the Lords Alliance. He suggested that Neverwinter was a death sentence, no pun intended, to the group to get further involved in the internal politics of Neverwinter. Azalar said he would bring a wagon to the rear of the tavern and get the group out of Neverwinter and back to Phandalin. 

25th Day of Lowsun, Wineday.

3 days later the group arrived back in Phandalin and Edermaths Orchard.

Thursday 1 October 2020

session 32 & 33: "When in doubt swift, decisive acts......" or "Why strike out when it's better"

 13th day of Firewane, Swordsday

The group arrived back in Phandalin. Soaked to the skin in the pounding rain and strong breeze as more storm clouds gathered overhead.

14th day of Firewane, Saintsday

The group rested and recovered and made plans. The winds had abated to a gentler breeze.

15th day of Firewane, Market Day

Equipment was repaired, bought and additional items sold. The sky had cleared.

16th day of Firewane, Moonday

It was decided that tomorrow, Fargim would lead Heimund, Hagnulf, Bandur, Brutus and Uthal to Thundertree. Lionel stayed behind to follow up on some personal research. Storm clouds and pounding rain ruined this day.

17th day of Firewane, Towerday

Depart Phandalin for Thundertree, sky grey but the rain had stopped.

18th day of Firewane, Wineday

The group was surprised by a Giant trap door spider, after a short struggle the spider was killed. The wind had picked up to a light breeze.

19th day of Firewane, Thunderday

                                                                                                                                               The day was grey, overcast and a steady strong rain was falling as in the early morning when the group arrived in the south east corner of Thundertree and decided to check out the first building (13). On entering Fargrim saw 4 individuals, dressed in black robes. One raised his hand and before anyone could speak Fargrim had struck him down and killed him. The remainder of the black cloaks threw down some daggers, the odd sword and surrendered immediately. There were 5 of them, 2 had been in a second room.

After some questions the group found out the black cloaks were led by the one Fargrim had killed. They were here to set up a place of worship and try to settle Thundertree again. Other than that they had no knowledge as Favric was to reveal all once they had settled here. Fargrim was sceptical but agreed with the others to let the 5 go and to take the body of their leader with them.

A search of the room revealed a box, inside a pouch, inside the pouch 3 large diamonds, value around 100gp each.

The group continued to search through buildings and ruins, coming across more twig blights (12) and killing them with ease. 

                                                                                                                                                    On the east side of town, the lane opened onto a small square (10). Several ruined buildings could be seen surrounding the south side of the square but a larger intact structure (11) stood on the north. A lane led southeast, another southwest around a hill in the middle of the town. A third lane meandered north to the square, in the centre of which stood a statue, leaning slightly over, of a weathered wooden statue of a warrior clutching a spear and shield.

Heimund, Fargrim, Brutus and Hagnulf entered the large intact structure, Brutus leading the way. Bandur and Adran looked around the square, Droop found a tree to sit under. As the group entered rotten, humanoid bodies arose and attacked. After a brief fight, the creatures were killed, and the group went outside.

                                                                                                                                            After leaving the large structure, which had been identified as a barracks, Heimund led the group towards the tower (7) which he could see on a hill. Searching round the tower Heimund came across an attached cottage. 

                                                                                                                                             Both the tower and cottage seemed in good condition. Heimund could see a window near the towers curved wall and a door leading into the cottage, several arrow slits are visible in the tower high up. Heimund thought he could put Droop on his shoulders and get Droop to peer through a slit, it was still out of reach, so Heimund balanced Adran on his shoulders and Droop then climbed up both. Droops scabbard clattered into Adrans ear and he slid down bringing Droop with him with a thump. Droop stormed off and sat under a tree in a huff. Uthal gave him a coin so to Heimund. Droop was happier but still refused to move from under his tree. Adran then sent his Owl familiar to see what it could see. Adran got a short vision of a dark interior, deeper shadows then a darkness engulfed the familiar and the familiar was gone.

At the front of the cottage Heimund couldn’t help but notice an eerie quiet and a strange, acrid smell in the air. The corpses of two hideous giant spiders were sprawled near the edge of the pathway, apparently dragged there. Their bloated bodies were puckered and blistered and appeared to have been mauled by a large animal.

