Wednesday 24 November 2021

Session 75: "Too hasty an arrival........." or "Two bongs don't make a right!"

 13th day of Fellnight: Swordsday 

Garet stood on the prow of the barge when he noticed a shimmering in the air in front of him. Bandur appeared beside him, feet precariously balanced on the side of the boat, falling backwards towards the water. An instant reaction, Garet reached out and grabbed Bandurs beard saving him from the cold water below. Before Garet could pull him inboard he noticed another shimmering beside him. An instant later and Fabien appeared in mid-air, Garet tried to catch Fabien but he fell the 10ft into the well of the deck, causing a slight injury.

Sorting them out, Garet bade them join the others on the dock. Fabien and Bandur were brought up to speed and the group moved to the barrack block. Looking for somewhere secure for the 5 prisoners.

The barrack block was suitable. The prisoners were put into the most secure of the 3 rooms.

Whilst the others sorted out injuries and the next part of the plan Garet gave his excuses. Garet took the Halfling called Pike first. He brought him back after 2 hours. Pike was shaking visibly. Garet slammed the door and waited and listened outside. He waited for an hour but  Pike didn't divulge anything else. Garet re-entered the room and took out 1 of the Reavers. He questioned the Reaver for 2 hours then returned him to the room.

Garet had found out some interesting information. Suddenly the air shimmered and Zindra appeared in the room. She had information herself. A barge had arrived from downriver and the group of survivors from Bargewright that were coming were loading the horses and other stuff. They estimated a 2 to 3 day journey up river to Riverguard.

Garet passed on what he learned from the prisoners. There were 5 Reavers in the Temple Complex below Riverguard and 1 Water Cult Priestess. They were loading the captured goods onto the boat from the complex and 2 would transport it along the river tunnel to the harbour. The group they had defeated would then load the goods onto the barge.

The group chatted about what to do with the prisoners. Grog stood his ground that he didn't want the prisoners killed. The prisoners were secured and a message left for the barge when it arrived from Womford.

The plan was simple, they would use the boat to travel to the underground temple complex. Aramil and Fabien would use Reaver cloaks as a disguise. Bandur would be a prisoner. Grog would hide in the bottom of the boat. Karion and Anor would keep to the back and try and bluff it. Garet would go invisible, Zindra would use her Elf Cloak and Aerie would again try to impersonate the Air Cult Prophet, Aerisi.


Leaving the river tunnel they entered the first large cavern. There were no Reavers at the initial dock (1). The plan was amended. They would drop off Garet, Aerie and Zindra at the western bridge (15). They would approach the large room (22) form the south whilst the rest continued on by boat.

Garet, Aerie and Zindra made their way with stealth and approached the target room from the south. The boat entered the 2nd lake cavern. Bandur and Fabien quickly looked to their right, something had caught their eye in the water but just as suddenly it was gone.

As the boat closed in to the dock a voice shouted out Kraglenet. It shouted out again, Kraglenet? Aerie strode out of where she was hiding in the shadows and declared herself Aerisi the Air Cult Prophet and where was Ghar Shatterkeel. The Reavers were confused. The boat hadn't answered the challenge and here was someone claiming to be the Air Prophet.

Reaver: "If your the Air Prophet I'm bloody Neptune".

The boat bumped onto the key side. Aramil first off stepped left and fired a full magazine of bolts into a Reaver. HIs body exploded into a bloody pulp as the 5 bolts burst through his vitals. He fell dead to the floor. Garet burst out of hiding and engaged a Reaver with his two blades and a deadly whirling kick. A 2nd Reaver fell dead to the floor. Fabien leapt off the boat and struck out at a 3rd Reaver with a lightning thrust of his rapier. The Reaver struck back but intentionally missed Fabien and struck the gong behind him. Fabien incensed turned round and struck the gong himself.

Fabien: "My gong, I'll strike it, not you".

Grog followed and his warpick smashed into the same Reaver. Karion followed suit, a druidic prayer cast on his club as it grew to a larger club. He struck at the same Reaver but his blow failed to connect. Bandur had put his two hand axes away and with shield and battleaxe had launched himself at a Reaver. The Reaver didn't last long as two arrows from Zindra added to the damage from Bandur and another Reaver fell dead on the key side.


Fabien struck again with his rapier and a 3rd Reaver fell dead. A female Reaver charged at Aerie who took to wing and the Reaver passed underneath. Aerie lashed out with her sword and hit the Reaver. As she did so she noticed that the gems on the hilt were glowing bright. Garet moved in and finished off the female Reaver, the 4th Reaver fell dead.

Anor, still on the boat felt the boat rock, then a gigantic clawed fist smashed into the middle as the rear of the boat tilted u he jumped onto the dockside falling prone. He saw the monstrosity climb out of the water and a steamy blast of boiling water flow out of its open mouth. The steam engulfed Fabien, Grog and Karion. 


Karion was badly injured, Grog shouted at him to move out of the way as he stepped in to protect Karion. Grog managed to cast a healing prayer on Karion taking away his injuries.

Aramil watched the northern corridor. The Dragon Turtle crashed down with its claws but failed to hit anyone. Anor managed to stand up and strike the Dragon Turtle. Bandur fired two bolts at the behemoth and was horrified to see both careen off the armoured shell of the turtle. Garet launched homself at the Dragon Turtle and harnessing his martial skills landed telling blow after telling blow on the Turtles head. The turtle slipped below the surface of the water. Garet turned to Karion and thanked him for casting his spell which made all the difference when Garet attacked, for it gave him guidance as to where to effectively strike the creature and cause the most damage to it.

The priestess was not here. Aramil put it to the group she would probably be in the area where Ghar was killed. The group headed up the north corridor and over the bridge. Aerie looked behind her, she thought 'funny, seems like young Aramils taken over Fargrims position at the rear!'

As Aramil followed, attention and eyes turned towards the south, making sure they weren't being followed, he failed to notice the Troll climbing out of the canal behind him.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Session 74: "To boldly go where..........." or "Only fools would return............."

 13th day of Fellnight: Swordsday 


As suddenly as the divine light appeared to wash over her, it faded away. Heart pounding, her body trembling as a whole new level of divine energy sparked through her, her head snapped up as she heard the barn door close again. Someone saw her, had seen what happened. Mouth dry, Aerie pushed herself up and rushed to the door, reaching it and opening it faster than she could recall ever doing. Startled, she shook herself and looked outside to see the retreating back of a certain young half-elf. 

Moving faster than she expected to once more, Aerie caught Aramil's arm- intending to talk about what he'd seen, until she caught sight of the beautiful, rather feminine bracelet on his wrist. Staring at it a moment, Aerie snapped her sky blue eyes up to meet Aramil's, her gaze intense.

Aerie: "I believe we need to have a chat, my young friend. Come back to the stables for now, we'll have some semblance of privacy to talk there; and we need to prepare our horses for the trip."

She didn't leave him much room to argue, all but dragged him back to the stables, her heart pounding as her mind raced. How in the nine hells was she going to tell him? Pulling the sputtering wizard behind her, Aerie reentered the stable, her mind scrambling for a way to broach the topic on hand... or rather, wrist.

Aerie: "Where did you get that?" Her tone sharper than she intended it to be as she gestured to the bracelet. Wincing when she saw bewilderment cross Aramil's face, Aerie sighed. "Sorry, it's... it's important and I'm... I've got a lot on my mind, I'll explain later, but for now, I NEED to know where you got this."

