Saturday 16 July 2022

Session 99: "A 'man' walks into a bar......." or "That aint no man it's a.........."

28th day of Frostmoot: Evening


Campaign: End of the Elemental Cult Campaign

Location(s): Red Larch. 

Present: Aerie, Anor, Bandur, Garet, Karion, L'Aalratic Paskan

Present but not active: Zindra, Fabien  & Fenn

Axeholm: Aramil

Departed: Grog

It took the group some time to get over the fact that both Aramil and Grog had left the group. It was no relief that Aramil would rejoin at some point in the future. Zindra had said she had gained employment working out of Red Larch and would be staying here for some time. Fabien had a steady job entertaining at the inn in the evenings.

They were startled when the door suddenly opened and a very tall hooded figure entered the inn.

Stranger: "I'm looking for Bandur and his friends. I was told I might find them here"

The group turned to observe and could plainly see dangling from the strangers neck a pendent like they wore.

The locals and the group were more astonished when the stranger removed his hood to reveal........

He carried a wicked looking longsword at his hip, a large shield carried effortlessly in one hand. Adorned with scalemail in the pattern of the Waterdeep Military forces. His head was like a miniature dragons, with light gold colouring.

Stranger: "My name is L'Aalratic Paskan oh and I need stabling for my mount, Grymm"

Garet: "Well, you may sit over there.....Paskan"

Paskan did as he was instructed. The group sat around a table, not too far away but far enough that their conversation could not be overheard.

Karion: "You do know that he's a Dragon Born!"

Anor: "But he looks oddly different, I don't think he's a true Dragon Born".

Aerie: "Can't be, look Watcher isn't glowing!" Aerie pulled Watcher slightly out of the sheath to show them.

Fabien: "I've heard of his type before, he's basically a human. They basically volunteer for a ceremony that is called the Rites of Rebirth. And if it is successful they are reborn as that.

Zindra: "Hey, Paskan why are you here?"

Paskan: "I have been sent by the Council of Waterdeep to act as a Liaison between your group and Waterdeep. It would seem your activities are becoming widely known."

Garet: "How did you get that pendent around your neck?"

Paskan; "I traded it with an Old Man back in Amphail."

Anor: "Can we trust him?"

Karion: "I think we can, I can't perceive that he is lying".

Aerie: "He certainly has no taint of evil but his sword carries a magical aura".

Bandur: "For now we keep him close, see if he is for real. But I need to get my shiny blade fixed, I miss the whistle and glint of my battleaxe".

Aerie: "We have mounts in Riverguard Keep. I propose we travel there via Womford and make further plans there".

Garet: "Zindra, your expertise is needed.......and yes I'll stand you a drink....I said drink not bottle!"

Garet (continued): "It would seem Elminster has communicated to me some possible work. I can't see him sending us anything that is not importance so if we discuss these we may formulate some longer plans."

At long length Elminsters communication with Garet was discussed.

Zindra added in what information she could:

Distances as relayed to the group by Zindra:

Red Larch to Riverguard direct approximately 50 miles 3-4 days ride

Red Larch to Womford by road 50 miles 2 days ride

Womford to Riverguard 2-3 days ride/ 1 day by barge

Riverguard to Yartar by barge 4 days by tracks via Summit Hall & Beliard 8-10 days ride

Yartar to Triboar by road 2 days ride.

Red Larch to Triboar: By Road

1.      Ride to Westbridge. 100 miles

2.      Ride to Black Maw Bog. 60 miles.

3.      Ride to Triboar. 40 miles.

          Total distance 200 miles 10-14 days.   

Triboar to Phandalin/Axeholm By Road

4.      Ride to Conyberry 70 miles.

5.      Ride to Phandalin 75 miles.

6.      Ride to Axeholm. 15 miles.

Total distance 160 miles. 8-12 days.

Red Larch to Kheldell/Axeholm  by Trail/X Country/Road

7.      Ride to Kheldell. 50 miles.

8.      Ride to Leilon. 40 miles

9.      Ride to Axeholm. 20 miles.

 Total distance 128 miles. 5-8 days.

After some time and many drinks/bottles later it was decided to head to Riverguard via road to Womford. Then by barge to Riverguard, continuing by barge to Yartar. By road to Triboar and from there to Black Maw Bog.

