Wednesday 29 December 2021

Session 79: "To strike or not to....." or "Manners costs nothing....."


14th day of Fellnight: Saintsday - Evening meal Castle Waterdeep

As they were all 'invited' to stay at Castle Waterdeep by the Castellan on behalf of the Open Lord, they took pleasure in their very palatial rooms, a hot bath and a change of clothes.

The group made their way down stairs to the banquet room. All the delegates were present, and the Conclave save for Tennora Hedare.

There was some time before the meal and Rhundorth approached the group. Aramil expecting an apology was taken aback when Rhundorth said:

Rhundorth: "Well young high born Half-Elf of Waterdeep, what say you, I let you take a swing at me. Your hardest punch mind. Show me what kind of a half-man you are. I wont move, take your best shot. That said mind, you must then stand still for me, blindfolded, and not to move no matter what you hear, what say you, are you brave enough for the challenge?"

Aramil: "No!"

Rhundorth: "Well, nothing much you can say to there?"

Garet: "This Half-Elf will take you up on that, if I may be so bold. I fear Aramil is still smarting after the beating you gave him, however I'll not be striking you, though I can hit pretty hard, for I fear that it will be to no avail. Your reputation precedes you, Master Smith and Guardian to the Marchion of Mirabar, with your experience of combat I do not think I would dent that Mirabaran skin of yours".

Rhundorth: "Ah, a Half-Elf with manners, and a sense of humour. I freely admit we Mirabarans can be quick to anger, especially when we think we are wronged, but there's nothing like a good punch, for free, to heal disputes the Mirabaran way."

At that Garet stood where indicated. He was not surprised to see Rhundorth collect 'Mage Slayer' from Bandur. The blindfold was applied and Rhundorth again told Garet under no circumstances to move. Garet nodded and stood stock still.

Rhundorth tested 'Mage Slayer', swinging it freely in his large hands. He swung it and spun it, twisting it this way and that to the awe of the people gathered there. Then in a blur he launched into a series of moves, his speed was lightning fast, his moves accurate and his timing was perfection. The blade of 'Mage Slayer' whistled past Garets ears, his head, and all over his body as Rhundorth played his 'bladed tune' around Garet. A full 60 seconds it lasted. Well over 50 pulled strikes had been accurately swung. Not one had touched Garet, although many came within a hairs width of hitting him. He told Garet to remove the blindfold as the crowd clapped enthusiastically at Rhundorth's display. Rhundorth handed the halberd back to Bandur with a wink.

Garet: "From the applause I take it that was some display. I would love to train with you if we have time whilst in Waterdeep. Would that be possible?".

Rhundorth: "Ah, unfortunately my free time will be spent with the Conclave and then I have other duties to perform before heading back to Mirabar. 

Garet: "A great shame for I would have much to learn from a master bladesmith as yourself".

Rhundorth: "Again, you astound me with your manners, however a word of advice for your friend, get him to talk to Bandur about Dwarves, he has some mixed up ideas about how to deal with us. And have a word about how Half-Elves should conduct themselves, no offence."

Garet: "Non taken, and I will".

Rhundorth: "If he conducts himself like this in Silverymoon he wont get very far other than thrown out of the city, if he's that lucky. Elminster tells me you know Mavrithan........tell him to come see me next he's up in MIrabar, be nice to see my old friend again, but tell him if he brings that fiesty gnome, she'd better keep her hands in her pockets. I'm sure she took a dagger out of my workshop."

Garet: "I will, gladly".

With that the group, delegates and Conclave were asked to take their seats.

The chit chat around the table was restricted to minor matters as the Elminster steered conversations away from the topic of the afternoon and possible talk at the morning Conclave.

15th day of Fellnight: Marketday 

After a hearty breakfast the group were again invited to attend the Conclave. The group were asked if they had any specific information about the Elemental Cults that was not covered yesterday. Garet looked toward Aerie and she nodded her head. Aerie took off her leather bracers and unfolded her wings.

All but Elminster was surprised that a living legend stood in front of them. 

Rhundorth, Bruldenthar, Teresiel, Tennora Hedare Vajra Safhar,  Laeral Silverhand all sat astounded.