Once Aramil explained that the lovely bracelet he was now wearing had been given to him by Susan (after a bit of careful questioning, Aerie surmised she had been a virgin) after their... encounter. The winged elf stood before the young half-elf; pinching the bridge of her nose as she struggled to figure out how he managed to go from being a single virgin to an engaged man overnight.

Aerie: "Aramil... are you- no, I doubt you would know as I only found out the night you were out having fun with... Susan was it? Yes, right... well. Apparently Womford has a most interesting... custom. When a virgin woman chooses her life partner, she gives him a gift after they..." 

Aerie gestured vaguely at this point, watched the realization dawn across Aramil's face.

Aramil: "Wha- *ahem* what if, let's say, that uh... chosen life partner gives the lady something in return... like say... a gem stone?" 

Aerie could almost hear those giggling girls now, whispering about who they want to give what to, the delighted squeals that followed the suggestion of a 'promise', and what it could be. Taking a long, deep breath in through her nose, Aerie contemplated her next words carefully.

Aerie: "Upon receiving and accepting the young woman's promise- that's what that bracelet is, it's a promise that she'll stay true to you, and only you; the man can give the woman an item in return- his own promise. The value of the gift signifies the level of commitment to that promise. Hers was to be loyal to you, you giving her that gem stone- don't give me that look, I wasn't born yesterday- was you promising to stay true to her, or in this case, to return to her. I suppose the best way to describe your situation is to congratulate you on your engagement."

Watching the young wizard pale, Aerie shook her head and moved to begin saddling Sparkle, waiting for Aramil to wrap his head around what she'd dumped on the poor lad.

Aramil: "What do I do?!" 

Blinking at the yelp, Aerie turned to look at the young wizard, a lopsided grin pulling at her lips.

Aerie: "You really think this is something you can figure out right now? Or even properly plan out? Aramil, we're about to head back underground to go deal with another chunk of evil assholes out to destroy the world as we know it- something that's going to take us some time to accomplish, if our last trip is anything to judge by; and finally rescue the delegation you were once a part of. Hells, we may not even make it back out, we don't know what's in store for us down there." 

Aerie worked as she spoke, Sparkle patient under her hands.

Aerie:  "What you do, Aramil, is you focus on what is in front of you. You decide how you are going to deal with the current situation at hand- not the ones in the future. Right now in this moment in time, you have a choice: you can obsess over future events that have yet to come, and other things that are outside of your control; or you can keep them in mind as you face your present. Do not get so caught up in what you see needs to be done later, that you lose track of your path, now."  

Aerie paused, finishing tightening the saddle's straps.

Aerie:  "Aerdrie gave me some advice that I think will benefit you, if only slightly differently. Do not focus so much on the storms ahead, for you cannot see the currents and thermals within. A successful flight is not made through meticulous planning, but rather, the ability to improvise on the fly." 

Stepping out of Sparkle's stall, Aerie looked to the still panicky-looking wizard and sighed. Moving to him, she gave his shoulder a friendly pat before moving to saddle his horse for him.

Aerie: "Look at it this way, Aramil. I could be anxious and worked up over going back down into that hellhole- Gods know that that's the last thing I want to do right now, unless it's to purify this plane of existence of the Air Cult. I could be sat here a right mess, crying and shaking in my boots- but I'm not, because I know that it won't help me accomplish what I see needs to be done." 

Working on saddling Aramil's horse, Aerie hesitated before continuing with a sigh.

Aerie: "I could also be overthinking and worrying about... about what just happened. The light you saw, I mean. You want to talk getting more than you expected from something? Try praying to your God for a little assistance in a moment of fear and worry, then being made their Chosen; which... let me handle telling the rest of the group about that, please." 

She trusted him not to say anything, so didn't bother to look to confirm with him. He hadn't said boo about what he'd seen in the vision, so she trusted he wouldn't spill the beans on her here either.

Aerie: "Now don't get me wrong, I'm not upset or ungrateful about this turn of events- quite the opposite in fact, as with Aerdrie's blessing I'll better be able to support the party- but it's still... overwhelming. Now, I could sit here and think about everything this could mean for me, and my future- and wind myself up over "would-be's and could-be's"; or I can choose to take it in stride. Seeing as I have no clear idea on exactly what Aerdrie's plans for me are, beyond dealing with these vile cults, I'm going to choose to take it one day at a time; and see what happens. It's worked for me for over 150 years, I don't see why it'd fail me now." 

She'd made short work of saddling Aramil's horse as she spoke, and as Aerie stepped out of the animal's stall, she looked at the wide-eyed half elf.

Aerie:  "Now... calm down, and figure out your next steps. No further than the next one or two- plotting your whole path is a waste of time and energy, as you don't know what the Gods have planned for you- and make your decision. Focus, Aramil, on what is important: the here and now." 

With that, Aerie moved to Wynter, thinking to saddle him for Garet and to give the overwhelmed young half-elf room to think.

Aramil: "I may not know *exactly* what the Gods have planned for me, but I do have a very good idea of what's to come in the future, at least." 

Aerie halted in front of Wynter's stall, turning on her heel to face Aramil. No one, and she meant no one, has a 'really good idea of what's to come in the future' not even Aerie, despite her newly strengthened bond with her Goddess. She could find out what has the *potential* to *possibly* happen, but only up to a week ahead in time as that was as far as the Gods themselves could see; and something about the way Aramil had commented set off alarm bells in Aerie's head.

Aerie: "Do you now? And what's to come, young Aramil? Do tell." 

She watched him squirm a moment before she sighed and went to saddle Wynter as Aramil spoke. As she worked, Aramil hesitantly spoke of how he'd been in the market for a gift for the group, and how he had found a Fortune Teller while searching. Deft hands froze at the mention of a Fortune Teller, before she carefully forced herself to continue- hands now trembling with barely contained frustration and disgust as Aramil described the experience and what he had been told.

Once Aramil finished recounting his visit with the Fortune Teller, Aerie had finished saddling Wynter; it was just as well, because she could swear she felt electricity crackling across her skin beneath her leathers. Carefully the winged elf stepped out of the stall, her eyes locked in Aramil; unaware that they had begun to glow with sky blue light.

Aerie: "So... you're telling me that this woman knew aaaalll about your past and present hmm? Sure she gave you vague answers, no details, right? Just broad, overreaching bullshit that would cover essentially anything that is *probably* going on with a YOUNG INEXPERIENCED HALF-ELF!" 

Her voice thundered, her now brightly glowing eyes locked on the stunned wizard, unaware of the small sparks that now zapped sporadically across her. Snarling out a quick elvish curse, she bore down on Aramil.

Aerie: "She also *knew* about this... love, and betrothal, did she? Allow me to spell this out for you, young man- ANYONE can be a "Fortune Teller", ANYONE with the ability to read a person with a look or magic, can tell a stranger what's going on in their lives, and take an "educated guess" on their futures. You know what else? NO ONE, NOT EVEN THE *GODS* know our *exact* futures! I could pray to Aerdrie right this second for a divination- and she'd only be able to give me ideas of what *POTENTIALLY MIGHT* HAPPEN. Not what WILL happen, no guaranteed foresight, nothing. You know why? BECAUSE NOT EVEN THE GODS THEMSELVES CAN SEE THAT F#@!&#@G FAR INTO THE FUTURE! Why?! BECAUSE MORTALS MAKE CHOICES, AND DECISIONS THAT F#@!&#@G ALTER OUR F#@!&#@G COURSES!" 