Zindra: "In Yartar best places to stay are -    The Pearl-Handled Pipe: The best inn found within Yartar's walls. A massive structure that can hold up to 600 guests in the drinking hall. Lavish decorations included antique furniture, tapestries on each wall, and works of art throughout the halls and each private room. Operated by Elladuth Myristar. The Cointoss: The local's rowdy gossip hall with some of the best food in the city. Anyone who could toss a coin through the eye slit of a rusty helm wins their next drink free. Run by Tanataskar Moonwind. In Triboar the best place is where you found me."

Missing – Daughter: Posted 22nd January 1492

Daughter and escort missing near Black Maw Bog. Reward for safe return to Triboar.

Reward: 250 GP for safe return of daughter to Arvin Glitterdale, Triboar.

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Session 98: "Down the rabbit hole......." or "This aint no rabbit hole!"

28th day of Frostmoot: Mid-Day: (Abridged)

Mission:  In search of Aerisi Khalinoth

Campaign: Elemental Cult Campaign

Location(s): Underground - Tyr Besil, Elemental Cult of Air. 

Present: Aerie and Garet

Present but not active: Aramil,  Anor,  Bandur, Grog, Karion, 

Red Larch: Zindra, Fabien  & Fenn

Garet: "At least 6, maybe more, and some of those Priest types and Skyweavers, oh and more cultists! There's also some kind of wind/air vortex in the middle of the room, steps immediately left and right, up, and a door at the far end."

Anor: "Very comprehensive, now can I kick this door in and kill something?"

Garet: "Be my guest".

So Anor quite kindly kicked the door in and Garet moved into the room, Where are they, damn moved, he thought to himself. Anor followed Garet in. Aerie and Karion provided cover from the doorway.

The doorway jammed with Aerie and Karion, Bandur, Aramil and Grog started to run around the building making for the far door.

Witch Bolts and Lightning Bolts were ripping through the room as Karion and Aerie ran in as Bandur shoulder charged the other door off it's hinges and burst into the room, surrounded by 4 Cultists all looking menacingly at him!

Bandur wasted no time on charging a Skyweaver. Then slipped and his battle axe slammed into the floor causing some damage and reducing it's effectiveness. Grog cast a sorcerer spell as Garet closed in and killed 2 Cultists as Anor killed a 3rd.

The vortex was spinning faster.  Aerie dashed upstairs, Garet followed.

Aerie and Garet found themselves in a large room, curtains hanging between pillars down each side, a raised 'throne' at the far end. They just glimpsed a figure disappearing into the swirling vortex on the floor. Without hesitating Aerie jumped into the vortex followed by Garet.

(as the Skyweaver dropped Anor could see 4 distinct shadows falling down, through the air vortex.)

The vertical vortex spiralled downwards. They lost all track of time and spatial awareness. Falling vertically they were astonished that the exit from the vertical vortex was horizontal. They stood in a rough stone passageway a little disorientated. After a few minutes they regained their balance and where there was a vortex swirling behind them, there now was only a solid stone wall.

Garet led the way, stealthily moving from shadow to shadow.  The passageway was roughly 10ft wide and 10 ft high, Garet came to a wider passageway at right angles to the one they were in. He could make out an opening on the far side, pillars of stone were randomly scattered along the wider corridor.
The opening across the way was a dead end, so to the wider corridor to the left. Aerie indicated to head right, along the wider corridor. With here superior darkvision Aerie had seen what looked like a room in the distance. Roughly 25ft in diameter, the 'room' was roughly round in shape with 2 other exits. 

Garet chose left and had scouted out another dead end to their left before continuing along a straighter longer corridor, perhaps 15ft wide.

Aerie and Garet had both noticed that the rock wall and floor surfaced looked like they were naturally carved by erosion, but they were underground!

Garet stopped, he could hear chanting coming from ahead.

Cautiously approaching the last corner Garet could see a vast room laid out before him.


Aerie cast mirror image on herself as Garet shadow stepped behind Thurl Merosska and struck her twice. As Aerie moved in towards Aerisi, Aerisi countered with her own mirror image spell. Aerie's strike was true as Aerisi struck a mirror image of Aerie. A contingency went off and Aerie's mirror image spell was dispelled. Merosska whirled round and struck Garet with 2 of her 3 strikes. Windharrow blinked away to a far corner.

Aerie: "Your mine now bitch! You will die for what you did to my sister".

Aerisi answered by casting cloud kill, a yellow mist sprang up around Aerie and Garet. Choking on the poisonous fumes they tried to get away from the cloud of death.

