Wednesday 30 June 2021

Sword Coast Adventuring Group: Character Images



Aerie Silverwing

Bandur von Grom



Fargrim Ironfist

Garet Jax

Aukan 'Grog' Kalagiano






Friday 25 June 2021

Session 59: "Well met fellow, hail..........." or "Where did she go?........."

 21st Day of Snowmoot  

The group waited as long as they could for Garet and Grog. Neither were forthcoming so they set off towards Riverguard Keep in the hope that they would both catch up.

                                                      Looking north towards the Sumber Hills

Garet and Grog both realised they needed additional healing so they had set off to find the potion seller. Chalaska had given them directions but they got slightly lost. However they found the healer and acquired what they needed. Heading back the Bargewright Inn owner told them that the group had left some 30 minutes previously. The trail wasn't hard to follow so they set off making good time.

Garet and Grog pushed on, as they crested a rise they could see the group moving round a recent battle site. Large, carapaced creatures lay still all around. Fargrim and Bandur were checking through their gear. Hagnulf was standing next to the mule, Bron was tending to his horse. Zindra seemed to be hacking at a carapace with a hand axe. Beside her stood 2 horses. They couldn't see Aerie anywhere.

A short while later after a hasty meal, Zindra miounted her horse and moved off to scout out a safer area to spend the night. She moved northwards but in a slight loop west then north, she found nothing for 30 minutes, then turned back east and south on another looping ride. After about 10 minutes she noticed an opening, a cave mouth. Alone and away from the others caution took hold and she moved quickly back to the others. She was happy to see that Aerie had arrived back. She had successfully scouted Riverguard Keep and even had time to draw a hasty map.

Leaving at midday she had followed the river keeping it in sight to her right until she could see the keep. Finding a safe place to land she observed the gate and a sentry on the walls. She moved west and flew into the line with the sun, where she hoped she wouldn't be seen. Airborne she drew a hasty map


After making the map she flew in a direct line back to the battle site. 

                                                   AERIES JOURNEY TO RIVERGUARD

She arrived shortly before Zindra arrived back and told them of the cave. They moved off after Grog performed a ritual prayer and healed those badly injured and the 3 horses that were in a bad way.


The group headed off towards the cave. Zindra caught movement on both sides out of the corner of her eyes. It looked like the snow rippled, following the direction that they were travelling in. Slowly loading her bow, she slowed down. Fargrim moved alongside and looked in the same directions as Zindra was looking but could see nothing. Neither could Zindra now. Garet caste minor illusion and mounted Dwarf rode out on the right of the group but disappeared after riding 30ft. Nothing was moving on either side. Zindra said she had spotted movement about 500 yards on either side. None of the group could see anything and put it down to Zindra not having had a drink (alcohol) for 24 hours.

                                                                     Looking out of the cave.

They made the cave quickly and after a quick recce the group moved inside, lit a fire for food. Took care of the horses and put their bedding out. Zindra went outside but could find nothing on returning she fixed her tarp to cover most of the entrance but leaving a gap at the top. Grog prayed and told them he had placed an alarm prayer on the entrance that would only allow them to come and go but if anything else entered a bell sound would ring in the middle of the cave and wake them up. He then prayed to detect magic but couldn't quite get the words right and the prayer backfired leaving Bron and Bandur confused and wondering where they were. The effects lasted for a minute and wore off. Tired they went to sleep it off.


 Bandur and Bron honed their weapons to a very keen edge. Happy they had done enough, they joined the others and settled in for the night. Zindra joining them. Aerie stood first watch to be relieved by Hagnulf later.

                                                                 Encampment on the 21st

3 hours into setting up camp Aerie was nearly grabbed as a clawed hand came at her from the wooded slope above. She moved forward to get a better luck and two clawed hands grabbed her and threw her away from the cave entrance.  

A large snow troll advanced towards her as two others rushed into the cave. Bandur and the horses were the first to be attacked. Zindra took to the air as two massive claws just missed her.


 The battle was hard inside the cave as the trolls hit Bandur hard. Fargrim managed to drop 1, 


narrowly missing Bandur as the 2nd was attacked by Garet, Zindra and some well placed arrows from Hagnulf. Suddenly the 2nd troll was dropped as the 3rd rushed in from outside.   


