Wednesday 29 September 2021

Session 69: "When the going gets tough.........." or "It's a game of 2 halves....."

 27th day of Snowmoot:

After resting a short while the group gathered themselves to scout the area to the north. Just as they were about to set off the eastern door opened and in walked Zindra. She informed them that Bron had gone back to Axeholm but she hadn't seen him leave. They welcomed the Ranger back.

The group split up and covered the different exits/entrances into the large room. Aramil heard a door slam to the south! Quickly he informed the group. Fargrim, agitated that the plan was not going to plan told them to investigate. Zindra and Aerie agreed to follow Aramil when he stopped, he had heard a muffled scream coming from the general direction he heard the door slam. Again he passed on what he heard and continued.

Now warned of what had been heard the others quickly joined Aramil in another open area with a well and a door from which muffled cries could be heard. (14).

Fargrim barged the door, pivoting in the middle, Bandur was not prepared and it caught him in the face pushing him backwards, Fargrim stepped into the room and was confronted by 2 Ogres, frothing and wide eyed, seemingly torturing two captives bound and hooded on to contraptions designed for torture.

Garet and Bandur were quick to support Fargrim's attack as Aramil launchd magic missiles from outside. Zindra, Grog and Aerie kept watch as the fight continued.

After another hard fight, the Ogres were down, dead.

Aerie rushed into the room and untied the first captive, Zindra following let out a cry of delight, it was Fabien, last seen at the Stonebridge Inn. He had been looking for them but fell foul of a bandit group. Capture he was dragged here last night. He didn't know how long the other captive had been here.

Fargrim began to concentrate his power to determine if evil was present. He could sense none.

Fargrim began to look around as the 2nd captive was released. The room stank of damp, mould, seaweed and the once fine trappings were in a bad state of repair.

A lady of high standing, didn't trust the group at all, Fargrim even less. He felt the same. After being released she kept stating that no one should touch her she was a princess after all. After a few minutes she told them she was Princess Matilda Graftrow of Rogarsheim on the Isle of Norland. Fargrim, sceptical as ever, asked where that was. Matilda bluntly told him he was a thick, short person who if they had any brains would know that Norland was situated in the Moonshae Isles in the Moonsahe Sea, Aramil scratched his head and confrmed there was such a place, it was off the coast west or south west of Waterdeep.

Fargrim wasn't impressed but suddenly sank to his knees in pain. The others distracted hadn't observed Matilda had disappeared.

Aerie was quick to step in and used a healing prayer to aid Fargrim. Aramil thought awhile and stated that he thought the Princess could be a Hag of some sort. She obviously had means to disguise herself, mask her evil taint from Fargrim's divine sense and used magic of some sort to disappear or walk through a wall. 

Aerie went into a trance and could be seen muttering words seemingly into mid air at the blank wall.

The room was searched a small chest was found that contained 190gp, a potion of giant strength and a potion of protection v fire. Fargrim was put onto the bed as he came round from the 'gaze' attack of the Hag. He was on something other than the bed, reaching under him he pulled out a long sword, warm to the touch with slightly glowing rubies. Claiming the sword for himself  he asked Grog to cast identify on the longsword. Grog, after some time, told the group the longsword was called Dragon Finder, it glowed bright when a dragon was near and it aided in causing damage to all who felt it's blade. A fine weapon to wield. Fargrim claimed the longsword and strapped it to the side of his backpack as the blade had no scabbard. The potions were given to Fabien to store in her bag of holding. The money was divided between them all.

Zindra mentioned seeing a door to the south west of the bridge (6).  The others readily agreed it would be better to clear that area before proceeding. (North door in room 12).

Garet leading the way the group filed behind towards the door Zindra had seen.

Fargrim approached the door, Bandur kept well out of the way as his 'Shineyness' opened the door. Garet entered. 

 "Oye, close the bleeding door, your letting a draft in, anyhowz wot ya doin here, you cultists should stick to your own area, now piss off!"

Garet had disturbed 2 trolls in the midst of eating

Garet didn't wait, he attacked both trolls, splitting his attacks between them. Garet forced one of the trolls back into a corner with his flurry of attacks.

Fargrim attacked the nearest troll as the 2nd troll literally hammered Garet into the floor with deadly strikes.  Bandur rushed in to assist Garet. Aerie entered the room and cast a powerful healing prayer.