Seeing the young wizard shrink back, eyes wide and face pale, Aerie grit her teeth and fought to reign her temper in.

Aerie: "Sorry, I hate fortune tellers. They're all con artists, every single last fucking one. A true seer is rare- so rare they make Chosen look common. Rare enough you sure as shit are not going to find one opening shop at a small town fayre, that's for damn sure. Look, Aramil, this... woman... may have "known" things, but I can think of at least 3 spells and a prayer that would allow the caster to see into the thoughts and mind of another. Love, death, self-improvement and strife are all a part of life, so it's not much of a stretch to assume you'd be facing these. The love and betrothal thing? Have you already forgotten about the *local custom*? Of course she's going to see love and marriage in your future- what else would happen when a young, inexperienced child wanders around, eyes wide with new and interesting information, and meets a young girl looking desperately for love? You know what? Come with me." 

And suddenly she was moving again. Grabbing the visibly upset Aramil by the wrist once more, Aerie dragged him off towards the market. Briefly spotting Garet as she dragged poor Aramil, she barked that they would "be back in a minute". The concerned monk watched as the furious winged elf dragged Aramil behind her, partially glad he wasn't on the receiving end of whatever was going on there, and also partially pitying the younger half-elf.

Upon reaching the market, Aerie growled at Aramil to show her where this "all knowing fortune teller" was at. He led her, much like a child leading their furious parent to the site of their mistake, quiet and head bowed- right up until they found themselves in front of an empty spot.

Aramil: "She was right here-!" 

A young girl ran up behind them, only to release a loud, piercing wail as she too took stock of the lack of tent.

Girl: "She can't be gone! She can't-! She promised! She promised I would find my life partner! She said it would happen soon- over the next few days- the fayre! 10 gold! 10 gold and she swore!" 

The girl was growing more and more upset, collapsing to the ground with a tearful howl as she realized what Aerie was trying to show Aramil: they had been scammed. Turning her head, she watched as Aramil took stock of the situation, her face in an impassive elvish mask, her eyes back to normal.

Aerie: "If someone tells you they can tell you what your future holds, tell them to shove it so far up their ass they choke on it. Fortune Tellers prey on the desperate, feeding them vague lines they think their victims with latch on to and associate with. The only beings who can truly tell you your future- are the Gods, and even then they don't know for sure. Now, learn from this... misadventure... and remember: if you really want answers about future events, turn to the good Gods and their servants. They, at least, will actually help. Now let's get back, the group is probably already ready and waiting." 

Turning to return, Aerie caught Aramil's arm and led him away, not sparing the crying human girl a glance. She had more important things to deal with- like dealing with this cult problem and figuring out just what exactly Aerdrie had granted Aerie with her blessing.

Aerie helped Aramil saddle his horse as the others joined them one by one. Garet arrived last and told them to unsaddle but put their gear together for the horses would travel to Riverguard by barge. The Survivors of Bargewright would take them, repair the stable roof and use Riverguard for their own needs.

Bandur, Fabien and Zindra were staying behind to look after the horses and Bandur wanted to finish off polishing the bridge, he was very proud of what he had achieved and needed to ensure the bridge was finished to his own, exacting precise perfection.

The group had already purchased items they thought would get them through the days ahead, in the market a herbalist had sold them all various quantities of a local healing herb called Sheeps' Plume. Spare arrows and bolts, spare strings for bow and crossbow and enough of the so called travelling rations, a dried, longer lasting food that would give them what they needed over the coming days. Aerie enquired about Elven Whey Bread but there were none to be had. In fact it hadn't been seen here in a long while.

Before the group parted and goodbye's were said young Aramil stepped forward and offered each member a gift, a small vial containing a liquid brewed from a herb called Shepherds Purse. It would stabilise a person when fatally wounded and as long as they remained still they would not face death. Each member thanked Aramil fort the wonderous gift.

Garet drew a rough map of Riverguard in the stable dirt. Pointed out the main areas and the rough location in 'BIG' that they would arrive. Aerie pointed out that the 'B' for Barge was no longer there......

Garet gathered the group close, Aerie, wings folded with Hakarmaskannar Takal (Dragon Watcher-now fully attuned to her over a protracted trance ceremony where the inscription inscribed in primordial on both sides of the blade that only Aerie could read, was read out during the attunement, which took nearly 6 hours) in hand, Anor with longsword and shield prepared, Aramil staff in hand but twitching to use his new crossbow, Grog with shield and war-pick and finally the ever quiet and watchful Karion, club and shield to the fore. He grasped the pendent around his neck, thought long and hard until a picture formed in his mind. The next instant they were standing in the room of the dead Lord of Riverguard Keep. 

They stood still, Garet listened at the door (K21), daylight entered through the arrow slits. Nothing stirred, they checked the upstairs and downstairs it was the same throughout the main building of the keep, nothing stirred and all seemed as it was when they were last here some 14 days prior.

Garet took the lead and stealthily left the keep main building and just as stealthily entered the now disused chapel building (K15). Again nothing seemed to be different. Grog and Karion covered the open areas as Aramil, and Aerie watched the stairs leading to the battlements. Anor joined Garet in the chapel. Outside Aerie decided to fly above the chapel roof to get a better look around and just as quickly came back down. She told the others there was movement in the harbour and she may have been seen. A shout was heard but what was said could not be made out

Taking a look out of the chapel door Garet could see nothing so he snuck into the shadows of the tower and crept towards the harbour stairs. Grog and Karion still covered the open area as Aramil and Aerie entered the chapel. Grog left Karion to cover the open areas and climbed onto the battlements running towards where he though he remembered a door into the upper level of the tower was located (K14). He was wrong. There was no door.

Garet kept to the dead ground afforded by the stairs cut into the higher ground he could creep to a position where he could observe the harbour, the nose of a small boat coming out of the underground tunnel (K13). He could see a barge (K12), men, they were loading stores, boxes, bales........of course the trade goods from the underground temple area that were too bulky for the group to remove. So that 'B' was a barge!

Anor followed Garet, keeping low. Aramil left the chapel and moved into the shadow of the tower (K14), Aerie moved into the chapel and stood by the far door near the tower (K14), Grog jumped down the the ground moved past the chapel door, then crawled forward to the cliff edge so he could observe the harbour. Karion moved through the chapel, past Aerie and over to where Garet and Anor were crouching low, out of sight from the harbour.

Aerie soared high and gained a good vantage point on the tower roof (K14).

In an instant Garet shadow stepped onto the rear higher deck of the boat hidden behind boxes. Aramil moved down to join Anor and Karion.


Voice: " Hey, go see what is happening up there and have another check around".

Aramil jumped into action, moving forward to the landing on the stairs he activated his new Gnome Folding Light Crossbow and whether by design or accident let fly a full magazine of 5 bolts, all 5 thudded into the lead Bugbear who looked down with amazement at the bolts sticking out of his chest then fell sideways off the stairs and into the harbour with a splash.

