Wednesday 26 January 2022

Session 83 & 84: "I said don't touch that......" or "Welcome to the deadly hallow............."

21st day of Fellnight: 

The chamber they all stood in had been hewn out of the rock by Dwarves, a very long time ago. It was probably part of the ancient Dwarven city of Tyar-Besil, capital of the ancient Dwarven Empire of Beselmir. In the centre of the room was a large stone block. Written on it an inscription: Bandur translated:

                                         'DO NOT DISPLEASURE THE DWARVES'

Garet and Bandur teamed up to open the door. Garet would open the door, Bandur would rush in prepared to take on all comers.......or so he thought!

The others followed one by one, going to the left or right of the door, whichever took their fancy.

Standing on a plinth in the centre of the room was a construct of horrendous appearance. Standing almost 12ft tall, carrying a shield that was nearly 5ft long, a sword blade grafted onto the end of its arm in place of a hand. A metal plate covered its eyes and mouth,  a smaller metal plate was attached to it's chest and leg grieves that looked like they had been hammered into place could be seen on its lower leg. A tattered red cloth hung from its waist. What looked like ruby gems were implanted in its shoulders, chest and waist band. The shield had a black circle surrounded by a circle of silver. Grog had no idea what the circle meant, nor did Karion. Grog tried to speak to it in different languages but the monstrosity didn't move. It stood stone like, like a statue made of flesh and bone.

Grog walked up the stairs and touched the holy symbol of Seldarine to the abominations shield, it immediately sprang into attack slamming its shield into Grog; Grog withstood the blow as its sword/arm appendage sliced down but missed. Bandur rushed up the stairs and both Bandur and Grog went toe to toe with the 12ft tall construct. Garet threw 2 daggers, Karion and Anor fired bolts, Aerie and Zindra fired arrows. Nothing seemed to effect the creature. Bandur was struck but retained his footing, Grog was hit. The creature eventually toppled off the plinth and crashed to the floor. Whatever had given it life now expended. The ruby gems were harvested and collected.  Garet used the power of Ki to gift Anor darkvision for the next 8 hours, Grog prayed over Himself and Fabien and enhanced prayer gifting them both darkvision. He put his lantern away in his pack.

This room had 3 doors. Aerie could hear a shuffling noise coming form the eastern door, getting closer/louder then going away/weaker. She indicated to the group what she had heard. The group separated and covered each door. Garet and Bandur acting together again, opened the eastern door.
Bandur rushed in a war cry on his lips straight into a beam of light. Temporarily blinded he kept yelling his Dwarven war cry as the light didn't shine directly in his eyes. As his eyes became accustomed to the semi darkness he observed a male human, well dressed cowering on the floor.

Human: "Don't hurt me please, it wasn't me, I had nothing to do with it"

Some of the others had joined Bandur in the corridor.

During the questioning the group found out that his name was Baragustas Harbuckler, father of the young lad Garet had questioned. retired carpenter and town elder. Garet recognised the name. Baragustas informed them they were the believers for the person called Larrakh had shown them he could read the stones. That was why they were called The Believers. The stones foretold of bad and good omens and danger that threatened Red Larch.  Anor thundered down the corridor to assist Aerie guarding the eastern exit from the corridor.

The others left in the other room were suddenly assailed by a group of cultists bursting into the room from the other door, now left unguarded. Anor hearing the turmoil turned around and thundered back up the corridor to assist the others being attacked in the other room. Jumping over Aramil who was in the process of tying up Baragustas.

The fight was short and swift. Bandur dropped one straight away, Fabien shot one with a bolt through the neck and the 2nd cultist fell dead to the floor, Zindra shot one that had attacked Karion and Karion returned the favour by killing the last cultist, who had thrown a javelin at Zindra. 

Anor, now out of breath having run up and down the corridor looked through the door to see that all was well. Anor turned around and headed back towards Aerie at the other end of the corridor for the 2nd time.

