Wednesday 13 October 2021

Session 71: "Now you see it......" or "Now you don't....."

 28th day of Snowmoot: Morning

Garet was of a mind to take the sword from Fargrims backpack as he slept. He had a feeling Aerie had a connection to the sword and she may be able to find out more about the sword from having physical contact with it. As he reached over to take it he noticed...........

Fargrim was awake and saw Garet reaching for the backpack........turning to his backpack Fargrim saw the longsword was no longer there......

Fargrim: "Which one of you has taken it?"

Garet: "No-one's taken it, I was reaching for it and it's not there".

Fargrim: "So why would you want to take something that isn't yours?"

Garet: "No-one's taken it, I was going to let Aerie look at it whilst you were sleeping, she may have more insight into the sword, during our discussion as you were sleeping, it appears the sword may just be an Avariel relic of some import".

Fargrim: "So why didn't you just ask instead of taking it?"

Garet: "You were sleeping, didn't want to disturb you, Aerie and Aramil had a shared vision which seemed to be about........ ".

Fargrim: "So you thought to take it without permission, stealing it?"

The others looked on bemused at Fargrims accusation.

Garet: "I can only say no-one took it, however we all had different visions/dreams through the night. Some seem to have a common theme, did you have any visions or dreams?".

Fargrim: "Why should I tell you, they are for me to know and I wont be telling any of you?"

Things looked like they would turn ugly as just then a cackling laugh could be heard on the other side of the north door. It was the laugh of the Hag. Garet sprang to his feet and opened the door but couldn't see anything.

He ran to the gap in the wall in the next 'room' again nothing. Aerie and Aramil had followed, Fargrim stood by the open door, Bandur close behind. Zindra told Fabien to grab on to her cloak and follow close. Grog brought up the rear.

Garet shadow jumped out of sight, Aerie and Aramil followed as quickly as they could jus as Garet moved stealthily down a corridor towards the large area lit by a torch they had found yesterday (22).

Fargrim and Bandur close behind moved cautiously into the well room. Zindra headed over with Fabien in tow to peer down the well. Grog brought up the rear.  Aerie and Aramil had moved into the large room as Garet hid in shadows behind a pillar. A voice echoed down from the large room (22).

Garet could see a figure standing in the entrance to a corridor, arms outstretched a sword on the ground in front of it sharp end pointing towards the figure.

Voice: "Ghar Shatterkeel, Prophet of the Water Cult, demands to know why the Prophet of the Air Cult is here and alongside a Sacred Stone Monk?" The figure pointed towards Garet.

Another Voice: "If you kill Shatterkeel I will give you what you want". Whispered in Garets ear, it was the Hag!

Garet shadow jumped behind the figure and struck with sword and dagger. The 'figure' disappeared.  Garet looked around, Aramil moved to a better position as did Aerie.

The figure re-appeared:

Voice: "Is this how you treat with us Aerisi, Prophet of the Air Cult. You and the Monks of the Earth Cult are our, shall I say, allies. Next you will tell me that you have joined with our 'enemy' the Fire Cult. Enough, you have stated why you are here by your actions, so be it."

The figure disappeared. By this time the others had move up. A wild yell and a horde of Lizardmen backed up by 2 trolls attacked from the east passage. The fight was on. Aerie took to the air. Fargim and Bandur form a line by a pillar, Aramil moved over to the north wall by Garet as Grog took position behind Fabien who was behind a pillar. Zindra took up position to Fabiens left.

Arrows let fly, the lizardmen attacked. 

Aerie scored a lucky hit and knocked a troll off a table stunned. Garet took out a Lizardman before Aramil could act as more lizardmen swarmed Fargrim and Bandur. Another yell and Reavers and Cultists burst out of a door in the north east corner. More yells and bugbears charged up the southern corridor to hit Bandur in the flank.

Aramil cast magic missile after magic missile, Bandur fought bravely, Fargrim was hit severely and dropped back leaving Bandur to fight 3 assailants at once. Fabien sang song of bardic inspiration that spurred Aramil and Zindra to greater things. Garet used his skills to dash in hit then dash out of harms way, whittling down the resolve of the enemy. Grog cast prayers to aid in the fight as Zindra and Aerie let fly with arrow after arrow.