Aerie: "My name is Aerie Silverwing, I am a representative of the Avariel Elves travelling with this worthy band and fighting against the Elemental Cults. Recently I learned that my sister, Aerisi, had been captured, mutilated and cursed. Her identity taken by the Prophet of the Air Cult, who now calls herself Aerisi. My sister was able to bestow to me a stolen relic, given to her by Aerdrie Faenya."

Laeral Silverhand: "and your sister?"

Aerie: "Dead".

Aerie carefully unwrapped the package she had brought with her and laid her longsword on the table, it deflected some of the emotion that was building up in her, remembering her sister.

Elminster: "May I?"

Aerie: "Of course".

Elminster looked at the blade both sides and simply stated in Primordial:

He then translated:

Elminster: "Hakarmaskannar Takal – Dragon Watcher - a gift from the goddess Aerdrie Faenya 'Watch the sky - Watch the Air - Give warning when they are near'."

Aerie was astounded that Elminster could read Primordial.

Elminster: "This is a sword forged near the beginning of time. As you become more used to it you will feel the power extend. At present the range of the sword is perhaps 2 to 300 feet. In time this could be miles!"

He handed the sword back to Aerie and whispered in Primordial:

Elminster: "Take good care of this treasure for you have been given a great responsibility Choisen of Aerdrie Faenya."

Both Karion and Anor commented on their visit to Red Larch on their way to Bargewright. They had come across some information about a group of leaders from Red Larch calling themselves Believers and their having meetings with a shady character called Larrach, a possible Cult member.

Tennora Hedare then informed the Conclave that the Harpers had received a message that a certain Endrith Vallivoe, merchant or Red Larch, had in his possession a magnificently illustrated Dwarven Book. This information was again confirmed by Karion and Anor. Bruldenthar confirmed he was short one manuscript, which was very important, and it did contain some very ornate and magnificent illustrations.

Bruldenthar: "Some of the information I have gleaned from my tomes, quite kindly returned to me by Aramil, was the following:

1. Since the fall of Tyr-Besil, the Old Dwarf Kingdom, many people have tried to find the lost city.

2. There were rumours that the Drow had succeeded and had tapped into a source of Elemental Power.

3. At times over the decades many groups have tried and failed to clear the ruins of Tyr-Besil. But those that were the most successful built 4 fortresses that are rumoured to be over entrances into Try-Besil.

4. The 4 fortresses were called, Riverguard, Scarlet Moon, Feathergale Spire and Sacred Stone.

5. I believe Feathergale Spire is controlled or was controlled by Waterdhavian aerial-mount specialists and self styled Feathergale Knights."

The meeting then started to discuss the collapse of the talks to reform the SIlver Marches Alliance. Rhundorth stated quite openly that the Silver Marches Alliance or Luruar collapsed in 1482 when the 3 main Dwarven Cities of Mithral Hall, Citadel Feldbar and Citadel Adbar, left the alliance after the surface population of Sundabar was wiped out in a Drow and Orc attack and no assistance was sent from Silverymoon, Mirabar or Everlund.

Mirabar remains loyal to the alliance as does Everlund. The Argent Legion, under command of the High Marshall, Methrammar Aerasume; comprises the Silverymoon Field army and the Army of the Vale (Everlund), commanded by Kayl Moorwalker, that although could still muster considerable forces was much depleted from its former glory.

Teresiel stated that the Enclave at Silverymoon was an attempt to bring back into the Silver Marches Alliance the Dwarf cities of Mithral Hall, Citadel Adbar and Feldbar, it failed.

The Conclave broke up for a midday meal. Elminster informed the group that they had given the Conclave much to think about but should use their remaining time wisely and offered that Red Larch might offer some of the answers they were after.

The group thanked Elminster and the Conclave. They asked the Castellan to purchase suitable mounts for them whilst the group went off and bought what they required for their journey to Red Larch.

16th day of Fellnight: Moonday 

The group arose early, ate a hearty breakfast and left as soon as they could taking the Long Road, north out of Waterdeep towards Amphail. There first stop would be the small hamlet of Rassalantar, half way to Amphail.

Friday 24 December 2021

Session 78: "Should we stay or should we go....." or "Where the hell is he? He'd be late for his own......"