Aramil had continued the interrogation and had found out that the moving stones or rather the Tomb of Moving Stones was through the east door. Grog, totally out of character for him, grabbed Baragustas by the neck and held him up legs off the ground. In his most frightening voice he threatened Baragustas with all kinds of ills if he was telling lies. Baragustas defecated himself. Putting the now smelly carpenter down, Grog walked off and calmed himself down.

Repeating their door entry procedure, Garet and Bandur took lead positions. Bandur rushed into a vast chamber. Zindra and Grog went left, most of the other to the right, Anor, Karion and Fabien brazened it out and headed straight forward.

Aerie shouted out, as her sight was superior in the dark to the others, there's a figure up ahead holding a staff. Zindra took cover, Aramil and Bandur put what they thought were pillars between them and the rough direction indicated by Aerie of the danger. Garet shadow stepped forward like a ghost.

Figure: "Beware fools for you shall not leave here alive"

Garet prepared to attack as Aerie fired an arrow. The arrow streaked forward then shattered, short of its target, hitting some kind of invisible shield.

The figure raised its staff and tapped the floor with it. Suddenly the pillars and stones levitated a few inches of the floor and moved south 20ft before settling back on the floor. 

Aerie uttered an incantation a the figure yelled out in horror, the shield had been dispelled. Arrows screamed towards the figure. The figure was hit many times. He yelled out something and then disappeared. 

To their horror from out of the four sarcophagus' arose 3 ghost like figures and 1 figure armed with a scythe, a Cairn Wraith.

Bandur stood transfixed in horror, he couldn't move, neither could Fabien.

Anor and Garet charged the nearest ghost, Garet struck first then quickly moved away before the ghost could strike back. Anor rushed in and swung his magical blade, as it slashed through the figure the figure seemed to melt into nothing but wisps of smoke then they too disappeared.

From his new position Garet could see Grog taking on a 2nd Ghost.

Bandur, shaking himself free of the ghosts horrific appearance now that it had been destroyed turned and charged towards a 3rd ghost. This time he wasn't afraid. He struck the ghost, which in turn plunged its icy deathly cold hand into his body and grabbed his heart. Bandur cried out in pain for he could feel himself ageing from the tough of th Ghost.

Fabien played a tune to raise their hearts and free them from terror.


and the Bard played on.


Karion moved forward as Aramil let out a cry of frustration, stopping himself just in time form launching a fireball at the Cairn Wraith that would have engulfed Karion too.  The Cairn Wraith shook off the strike form Karion and seemed to float right through Karion and through Aerie before moving form the ethereal plane back to the material plane and swinging it's scythe with deadly accuracy from behind, it's first strike was deadly, the 2nd just added more damage. Aerie crumpled to the floor seemingly lifeless.

and still the Bard played on.........

Garet charged into the ghost attacking Grog, his short sword sweeping through the ghostly form then slammed a vicious kick into it, which seemed to do the trick before he retreated into the shadows once more. The ghost truck out at Grog hitting him hard before turning ethereal and disappearing.

Grog poured 2 healing potions down his throat to try and repair some of the damage, it did a little help. Anor turning round charged towards the Crypt Wraith and swung his halberd at it twice, one of his blows was a mighty strike. Karion rushed in to assist and swung his magically enlarged club but failed in his strike. Aramil moving with a blur of speed managed to launch a full magazine of 5 bolts at the Wraith, had reloaded and fired another full magazine at the wraith. All 10 bolts tore through the Wraiths form, passing between Anor and Karion and flying across the chamber, narrowly missing Fabien before shattering against a stone pillar.

Bandur facing another ghost struck out with his battleaxe, hitting it with 2 mighty swings, the ghost gave a silent wail and disappeared. 

The Crypt Wraith turned its attention to Karion and swung its Phantom Scythe twice, biting deeply, Karion was sorely struck; his constitution nearly failed him but he managed to stay upright, just.

Aerie gave a shudder and slipped closer to death.