Heimund opened the door slowly, a deep voice boomed out, “Have you brought what you promised, enter and give them to me”. Heimund quickly responded “I don’t have them but another will be here shortly and he has them”’ “Quickly for a shall not wait an eternity…” the voice boom boomed out. Bandur entered shortly after, followed by Fargrim and Hagnulf who put his back to the door. Adran stood outside. Heimund and Bandur entered the tower, from where the voice came from, looking up they were both frightened and amazed at what they saw. Both backed up and stood, mouths agape, looking up into the rafters. “Where is it then? I wants what I was promised”. At that moment Fargrim entered the tower sword drawn. Looking up he could see the Green Dragon in the rafters some 30ft above his head, the Dragon seeing the sword in Fargrims hand recognised it immediately.

                                                                                                                                                                    Heimund now free to act ran up the stairs to assist. The Dragon drew back in fear not knowing if Fargrim was an enemy or had arrived to deliver what he (The Dragon) was promised.

Fargrim used his misty step and stood on the rafters, he swung the sword called Frost at the green dragon and Frost bit deep. The dragon bellowed out in pain and managed to bite Fargrim with it’s poisoned bite but missed with its slashing claws and swinging tail. Fargrim swung Frost again, and again hitting the dragon with two mighty blows and calling out his mighty smite prayer sorely damaged the dragon.

The dragon breathed in and filled its lungs before letting out its deadly poisoned breath. Bandur was the worst hit as the dragon took flight calling out as it left “Treacherous Dwarf, I Venomfang will have my revenge.” 

At about the same time as Heimund approached the tower Lionel, who had travelled to Thundertree trying to find his friends, had found Reidoth the Druid in another building (4). He learned from Reidoth that the town was infested with Blights, Spiders and Ash Zombies. He had also seen a group of humans dressed in black with black masks around the south eastern part of the town. The big surprise was when he informed Lionel that a Green Dragon had settled in the tower on the hill. Lionel thanked Reidoth, who refused to accompany him, and went in search of his friends. 

He entered a building (6) and was attacked by 2 Giant Spiders. 

Lionel dagger in hand fought one off and then cast Thunderwave, blasting both spiders back. Utahl, moving from building (11) to the tower (7) on hearing this noise went to investigate. Seeing Lionel in trouble he assisted Lionel in killing the two spiders. They then searched another building (8) but Uthal told him the group had already searched there. They moved to another building (5), Uthal entering from the south and Lionel from the north. 

                                                                                                                                                    No sooner had they done so than they were attacked by 2 waves of Blights. Both waves were fought off with ease.

They re-joined the group near the tower. Fargrim got the group to search the remaining buildings. Some more blights and zombies were found and dealt with ease. They did find some coin, two scrolls and a rusty Dwarven battleaxe inscribed with Dwarven runes which read Hew.

Town/village cleared Fargrim advocated chasing the cultists. Uthal tracked the cultists from the building they encountered them in, around the southern edge of the town to a small copse on the west side of the town and found horse tracks.

Fargrim decided the group must give chase both Fargrim and Hagnulf mounted and followed in the direction the hoof prints left the copse, the remainder followed on foot. After 30 minutes hard riding Fargrim and Hagnulf came to a river, the hoof prints led straight into the river. Try as they might they could not find where the tracks came out. Fargrim and Hagnulf had no other choice but wait for the others to catch up. Uthal found the tracks after 3 hours. The group continued on , until they came to the High Road. The tracks were obvious as they turned north towards Neverwinter.

They had been tracking the horses for 6 hours now. It was late in the day when they arrived at the South East gate of Neverwinter.

Session 33 Post-amble

Having arrived at the south east gate Fagrim realised those they were following had entered Neverwinter. Heimund suggested they go to Lord Gharl Kalinwoods home as he was a member of the Order of the Gauntlet. Fargim agreed, putting forward the idea that he or someone on his employ may have information on the people who they were chasing. Fargrim called them ‘Cultists’.

                                                                                                                                                    It took over an hour to arrive at Lord Gharls home. Dusk was nearing. Banging on the door it wasn’t long before a familiar face opened the view port, it was Skjord, they had last seen him way back in Rainmoot, around the 20th.

He welcomed them and asked their intentions, it was Heimund who spoke up and Skjord opened the gates and admitted them. He showed them to an entrance and bade them wait whilst he sought the Steward of House Kalinwood.