 The water kept receding. So much so that before long their island was a small rise in the centre of a cavern. The 3 waterfalls meant a climb of some 60 to 70 feet out of the cavern to get back to the tunnels. They sat and rested. After a short while they heard a familiar hello. Fabien and Bandur were stood at the top of the waterfall the rest had descended not so long ago in their water bubbles.

Fabien: "So....what you been up to? Doing nothing by the looks of it, just sitting around waiting for the boys to turn up, Well we're here, so what now?"

Garet just shook his head.

Aramil's bubble had really burst now.

Once Bandur and Fabien had climbed down the waterfall the group decided to take a long rest and recover. Zindra replaced used arrows then Both Fabien and Zindra left by pendent for Axeholm.

Grog took out his small 1 inch cube of metal and placed it on the floor. He cast an incantation and the cube transformed into a 20ft square, 30ft tall tower. He spoke again and a door magically appeared. He ushered everyone inside and closed the door behind. The ground floor was big enough for their sleeping rolls and a second floor, with arrow slits in each wall provided more sleeping space and a ventilated cooking area. Through a hatch and up a second ladder was the open battlements of the roof section.

After a meal and group healing Bandur stood first watch on the battlements. He would be followed by Anor. Bandur's dreaming was cut short as two mighty strikes hit the tower. He ran over and looked down, a very large creature with skin that looked like water but covered in plate armour was swinging a huge trident and was striking the walls of the tower. Huge bits of masonry were already being smashed off the wall.

He fired his crossbow down into the creature as two more mighty blows hit the tower. Joined quickly by Anor, Anor launched two bolts at the creature, one hit the other shattered against the plate armour.

Garet was firing his bow out of an arrow slit, Aramil made it onto the battlements and stood on a crenelation and unleashed a full magazine of 5 bolts at the creature, they all slammed home. The creature staggered back as an arrow from Aerie slammed into it.

Grog opened the door and as he charged out shouted the command word to close the door again. He slammed his pick into the creature and it staggered, a little. It then slammed its trident into Grog not once but twice. One a mighty blow made Grog stagger backwards, still standing though, his arms fell to his sides and war pick and shield clattered to the ground.

Before the creature could advance further arrows and bolts slammed into it and its unsteady progress was halted forever as it fell like a tree.

Grog inspected the damage to the walls of his magical fortress, it was hurt but not too badly. It had certainly saved the group from untold carnage if the creature, now identified as a Water Elemental Myrmidon, had got loose amongst the group.

They rested for a full 10 hours.

14th day of Fellnight: Saintsday 

It was getting towards midday when the group awoke, refreshed and healed. After a meal they packed their gear and sat and debated and debated. There was a lot of talk about where to go next. Follow the path back towards the stairs along the path taken by the water spheres, or head north up the 2nd waterfall and even to take the 3rd waterfall.

After a lengthy debate they decided to retrace their journey in the water spheres. Garet and Grog would climb the waterfall, Aerie would fly to the top and provide warning. Garet nearly slipped half way up but a strong right hand from Grog caught his foot and pushed him back up. Making the top it wasn't long before they had hauled the remainder safely up using the 100ft of rope they had climbed with. Grog provided a good anchor point as Garet aided the others, one by one up the 70ft climb to the top of the waterfall. Time was getting on. Bandur reckoned it was late afternoon.

Garet wanted to check out the structure that Bandur and Fabien had mentioned seeing. Creaping stealthily around pools of water the group made it to the small raised former island. Garet and Bandur checked it out, 1 door no windows. The door wasn't bolted so Garet opened it and Bandur rushed inside, drawing a hand axe from his belt he said one word.......DROW!

Just as quickly Bandur raised his arm to stay Garet in mid thrust. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Bandur: "Adran, Adran is that you"?

The badly tortured, beaten Drow Warlock could barely raise his head and non sensical words burbled from swollen lips. Bandur shouted for Grog to come up as Aerie and Garet were full of questions, who was this? How did Bandur and Grog know this Drow?


Bandur: "Adran, his name is Adran. He is a Drow Warlock, a friend. He was part of our group over in Phandalin for some time before he left us to follow a dream quest".