Grog stepped forward to aid the badly wounded Fargrim only to be hit with deadly force by a troll. Grog went down. Fargim was sorely pressed, wounded thinking this could be the end. Bandur went down under a hail of deadly blows. Aerie moved forward and cast a healing prayer, revitalising fallen comrades and getting them back into the fight.


Another yell and more enemy poured out of the east corridor, Reavers led by a Knight, the same one that had been riding the shark. Bandur was constantly surrounded, Fargrim moved back into the fight. There were a ,ot of enemy dead but there seemed to be no end. Fabien dashed around a pillar to cut out the downed/dead trolls heart as Aerie screamed what to do from on high. Dagger and rapier slashed and cut, victorious she pulled the trolls still beating heart out of its body and flung it into the face of a cultist blinding him.

Garet was trying his best to kill and kill more, just stepping back out of harms way as Aramil let fly burning hands, 3 enemy lay dead before him.

Bandur went down for a 2nd time. Fargrim was again badly struck by the deadly blows from a Reaver. Aerie swooped down and struck the last troll but was badly injured in the process. Fabien managed to cast a heat metal spell twice in this part of the fight. She watched as first a cultist in front of her and the Knight, standing on a table, tried to rip off armour and drop weapons as they began to become unbearably hot. Zindra dispatched the Knight on the table with 4 fire arrows. Aerie cast a group heal again, which allowed the group to keep fighting. Grog got back to his feet having been feld a 2nd time, Bandur struggled to his feet and used his battle master skills to great effect. Garet was burning ki points to enable him to strike and move, strike and move.

Fabien was now faced by a Reaver but after a hard fight, which he took considerable damage, Fabien managed to skewer the Reaver on the end of his Rapier. Bandur and Fargrim killed the last of the bugbears. Aramil ran forward and cut the heart out of the 2nd troll and threw it at a Reaver.

As quickly as it had begun, it was over. The enemy lay dead all around. The group took stock..........still injured, many spells cast, they were in a poor shape. They needed rest, time to recover.

Sunday 3 October 2021

Session 70: The Long Rest - Dreams and Visions

  27th day of Snowmoot: Late evening                 


Having decided to take a long rest from the exploits during the morning the group settled into the troll room. Dragging the dead trolls out of the north door and a general clean up before eating a quickly prepared meal. Fargrim had already strapped the longsword from the Hag room to his backpack. He laid out his bedroll and having prayed awhile, healed himself of his wounds then fell into a heavy sleep. Fabien half heartedly offered to do the first watch with Garet but was soon asleep.

One by one the others started to prepare for the long rest. 

Bandur slowly started honing his blade, slowly going back and forward, up and down, round and round. A little spurt of oil here, a little spurt of oil there. Having finished with one hand, he started again with the second hand. Eventually satisfied that both hand-axes where honed and polished he rolled over and fell asleep, Zindra was propped up in a corner, cradling her longbow, she too fell into a deep sleep. Aramil looked around before entering a meditative trance. Grog finished his prayers and lay down, he was soon fast asleep.

Garet meditated for an hour after taking a quick meal, then took the 1st watch. Aerie entered her meditative trance during Garets watch then was wakened with a gentle hand on her shoulder to stand guard for the 2nd watch whilst the others rested.

Joining Aerie and helping with the 2nd watch, Aramil, troubled by the events of yesterday started to talk to Aerie telling her about his life. When he had finished he took out his fathers stone, no sooner had he brought it out but he just stared into space, transfixed. Aerie looking over to start a conversation with Armamil was shocked to see what she saw, leaned over to give Aramil a shake but inadvertently touched Aramils hand holding the stone.

28th day of Snowmoot: 

Garet awoke with a start,  Aerie and Armamil, on watch, stared into space, hands clasped together, each touching something the others could not see. The others roused slowly. A good rest they all seemed to have but .......

Garet: "Aerie, Aramil what's happened...............".