Aerie let fly with 3 deadly arrows from her perch on the tower roof. Each arrow thudded into the head of the 2nd Bugbear and he followed the first into the harbour. 

Garet shadow stepped behind the Reaver at the front of the boat, short sword followed by dagger thrust followed by a well placed kick and he fell into the well of the barge dead.

Anor charged down the steps and swung at the 3rd Bugbear, his longsword bit deep but his reverse cut was met with a block from a swinging mace. Anors prized sword flew from his hand and plopped into the harbour. Grog let fly spiritual power into the remaining bugbear, Aerie let fly more deadly arrows, Aramil let loose his deadly magic missiles. The 3rd Bugbear hit the ground, stunned, unconscious life oozing out of his prone body. 

Before Anor could react two Reavers had jumped off the small boat, now at the dock, and charged towards him. The first brandishing a spear thrust wildly and only managed to hit Anors shield. Anor drew his dagger and with two lightning thrusts had felled the Reaver at his feet.

Emerging from his cabin Shoalar Quanderil, the Water Genasi and captain of the barge, climbed the upper deck and let fly magic of his own design at Aramil. Luckily it missed. Aramil replied in kind as did Grog now standing upright, arrows from Aerie followed and GAret shadow stepped behind Shoalar and thrust his short sword and dagger deep. Karion now fully committed to his charge down the steep steps, managed to keep his balance, flew past Anor and swung his magically enhanced club at the next Reaver. His club smashed downwards and the Reaver fell lifeless to the floor.

The lifeless body of Shoalar fell off the barge and into the harbour waters soon disappearing from sight in the dark, murky waters.

The remaining Reavers and Shoalars' halfling sidekick Pike, threw down their weapons and surrendered. With Shoalar dead the fight had gone out of them. Grog retrieved Anors longsword from the harbour, it was just below the surface at the bottom of the cliff face, resting on a small ledge he could easily reach from the stairs.

A small chest was recovered from Shoalars quarters on the barge. It contained a large amount of coin, some 614gp. It was split into 9 equal amounts. 

When questioned if their where any others, one of the Reavers 'volunteered' that there were still 5 more Reavers and a Cultist Priest below in the temple. The priest was looking for something, whilst the Reavers were loading the goods to bring to the barge. The group also confirmed that the boat being used was the same one they had escaped the underground temple on and was the only boat.

Garet estimated the goods on the dock were worth quite a bit of money, probably as much as 5 to 600gp. A lot of it though was food stuffs, which would see the Bargewright survivors through the winter and probably beyond. The barge though would be a real asset. A mode of transport in itself worth between 3 and 5,000gp.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Session 73: "Safe and sound in the bosum......" or "Even bed bugs bite back....."

 29th Day of Snowmoot: Saintsday

A very gentle but cold breeze was blowing as the group left Riverguard. Aerie was silent, withdrawn. She rode automatically letting her horse follow the ones in front. The group were worried how the death of her sister had affected her.

30th day of Snowmoot: Last Day

Zindra had to find shelter quick as she recognised the weather was about to change for the worst. Towards evening the group were safely back in the cave they had sheltered in on the journey to Riverguard as a blizzard raged outside. Aramil tried speaking with Aerie, but she did not return his kind words. She sat in silence.

1st day of Fellnight: Moonday

The water in their waterskins had frozen overnight. They would not have survived long in the blizzard. The sky was clear, and few clouds could be seen but it looked like the storm had blown itself out. The group set off, Zindra in the lead as usual. Aramil tried to ride next to Aerie but again he was shunned as Aerie rode next to Garet and they travelled side by side throughout that day. That night Aerie seemed to be less tense and although she did not talk could often be seen glancing towards Garet.

2nd day of Fellnight: Towerday 

There was a light dusting of snow and a gentle breeze the sky was mostly cloudy. Zindra thought another storm was coming. It was late afternoon when the bedraggled, battle-weary group entered Bargewright. Chalaska Muruin was at the gate, having been warned by one of her sentries that a group was heading towards Bargewright. "Hey, where’s Hagnulf and that other Dwarf.....yeah, Fargrim?" The group did not answer but rode up to the Bargewright Inn and had their horses taken to the stables. Rooms were tight as a caravan had arrived approximately 4 days ago, with more building materials to repair the bridge. Aerie and Garet shared a room. Grog, Aramil and Bandur another. Zindra just took Fabiens hand and told him not to worry she liked drink more than...... She left the sentenced unfinished.

3rd day of Fellnight: Wineday 

They awoke to a freezing day in Bargewright, a light breeze added to the drop in temperature, there had been a heavy snowfall during the night and dark storm clouds were gathering on the horizon. They were glad when they came down for breakfast that there was a roaring fire going in the common room. Two strangers were sat at a table, noticeable by their oddity a human, a warrior by the look and equipment he carried and sat next to him a wood elf, heavily cloaked, wooden shield, and wooden club at his feet. They did not speak but were obviously watching the group.

Aerie was happier that they had seen her since the day her sister died. No one mentioned the incident though. She told the group she had plans, winked at Aramil, by now totally confused and headed off with Zindra.

In groups the others headed for the market to replenish consumables used in the hard fight at Riverguard Keep and the hidden temple of the Water Cult below.

That night Fabien entertained the customers, locals, and guests alike with a Bards rendition of 'her' exploits.

Fabien's performance included a crossbow shootout in between performing. A crowd gathered and Fabien launched into a part play part musical tale of how the Scrumptious Creatures Adventuring (the) Globe group did seek a sword in a cavernous ruin of a place.

Fabien: " it was looking dark, they were scared but no fear continued for they ran into their trusty, devilishly handsome, Sir Fabien, of course the knighthood was a secret but all the ladies and families he’s saved call him such. And whilst his reuniting with his companions seemed dire, Sir Fabien with his all-seeing eyes and hefty spirit did pick up his crossbow and lead the way to find the hag (cough) erm the evil spirit a great powerful vengeful spirit and her wizardous cult leader. So, Fabien leading did pass the gong of Merry using up all his spirit not to gong and did find the cult leader. (Special mention) to my lovely assistant Aerie, who had, after learning the mastery of performance, did lead the wizard astray with such believable tales- becoming the air goddess. But evil Wizardo did defy her and so Fabien did wrathfully jump into the room and shoot the wizard straight in his eyne and again to his other evil companions whilst the rest of the troupes of Scrumptious Creatures Adventuring (the) Globe did hack and slash and finish the lizards all bar one for; we are merciful- Now if you permit ladies and gentlemen, rest your weary hearts and have no fear for I will re-enact the crossbow shot which did win the day for our adventurers and make you all party of this merry tale…."

Although it brought back sad memories Aerie knew Fabien meant no harm or malice. Plus, Fabien had not mentioned that the Hag was in fact her sister. Her heart warmed, Aerie did overhear during the celebrations that night that although materials had arrived to repair the bridge, the first such caravan being the one they had saved, but the stone mason they had brought to guide the building had died in that very same attack. Aerie produced a plan.

An oldish man sitting in a corner clapped loudly and was very impressed with Fabiens performance. At the end he offered to buy Fabien a drink, drunk so the old man appeared for as they shared a drink, his arm around Fabiens shoulder, his slurred attempt at song somehow still waxed lyrical and seemed more of a chanting rhythm than song. As the old man thanked Fabien again and turned around to go Fabien felt all tingly, but tingly in a good way.