Fargrim used his spiritual powers to aid his strikes and struck the troll down just as a 3rd troll burst into the room and attacked him.

Garet regained his feet and both Bandur and he dispatched the troll that had smashed Garet to the floor. Shouting at Aerie to cut it's heart out, they moved to assist Fargrim.

NOw the first troll had recovered from its deadly wounds and got back to its feet swinging its two weapons and striking Fargrim some very hard blows.

Things were not going well outside the room either as 2 Reapers and 4 Cultists attacked Aramil and the others defending the rear. Zindra fired another 2 arrows at the trolls in the room. Fabien cast Bardic Inspiration onto Aramil as he launched a magical attack.

All 3 trolls were down and the last 2 hearts were cut out and destroyed to stop the trolls from regenerating.

Aramil's magical attack killed a Reaper outright as Grog shoved the other back and intimidated him that bad with his Goliath war cry that he simply ran, the 4 cultists running as fast as they could to keep up.

The group cleared the room of dead trolls, secured the doors as best they could and took stock. They had fought 2 hard battles this morning, defeated another 2 fenzied Ogres and 3 trolls, bested a Hag of some kind, gained 190gp, 2 potions and a magical sword.

The complex so far

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Session 68: "Another bite at the cherry.........." or "Does this seem a trifle easy?"

26th day of Snowmoot:

Taking advantage of the secure location, Grog placed an alarm spell on the north door and outside corridor. They took it turns to keep a watch on the southern door. The night passed without incident.

27th day of Snowmoot:

Rested and replenished, healed, fed and watered the group considered their next move. It was decided to chance the bridge they had scouted to the south (6) and cross over the waterway.

Garet scouted ahead and quickly moved over the bridge. Fargrim, Bandur followed, Grog jumped the waterway as Aramil and Aerie covered from the other side then moved onto the bridge. Garet continued to scout north up the path running alongside the waterway. Fargim listened, then opened the door (13).

and entered a room full of Reptilian, humanoid creatures. Stepping back he shouted out "3, there are only 3."


A number of javelins flew through the door towards the group, all missed. 2 reptilians charged the door, Fargrim and Bandur dispatched these two with ease. 

No more followed as Aramil stepped into the doorway and let loose one of his spells, magic missiles darted into the room and a Reptilian was hit. The reptilians dragged tables and beds to form a makeshift barricade across the room, as more javelins were hurled through the doorway. 

Aramil used his quick reactions and put up a shield spell, 3 of the javelins were deflected, the fourth headed straight for him, forcing Aramil to duck and it struck Grog.

Aerie quickly fired and an arrow and hit another reptilian. Grog fired a frost ray and summoned his spiritual weapon to assist. Fargrim backed away to give them room as Aramil cast burning hands and set fire to two overturned tables and hitting a reptilian. Grog, followed by Bandur charged into the room and attacked the reptilians. Aerie summoned her spiritual weapon (a javelin) and moved it into the room.

Garet, having moved into the shadows up the passageway, could overhear voices talking in common. They were about 60 feet away and out of sight. (22) They were talking of intruders and that they had to keep an eye out otherwise the boss would be angry.


Aramil, knowing he had pushed his luck retreated and followed the route of Garet until he found him. Garet quickly brought him up to speed as to what he had overheard. They overheard the continuing conversation about a green skin moving fast and probably off to tell madame something.

Reptilians were being killed in the room by Grog and Bandur when one made a break out the north door. Garet seeing this moved swiftly and killed the reptilian in full sight of the humanoids, looking round he could see they were cultists, at least 4 plus a leader. They started running away shouting intruders, alarm, intruders alarm.


An Ogre, foaming at the mouth, eyes wide open and screaming kill, kill, kill; ran round the corner into view. Aerie cast sleep and the frenzied, berserker raging Ogre smashed into the floor asleep. 

Fargrim stepped over the Ogre and struck 2 severe blows. A second Ogre charged around the corner and up the stairs onto the bridge, swinging down its mighty club it only managed to hit Aerie once. Aerie had a triple arrow shot ready to fire into the prone Ogre but seeing the Ogre above her let fly without hesitation. 