Aerie and Aramil came out of their trance and tried to gather their thoughts. Garet ignored the two and started talking fast.............

"Anyone else have a weird, possibly dark, dream/vision during this long rest we just had?"

Grog: "Yes I had a vision about  2 swords brought together. The finder and the destroyer, I heard a voice say. Together victory, apart defeat".

Aerie: What did you see, Garrett if you don't mind my asking? Or really, anyone else who had visions and are willing to share?"

Garet: "My dreams turned to one in the dark and a darkness,  both entwined yet apart. A sensation of time speeding past towards the end of........I then woke with a jolt."

Bandur: "My dream was of a distressed soul in a watery grave, but still alive".

And Fargrim slept on.

Fabien: "I also had a perplexing dream; I dreamt of a large room, 2 chairs at the end. I looked down and I watched my fingers strum the strings of my lute , a throng danced to the silent tune.  A silent clap, stillness pervaded as goblets were raised to a corner of the room.  The silent music started again as the throng danced merrily.  I stood and wandered as my fingers strummed silent strings, I glanced around and caught a reflection in the mirror- it was me but it can’t be for I was old."

Zindra: "Not really, more of a great cleanse, was quite epic...either that or I was sobering up again!"

Aramil: "So all bar one of us has had some sort of dream or nightmare?? Or are there parts of the jigsaw still yet to be recounted?"

Aerie: "It would seem that way. Grog's vision apparently revolved around a pair of blades- Dragon Finder and another called Destroyer.

 Mine involved an ashamed warrior of my race, apparently having lost an artifact of our kind that would give us the advanced warning we'd need." 

At this Aerie glanced hesitantly at Fargrim, teeth worrying her lip.

"Given my people's long and bloody past with the dragons, and that I'm positive my vision was granted to me by Aerdrie Faenya, I'm starting to wonder if I need to take a harder look at Dragon Finder; as it may be one of our lost relics from our war with dragon kind."

Rubbing her face, Aerie turned to the rest of the party, pointed to them in turn.

"Anyway, Bandur had a dream of someone somehow living in a watery grave, Garrett dreamt of shadows entwining, though part of me wonders if that's just due to his time within the shadows... Zindra had a dream of an 'epic great cleanse', so perhaps her and Bandur's dreams are linked? A great cleanse would potentially send a few to a watery grave. Fabian... well, I haven't known him long enough to guess whether or not this is a standard 'I'm a deaf bard' nightmare, or whether or not it's actually linked to anything going on." 

Looking back to Aramil, Aerie frowned slightly.

"You said 'barring one', did you not have a dream?"

Aramil: "I had a series of repeating nightmares, I saw a billowing, shifting, moving black mass of darkness destroying all in its path". I have no idea where the place of destruction is nor how the black mass moved
Only that the destruction was complete and total in its wake....."

and Fargrim slept on.

Aerie: Absent-mindedly grooming her wings, Aerie frowned in thought.

"So we have two dreams involving a darkness. One: Garrets, involving 'one in the dark, and a darkness; both entwined  yet apart', then a sensation of speeding forward in time to the of something. Two: Aramil's reoccurring nightmares of a billowing, shifting black mass of complete and total destruction; of which he doesn't know its location, or how it moves." She recounts, ticking the points off her fingers.

Then we have Fabien's silent dream, one of him playing his lute in a large room with two chairs at the end. There's a silent clap, the people in the room still and raise their goblets to a corner of them room; only for the silent music to begin once again, Fabian's throng of people dancing merrily. Then, he turns back to see a reflection of himself- but not possibly himself as he was much older." A third finger ticked off, Aerie continues on, her brow furrowed as she concentrated. 

We've got Bandur's dream of 'a distressed soul in a watery grave, but still alive.' Grog's dream of Finder and Destroyer and Zindra's 'quite epic, great cleanse?"

Turning to the half-elf ranger, Aerie levelled a tired and strained pleading look at her.

"I understand if you're reluctant to share, but the details of your dream may prove helpful, or could give us some sort of insight as to what message is trying to be sent to all of us." 