4th day of Fellnight: Thunderday 

The air was warmer, only a slight dusting of snow, the air was light, the sky cloudy but the storm clouds were nowhere to be seen.

There was a little talk about what to do next, Cults, Dragon Sword and other things were put forward, more so the group would think about these things than a firm plan.

Aerie found Bandur head in hand and explained to him what she had overheard. Bandur stood awhile in uffish thought then exclaimed in a loud voice full of fervour,

Bandur: "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe but brave stonemason Bandur did neither, for he would build a bridge. Ply me with food aplenty and lots of good ale to boot."

Aerie thought that Bandur was still a little intoxicated but said nothing. Bandur, Aerie, with Zindra and Garet in tow followed Bandur.

The cold morning winds and rising sun saw Aerie, accompanied by Bandur, Zindra and Garet cresting the hill that overlooked the bridge. On seeing a Dwarven crew already present and trying to figure out what they could do, Bandur led the way down; and within a few minutes, was somehow leading the group.

The dwarven stone mason had taken Aerie by surprise. She had come to know Bandur as a good natured, quiet, loveable dwarf with something of a polishing fetish. Within moments of offering her assistance in whatever way she could, however; Aerie saw a slightly different side of her dwarvish friend. The confidence and competence that he exhibited in battle, came out now despite (or in part because of) his drunkenness, and in short order construction was under way under his confident guidance.

 Aerie had heard of the dwarves and their ways with stone but had always wondered if it had been exaggerated. She now saw, first-hand, that they were not; if anything, the stories did them no justice. At first the Avariel had been sceptical, worried that Bandur's intoxicated state would affect the project. The only thing the drink impaired for her good-natured friend, however, was his sense of balance occasionally. 

Garet, the half elf monk as dexterous and impressive as ever, was a massive help in setting up the framework, Zindra and Aerie assisted him as the dwarves worked their magic and set the stones against the frame.

The first half of the day went smoothly, with no major complications; it was after lunch, and after Zindra and Bandur cracked into the "ale and grub" Aerie had promised, that things took a bit of an interesting turn. It started out well enough, work was moving smoothly; Aerie was marvelling at the dwarven genius being put on display before her, when Zindra got a little too animated in her conversation with Bandur.

The Avariel was not paying close enough attention to really know what they were talking about- she was too distracted by what she was doing and the overwhelming display of dwarvish craftsmanship; but she did hear the yelped "oh shit!". Whipping her head around just in time to see Zindra falling haphazardly to the side away from her (of course!) and down to the river below (Aerie was still blown away they had made THAT much progress already), the Avariel lunged after her friend without thinking. The invisibility fading from her wings as she caught the ranger, the feathered limbs straining to keep them aloft, Aerie prayed no one was watching. Looking up and around to see if she could still land unnoticed, Aerie saw the idea was futile, as some bearded faces peered down at the pair curiously. 

 "Well, that's some interesting elf magic." One of them commented, the group watching curiously as Aerie carried Zindra up, already cursing herself more than the ranger. She had not expected keeping her race quiet to be so damn hard, seeing an opportunity, however; the winged elf laughed awkwardly. 

"It most definitely is fancy elf magic that definitely isn't worth talking about. I'd even be willing to continue to use my... elf magic... to help if we're agreed it's not worth telling anyone about?" One of the older dwarves, with a knowing glint in his eye, agreed loudly. 

 "Aye lads, you heard her! Just some fancy elf magic, not worth mentioning to no one, hear? Now back to work- this bridge won't build itself!" 

Thankfully, there were only 2 other times Aerie had to catch someone (Zindra again, then Bandur when he slipped on a stone he polished, perhaps a bit too well), and overall day one of construction went well- thanks to Bandur's leadership. The typically quiet dwarf led the construction crew brilliantly and confidently (if not a bit oddly at times: "It must be shiny!"), and as a result, they made progress that Aerie could not even begin to explain- and she had witnessed it!

Fabien practiced her music keeping the workers at the bridge entertained.

Aramil and Grog were hard at it, scribing new prayers and spells into their respective books.

At the Bargewright Inn that night the group found out that in 3 days’ time there was to be a winter fayre in Bargewright. Competitions would be held in archery, crossbow, running, riding, pole climbing, axe throwing, best musician and drinking. Entry fees were 10gp per competition, prizes were 100gp 1st, 50gp 2nd and 25gp for 3rd place.

Fabien was asked to entertain the customers at the inn again that night. At the end, Fabien was surprised when the old man from the night before stood up and in a very drunken voice regaled the audience with a tale of his own. 

Old Man: "I'll tell the tale of a wee laddie, of mixed parentage, one was high born, t'other not. But they were 'appy. Now the lad, from his parentage, could do little tricks, and as he grew he could do more and more. His father wasn't around much but left him a wonderous stone, a vision stone, before he left again never to return."

 (You can all say ahhh now-it does help), 

"So, where wuz I, oh yes, his mother tried to sway the young lad to her way of thinking, but he wasn't having any. So, when he was old enough he was packed off to the Tower Tall, dark, and grim. Twaz here that he learned his craft, the art of Magik, taught to him by masters of Magik. He studied long and hard and at last came the day when he would depart the Tower Tall, dark and grim."

(Cough, cough, me throat is dry - anyone kindly - why thank you sir, slurp, slurp gulp, gulp)

"Now then, ah yes, .....dark and grim. His mother passed away with the lad at her side. Twas here that he had his first vision, a city arising out of a lake, all fancy and towery white it woz, but that is another story long in the tellin! So hiz mother passed and oft he did go to earn fame and fortune. Now there cum a time when he held anotherz hand, the vision stone between, they shared a vision not of his making nor his fatherz but a shared vision. You see his mother in her youth was a user of Magik herse'n. But with child she chose the motherin not the sorcerin. Twaz his mother’s milk that poured not only milk but her power into the child. It waz this combination that had confuzed the lad throughout hiz life'n sometime in hiz future would have to choose, the left or the right, neither wrong neither right for such woz the gift of his mixed parentage".

(now'n thatz me dun for tonight. Let the fair bard play a gay tune to lighten the load).

It was a regular gig that paid Fabien well.

That night as the Inn cleared the bartender tipped Garet a wink and nodded to the two strangers leaving the Inn. The human warrior and the other carrying a wooden shield and club. Garet decided to watch the discreetly himself.

5th day of Fellnight: Fireday 

The day was freezing but clear. 

Aramil and Grog were scribing all day.

Bandur and Aerie organised, chivvied, and chased and got the building of the bridge going at a great pace. Zindra, in between helping at the bridge showed Garet the rudiments of fighting with a longsword.

As Garet went back through the gate later that day for a well-earned drink at the inn the gate guard called him over. He informed Garet that earlier that day two strangers were asking if he knew a Garet Jax, if he did could they let him know they were looking for him.

Fabien practiced her music keeping the workers at the bridge entertained.