Garet struck Merosska again and again causing massive damage, she was reeling from the myriad of deep slashes from Garets combined short swords. With one last flurry of blows she hit Garet before slumping to the floor dead from her wounds.

Aerisi had taken to flight and moved towards the now shimmering gate. Aerie noticed that her wings were not true wings they were just an illusion of wings. She moved forward only to slump to the floor deadly fumes choking the living breath out of her lungs. 

Garet ran and shadow stepped to the flank of Windharrow and hit him with 2 crippling strikes. Windharrow had tried in vane twice to hit Garet and Aerie with a lightning bolt spell. Garet assumed the cloud kill had come from him, Garet was wrong.

Aerisi began to chant again, with greater need to complete the incantation. Aerie dispelled Aerisi's mirror images.

Aerie took whatever healing potions she had to hand and took to the air above Aerisi. She swung her longsword in a mighty arc wanting to drive her down to the ground.

Aerie: "This time bitch, vengeance is mi........"

Aerie had missed badly as more poisonous fumes assailed her lungs. Aerie forgot she was still inside the swirling cloud of death. She collapsed to the ground dying.

Garet could only look on in horror as his final strikes killed Windharrow, bard of Aerisi.

Aerisi: "Vengeance is mine, I see the resemblance now. You will meet a fate worse than your sister........I will offer you to Yan C Bin, who will torment your body and soul for eons to come!"

Aerisi powered downward and thrust with all her might, her spear Windvane struck with deadly force and Aerie took a step closer to death.

Garet with a howl of hatred bursting from his lips charged and shadow stepped to challenge Aerisi and give Aerie some respite. 

Garet: "Now you die!"

Aerie clinging to life and calling on Aedrie Faenya for succour as her call was answered. Aerie pulled back from the brink of death and cast a healing prayer and took more healing potions to save her life.

Aerisi jumped back into the air and retreated closer to the gate. Aerie, now standing and out of the effects of the cloud kill. Garet ran after Aerisi and using his ki skills launched himself off the ground and hit Aerisi with double short sword strikes and a flurry of blows. His stunning strike just failing to connect.

Aerisi: "No! Time to end both shall die!"

Aerisi let another cloud kill loose at her feet. Garet and Aerie again took damage. Garet would have died had the death ward spell cast by Aerie still not been in effect. Dangerously close to succumbing Garet stood swaying.

Aerie succumbed for a second time and fell backwards, landing outside the cloud kill area of effect. Aerie again poured healing into herself.

Garet shadow stepped into mid-air and as he fell tried to strike Aerisi twice but he miss timed his strikes and missed. Landing cat-like on his feet from the fall, Garet felt magical power sweep over himself, he felt sluggish but only for an instant, before shaking the effects off.

Aerie: (In Elvish) "Watch out...Flame Strike!"

Aerie prayed for Aerdrie Faenya to guide her strike and she called forth for Flame Strike! Radiant flames in a whirling cylinder of destruction appeared atop of Aerisi and engulfed not only Aerisi but Garet too. 

Aerisi fell to the ground her body changing into a heap of jellied flesh.  A blast of wind flashed out from the lifeless form of Aerisi Khalinoth. The cloud of poisonous fumes dissipated in the gust. Windvane and the items Aerisi was carrying fell to the floor.

The evil hag that had killed her sister was dead, Aerie had taken her revenge.

Time was of the essence, the gate was expanding outward, Aerie took Windvane and shouted....

Aerie: "I willingly give this back to whence it came!"

She threw Windvane with all her might and it flew through the gate opening, as soon as it had passed through the gate closed.

Aerie ran over to Garet and gave him what healing she had and he then took more of his own.

The chamber was expansive. Huge in fact. Where Windharrow had fallen was a hidden alcove. Garet found 4 swirling balls of energy. Bothe Aerie and he agreed these could only be orbs of destruction and only 1 had been used to destroy Bargewright.

They searched the bodies and a quantity of items were found.

Aerie and Garet came up with a plan. Hoping the group were somewhere safe Aerie hit her pendent. She found herself in the Swinging Sword Inn.

Aerie: "Hello boys and might want to cover your ears!"

Garet popped beside her a scant few seconds later.

From outside a deep rumbling noise could be heard.

Garet: "Shit, holy crap........I think we set off a chain reaction!"

Not a second later and Elminster had appeared beside them.