Zindra:  "Just for you Aerie, just for you......."I stand on a bare topped hill. Behind me rage storms of fire, ice and withering clouds that destroy and wither and melt  all before. In front a billowing wall of darkness that devours all in its path. Seems quite pleasant in its finality".

Garet: "Not really sure if I would call that "pleasant", but it sure fits the theme of most of our dreams.  Shadow.  Destruction  Several elements.. possibly signifying the 5 heads of Tiamat? Fire, ice, etc...."

Humming her agreement with Garet, Aerie smiled wryly at the half-elf ranger as she filed the information away in her mind before continuing to speak.

(Fargrim snored in the background)

Aerie: "As for my own additions to this puzzle, I was sent a vision last night, before this... disturbing long rest; I was granted a vision as well... a young Avariel warrior apologizing to Aerdrie Faenya... she'd been deceived and 'lost it', promising to continue searching for it so that my people would have the forewarning they'd need in the future.  After, she flew from a destroyed coastal fortress, the Great Winged Mother bid me to awaken... It's my belief that that vision is referring to dragon finder, given its magical properties; but of course I was slow to cotton on, may the Winged Mother forgive me, and passed on it without thinking- I was too focused on the Hag and recent events to pay close enough attention."

Fargrim slept on.

Grog:  "I had also had a vision, although it was a long time vision was in the clan temple which sent me on my journey vision started after I  entered the Temple of Life, when I was shown to the altar and began praying that's when I had my vision.......... An apocalyptic vision. The world was destroyed by cold, choking fumes, lightning storms, waves of acid, and horrible fire. As the dream was ending all I saw were ten, evil looking eyes, staring at me from the darkness. I felt a strong compulsion to travel south.

Perhaps the answer to the  riddle of my dream may await me to the south.

That vision started me on my quest and has led me here, on this day."
                                                                                      Aerie paused to catch her breath, drag her hand through her hair, and listened intently to Grog; frustration and regret was evident on her face. Moving her hand from her hair, to rub her face, the female Avariel heaved a sigh before continuing to add pieces to the puzzle before the group.

Aerie: "As to what I experienced whilst you all were having your own dark dreams, my trance was... restless. Typically I'd recall some of my favorite memories, or receive visions from Aerdrie; but not this. This time, Words stole into my mind and just as quickly were gone, replaced by others. Things like: "The dark". "Can't see the darkness for the dark". "Destruction". Total Destruction". "She is coming". "The 5, the 5". "Bring the 2". "Find the 2". "She is near". "The Darkness, cannot find it". "Throw them into it". "Each to it's own". "The 4 have the answers". Whether or not this ties into everyone's dreams is what I'm trying to figure out; but without all the available details from everyone, I can't be sure."

She finished at last, switching from rubbing to face to massaging her temples, brow furrowed as she stared seemingly at the wall, her gaze distant.
                                                                                      Garet started counting off on his fingers


"1. Sounds like we need to find/re-find The Destroyer. (Sounds a lot like the previous dragon sword I have heard about a party member wielding)                                                   2. What could be the nature of these nightmares/dreams/visions? Did they come from one source? Are they prophetic or something/one's attempt to distract us? (The hag, maybe?) Are they more significant?                                                                                       3. The 5... well, that sure sounds like Tiamat now, doesn't it?                                               4. Are theses individual dreams, world dreams, party dreams?"

Grog: "It could be from the gods, as Tiamat is hated by all the gods and I did get a vision as I told you awhile ago which I now presume to be a 5 headed dragon destroying all".

Bandur: "Could whatever is talking to me be the other sword ? Under water …"

Aerie: "Could possibly be, do you recall any other details about this soul in a watery grave? An appearance of the soul? Or was it just a "sensing" thing? Dreams are odd and vague things, but even the smallest of details could lend aid to deciphering them."

Bandur: "Sadly not - I’d spent too much time with the polishing lube, erm, I mean polish …"

Aerie: Aerie frowned and returned to grooming her wings.

"Unfortunate but," 

she paused, shooting a playful grin at Bandur, and Fargrim slept on.

"completely understandable, and admittedly expected. I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket, however; as we also need to consider the point Garret brought up. Are these 'visions' from our respective Gods, or the Hag? Perhaps even both, given the individual nuances within each dream." 