Again, Fabien entertained the customers in the inn. And again, the old man stood up and told another tale

Old Man: "Ahem, now I'll tell the tale of the Netharize, they had powerful Magik. They had cities that risen up and floated in the air, you shake your headz, wey itz true coz ah seen em. I did. 'n they had theze Magik circles like, they stepped on them and they wuz transported to another such circle. Noo theze circles were everywhere, temples, cities, and the such. But the lords and priests got wise, they fund oot wot the Netharize wuz up to. Ye just cudn't hop here and there, they got their own Magik folk to put glyphs and wards (that is alarms to you lot) that warned when the circle was being used or somit or somebody was cumin. That wuz undredz of years ago 'nd ower time they forgot how to use them, but somewhere there haz to be a tome, or three, with how they operated. Wey ah new a Magik folk who worked oot a way arund the circles, he had lived for ages and ages, twaz him who told iz of them floating cities like, he med a pendent that cud transport folk to anywhere they had been afore, or hurd aboot, or read aboot or thowt they knew aboot or just plain guessed aboot and it tuk 'im and his people there and here. He wuz a great Magik and he fought the evil for th' culdn't fathom oot when they wud cum for 'em".

6th day of Fellnight Swordsday 

The day was warmer, than yesterday.

Aramil and Grog took a break as Aramil had decided to enter the crossbow competition, Grog offered Aramil the use of his crossbow and offered to show the young wizard how to load and fire the easily operated light crossbow.

Days 2 and 3 of the bridge building were a little different but went similarly. In between helping Bandur and Aerie with building, Zindra taught Garet the rudimentary basics of fighting with a longsword, a weapon he had trained with but never to the extent he had with a short sword or dagger. The Avariel herself did her best to keep her wings out of sight while she focused on doing what she could to help in construction, but there were few instances where aerial intervention was necessary (who would have guessed polished stone would be so slippery in the winter, over a river?). To say she ached at the end of each day, would be an understatement, which was why she was looking forward to the Fayre.

Fabien practiced her music keeping the workers at the bridge entertained.

Fabien sang more songs, told more tales of derring do and kept the inn customers entertained that night.

Again talk turned to other things. Garet could see that Aramil was at odds with a few things, so they talked some more. It came out he was concerned about the second Dragon Sword and his father. But as they talked deeper into the night he found out what Aramil was at odds with. Garet let out a hearty laugh and slapped his friend on the back. 

Aramil: "I'm confused Garet, what have the birds and the bees got to do with boys and girls?"

Garet then leaned over to Aerie who nodded her head. She took Aramil by the hand and led him away. They left the inn and took a long walk around the village. Well a slow walk for the village wasn't that big. A short while later Aerie and a now blushing, very red faced young Aramil came back into the inn and sat down. All Aramil could say was 'Oh...Oh.....really. Interesting.' He blushed continually especially when Aerie or Garet looked his way.

Zindra: "You should've let me and Fabien have a looong chat with the lad". 

Aerie: "You'd scar the poor lad for life, anyway it's done".

Garet sat alone at the table, Aerie had just gone up to their room. Grog, Bandur and Aramil had just left too. Garet noticed the warrior whom he had been watching was approaching the table.

Warrior: "May your blades stay sheathed unless absolutely needed to protect the free"

Without looking up Garet replied:

"May the free be protected from tyranny........I hear you're looking for me. I am Jax......Garet Jax".

Warrior: "My name is Arlon Steelheart and let me introduce you to my friend Karion Velorna, a Wood Elf Druid. We are both Harpers". He did so as the 2nd stranger with the club and wooden shield approached the table.

 Anor Steelheart 

Karion Velorna

Garet asked who sent them and why. Arlon told him that they had been sent from Mirabar to assist searching for the missing delegation. Arlon told Garet they had been sent by Zespara Alather, another Harper in Mirabar. And yes, Arlon used the term Garet said loosely, they were Bright Blades. They also confirmed their route here from Mirabar through Longsaddle, confirming the pies in the Gilded Horseshoe were still the stuff of legend. The down to Triboar and Red Larch, strange folk there Arnor told him. They had arrived with the last stone caravan about 6 days ago. They had no knowledge of Elemental Cults other than a rumour or two in Red Larch, but they did not have time to seek out a known Harper contact there to confirm. Finding the delegation and getting them to Waterdeep for the meeting of the Lords Alliance council meeting was of the utmost urgency.

Garet needed time to think and inform the others. There was little more to do and as Aerie had come back down to see what was keeping him she decided not to broach the subject of the strangers until Garet was ready to tell her.

As the inn was closing and Aerie, with Garet, headed upstairs she turned and again winked at Aramil. 

He was now totally bemused and confused. As he lay on his bed he could feel a lump under his covers. Pulling them back he found a piece of wood, 1ft long and 2inches square. Around it was wrapped a ribbon of blue cloth with a feather attached. Perplexed and thoroughly confused, Aramil took off the ribbon of blue and put the feather safely to one side.

Grog asked him what it was. Aramil shrugged and turned sharply for Grog to look. The flick of Aramils wrist when he turned around was enough for the device to activate in his hand. With a whirr and a click the block of wood transformed into a light crossbow of intricate mechanical design. Not only that, but good job also it was pointed at the floor, in the blink of an eye 5 bolts thudded into the floor. Bending down Aramil saw 3 small boxes on the floor. Each was a box containing 5 bolts and a hole at one end, and spring-operated mechanism. Bandur laughed, not another one of those gnomish, folding, mechanical, repeating light crossbows! Bandur pointed out a sighting mechanism on the side and a button which detached the small, now empty magazine. Bandur pointed out that the full boxes were replacement magazines. It took Aramil, Bandur and Grog some hours to work out how to replace and empty magazine with a full one, how to fill an empty magazine with bolts and that depending on the pressure on the trigger, whether 1 or 5 bolts were released.

7th day of Fellnight: Saintsday

The day of the fayre and Aramils birthday. The Old Man approached Aramil and told him "If you still seek the answer then look for me on the eve of your next birthday". Aramil walked down to the river where the fayre was being held. A temporary wooden platform had been extended across the last gap to be repaired in the bridge. This allowed the residents of Womford access to the fayre. Aramil watched a steady stream of people cross, one in particular caught his eye. She was young, had brown hair and with one look in his direction and a smile, had captivated him.

Aramil had lost sight of her in the crowd. So he went over to the tents erected so people could place bets on who they thought would win. There were a number of competitions:

Archery: best of 5 arrows

Crossbow: Best of 5 bolts at different targets

Axe Throwing: Height and a flair for the catch earned points

Pole Climbing: How fast could you climb to the top and ring the bell

Drinking: Over 5 rounds, each round increasing the amount to drink

Sprint: A mad dash through and over obstacles and a greased pig to boot

Mounted: On horse around the village over fences.

Bets were made, the group bet wisely. Then the horn blast signifying competitors to the first event, archery. Aerie, Garet, Zindra and Karion were up against, Hendrik Smaal, Fyrgd Gundersdottr, Felbagan, Kenenon, Jubal Kane and Kyle Ruger.


1st    Zindra     50 points                                                                                                         2nd   Garet      48 points                                                                                                         3rd    Aerie       47 points

Second event, crossbow. Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Grog and Fabien were up against, Chalask Muirin, Nalag, Heirod Lagg, Dagor Lin. and Emmence Pyle.


1st    Grog                        23 points                                                                                        2nd   Chalask Muirin        18 points                                                                                         3rd    Aramil                      17 points

Third event, axe throwing. Bandur, Garet, Zindra, were up against, Olissander Yand, Bragriade, Jubal Kane, Dagor Lin, Dyonowne, Emmence Pyle and Kyle Ruger.