Garet trusted Bandur and Grog but he didn't know the Drow. Although he was happy to take their word he still kept a wary eye on the Drow as Grog released him from his chains. Aerie wandered off in disgust and took to wing so she could watch the area, she didn't like nor trust any Drow.

Adran explained how he had been captured on his dream quest and asked if any of his gear was around. Nothing could be found. Adran asked if they had a means of getting him back to Axeholm. Garet produced 1 or the 4 recall tokens he had and offered one to Adran. He took it and with the blink of an eye was gone.

After a brief rest they continued north. Garet coming to a side chamber halted the group but he could hear moans. The group closed up and entered the area. A wall of ice curved around a raised island of rock. Within the ice wall were prisoners, locked in by the ice, many of them had skin turning nearly black with frost bite, many were dead. Aramil was called forward and he identified 3 of the 5 still alive as being members of the delegation. Bruldenthar, the renowned Dwarf historian, Rhundorth, a shield Dwarf fighter from Mirabar and Teresiel the Moon Elf from Silverymoon. 

No sooner had Rhundorth been freed and perhaps the one most least affected by his imprisonment, on seeing Aramil, launched himself at him striking him with both fists viciously before Anor dragged him off. Rhundorth was shouting traitor, betrayer, enemy and to release him so he could kill him. It was Aeries swift intervention casting a calming spell that stopped Aramil from launching a firebolt at Rhundorth which surely would have hit Anor as well. When asked what all this was about Rhundorth explained that it was Aramil's patron, the human noble Deseyna Majarra and Aramil who had betrayed the delegation. Rhundorth explained further that he had overheard Deseyna talking with the Air Cult Prophetess Aesiri that they had done well and to get the information out of the other 3 so they had all 4 parts of the secret message. Garet explained how they had found and released Aramil some time ago. Rhundorth took some convincing for he though it was still a ploy to fool them but relented. He had assumed that as Aramil had been taken elsewhere that he was with his Patron and was part of the betrayal.

So began another debate. The delegates imploring the group that it was imperative they get to Waterdeep and quickly. After some discussion it was agreed that Aramil would take the central pendent and use it to transport the delegates to just outside the Blackstaff Tower. Aramil and Garet swapped pendents and Aramil and the 3 delegates disappeared.

Garet and Aerie checked the rest of the bodies, only one was alive, if you could call it alive. The Elf was beyond help, skin already as black as ebony. Garet offered a simple prayer and ended the life of  the Elf.

The group decided to explore and check out the tunnel opposite the cavern they were now in.

The tunnel, which would normally be under water, was now fully exposed. The group advanced cautiously and entered a roughly circular chamber some 60ft in diameter. In the centre on a raised piece of rock was a throne like chair. Across the arms was a jewel encrusted horn of bone. Long and slender, approximately 3ft in length. 3 chests stood on a shelf in the southern part of the chamber. In an alcove on the eastern side stood a magnificent halberd.

Garet urged caution and checked, as far as he could, the chests for traps and booby traps. He could find none. Using the tip of his staff he managed to flip open the lids of all 3 chests.

In chest 1:

Light Crossbow                                                                                                                              Quiver of 20 bolts                                                                                                                          Dagger                                                                                                                                          Staff                                                                                                                                              Hide Armour                                                                                                                                  Belt + Pouch  Money (208 gp)  a key a ring                                                                                  Pouch with some dust in                                                                                                                Backpack:                                                                                                                                      Bedroll                                                                                                                                          Mess Kit                                                                                                                                        Tinder Box                                                                                                                                    Waterskin                                                                                                                                      Book of Lore & Shadows                                                                                                              10 x Parchment                                                                                                                            Ink/Pen/Small knife 

(Bandur Identified this equipment and the staff as belonging to Adran the Drow Warlock)

In chest 2:

2508gp                                                                                                                                         4 unidentified potions                                                                                                                     3 potions of healing    4D4+8                                                                                                      1 potion of healing   10D4+20                                                                                                      1 potion of healing   6D6+12                                                                                                        1  Bag with dust in

In chest 3:

Pair of boots                                                                                                                                  A cloak                                                                                                                                          Pair of  Leather Arm Bracers                                                                                                        2 Scrolls

A Halberd, with a trapezium shaped blade with inscribed runes. Blade is 12 inches long with 2 spikes on the back edge. An elaborate metal sheath attaches the blade to the 3ft 4 inch shaft that has a jewel encrusted grip. 