Frowning at the wing she worked to clean, Aerie continued hesitantly. 

"Grog mentioned his previous vision of Tiamat, and her level of darkness and destruction. Aramil and Garret's dreams both involved a swirling darkness- Garrets suggesting a figure within it, while Aramil's describes complete and total destruction. The words that disturbed my trance... 'the dark, can't see the darkness for the dark. Destruction. Complete destruction. She is coming'... they could suggest they all tie together as a warning of Tiamat's return." 

Tilting her head to see a chunk of her wing better, she continued to share her theory.

"Garret brought up another point that kinda, sorta. validates this theory, if only through more conjecture. 'The Five' does indeed sound a whole lot like Tiamat, at least to me; and that warning is only highlighted further by 'she is near', further adding to the urgency. The parts where the words are 'the darkness, cannot find it', would suggest to me that whoever is trying to free Tiamat, may not know where she is." 

Leaning back, Aerie swapped the wings she was grooming.

"That's where 'the two' come into play. Grog's dream named the Finder, and the Destroyer, together for victory, apart for defeat. That's pretty clear, as one would need a 'dragon destroyer' to even think about taking on the likes of Tiamat; though it'd be useless if we can't find the big scaly flying nope, thus drawing the Dragon Finder into the mix. 'Bring the two, find the two'." 

Glancing back up at the party with a small frown, the Avariel continued, a touch frustrated now; her gaze back on her wing.

"That, however, doesn't explain Fabian, Zindra's and Bandur's dreams, or possibly Fargrim's.

Garret does bring up another valid point though. If the party previously had a sword matching the Destroyer's description, where did it go? Did one of you drop it into the water? Or is your dream perhaps more influenced by current events as opposed to premonitions of the future? I just don't know, and the final words that disturbed my trance don't explain a thing as far as I know; at least not with the current information we have on the table." 

She finished vocalizing her thoughts with a sigh.

Fargrim slept on.

Garet:  "Bandur's dream about a spirit under water...  could his cursed axe that we threw into the water be that? If so, would that indicate that at least his dream was influenced by someone/thing? Thinking the hag at this point...If that is the case, could all of our dreams have personal connections within our subconscious that manifested as dreams thanks to an outside influence?"

Fabien: "“My dream…” 

(started Fabian, whilst gently holding his lute.) 

“A large room with two chairs… and people holding goblets…. Could it be a throne room? A castle and royalty? But why are the chairs empty and why am I old? Is it the future…. Or somewhere I have played before and long forgot…?” 

His gazes drifted as his speech hung in the air. He stared at nothing as if trying to recall then started playing his lute… a sad melody…. but one which sounded oddly familiar…. A musical song most may possibly know from perhaps another universe. It was a sad, sweet and melancholy.

“…I dreamed a dream….. in time gone by…..” 

Fabien started singing to himself. Hugging into the corner of the cold stone walls. What little comfort he could bring to the group. 

Considering Garret's question, Aerie turned to Fabian; she listened as he mused, and then began to play, the music washed over her. As his song soothed her nerves, Aerie dug into her gold-pouch, pulling out a gold coin and tossed it to the bard with a smile.

Fabian snatched the flipped coin from the air and placed it carefully in his vest pocket, with a double tap for luck. He then tipped his plumed hat to Aerie and said, 

“I'm sorry for calling you a bird earlier… a terribly misplaced joke from a bard” 

He then bowed his head apologetically. 

Winking at the bard, Aerie smiled.

"My people have been very... reclusive... for a... few centuries, so it's understandable, and I probably overreacted... it's been a long couple of days. I'll forgive you if you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

“How about forgiveness and a song request. Anything at all…I do Elvish as well!” 

Then remembering where they were

“well… a quiet one”

Chuckling quietly, Aerie grinned and shook her head.

"Forgiveness is more than enough, I'll trust your judgment on which songs would do in our situation, as I'm afraid I'm only really familiar with Avariel songs. Ah, though, I would appreciate it if we kept my race as quiet as possible. I hide my wings whilst in town, except that one time, but never mind that; I'm trying to avoid drawing too much attention to the Avariel themselves." 