1st    Garet                        198 points                                                                                        2nd   Zindra                       166 points                                                                                         3rd    Bandur                    150 points

Fourth event, pole climbing. Aerie, Anor, Bandur, Garet, Grog, Karion and Zindra were up against, Jubal Kane, Kyle Ruger, and Bragriade.


1st    Zindra                        24 points                                                                                      2nd   Aerie                         23 points                                                                                        3rd    Grog                         22 points

Fifth event, drinking. Aerie, Anor, Bandur, Fabien and Zindra were up against, Billy the Trough, Finbar, Nalag, Dyonowne, Emmence Pyle.


1st    Hagnar the Smith                        55 points                                                                          2nd   Anor                                            52 points                                                                            3rd    Zindra                                         50 points

Sixth event, sprint. Anor, Bandur, t and were up against, Hendrik Smaal, Fyrgd Gundersdottr, Kenenon, Dyonowne, Chalask Muirin and Kyle Ruger.


1st    Grog                        125 points                                                                                        2nd   Garet                       117 points                                                                                            3rd    Anor                          99 points  

Seventh event, mounted. Aerie, Garet and Zindra were up against, Hendrik Smaal, Fyrgd Gundersdottr, Jubal Kane, Kenenon, Dyonowne, Chalask Muirin and Kyle Ruger.


1st    Aerie                        124 points                                                                                      2nd   Zindra                      114 points                                                                                        3rd    Garet                         84 points 


1st Place 100gp

2nd Place  50gp

3rd Place   25gp

Young Aramil caught up with the lass from Womford. Shy though she appeared, both Aramil and Susan (for that was her name), got on really well. At the end of the day Susan asked Aramil if he was going to the party in Womford when the bridge was finished, Aramil didn't know what to say but watched Susan cross the bridge into Womford. His thoughts were in a turmoil as Aeries words of advice came back to him. He dreamed dreams he had never dreamed before that night.

8th day of Fellnight: Moonday

Another warmer but cold day.

Aramil and Grog were scribing all day.

The day after the Fayre fun, Aerie and Bandur gathered up their crew once more, and continued their progress on the bridge; the Avariel continuing to supply "grub and ale" as promised. Over the next few days, Aerie laid witness to (and assisted in) the marvel of dwarf stonework. The best way she could describe the way the stout children of the stone worked, was magic. She could not, no matter how closely she watched, make heads or tails of just how they worked the stone the way they did. Zindra continued to work with Garet on his longsword skills in between helping the dwarves and winged elf, while Fabian occasionally cheered the group up/on with his music.

Again, Fabien entertained the customers in the inn. The old man stood up and began to tell a tale.

Old Man: "Of course, in those days the heroes of old used old magic. Great magic rings, were created by the mages of Nethar. Stepping on one and knowing the right incantation transported the person or thing to the destination circle. Now a bright young mage decided to dabble with this magic and came up after many trials and tribulations an alternative. He created a gem imbued with a memory stone and the power of the magic circle. he had made a device that could transport 10 heroes and their mounts, and all their equipment carried to a destination that the wearer knew of, had read about, had been told of or better still, had been to. By just thinking of this transported the wearer and those around him to that destination.

The young mage over the years modified this gem by attaching an adamantine chain to it. The adamantine chain was linked to 9 tokens. These 9 tokens allowed the bearer to be transported to the location of the wearer of the gem. The heroes could now split up or if one were badly wounded leave them to heal knowing that they could re-join the band of heroes by just activating the token. Over time, these tokens were made permanent by the young mage and not just usable only once. As the band travelled and returned to the young mage, they asked if the tokens and the gem could be linked to a magic circle by a simple process. The young mage took some time, but produced a simple solution. By placing the gem or token at the centre of a circle, they were linked to that circle until the process was repeated on another. The young mage added further precautions so the evil could not use them.

Over the years the band members changed many times until at last, there were no heroes left, to assume the challenges of defending the world. There again the heroes were that successful that there were no need for heroes anymore."

Again, like other nights once he had finished his tale he got up and walked into the throng, he appeared to just disappear, but no-one noticed or cared.

9th day of Fellnight: Towerday 

Another cold day.

Aramil and Grog were scribing all day.

Bandur and Aerie organised, chivvied, and chased and got the building of the bridge going at a great pace. Zindra, in between helping at the bridge showed Garet the rudiments of fighting with a longsword.

Fabien practiced her music keeping the workers at the bridge entertained.

Again, Fabien entertained the customers in the inn.

10th day of Fellnight: Wineday

A warmer day.

Aramil and Grog were scribing all day.

After 6 days of building, and only a few "minor" mishaps, the bridge that would connect Womford to Bargewright Inn stood proudly, the sun shining brilliantly on the beautifully polished stones. Iron grooves spaced for wagons ran across the bridge on either side to allow for traffic, the arches supporting the span bridge were both tall and spaced well enough to comfortably allow boats to pass beneath. It was, Aerie mused to herself, a Dwarven marvel; one she felt honoured to have helped them with. It was Bandur, however, by which she was really impressed. 

While Zindra and Garet had been a massive help (and Fabian when he came out to play music and keep the group company), Bandur had been instrumental in this effort. The dwarven stone mason had earned a whole new level of respect from Aerie, of both his alcohol tolerance, and his skill in his trade (which oddly enough had seemed to benefit from the drink, though she wonders if that was all in her head) and as a leader. He had (with very little prompting) taken lead of the crew, and because his knowledge, skill and guidance, two communities were once more connected. 

After completing the bridge, the crew returned to Bargewright Inn to celebrate; Aerie buying not just the one keg she had promised for the day, but two to celebrate. True to their words, not a peep about Aeries’ "fancy elf magic" was said, as the dwarves grateful for her occasional "aerial save" from polished, slippery stones and a cold, wet landing. As night fell, Aerie slipped away from the party, informing Garet that she would return shortly. Stepping into the night, Aerie took a sneaky trip to Womford. She was sure Tom would want to know about the bridges' completion, and she was curious to see what had happened with the town’s corrupt innkeeper and his cronies.

Aeries trip over the river was uneventful and she decided, as the bridge was finished, she would walk over. The people of Womford had seen her working on the bridge and gladly welcomed her ahead of the official opening and party scheduled for the following day.

It took Aerie a little time to get to Tom’s house, but even as she was about to knock the door opened and Tom's wide Miriam gave her a big hug and bade her welcome. Tom was sitting at the table as his wife ushered Aerie in. Tom was overjoyed at seeing the Elf again and with tears in his eyes told her what had happened on their return. Tom and his two assistants had fled the town the same night that the group assaulted Riverguard keep. The large barge had docked and the Water Genassi had took Tom and the 2 assistants with him. The barge had gone by morning, down river.

Aerie stayed awhile longer then headed back to the Bargewright Inn.

11th day of Fellnight: Thunderday 

Breakfast was a hearty one as the people of Bargewright and the group headed for the bridge. At the same time, the people of Womford headed for the bridge from their side of the river. The village elder of Womford, Ebyr Gwallbanadd and the head of Bargewright, Saden Arydyr, met in the middle and shook hands. Bandur standing slightly forward of the others and alongside the small army of helpers watched as the two leaders shook hands. Bandur stood astonished, as his name was called out, he was beckoned to approach the two leaders.