2 arrows thudded into the Ogre causing massive damage from such short range, the 3rd was the killer, slightly lower, fired upwards the arrow struck the Ogre between the legs and with a howl fell into the waterway with a splash, quite dead.

The first Ogre managed to regain his feet and struck Fargim a mighty blow, causing much damage. Grog faired little better as the last reptilian struck home with 2 heavy blows before Garet, who had rushed into the room through the north door, struck the reptilian down.


Aerie stepped behind Fargrim and cast a healing prayer. Fargrim and Grog could feel the revitalising energy flow into their bodies. Their wounds didn't seem too bad now.

The Group decided to regroup in the room of the Reptilians. (13)

The group (blue circles) regroup in room 13

                                                              The Water Cult base so far

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Session 67: "A friend in need is a friend.........." or "Sticks and stones, sticks and stones........."

 26th day of Snowmoot:

The group spent the night in the old Dwarven granary. Grog alarmed the northern door and they all took an hour until Fargrim and Bandur woke them up. Over a meal Aramil asked why the group were down here and how they came to set him free. After awhile the group learned that Aramil was part of the delagation from Mirabar, travelling with the human diplomat from Waterdeep,  Deseyna Majarra. They were accompanied by a moon Elf names Teresiel, a shield Dwarf from Mirabar named Rhundorth and a Dwarven historian named Bruldenthar. He described the journey to Beliard and how they had departed to take the dead knights body back to Summit Hall. The first night out of Beliard was when their caravan was attacked. The guards slain and the delegates carried to the river and across on boats. It was on the far side that the leader of the attackers decided that Aramil was not a real delegate and was passed over to the Water Cult, to be taken to someone called Ghar Shatterkeel for sacrifice. The group had rescued Aramil before that happened.

Fargrim explained in Dwarvish that he did not trust Aramil and they group should not be so free and easy to give him information until he had proven himself.

Bron decided to head back to Axeholm to see what was happening there and return to inform the group of what he learned. Zindra decided to travel with him. Using the last two tokens they said their goodbyes and disappeared.

The group left the safety of the granary and proceeded further into the complex. Garet, moving stealthily approached a corner and looked round, turning back to tell Fargrim the coast was clear when a bolt from a crossbow thudded into and through his left shoulder. He staggered into a blind corner hoping his assailant couldn't see him.

Fargrim moved forward to a door, motioning for Bandur to join him. (9) Grog moved past to cover round a corner as Aerie and Aramil covered the path back from whence they had come.


Fargrim was prepared for a small iron plate he had seen above his head in the door when it opened and struck with his war pick, putting a deadly strike from the crossbow off there aim the bolt struck a wall.  


Bandur and Fargrim both shouldered the door, Bandur then realised they were pushing against each other as the doors pivoted in the middle. Jumping to one side the door crashed open, barely missing Bandur.

Grog ran inside and attacked the first person he saw. Bandur followed suit and so did Fargrim. Realising they were outnumbered Fargrim shouted for help.

The fight was on. Fargim was attacked by 2, Bandur the same, Grog was fighting to the left of the door as Garet rushed in and dropped 1 of the Reavers with devastating accuracy and a flurry of blows.

Aramil moved to the left of the open door Aerie to the right. Bandurs' 2nd attacker, a more heavily armoured warrior rushed to attack Aramil after Aramil blasted him with 3 magic missile bolts summoned from his ring.

  Aramil ducked the first blow which slammed into the door but the 2nd smashed into his chest and he was sorely injured. Aerie rushed to the back wall spun round and with a deadly strike shot an arrow through the warriors neck the tip protruding from his throat, He fell dead at the feet of Aramil.

All the enemies in the room were felled. Some quick healing and they moved on, up a corridor and into another room with a fountain (10). Garet who had entered alone was struck by necrotic damage from an unseen assailant. No more attacks came as the group entered en-mass into the room. Garet investigated a door found a long corridor disappearing into the distance. Fargrim thought this was an old Dwarven corridor that connected various parts of larger complexes.

Grog remembered from a memory long ago when visiting a Dwarven hold, possibly Mirabar itself or Mithrill Hall the fountain had healing properties. The group took advantage of this and drank heartily and filled up their water skins.


 The decided to retrace their steps back to the guard room and rest awhile there. Grog, the last to leave, and by himself was badly damaged by more necrotic attacks. Aerie healed him on his return.