Fabien struck a chord, memory flooding back, he struck another and another, magical notes filled the chamber. Grog felt revived, Karion heard the music but his body failed to respond to the healing, soothing tune Fabien now spun, his fingers dancing lightly on the strings, healing energy sailed through the air with every note. Grog stood relieved that his enemy had gone. Garets' spirits were uplifted as he saw Aerie's chest rise and fall once again, very slightly, she was alive, barely.

The Crypt Wraith turned ethereal and disappeared. As it did so Aerie's eyes open and she sat upright;

Aerie: "Is it here? Is it gone? Arghhh the darkness......!" 

Aerie struggled to crawl to a pillar to support herself as she tried to sit upright, weak, still close to death. Karion not much better stood , supported by Anor and Aramil. Garet helped Grog over to where Aerie sat. Zindra kept her bow at the ready and with Bandur scanned the chamber around the group in case the creatures should return.

Garet: "Right, f..k this. We need to get out of here. Aerie, Karion and Grog need help. If those things come back we're in no shape to fight them."

Aramil: "I agree, we need somewhere safe - Axeholm or Waterdeep".

Garet: "Waterdeep it is, they have healing and it's safe............when I'm gone count to 5 then follow, you know what to do."

Garet thought of the area outside the gate of Waterdeep Castle, he was there in a flash. A few moments later and they were all together, safe. The guards were astounded but responded well to Garet shouting orders, for they recognised him from before. Carriages were hailed and Aerie and Karion were taken to the Seldarine Pantheon Temple, a 2nd took Aramil to Blackstaff Tower. Before departing Grog handed over the glowing blue crystal and asked if Aramil could find out what it was. He promised to do so.

Fabien indicated the Yawning Portal was near, a good inn, as good as any and better than most. The group headed there under his guidance as Garet went to report to the Open Lord and make a report. He later joined the others in the Yawning portal inn.

                                                                 Castle Ward - Waterdeep

Aramil made Blackstaff Tower quickly by carriage. He was permitted to enter and granted an audience with the Blackstaff herself. Aramil asked permission to do some research in the spell library and was given permission to do so. However the Blackstaff informed him that this would be the last free session. He would be permitted access but he would have to make a donation for each spell copied dependent on level and complexity. Normal charges would have to be paid for consumable, ink, quills and paper. Once he had made his wishes known the Blackstaff informed him he would require a little over 8 days to complete his tasks, including a practice period.

The carriage carrying Aerie and Karion travelled quickly to the Seldarine Pantheon. The temple was an imposing building. Once the clerics of the temple found out they had two injured Elves they were moved inside to the healing rooms. Aerie had collapsed again but through sheer exhaustion, such were her injuries. Karion after examination was informed he would be well enough to return to his friends at the Yawning Portal by midday tomorrow, Aerie on the other hand would remain at the healing rooms for 10 days to recover. The healers informed her that the weapon she described was probably a Phantom Scythe. Doing little physical injury other than an entry and exit wound, the main damage came from the scythes ability to suck out the very life essence of the person it had struck. It was Aerie's faith that had saved her from instant death, for to falter when struck would render no escape from deaths grasp.

                                                          The Seldarine Pantheon

The Yawning Portal was located on Rainrun Street in Waterdeep's Castle Ward between the Castle and Snail Street. A stone building with a slate roof, the Yawning Portal offered guest rooms on the three upper floors. Well-worn boards covered the floor, but the main impression was of comfort. Rich blue tapestries decorated the wood-panelled walls of the common room, which consisted of a bar and tables of stout wood. A signboard that simply read "The Yawning Portal," hung on chains from a black iron pole above the front door, announced the entry to the inn.