A long pearl and sapphire encrusted horn rests between the arm rests of a throne set in the middle of the chamber.

Grog cast detect magic then he spent a considerable amount of time in ritual casting identify on each object that had a magical aura.


The Key of Netheril: Opens any lock 6 uses. Once used it is just an ordinary key.

The Ring of Warming: 50% resistance to cold and cold based attacks.

Staff of Striking: This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. The staff has 10 charges. When you hit with a melee attack using it, you can expend up to 3 of its charges. For each charge you expend, the target takes an extra 1d6 force damage. The staff regains 1d3 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff becomes a non-magical quarterstaff.

Dust of Disappearance: As per the spell. 1 use.


3 Potions of Climbing: as the spell. 1 use in each potion.

1 Potion of Death Ward: as the spell. 1 use.

Dust of Dryness: A small pouch which contains 7 pinches of dust. Each pinch of dust can transform a cube of water, 15ft on a side, into a marble sized pellet. By hitting the pellet with something hard or throwing the pellet against something hard transforms the pellet back into water.

Or if an elemental comprised mostly of water is exposed to a pinch of dust it make a CON save DC 13. Failure it takes 10D6 necrotic damage or half as much if successful.

Small gold bracelet: (Worth 25gp) Immunity to petrification.


Boots of Winterland: Requires attunement. Furred, snug, warm boots. You have resistance to cold damage. You ignore difficult terrain crreated by ice or snow. You can tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degrees fahrenheit without any additional protection. If you wear heavy clothes you can tolerate temperatures as low as -100 degrees fahrenheit.

Cloak of Elven Kind: Requires attunement. While you wear this cloak with its hood up, WIS (Perception) checks made to see you have a -4. You have a +4 on DEX (Stealth) checks made to hide as the cloaks colour shifts to camouflage you; Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.

Bracers of Archery: Requires attunement. Whilst you wear these bracers, you have proficiency with the longbow and shortbow, you gain a +2 to damage rolls on ranged attacks made with such weapons.

Paladin Scroll (L2): Magic Weapon

Ranger Scroll (L1): Detect Poison/Disease

'Mage Slayer' Halberd: A wide glasssteel trapezium blade with runes inscribed on it. The blade is 12 inches long, the back edge has 2 spikes. An elaborate metal sheath joins blade to haft. The haft is made out of hardened maple 3ft 4 inch long with a jewel encrusted grip. Light weight and well balanced. +1/+1.  Ignores magically enhanced armour. For example Mage Armour! Ignores temporary hit points causing damage to normal hit points. 

The complete search and casting of the rituals had taken nearly 2 hours. Garet kept checking the other chamber at regular intervals but there was no sign of Aramil.

Once the rituals were complete, Garet appraised the group that Aramil had not returned. Worried something had befallen Aramil or that he had decided to go off on a mission of his own or some other mishap the group agreed they would take everything they had found and use their pendent to travel to the location of the central pendent and hope Aramil was there.

A mass exodus of the caverns.

Aramil's Story:

Aramil arrived outside Blackstaff Tower, Teresiel, acknowledging where they were led the delegates  for Castle Waterdeep at a fast pace. Aramil had questions he needed answering. He followed. Rhundorth kept a wary distance from him. Bruldenthar kept muttering about books, a great loss, tomes of great importance. Aramil remembered the tomes he had in his bag of holding and pulled one out.

Aramil: "Is this one of your tomes? If it is I have them all here in my's a bag of holding".

Bruldenthar: "My boy, for a dim witted, Half Elf, you have made an old Dwarf very happy. I'll collect them when we get to the castle. NO don't dawdle and don't stand there with your mouth wide open and stop fretting and looking at Rhundorth, he's ok, for a Mirabaran Dwarf fighter that's probably dispatched more foes than you've got days in your life".

Aramil could see that Rhundorth had a grin on his face but as soon as he saw Aramil looking he put on a more severe look.

There were a few people about. Teresiel explained they didn't have time to hail, wait or expect one of the local carriage company's to turn up. Anyway it wasn't far. Arriving at the Castle Gates Teresiel took the lead and Aramil was surprised how quickly they were escorted through the gates but into the central keep. 30 minutes had passed since they left the cave.