Aerie's grin turned crooked as she recalled her mistake. Looking at the sleeping Fargrim, Aerie uttered under her breath.

"Tel' (emphasis) Quex, itisin ondo kas n'Tel Quess sal've len. Tel' (emphasis) nothir lama Ath Aelou, ent sal've Al (emphasis) ennamar.".

Bandur: "Crikey, as a young dwarf with a polishing fetish and a shiny leader to follow, this all seems way beyond my understanding of the world. I’m a little bit starstruck by all your knowledge and wisdom but at the same time feel lucky to be in this group !"

Still Fargrim slept.

Eyeing Bandur, Aerie smiled gently.

Aerie: "Wisdom comes with time, and experience; do not be so starstruck that you don't learn and grow yourself. Now," Aerie returned her gaze to Garret, "you bring up a very interesting question. One that I feel we'd be remiss to ignore. Let's say these dreams are a result, not of divine contact, but of more... current, outside powers; such as the Hag. Now, admittedly, I don't know as much as I'd like to about Hags; so I'm just spouting more theories at this point." 

Standing to shift her weight from one foot to another, Aerie crossed her arms and frowned in thought.

"Let's say Garret's on the money, or at least on the right course of thought, and the dreams we had, have personal connections within our subconscious mind, and were manifested through an outside force- with little Ms death-glare bring the current primary suspect. This would, indeed, explain Fabien and Bandur's dreams at least; and give us insight on the rest of our dreams... that we know about." 

Looking to the sleeping Fargrim, Aerie shook her head before looking back to the others and continuing.

"If these dreams were a result of the Hag's influence, it would explain why the dreams seemed to be more aimed towards frightening and discombobulating us- well, most of us." 

Pausing to flash an amused smirk at Zindra,  Aerie shifted her weight and continued.

"Granted warnings of a potentially impending apocalypse are typically *far* from cheery, the Hag theory wouldn't explain Grog's dream of Finder and Destroyer- nor the words that disturbed my trance. If it were the Hag's intent to screw with us, or if it really was her screwing with us; why would she give Grog and I 'hints'? Why would three of the mentioned dreams so strongly coincide with warnings of Tiamat's return? I know Garret's only involved a shadow within a shadow, and a sense of moving forward through time,  but Zindra and Aramil's definitely describe what a return of the Dragon Queen would look like." 

Aerie spit the evil dragon's name, looking as though she had a nasty taste in her mouth.

"All of the elements mentioned in the dreams- fire, ice, lightning, acid and possibly poison, that I can figure from your descriptions- are the elements associated with each of Tiamat's 5 heads, and with the chromatic dragons that worship her."

Uncrossing her arms to rub her face, Aerie poked at the deeper recesses of her mind.

"Now, that being said, I'd like to throw some potentially crazy theories out there, and see what you think if it. We found the Hag strapped to a torture device, apparently being tortured or interrogated; this could be a part of a lie to lure us into a false sense of trust and security, or she could have actually been a captive. The Avariel in my vision from before had 'been tricked' and as a result, she lost 'it'; and while I don't know much about Hags, I do know they are keen on tricks and lies. As to whether or not the two are actually linked, I cannot say for sure." 

Pausing to catch her breath and reorganize her thoughts, the winged elf continued.

"That being said, as Hags aren't particularly nice beings, it would only make sense that anything they involve themselves in is bound to be tainted with fear, confusion and darkness. If we keep to the 'the Hag did it' theory, the only explanation I could offer as far as Grog and I's more 'helpful dreams' is that she offered us scraps of help for the scraps we tried to give her whilst unaware of her true nature." 

Aramil had listened intently to the conversation and discussion between the group but felt even more alone, confused,  as he knew nothing of the things they talked about other than Tiamat and that from old stories his mother used to tell him. He decided it was better to ask than not ask.....