The inn had a total of two wells that both could serve as entry points to Undermountain. The first measured 40 feet in diameter (12 meters), descended 140 feet (43 meters), and was located between the bar and dining tables. This dry well was the main and only publicly known passage to Undermountain. A waist-high stone ring was built around the well to prevent customers and objects from falling into the dungeon. Around the 50 feet point (15 meters), the well grew completely dark and on reaching the floor, one entered a sandy floor with stone walls decorated with shields. These shields were rusty to the point of uselessness but for one purpose: people who wanted to be drawn up hit these shields and the noise made that way was considered a sign that people below wanted to be pulled up from the dungeon.

The second well was a normal well in the sense that water could be pulled up from it. It was located in the back room and was the inn's source of washing water. It led directly to a total of two areas: a different area of Undermountain than the Entry Well and to the sewers of Waterdeep. It also led to the Pool of Loss, a portal to Hades. 

The clientele consisted mostly of adventurers eager to enter the depths of Undermountain. The Called, as they were sometimes known, listened to Waterdhavians, who were only too keen on sharing rumours and stories about the dungeon. As Durnan, despite his old age, was still a brawny man, who kept his old greatsword among the racks and asked any troublemakers to leave the inn, the Yawning Portal remained safe from toughs and brawlers.

  • Entrance down the Entry Well to Undermountain cost 1 gp per person.
  • The fee for getting hoisted up again was 1 gp per person.

A typical dish served at the Yawning Portal consisted of quipper and chips. Shadowdark Ale was a popular beverage served at the taproom.

The Yawning Portal was run by its builder, Durnan, and his wife Mhaere Dryndilstann with the aid of their daughter Tamsil. The staff consisted of the waitresses and kitchen maids Luranla Dreer and Marrauda Belaskurth. Jarundur Tallstand and Parth Melander were the senior and junior cook respectively. The rest of the staff was made up of Tarlgarth Vathar, the stablemaster, his two hostlers and four hard-working chambermaids.

Day by day Aerie's strength returned, although she had many relapses when she pushed herself too hard. She decided to make use of the library and ask questions to find answers to things she had seen.

Aramils studies continued.

Fabien and Garet hatched a plan.

Bandur propped up the bar.

Zindra bade the others farewell on that first night. She would return in 8 days. Cities were just not her thing, even with the lure of alcohol in abundance. Bandur had lost his drinking partner decided he would drink for them both.

At various time the group sallied forth into the market, made enquiries about armour, weapons, healing potions and supplies. On these journeys they had to pass close the the Seldarine Pantheon and would pop in to see how Aerie was doing. Each day they could see the change as she fought off the darkness of the near death experience and the sparkle and light returned to her eyes. Her nightmares eased, many of her own making as she tried to recall but as the days wore on her memory played tricks with her and she was glad she had made drawings and notes in those early days. She based her research on those.

Zindra, true to her word returned on the 8th day. Aramil returned on the 9th day and Aerie joined them on the morning of the 11th day.

3rd Solstice:

Tomorrow would be the 4th Solstice, the day after that a new year, the 1st day of the Year of 1492.


1. A group of adventurers called the Falkir’s Fist have failed to return from setting off down the portal to explore Undermountain. All future excursions have been stopped by the order of the Open Lord until the fate of the group has been confirmed.

2. News from an unconfirmed source, possibly a merchant, that a dragon hoard has been discovered. Seemingly a group of adventurers were attacked by a Green Dragon, followed it back to it’s lair and killed it.

3. Followers of Ellistrae have been given permission to create a forest-glade to Ellistrae in the Field Ward.

4. The delegation from Mirabar has been rescued. Rumours say they were captured by a re-emerging Evil Elemental Cult in the Dessarin Valley.

5. The harbour of Mulminster has been destroyed by an explosion rumoured to be caused by a build up of gas in the sewers.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Session 82: "What falls down......" or "Comes down............."

  21st day of Fellnight: 

After breakfast in the Swinging Sword Inn, the group headed back down the road they travelled up last night towards Waelvrun's Wagonworks. Garet had been turned invisible by Grog who was deep in concentration. Bandur was slightly ahead of the others and could see 4 children playing on a small cart, 2 pulling and 2 sitting on as it went round and round. Bandur could hear a rumble, then felt a tremor, then the ground opened up beneath him and he fell with the cart and 4 children into a large sink hole.