Aramil: "Can I ask you questions individu.......".

Aramil was cut off. The 3 delegates had passed through a door but his way was barred by two men at arms. He was told to sit and wait. He estimated another 30 plus minutes had passed. A group of well dressed individuals passed by him and went through the same doors as the delegates. Armail got up to follow but was stopped again by the 2 men at arms. He was aware that time was passing and he had to get back to the group but he had questions that required answering. He waited, another 60 minutes passed. 

There was a popping noise, suddenly before him stood the other members of the group........a shout, sunning feet and suddenly the chamber was filled with more men at arms, at least 50. Teresiel came back through the doors and spoke to the men at arms. They stood down and bowed to Teresiel. The guards, although watchful, kept there distance. There were now 2 guards for each of the group.

Aramil brought the group up to speed of what had happened since he left them.

30 minutes later Teresiel beckoned the group into the room.

They were surprised to see Elminster sat at the head of a long table. as well as the 3 delegates there were 3 others.

Elminster: "Welcome to the Conclave of Waterdeep. You are here as you are apart of what is to be discussed. Let me introduce the people present.

The 3 delegates you have met. What you may not know is that they represent the most important northern cities in the Lords Alliance, 

Lord Rhundorth, Kings Champion of Mirabar.

Bruldenthar, chief historian of Mithral Hall and I believe a cousin of yours Bandur. 

Teresiel, Knight Silver and 2nd to the High Marshall of the Argent Legion and representing the city of Silverymoon.

Tennora Hedare a young apprentice wizard and a representative of the Harpers.

Vajra Safhar, The Blackstaff.

Lastly Laeral Silverhand Open Lord of Waterdeep."

Summary of discussion:

1. They didn’t know Deseyna Majaara was a traitor until Rhundorth overheard the conversation she had with Aesiri.

2. The delegates were taken to the Earth Cult then they were brought here for interrogation.

3. The delegates will inform you that because the Water Cult prophet is dead and the gate closed the Cult Plans have been put back considerably.

4. The Cult of the Dragon had found out what the Elemental Cults were intending to do. Somehow this accelerated their plans to summon Tiamat to the Prime Material Plane. That is either going ahead or will slow down too.

5. Each delegate carried a piece of a divination puzzle only when all 4 pieces were put together would the full answer be known.

6. The secret piece of the puzzle that Deseyna had is a vital piece to understanding the riddle of the divination. 

7. That said they know this is another attempt by the Elemental Cults to summon the 4 Elemental Princes of Evil to the Prime Material Plane. Once here they will spread death and destruction everywhere. 

8. They have the power to create weapons called devastation orbs, these are primarily based on which ever element they serve. But they need the weapons of power to do so.

9. The prophet of the Air Cult is Aesiri Khalinoth, rumoured to be an Aeriel Elf and wields Windvane, a spear infused with the power of Yan C Bin the Prince of evil Air.

10. The prophet of the Earth Cult is Marlos Urnrayle, rumoured to be a medusa and wields Ironfang, a war pick infused with the power of Ogremoch the Prince of Evil Earth.

11. The prophet of the Fire Cult is Vanifer, rumoured to be a Tiefling and wields Tinderstrike, a dagger infused with the power of Imix the Prince of Evil Fire.

12. The delegation whilst in Mirabar were their to scry the locations of the Cults and their intentions. Whilst they were scrying they saw something else, something hidden in the darkness, hidden behind the 4 Prince of Elemental Evil, perhaps controlling them, driving them. A Dark, malevolent, chaotic, evil that they haven’t been able to put a name too, yet. (This is the divination puzzle).

13. The Cults are unbalanced now they have lost one of the Prophets. It will make them more wary and more willing to strike out at those who they think or know are acting against them.

14. The delegation will stay in Waterdeep to try and find answers.

15. The delegates cannot confirm where they will be when your campaign is over. For you yourselves don’t know when it will be over. You know where they are from but they will leave word at the Blackstaff Tower of where they go should they leave Waterdeep.

Elminster: "The conclave will convene tomorrow, early morn. You are all most welcome to attend, however you may have other plans".