Elminster: "Well you've certainly stirred up a hornets nest with that one! Now, just who's idea was it to drop an orb of destruction onto 3 other orbs of destruction under ground? Eh? Um!"

Aramil looked towards Aerie and Garet and said....

Aramil: "You did what!?"

Aerie: "Well yeah, we harm done?" (she looked to Elminster for confirmation)

Elminster: "Rudimentary physics. Rudimentary. Your little plan has not only destroyed the Wind Cult Temple but 95% of the underground city of Tyr-Besil. The other two cults and the Water Cult had orbs of destruction stashed. They were going to unleash them to cause untold destruction. Your little escapade set them all off. All 4 gates, Cult Temples and the Elder elemental Eye are now under thousands of tons of rock. So by pure luck.........a job well done. Now we must depart.......sorry not We but Aramil and I. We have important work to do. You will see your friends again."

Grog: "It is time for me to depart back to my village. I have been away for too long. I will journey back to Axeholm using my pendent and from there use the teleportation circle to get me home. I you are in the north look me up. I leave the following items for the groups use"

24 arrows in 2 quivers
57 bolts in 3 quivers
5 x 2d4+2 healing potions
2 x 5d4+5 healing potions
1 8d4+8 healing potion
1 x 10hp healing potion

for Aerie, 600gp worth of gems enough for 2 revivify prayers

With that, Elminster placed his hand on the shoulders of Aramil and Grog and they were gone.

Gained by Aramil, Anor, Bandur, Grog and Karion
+2/+2 Longbow with 5 +1/+1 arrows and 2 +2/+2 arrows
3000 copper pieces, 1000 silver pieces, 210 gold pieces, 9 gems worth a total of 450 gold pieces 
(cash already divided up)

Gained by Aerie and Garet
Short sword +1/+1 (non magical)
Druidic Amulet of health (boosts CON to 19) 
Wand of Secrets (3 charges, recovers 1d3 charges/day finds secret doors traps within 30ft)
Mithral Chain Mail (No strength requirement, no negative on DEX checks)
Goggles of the night (gives darkvision to 60ft)
Pair of SENDING Stones (Cast a SENDING spell from one stone to the other).
Charm of the Storm (3 uses only allows lightning bolt spell to be cast 3 times)
Bag with dust of disappearance in it. (Effects last 2d4 minutes)
Potion of Invulnerability
Potion of Water Breathing
1 x 8d4+8 healing potion
1 4d4+4 healing potion
6 x 2d4+2 healing potions
Grog's bag of holding

Bardic Spell book (22 pages) (Windharrow)
Thuderclap (Cantrip)
Absorb Elements (Level 1)
Cure Wounds (Level 1)
Shield (level 1)
Thunderwave (level 1)
Invisibility (Level 1)
See Invisibility (level 2)
Misty Step (Level 2)
Silence (level 2)
Dispel Magic (level 3)
Slow (level 3)
Dimension Door (level 4)

Hags Spell Book (92 pages) (Aerisi Khalinoth)
Gust (Cantrip)
Thunderclap (Cantrip)
Lightning Lure (Cantrip)
Absorb Elements (level 1)
Zephyr Strike (level 1)
Cure Wounds (level 1)
Chromatic Orb (level 1)
Expeditious Retreat (level 1)
Shield (level 1)
Thunderwave (level 1)
Witchbolt (level 1)
Gust of Wind (level 2)
Invisibility (level 2)
Mirror Image (level 2)
Misty Step (level 2)
See Invisibility (level 2)
Silence (level 2)
Warding Wind (level 2)
Counterspell (level 3)
Dispel Magic (level 3)
Lightning Bolt (level 3)
Slow (level 3)
Storm Sphere (level 4)
Conjure Minor Elementals (level 4)
Dimension Door (level 4)
Steel Wind Strike (level 5)
Conjure Elemental (level 5)
Cloudkill (level 5)
Seeming (level 5)
Wall of Force (level 5)
Investiture of Wind (level 6)
Contingency (level 6)
Disintegrate (level 6)


Fabien and Zindra have both kept their eyes and ears open. They overheard 2 wagon drivers talking over ale of the over the large payment they received for transporting goods from Triboar to Waterdeep via Red Larch. It would seem that regular journeys would be made. The 2 wagons are being escorted by 10 well armed outriders. These too have added over a drink or 3 that they have been well paid for escorting the 2 wagons to Waterdeep.

Zindra took a gander outside and saw the crates were stamped with a design she had never seen before, perhaps a new trading company set up by one of the Lords of Waterdeep, who knows? 