Aerie was fist at the edge, Bandur was laying on his back looking up, the children had landed on top of the earth 'hill' around Bandur and had begun to cry out for help, their mothers etc. Getting her rope she threw one end to Grog and shimmied down into the hole. One by one the children were hauled up to very thankful and grateful parents. One by one the group descended as Bandur had found/seen something. This was no ordinary hole. Aramil and Karion were the last down as villagers were keen to help. As Aramil descended the rope and called for it to be dropped down he noticed a disturbance in the earth beside him, then footsteps leading down the small 'hill' of collapsed earth. 'Garet', he said to himself.

The 'cavern', now revealed by the appearance of the sink hole, was some 100ft in diameter. Bandur had noticed a passageway leading north and a door to the east.

Aramil and Karion watched the northern passageway. Garet, still invisible, pulled on the rusty ring on the side of the door. He noticed 2 cloaks and an empty water skin lying on the floor to the left of the door but ignored them. Aerie and Bandur moved up the corridor until they came to two statues, obviously Dwarf, 2 large, squat figures armed with stone battleaxes standing guard. To each side were passages, access was an easy squeeze past the statues. Garetstill invisible, moved slightly up the northern passageway. Grog, 'Lightbringer' in hand, called forth the magic light and shouted to Karion and Aramil to join them. They both rushed across the chamber and entered the pasageway.

The group pushed ahead, following the eastern passage, Garetstill invisible, in the lead. Suddenly the ceiling cracked and a metal cage crashed down into the passage, completely blocking the way forward, or back, 'Crash', a second cage came crashing down, Aramil jumped one way, Fabien the other but Grog was caught in the middle and trapped within the rusty bars of the cage. Grog cast firebolt which he had prepared, and blasted one of the bars into oblivion. Fabien standing too close after jumping out of the way of the falling cage, was hit by the firebolt too. Bandur tried to bend the bars with his axe but just couldn't force that final bit of bend out of the rusty bars to free Grog.

Aerie flew up into the roof space and noticed a number of chains passing through channels. With no room for her wings she hung onto the chain, Anor climbed up behind her. Karion climbed up and over the rear cage and Zindra climbed up that chain into the roof space.

Crash, crash, 2 more cages came down, one in front of the group and one in the middle but no-one else was trapped. Garetstill invisible, saw a door at the end of the corridor and rushed ahead. Pulling the door open he saw a half-orc standing amazed, frightened and confused how had the door opened, he hadn't opened it. Then as Garet swung his first blow and the invisibility wore off he slammed blow after blow into the half-orc. He was dead before he hit the floor.

Garet found a series of leavers and pulled the ones that were in the up position, cages started to rise off the floor. Grog was freed, Anor, Zindra and Aerie just dodged out of the way as the cages were raised back into the ceiling hideaways. The ceiling had been plastered over to cover the hidden cages, a slit in the door allowed the operator to see down the corridor and drop the cage onto those unaware of the danger above.

Aerie looked across towards Aramil, she was worried. After watching Bandur breaking the news to Aramil of his Father, and seeing how the fire in the young half-elf's eyes had all but flickered out; the exhaustion evident on his face the next morning telling a concerning tale, Aerie grew concerned. Of all the current party members, she knew first hand how it felt to lose a family member you'd been searching for. His distraction, and exhaustion were both evident as they dealt with first the pit, then the cages; and even now as they filed into the room with the levers. If he kept this up he'd get himself, or worse still, possibly all of them killed. She didn't envy him, as at least she'd had the trip from Riverguard to grieve quietly, but the young lad wasn't getting such a luxury; however if he continued to stumble around looking lost he was going to get himself, and everyone around him, in trouble.