The conclave then broke up. Elminster leaves with Laeral Silverhand, neither speaks to anyone. The Blackstaff looks at Aramil, nods then leaves without saying a word. Tennora hesitates, then leaves without saying a word.

Aramil: "Teresiel....I need answers about my father a High Elf called Lord Lorimer of Fandin".

Teresiel: " You must go to Silverymoon for answers. I don't know your father other than a Lord Fandin was the High Marshall of the Argent Legion, the army of Luruar."

Aramil: "Teresiel how do I get a meeting with Eluen Dualen?"  

Teresiel: "For that you need to go to the High Palace in Silverymoon, I have never had to petition for an audience as I have fair access. Go, ask, tell them who you are, it may be enough. A gift may be an insult. I will not be able to give you an introduction but you may mention you have met me. If I am in Silverymoon you may call on me."

Aramil: "Bruldenthar be well and safe passage and here are your tomes." 

Bruldenthar shakes Aramils hand. Aramil wishes Teresiel well, bows, and goes to kiss the back of her hand. Before he can do so she pulls her hand away.

Teresiel: "I wish you well but that is to much familiarity from one I know nothing of".

She turns and walks away.


Wednesday 15 December 2021

Session 77: "Are you ready to rumble......" or "Are you ready to tumble........!"

Each bubble of water that formed moved off at its own sedate pace. Floating 2 feet above the water the bubbles floated effortlessly through narrow cavern tunnels and through widening spaces. Aramil in the lead saw the tunnel ahead disappear but the bubble of water floated down the small waterfall and continued its smooth journey. The other water bubbles followed.

The water bubbles continued their journey, deeper and deeper into the complex of tunnels and caves, side tunnels and wider openings could be seen to either side but the bubbles didn't stop.

Aramils bubble, followed by the other bubble seemed to squeeze through a narrow opening then shoot forward faster around an island on which a small building could be seen (P16). Karion and Anor noticed that Bandur and Fabiens bubbles were taking a separate course to the others but were powerless to help them. Anor saw the bubbles deposit them on a ledge before his bubble was whisked past to follow the others.

Aramil was at the top of a high waterfall, his bubble didn't slow but plunges down the torrent of water. Then it levelled out and skimmed over the surface of a huge underground lake. He was heading towards an island in its centre (P20).

Aramils bubble burst and deposited him in 5ft of water. 

He waded ashore. 3 waterfalls fed the cavern. 2 he could see, the third beyond his sight. In the centre of the island was a 20 foot diameter rotating ball of water, slightly suspended from the ground. As he moved to his right slowly around the island, he observed a bubble of water forming out of the larger sphere and float off across the lake then remained motionless. Another bubble burst and Aramil was joined by Eihcra.

As he moved further he could hear some kind of chanting. He moved further, suddenly a blast of magical energy flew past him as the priestess prepared another magical attack, 

Aramil quickly responded, all 4 magic missiles struck home. Aramil was struck during the battle of magics but he hit the priestess again. 

Suddenly a large wall of ice 60 feet long, 20 feet high and just as thick formed across the island. The priestess satisfied she was safe started her incantation again. By this time Eihcra, Aerie and Zindra had arrived. Zindra took the trident 'Wave' out of her quiver, touching the weapon made her eyes gleam. One by one the others arrived. No one made any comment that Bandur and Fabien were missing. Aerie stepped forward, placed her hands on the ice wall and uttered a prayer to Aerdrie Faenya. The Ice Wall collapsed into water at their feet. Aramil attacked again, joined by a crossbow bolt from Karion. The priestess stopped in mid sentence just looked at the bolt protruding from her chest and collapsed in a heap, dead.

By now the group started to move around the island. Aramil sat and thought for awhile, yes now I remember.

Aramil: "It's a portal, I've seen something like it or read about it in a book at Blackstaff Tower, it's a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water."

Aramil had moved closer to the edge of the island looking into the gloom, he could hear the 3rd waterfall but not see it. He suddenly was unsure of his footing as a wave of nausea swept over him. Mind control, someone was trying to charm him!

Aramil: "There's something or someone here trying to charm me....beware!"

Tentacles ripped out of the water and struck Armamil. HE managed to dodge out of the way, as he did so he notices each tentacle had a bluish claw at the end, from which a greenish icor dripped.