Grog and Bron moved to attack it and Hagnulf supported them with well placed arrows. Garet jumped on to the 1st troll and started cutting its heart out, yelling to the others to do the same to the other two, 


Bron narrowly missed two mighty swings as Grog brought the last down as the 1st troll got up and moved to attack Bron from behind. It missed and was brought down a 2nd time.


Troll bodies were dragged outside and troll hearts cast into the fire. As soon as the hearts hit the flames they melted into water.

The group settled down to rest and sleep. They awoke refreshed and ready to start the journey to track the trolls back to their lair or hopefully northwards towards Riverguard.

                                                   red stars mark the 2 encounters so far

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Session 58: "Beware for that which you seek" or "Finders keepers, losers....."

 20th Day of Snowmoot   

The unofficial leader of the Zhentarim in Bargewright, Chalaska Muruin (female Damaran human veteran), the terse, cold-eyed “Senior Sword” and master of the gate guards explained further, she also believed it is one of 4 cults based on Earth, Fire, Water and Air that have taken over 4 haunted towers that were once part of the ancient Dwarven kingdom centred hereabouts.

She looked at Aeries' map and told the group the symbol was the Water Cult, she believed they are based up river in an old fortress once called Riverguard. She also informed the group about the missing delegates.

Chalaska brings forth a dusty tome and shows them a diagram on one of the pages.

The 4 Elemental Cults

There is very little information on the cults themselves this tome is more historical than factual. The tome is very old and there are many missing pages, you gain the following information.

The threat of Elemental Evil surfaces in different worlds of the multiverse whenever the force known as the Elder Elemental Eye tests its strength. If the forces of Elemental Evil can’t be defeated before they grow, madness and destruction could spread unchecked. 

The Dwarf realm of Besilmer was a realm of pastures and cropland. The dwarves established an underground stronghold called Tyar-Besil beneath the Sumber Hills to defend against the trolls and giants that plagued the region.  Trolls and giants soon broke the realm of Besilmer, and the remaining dwarves abandoned the place altogether. Over the years, adventurers occasionally stumbled across the buried stronghold of Tyar-Besil. Few made any lasting record of their explorations, and their names are forgotten. 

In the year 893 DR, a band of adventurers called the Knights of the Silver Horn found the place and commenced an exploration of the ruins. The adventurers came back to Tyar-Besil again and again, and when they decided to establish strongholds and tame the territory, they raised their keeps over each of the known access points leading to the ancient dwarven ruins.  A generation or two after the Knights of the Silver Horn established their strongholds, an orc horde swept through the North, and the keeps were overrun. 

Chalaska added that the delegation from Mirabar included:

A renowned shield Dwarf historian named Bruldethar, who was transporting his collection of manuscripts to the library in Waterdeep.
Three important diplomats of the Lords Alliance were leading the delegation:
Teresiel, a moon elf
Rhundorth von Grom, a shield dwarf from Mirabar
Deseyna Majarra, a human noble from Waterdeep.

The delegation was also transporting the body of a dead knight who was killed fighting Orcs in the Spine of the World. The knight was to be interred with honour in Summit Hall, the chapter house of the Order of the Knights of Samular, of which the dead knight was a member.

Bandur exclaimed that he knew Rhundorth, a cousin thrice removed on his mothers side.

Chalaska offers the group the following supplies:
3 days food and water. (Including feed for the mounts)
A set of snow shoes each.
1 flask of oil each.
2 Additional tents and a large cooking pot with a lid.

The group are given 5 potions:
3 minor potions of healing (2d4+2 HP)
1 Potion of Darkvision: The potion has a single eyeball of some feline creature bobbing in it. The eyeball must be swallowed with the potion.
1 Potion of Minor Shielding: Drinking this blue potion with bubbles forever forming and travelling to the top, grants 1d6+4 temporary hit points for 2 hours. 

Chalaska informed the group the journey north would be dangerous. If they followed the river north they would find Riverguard Keep.

Chalaska pointed out that there were 3 viable routes.

Route A: Following the river, journey time 3 to 4 days.
Route B: Across country, more direct, journey time about 3 days.
Route C: To Red Larch, northeast trail, double back south east to the Vale of Dancing Waters, then to Riverguard, journey time roughly 7 to 9 days.