Catching the lad gently as he entered the room she pulled him to a corner away from the doors, waving off the others with a murmured "give me a minute." Gently gripping the lads shoulders, she met his gaze, and tried to convey her understanding through her eyes. Swapping to her native tongue, Aerie murmured to Aramil in elvish:

Aerie: "I see your loss, Aramil, both of them; your Father, and what you believed to be your purpose, your goal. I see the pain and confusion, and I understand it, empathize with it even; but I need you to put it on the back fire. I- we, the party, really- need you to focus on the here and now. Loss, disappointment, pain, confusion- they are all a part of Life, just as much as joy, love and pleasure. I won't tell you how to grieve, or how to feel- it is not my place to do so; but I will ask that you remember that you have been rallied to a higher calling. It may seem like it was through pure coincidence or happenstance, but in the 150 plus years I've been interacting with Aerdrie Faenya, I've yet to see an actual coincidence. The Gods work in mysterious ways that are beyond our comprehension, and something tells me that you did not join us by sheer coincidence. You still have a path to walk, Aramil- a very worthy one, I may add as the fate of the world as we know it may very well hinge on our actions and choices. It may not be your initial path, nor one you'd ever thought you'd walk, but that is also a way of Life." 

Squeezing his shoulders gently but firmly, Aerie managed a wry smile for him and continued:

 "My Father used to tell me the same thing every time Life hit me hard, as it is hitting you; and if you'll excuse the bluntness of it, I'll impart this life-changing wisdom to you: What doesn't kill you, only serves to make you stronger; so suck it up buttercup and thank Life for the lesson, because if you learn it well, you'll get to live better another day."

Aramil, stood listening, his head a whirl. Listening but not really hearing, or at least taking it in. He felt disconnected, as though what he had learnt was some how beyond anything he could have ever anticipated or was ready to here ever. Not all of what he had heard made sense.

He had spent the whole of the night thinking it through, over and over again. It just didn’t seem right, not the father he knew. He was never irrational or erratic, yet some of what he heard about that was written in the story did not ring true to him. He wasn’t in denial just disbelieving.

He was in the hear and now, his head elsewhere, he was on auto pilot. He thanked Aerie, at least she had been sensitive to his plight. He looked at her. He felt  misery and pain like he had never felt before, this was worse than when he lost his mother.

Aramil smiled, nodded simply saying:

Aramil: "I will try, but no promises, but I will try."

One last thing for now, he paused, looked directly at Aerie and said:

"Thank you".

Tears in his eyes he turned away, needing to be alone with his troubles.

The chamber they all stood in had been hewn out of the rock by Dwarves, a very long time ago. It was probably part of the ancient Dwarven city of Tyar-Besil. In the centre of the room was a large stone block. Written on it an inscription: Bandur translated:


A brief history of the War of the Silver Marches

         War of the Silver Marches                                      The War of the Silver Marches was a conflict against orcs that took place in the Silver Marches in the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR.



The drow wizard Tsabrak Xorlarrin channeled the Darkening upon the Silver Marches under the orders of Lolth in order to prepare for the war.

Soon, in the fall of Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, the drow minions of Quenthel Baenre incited the frost giants of the Shining White and two white dragonsArauthator and Aurbangras, to ally with the orcs of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, where the warmonger Hartusk gained the power.

So a large army of orcs and drow, supported by frost giants and white dragons, assaulted the Silver Marches in the War of the Silver Marches.

Nesmé was destroyed by an orc horde led by Tiago Baenre riding the white dragon Arauthator and Sundabar, on the surface, was conquered by an orc army commanded by the warlord Hartusk and renamed Hartusk Keep.

All dwarfholds in the area—Citadel AdbarCitadel Felbarr, and Mithril Hall—and later also Silverymoon were besieged.

During the Battle of the Cold ValeBromm, one of the twin kings of Citadel Adbar, was tricked by the half-drow Doum'wielle Armgo and beheaded by Hartusk.