Aramil: "So, tell me this......are there two swords, one of which is the one Fargrim now has, what of the other? Are you telling me that Tiamat is a factor in our proceedings? If Tiamat is the Fire, Ice, Withering etc, then what is the Shadow of Destruction? According to some of the dreams They seem to be heading towards each other......are we in the middle of something we know nothing or very little about? "

Bandur looked over towards Fargrim, still asleep........

Bandur: "Well, young Aramil, as I recall........the other sword was called Dragon Slayer, my shinyness pulled it from a stone in a tomb. A few days later he killed a person, whom we later found out was a member of the Cult of Dragons. But we didn't know that then, only later, anyways, we were in Neverwinter and we got caught by the City Watch and blamed for daubing buildings with demonic wasn't us by the way. Anyway, we were to be tried for the crime of defacing public buildings by the town council when this Lord Arsehole Bladeshifter (Arlon Bladeshaper, corrected Grog), Yes him, well he said we had killed his son and these witnesses came forward and told them it was us, well Fargrim, then this Lord Arse......Arlon Bladeshaper saw Fargrims sword on the tables and asked who's it was. Fargrim said it was his and when this Lord asked him where he got it, Fargrim told him.......He had pulled it from a stone that was in a tomb. Turned out this sword belonged to one of the last Queens of Neverwinter, Tanamere Alagondar, now where did I pull that bit of information from? But I digress, I digress, where was I, Oh yes, Seems this Queen had died killing a gigantic Green Dragon called Azdraka, she was buried with the sword and the dragon and some of her helpers,  who had died in the fight, in a royal tomb. So my shinyness was sentenced to death for robbing a royal tomb and for killing this Lords son. Oh and Fagrim announced that we were all members of the Order of the Gauntlet, which didn't go down all. That was the last time Grog, Fargrim and myself saw the sword".

Garet, though he payed attention to the conversation being had, didn't shift his gaze from Aerie and Aramil.

Garet: "I feel there is something that Aerie and Aramil aren't telling us, and why were you holding hands when I woke up?"

Looking to Aramil, Aerie was about to respond when Garret's comment and following question turned her attention to him. Eyeing the monk a moment, Aerie tried and failed to read him, before shaking her head with a wry smile.

Aerie:  "We weren't 'holding hands' per-say." 

Glancing at Aramil, remembering their conversation, Aerie looked back to Garret. 

"Aramil was... showing me something magic-related, when we were interrupted by a shared vision. It was through this vision that I'd created my 'Hag was a captive that took the sword' theory, among other... things." 

Looking once more at the sleeping Fargrim, Aerie frowned deeply. Shaking her head, Aerie looked between the two male half-elves.

"You'll have to excuse my vagueness on specific details, as there are things that *must* be kept secret, but I'll elaborate as best I can. In a nutshell, we saw Aerdrie Faenya bestow a blade- Finder, specifically, judging from the appearance of the blade; to a young Avariel warrior. We saw her fly to a ruined coastal fort, and heard the trick the Hag used to get her gnarly claws on it." 

Looking to Aramil, her mouth drawn in a thin line, the cleric murmered to him in elvish:

("In the name of protecting my people, I must ask that you never speak of what you saw, beyond what I have said." )

Her gaze intense, Aerie only continued in common at a normal volume when she felt confident that Aramil understood what she'd inferred.

Aramil answered with a slight dip of his head.

"As to your question, Aramil... I cannot offer you any definite answers, only what I can surmise based on what I know, or have learned within the last few decades or so. Admittedly my... adventure... with this little group, has offered me more insight and information than the reports we got back home, did. We only received bits and pieces, and a handful of truly 'informative' reports, so anything I *actually* 'know' is minimal at best." 

Looking around the room, Aerie found a reasonably comfortable place to sit near the pair, and perched with a small sigh.

"You know about as much of the pair of blades as I do. The young Avariel warrior from our shared vision, was the same one from my own vision the trance before this last one. As to the other blade, Garret has mentioned, and reminded me, that *certain* other members of the party-" 

at this Aerie glances at the sleeping Fargrim,

"have mentioned being in the possession of a sword that was particularly effective against dragons. As to *where* exactly this blade is now, only they know... or at least have an idea of." 