"In honour of your work we would like to name this new bridge Vongrom Bridge".

The gathered crowd started shouting and clapping as the throng lifted Bandur on their shoulders and carried him over the bridge and into Womford for the party. 


At the party that night the old man once more told a story.

Old Man: "Not ten years passed and four gifts for prophets dark - evil power in hand they wield - to bring forth primordial princes from time long past - The Elder Elemental Eye the deceiver, trickster, dark swirling mass of chaotic black sought to rule - Mystra brought forth her champions bold led by High Lord Lorimer Fandin - long time they sought and long time they fought in a temple of Ghaundaur - for in the mountains south of Easting they sought out the last of Clan Sabrak and laid the foe low - four gifts freely offered and freely given back - last dark portal closed the Eye denied awhile - for the dark always finds a way -he who stands waits patiently in the rear - for balance must be kept - the duty of the free - for if he who waits does arrive then from the depths she will arrive - for they will challenge for the right to utter destruction and conquest anew - the world as we now it forever seen a mirror of their own design and whim -  So always beware the gifts of the dark not of this plane for therein lies the answers to this worlds bane"

(Aramil: his mind racing, so many questions unanswered, so many new questions to answer, Aramil needed to discuss this with the others, mindful he was still new to the group he had to approach them carefully, seek guidance, but he so wanted to head for the temple of Ghaundaur, for certain he felt there would lay more answers.)

A touch on his arm brought him back to reality, it was Susan. They spent the their time in each others company all through the party.

As the old man had finished he walked towards Garet. The old man brushed passed Garet as he passed him placed his hand on Garets shoulder to steady his drunken sway. A second or two then Garet felt something around his neck hanging down to mid chest level, on looking he found an oddly shaped gem pendent around his neck. He felt there was something else, for there now was small grey bag attached to his belt, where there wasn't before. On looking inside he found 9 small replicas of the pendent but in the form of a token. Astounded he looked up but the Old Man was gone again.

(Aramil: glanced across at Garet who also seemed surprised, not at the same information,  he held something in his hands, what had the old man given him? For it was that the old man had only just that moment passed Garet by. Aramil wanted to go after the man to ask him so many questions. As he thought to get up and follow the man stood directly in front of him was Susan. Aramil felt embarrassed uncertain of his feelings, what should he do, he had liked the lovely smile she had often given him over the last few days, he thought he liked her, but he so wanted to catch up with the man, he had so many questions he wanted to ask him…a year seemed so long to wait for answers ‘if he still had the questions’….His decision was made for him.)

The party continued long into the night. At some point young Aramil was taken by the arm and guided to a barn by the pretty young farmers daughter with shiny brown hair called Susan, and....Aramil now taking notice of more than just.......well more than he did before his chat with Aerie.. He had been watching Susan all night, strangely drawn to her in a way he had never thought of before.


Many of the Bargewright inhabitants slept where they fell during the party in and around the town hall and houses of Womford locals. Others walked wearily and unsteadily back over the bridge and the short distance to Bargewright.

Aramil spent a sleepless night in the arms of the farmer’s daughter. He must have fallen asleep sometime during the night, the farmers daughters’ arms still wrapped around him. His eyes were instantly wide open as the loud booming noise rippled over the river and shook the buildings of Womford. Sleepy inhabitants of Womford and those from Bargewright who stayed in Womford the night before, staggered from their houses and lodgings. Looking over the river they could see a darkening pall, of smoke, climbing skyward from Bargewright.

Aramil hurried through the streets of Womford, guided by Susan. She led him to a door. Before she could open it, the door opened.

Dad: "So, what time do you call this? Your 3 brothers are out looking for you. Who's this and why have you kept my daughter out all night".

The father looked down at his daughters arm, then to Aramils arm and saw the bracelet his daughter had given to him as a gift.

Dad: "If you mother were still alive, get in the house".

Susan: "But Dad,,,,I,,,,I love him"

Susan, tears in her eyes obeyed her father. The door slammed in Aramils face.

There was a steady stream of people back over the bridge. The smoke plume was rising higher as the mass stood at the bottom of the slope looking up to the high, flat plateau where Bargewright once stood. Slowly people made their way up the slopes and stood on the rim of the crater where once Bargewright had been. Only the stable and a lone barn were left standing as they were at the bottom of the slope, some field walls were also left standing below the slope.


Garet and the others in the group were astounded. There was nothing left. Luckily, all their important items were with them as they were always prepared for the unexpected. The surviving residents of Bargewright were not so lucky. Zindra left to check the stables and came back and told the others that the horses were ok.

Garet mentioned to the others that he had spoken with Tom last night if there were any boats that would take them up river, with their mounts, to Riverguard Keep. Tom had told him that a barge was due from Yartar sometime in the next 3 days.

The old man was walking towards the group, he was shaking his head and talking to himself. 

Old Man: "Ah. There you all are. Ready to be heroes? Things have become more serious. This (he points to the large hole) means things have become deadly serious. They have mastered how to harness the elemental power of their evil 'Gods', their so called Princes of Elemental Evil. I warn you that you are at a crossroads. Defeat the 4, throw back those damn God Gifts and stop the Darkness that lies behind the Princes, for that is the real enemy. What it is, you don't have to worry about for it is a Darkness that will bring utter destruction, to everything. The only thing to stop it then, will be She who is coming. You know who that is without me having to mention that name. That said, she is coming, have no doubt about that. When and where I don't know. All I do know is that it concerns that damn cult of hers, dragons and a place so secret even I can't find it. But know this, there is powerful magic behind them, for they seek to control her, command her to do their bidding, fools. They know not what they are trying to release, whilst these four fools don't realise if they free their Princes then they also let loose utter destruction that comes after them unbidden. You have most, not all of the tools (yet), to complete the tasks before you. I leave it to yourselves to determine in what order you do this. I will attempt to gather more intelligence about the other. I have left a magic board at Axeholm. This board is like your book you write in Garet. At times I will leave messages for you at Axeholm on the board and other messages from 'helpers'. Now I must go".

The old man that stood before them had gone, gone as if blown away by a hidden breeze.

12th day of Fellnight: Fireday 

Aramil was up early, he had not seen Susan since yesterday, nor her brothers. He wandered outside as he did so he spotted Aerie walk into the stable attached to the Inn in Womford they were all staying at. He followed. As he entered he could see Aerie was praying, probably to Aerdrie Faenya he thought. 

Aerie: "Great Winged Mother, Lady of the Skies and Winds, I come before you in trepidation and concern. Evil is running rampant, and there are far more dangers lurking in the shadows than I think the Avariel ever thought there would be... I failed to save my sister, and I fear I will not be strong enough to protect my allies against the darkness that lurks just ahead. I wish to purify these lands from this darkness with your winds, and keep those who seek to protect the innocent, within the fight. Please, Mother, allow me to be your hand on this mortal plane, that we can ensure the freedom of all from the tyranny of the elements, and dragons."

He was about to turn and leave Aerie to her prayers when he stood transfixed as a beam of silvery light appeared from nowhere and bathed Aerie in a heavenly light. Aerie seemed serene, divine, happy, uncaring of what was around her all in that time she was bathed in that silver, radiant, heavenly light. Aramil quietly stepped outside when he felt he wasn't rooted to the spot anymore. He didn't say anything to anyone, it was his secret to keep.