At last, in the spring of 1485 DR, Bruenor managed to unite all the dwarven forces to retake the River Surbrin bridge from the forces of Many-Arrows.

In the sky above the battle, Drizzt Do’Urden and Afafrenfere on the copper dragons Ilnezhara and Tazmikella confronted Tiago Baenre and Tos’un Armgo on the white dragons Arauthator and Aurbangras, leaving Tos’un and Aurbangras dead and Arauthator in retreat.

Then, in Flamerule, Bruenor used the dwarven Ritual of the March and managed to conquer Dark Arrow Keep, restoring it to Lorgru, its proper ruler, and defeating Hartusk’s remaining armies.

At last, with the backing of Jarlaxle, using Drizzt as a conduit, the turncoat drow archmage Gromph Baenre dispelled the Darkening, disguising the act as the power of Mielikki.

The Siege of Silverymoon

Lord Lorimer Fandin, consort of High Lady Alustriel Silverhand and High Marshall of the Argent Legion, dispatched what aid he could to Sundabar but the remainder of the Legion he kept at Silverymoon. Hard pressed were the Legion but after several days the enemy broke and fled eastward through the mountains towards Sundabar.  Lord Fandin pursued with the Knights Silver 4 Cohorts of the Argent Legion and the Army of the Vale.

 On reaching the mountains Lord Fandin’s commanders begged him not to follow the enemy further for the army was ill suited to fight in the mountains. Lord Fandin denounced the commanders as traitors and left the Legion and the Army of the Vale and he with barely 1,000 Knight Silver and 400 Cavalry of the Vale did vigorously pursue the Orcs and Drow, almost without a break. At times the enemy would turn and fight then continue their flight eastward.









Unbeknown to Lord Fandin the enemy were luring his army further and further into the mountains, along narrow paths and hidden valleys. Until after 5 days they came across their foe with their backs to a high mountain ridge. Escape was not an option.

Lord Fandin was confident of victory. The enemy barely numbered 500. The knights formed a battle wedge, at the apex Lord Fandin and his bodyguard. Taking his mighty war-horn, Lord Fandin signalled the charge. They quickly thundered into the enemy.

It was Lord Fandin’s herald that brought news that it was a trap. For the Orc Horde of Hartusk, newly arrived after their victory at Sundabar, had cut off their escape.

Lord Fandin ordered the retreat and managed to fight his way out of the trap with barely 300 men. As he had harried the foe from Silverymoon, so too Hartusk and his Orc Horde harried the 300. For they had the advantage in this because of the lightness of their weapons and the nature of the terrain, whereas the 300 were disadvantaged by the heaviness of their arms and the unevenness of the land.   

                           Lord Fandin rallies the 300 

At last they came to the final pass and safety but as Lord Fandin thought they had reached safety the pass was cut off by a force of Drow. In that terrible fight all but 13 of the Knights Silver escaped back to Silverymoon.

The Argent Legion and the Army of the VAle were nearly at the gates of Silverymoon when they heard Lord Fandin’s horn blow for the last time..

The Legion was almost at Silverymoon and safety when a long blast of Lord Fandins war horn was heard then silence.

The last stand of Lord Fandin and the 300 would long be remembered. Even longer Lord Fandin’s folly and the destruction of the Knights Silver.




                       The horn sounds for the last time

Lady Alustriel proclaimed her 1st son Methrammar Aerasumé the new High Marshall of the Argent Legion. And newly elect of the Nine. It was 5 days later that High Marshall Aerasume led the Argent Legion back to the site of the final battle.

They escorted Lady Alustriel to the battle site where she found Lord Fandins body. Around him lay nearly 300 Knights Silver and Cavalry of the Vale. His sword Dunrendal was broke in two and the Horn Oliphant cleaved from mouthpiece to rim. The bodies of the 300 had been terribly mutilated and Lady Alustriel ordered a pyre to be built and the bodies burned. 












               Lady Alustriel Silverhand finds Lord Fandins body