Aramil: "Watch the tentacles, the claw is poisoned.....or worse!"

Garet moved to attack but his 'flying feet' dagger and sword only found air. Aerie faired little better as she took to the air and fired an arrow.

Just as quickly as it had begun the tentacle attack stopped as the tentacles disappeared back into the water. Grog cast a healing prayer on Aramil. The group took up position around the island, Aerie still airborne, covered from above.

Just as suddenly a creature burst from the water and attacked Aramil, who stood alone. He was struck severely by jagged spear like appendages. Grappled he just managed to fling his head to one side as small tentacles lashed out from the creatures mouth.  He could just about taste the poison dripping from the tentacles. More healing. Karion cast a spell and the creature started to glow with a green luminescence. It took the combined efforts of several of the group to kill the 'green' creature before it collapsed into the shallows.

Garet remembered the Old Mans story at the party in Womford, freely given, freely given.

Garet: "Zindra cast the trident into the portal, end this now."

Zindra: "I offer this gift back to you of my own free will...........but I don't think I'll do that for this is mine, all mine".

Garet realised that Zindra was attuned to the trident, he thought when did that happen? She was cursed, like Bandur with his damn battleaxe curse! Aerie landed and tried to reason with Zindra. Zindra told her to look with her eyes not her hands, the trident was hers. Zindra backed away to the edge of the water.

Suddenly tentacles whipped out of the water and struck Zindra. Aerie turned to assist as Garet closed in. Zindra dived into the water, her only escape from Aerie and the tentacles. But Zindra had taken fatal injuries, her life energy was ebbing away. Aerie once more flapped her wings, in a blur sped to grab the trident, which was floating on the surface and not sinking to the bottom, weighty though it was. She made a grab for the trident half turned in mid air and flung it as hard as she could towards the portal. 

She shouted out...

Aerie: "I offer this gift freely, take it back"

Aerie could only watch in horror as the 4 tentacles tried to catch the trident in mid-air. To know avail, they failed to grab it and the trident passed through the portal and back to the Plane of Elemental Water.

No sooner had the trident passed through the portal than a shock wave spread outwards from where the portal stood. The two attacking creatures where forced back into the depths and the group were knocked prone.

Aerie was the first to react, ignoring Zindra, she was airborne and cast a mass healing prayer, who was still floating face down in the water. Garet shadow stepped to Zindra, then forgot how deep the water was, he sank to the bottom some 5 feet below Zindra's floating body. Zindras eyes popped open, surprised to see Garet below her and under water, she swam to the shore.

Garet soon followed, one of the creatures was quick to react and charged Aramil who had just stood up.
Pincers slashed into his body and tossed him to one side, dying, prone. Anor and Grog rushed in.

Aerie launched and arrow, Zindra fired two, Grog and Anor both swung and hit the creature, reeling from the hits and damage it was Karion, firing his short bow, who delivered the killing blow. The arrow
sped true and buried itself deep inside the creatures armoured carcass. It flopped down with no ceremony into the water. 

Grog reached over and healed Aramil with another prayer. Karion just shrugged his shoulders and turned away. Aramil wondered just how many more time he would be near to death in this God forsaken hole.

Aerie and Garet were firing arrow after arrow at the remaining creature until it too could take no more damage and succumbed to its many wounds. Karion tried to remember if he knew anything about these creatures, he couldn't. Grog looked deep in thjought, I think that one with all the tentacles is called an Aboleth, very dangerous, those blue hooks cause disease if your hit by one, uses mind control to take over a creature before it eats it. The other two are called Chull, they're nasty too. Those small tentacles in their mouth secrete a virulent poison.

The water kept receding. So much so that before long their island was a small rise in the centre of a cavern. The 3 waterfalls meant a climb of some 60 to 70 feet out of the cavern to get back to the tunnels. They sat and rested. After a short while they heard a familiar hello. Fabien and Bandur were stood at the top of the waterfall the rest had descended not so long ago in their water bubbles.

Fabien: "So....what you been up to? Doing nothing by the looks of it, just sitting around waiting for the boys to turn up, Well we're here, so what now?"

Garet just shook his head.

Aramil's bubble had really burst now.