21st Day of Snowmoot  

The group were well rested when they awoke in the morning for a hot meal. Mounts were brought to the Inn, saddled, packed and ready to depart before Sunrise.  The group had decided on route B.

The group waited as long as they could for Garet and Grog. Neither were forthcoming so they set off towards Riverguard Keep in the hope that they would both catch up.

                                                      Looking north towards the Sumber Hills

The group moved off with Zindra leading followed by Fargrim, Bandur, Bron, Hagnulf with mule and Aerie last. The sky was clear of clouds but it was very cold. Although the ground was frozen hard it was firm enough for the group to make a decent speed.


Garet and Grog both realised they needed additional stores so they had set off to find a seller. Chalaska had given them directions but they got slightly lost. However they found the seller and acquired what they needed. Heading back the Bargewright Inn owner told them that the group had left some 30 minutes previously. The trail wasn't hard to follow so they set off making good time.

Around mid-day as the sun was nearing its highest, Zindra leading drew her bow and nocked an arrow. Carefully she slid off her horse and moved off stealthily moving forward and left. Fargrim signalled the others to stop.


Zindra pointed half right as she continued forward and left. Fargrim could just make out a dark area on a rising slope about 150 feet ahead. Bron moved to the left, Hagnulf moved further left towards a slope. Bandur stopped behind Fargrim and Aerie looked on.

Zindra now moved more directly towards the dark shape, some 20ft in diameter she could make out, dark but with things sticking out of it, weird funny shapes and what looked like a piece of torn clothing.
Aerie took to the air. Fargrim dismounted and Bandur did the same. Bron stopped and Hagnulf continued up the slope.


As Aerie landed by Zindra she heard her say, bones, human bones. Zindra picked up the torn piece of clothing and could make out part of the design on the reverse side as being the part of the Cult of Water symbol. As Zindra turned to wave the others in there was a slight tremor and the ground erupted in front of Zindra and Aerie, Fargrim and Bandur were surrounded by 4 creatures, creatures they had fought many months before....Ankhegs!  Ankhegs burst out of the ground by Bandur and Zindra's horse and 1 in front of Bron.


Zindra fired arrow after arrow, Aerie summoned her spiritual weapon, a javelin she controlled by whistling, Hagnulf engaged from the snow ridge, Bron blocked a blow that would have hit his horse with his shield but as he swung his sword it slipped out of his hand and landed some feet away from him. Bandur and Zindra's horse, both hobbled, were savagely attacked. Bandur and Fargrim fought back to back.  But as either one killed an Ankheg they were showered with acid time and again. Hagnulf brought down 2 Ankhegs, Zindra 1. Fargrim and Bandur brought down 2 each. Bron had to disengage to get clear so he could summon his sword, magically linked to him. 



Bron returned to the fight to defend the horses and now faced 3. Again he had to spur his horse away from the fight, chased by an Ankheg. Hagnulf downed another, then downed the one attacking Bron, 


frantically defending his horse from further harm. Aerie meanwhile had dispatched 1 Ankheg and cast a healing prayer that saved Zindra's horse.


As suddenly as it began the battle was over. The group healed with mass healing prayers or by the laying on of hands. Horses still badly injured were healed, some not fully but enough so they could be rode. In the shadow of a slope Hagnulf made a small fire and started to cook a meal. It was 5 hours since they left Bargewright Inn. Whilst the meal was being cooked Zindra wondered over to an Ankheg and began hacking off two pieces with her hand axe. It was slow going, it took an hour. As she chopped and hacked Aerie came over and whispered in her ear. Zindra nodded. 


When Zindra joined the others for some hot food they asked why she was leading Aerie's horse. Zindra told them Aerie had gone to recce Riverguard Keep and would be back in around 2-3 hours.

Garet and Grog had pushed on, as they crested a rise they could see the group moving round a recent battle site. Large, carapaced creatures lay still all around. Fargrim and Bandur were checking through their gear. Hagnulf was standing next to the mule, Bron was tending to his horse. Zindra seemed to be hacking at a carapace with a hand axe. Beside her stood 2 horses. They couldn't see Aerie anywhere.