Shifting on her 'perch' Aerie contemplated the rest of her response. 

"As for Tiamat and the shadows in the dreams... I can only offer some information, and my own speculations. To really, properly explain my theories, I have to go back a few decades. The Cult of the Dragon, as I'm sure you're aware of, was founded by an evil piece of work that called himself Sammaster. Sammaster, a powerful mage and necromancer by any right; was driven mad by his power and began to have delusions of God hood and of a world ruled by undead dragons or some such crazy evil nonsense." 

Scowling and waving her hand as if to brush away unpleasant thoughts, Aerie continued.

"Regardless, he was defeated, and a couple of others took over running the cult for awhile; or at least until Sammaster returned as a lich, only to be defeated once more in 1370...two, three? I believe? I can't recall the exact date, I was more than a touch distracted at the time. I do remember it was after the Retreat and before the Spellplague- anyway, our reports suggested it was an incredibly massive fight, though I don't know the specifics beyond that Sammaster was defeated at a high cost, by some very powerful beings." 

Rubbing her face once more, Aerie paused and looked to the ceiling with unfocused eyes.

"Sammaster himself isn't what's important in this though, but rather what he left behind: The Cult of the Dragon itself, and his rather heretical translation of Maglas's 'Chronicles of Years to Come'. According to the rumors, visions and reports that my kin have managed to gather, the new 'leader' of this cult is a rather young human by the name of Severin... something, I'm not familiar with his last name; anyway, this nutjob of a human decided that Sammaster's insane translation was a touch off. Sammaster believed that it was undead dracolichs that would rule the world and beyond- Severin, we believe, is leaning more towards the aspect of living dragons ruling the world and beyond." 

Dropping her hands from her face, her eyes refocused, Aerie looked at Aramil.

"As the newly reformed Cult is now, as far as l'm aware of, interested in making this 'prophecy' a reality; I can only assume that they are either one of the shadows seen in the dreams, or a part of it. I mean, they're pretty shadowy as a group overall, and they're not adverse to destroying anything or anyone that stands between them and their goal. That being said, the best way to accomplish this... 'goal', as far as I can surmise, would be to free the Queen of Dragons herself from her prison within the Nine Hells. So to answer your question, Aramil, I don't think Tiamat is a factor- but rather, the end goal. The shadows that are the same, but different, intertwining but not merging; are Tiamat and her Cult of the Dragon, at least, that's my theory."

Hand once more going to her hair, Aerie frowned as she found a braid, loosened from her fingers running through her hair. Bringing both hands up to unravel and redo the braid, Aerie frowned and started to grumble to herself.

"Of course none of this is sound fact, just theories and conjecture. It's just... unproven ideas. All I know for sure, at this point, is that the Cult of the Dragon with their five nasty Wyrmriders and their even nastier leader, Severin; are Hells-bent on creating a world where not just evil dragon's rule the skies- but also the Queen of evil dragon's, Tiamat. I don't know *how* exactly they plan on doing this, though I've got a couple ideas... Gruumsh's hairy ass is this frustrating. 'Can't find the dark, for the dark' indeed." 

Aramil pondered much of what had been discussed, after listening intently to the replies he considered that they possibly raise more questions than answers.....

Aramil: "Not meaning to sound stupid, but, who exactly are the Wyrmriders and ? Has anyone fought them before and are they the ones directly trying to bring Tiamat from the Nine Hells? Do we require both swords to stop this happening, because in my own opinion, which without both in our possession seems to be a pretty disastrous prospect.."

Aramil shifted away to sit closer to Aerie, deep in thought he realises that Aerie is the first female he has had any physical contact with other than his mother. It was a reminder of how much he missed his mother, but now was not the time for such thoughts he reminded himself, he now began to try and evaluate all that he had heard.

Grog: "Why do I get the feeling we're going to fight a dangerously, deadly dragon. It's not like I'm paranoid".

Leaning back to look at Grog, Aerie smiles wryly.

Aerie:  ""All dragons are dangerous and deadly, and I have a feeling that we're going to be facing more than one. Not, like, here at once; I mean over time."

............and still Fargrim slept on.