Job Offers:


Posted: 10th September 1491 DR

Mission: Locate and destroy a possible Dragon Cult Cell in Neverwinter. Must be done with great stealth and not brought to the attention of the ruling powers.

Employer: The Harpers

Reward: All treasure gained + 500 gp

Posted: 15th September 1491 DR

Mission: A small break-away faction of the Many Arrows Orc Tribe has journeyed into the Silverymoon Hills where it has established a base. The local Lord fears that the faction seeks to establish its own tribe. Travel into the Silverymoon Hills, locate the Orc faction, and destroy it or at least drive it out.

Reward: All treasure gained + 500 gp

Employer: Ruler of Silverymoon

Posted: 29th September 1491 DR

Mission: There is a group of coral caves on a rocky and remote south-eastern shore on Orlumbor Island. Long have these caves been off-limits to the local populace due to persistent stories of mysterious, alluring, but deadly dangers that dwell within and without. Travel to Orlumbor Island, explore the sea-caves, and report fully to the local Lord. Evidence of findings required.

Reward: All treasure gained + 550 gp

Employer: Baronet of Orlumbor Island

Posted: 15th November 1491 DR

Mission: Something old stirs in the Mere of Dead Men. Local settlements say it is the evil spirit of the Mere come to punish humans for mistreating her gifts. Travellers and settlements around the Mere need to know what is stirring and how to respond. Gather intelligence on what stirs.

Reward: 500 GP Plus all treasure gained

Employer: Constable of Leilon

Posted: 3rd December 1491 DR

Mission: The woodcutters of The Cloakwood are refusing to go deep into the forest interior. They report casualties. More to the point, they report woodcutters being found murdered and “displayed” in elaborate traps. We have no leads as to who or what is killing the woodcutters of The Cloakwood. But if they don’t cut wood…well, no wood gets cut and that isn’t good for anyone. Find out what is doing the killing and kill it. Evidence required.

Reward: All treasure gained + 1000 gp + Crossbow of Blasting

Employer: Baron of Southshire and the Baron of East Shire, Baldurs Gate

Kheldell Logging Company: Posted 27th January 1492

The trail to Kheldell, the Kheldell Path, is not safe. An unescorted supply train was found attacked some 8 miles from Kheldell itself. Although blood was found at the scene the horses and drivers bodies were not found. A bloody trail led into the forest to the south of the Path.

Reward: 500GP For the safe delivery of missing goods to Kheldell and the return of the Drivers Bodies. Plus any  treasure found to be kept by any who undertake the job. Report to logging manager on arrival.

Waterdeep Garrison in Amphail: Posted 25th January 1492

Hegrash the renowned bandit Ogre is reported to be in the area to the north west of Amphail.

Reward: 50GP for information leading to the capture of Hegrash. Or 250 GP plus all treasure found for the head of Hegrash delivered to the garrison commander Amphail.

Missing – Daughter: Posted 22nd January 1492

Daughter and escort missing near Black Maw Bog. Reward for safe return to Triboar.

Reward: 250 GP for safe return of daughter to Arvin Glitterdale, Triboar.

Kheldell Logging Company: Posted 28th January 1492

Escorts required for 1 month trial period. Safe escort of convoys to and from Kheldell.

Pay: Initially 2.5 Gp/day plus food. (Negotiable) Rising to 5 GP/day dependent on results. Report to logging manager on arrival.

Scouting of Ironslag: Posted 15th January 1492

The Lady of Silverymoon requires information as to who or what have installed themselves in Ironslag, the fabled Dwarven Forge complex.

Reward: 1000 GP plus all treasures gained. Report to the Captain of the Place Guard, Silverymoon.

Troll clearing in Nesme: Posted 12th January 1492

A hardy group of adventurers are required to clear certain areas surrounding Nesme of an infestation of Trolls.

Reward: 50 GP per troll head collected. Report to Town Council on arrival.

Escorts Required: Posted 9th January 1492

Guards required to escort shipments from Phandalin to Triboar and return.

Pay: 2 GP/Day Bonus 50 GP on safe delivery of shipments. Report to Phandalin Merchant Exchange.

Missing Person: Posted 8th January 1492

Investigate disappearance of Councillor Agath Redholt. Missing travelling to Waterdeep from Leilon.

Reward: 1000 GP for safe return. 25 GP for information leading to safe return. Report to Town Council on arrival.