Wednesday 31 August 2022

Session 105: "First rule of fight club........" or "Anything goes in a pit fight....!"

20th & 21st day of Deepsnow 1492 

Mission:  Pass information to the council of Triboar

Campaign: Black Maw Bog

Location(s):  Triboar.

Present: Aerie, Anor, Bandur, Garet, Heimund & Droop, Karion, L'Aalratic Paskan

20th day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Aerie had departed for Axeholm but had left specific instructions. 

Bandur decided that his weapons and armour needed a good polishing so set too with a gusto. Garet decided to meditate and send a message to the Temple of the Shadow bringing them up to speed as to what had transpired so far.

Heimund, Anor, Karion and Paskan decided to visit the weapon smiths and armourers of Triboar. Heimund managed to find a marvelous tower shield, although its added weight would slow him down slightly, he was impressed with its quality and additional protection that it offered him. Anor wanting to improve his armour was perplexed that there were no more shields, especially large ones. Heimund having purchased a tower shield then offered to sell his shield to Anor, it was in all respects a large shield and would improve his armour class. Anor had nearly half the offered price and Heimund told him he could owe him the rest, plus a small percentage on top.

At the eastern end of Triboar was the local farmers market. They would wander around the market situated near the Yartar gate and try and gain the information Aerie had asked them to get. On the way they got a little lost and walking down a wide side street Anor noticed a sign above a merchant's gate, it had the same symbol that Aerie had told them to look out for. 

Not wanting to tarry too long the group entered the farmers market square. On the far side of the local farmers market was the Shady Gryffon tavern.

To the north of the market stood the Temple of Waukeen, Goddess of trickery and wealth, more commonly associated with commerce and merchants. The simple sign on the wall indicated as such.

Nestled against the town walls, near the Yartar Gate was a blacksmith, a simple sign hanging on his dwelling.

Karion also took note of a wood merchant yard next door to the merchant Anor had indicated had the same sign they were looking for above the door. At the end of the street another grain merchant, Kagano came into view. This was a rather large compound.

The Yartar gate market was bustling with merchants, market traders and people. Anor managed to find a seller of healing herbs and bought a small quantity, Karion helped identify which ones to purchase and did the same for Paskan. 


Paskan had found a rather shady character but was willing to purchase arm bands to improve his armour but had insufficient funds. Heimund loaned Paskan 200 gold pieces so he could purchase these arm bands of armour enhancement.

It was Anor that turned Paskans question to the shady merchant into a joke:

Paskan: "Hey, have you heard anything to do with a Blue dragon, like attacking villages and things, hereabouts?"

Anor: "Forgive my friend he has a thing about dragons, him being know".

Bill: "Hey, Bert, thisun wants to know if'n we've heard about blue dragons hereabouts".

Bert: "Yeah Bill, we saw one only last week, gave us a good deal on those arm bands he just bought".

Both shady merchants then fell about laughing. Anor hurried Paskan away. 

Anor: "We're not supposed to be telling everyone about dragons, especially blue dragons. Try to be more subtle when asking those kind of questions, and who you are asking them of, please!"

Paskan: "Well, I just thought, anyways it has me thinking. What Aerie mentioned about the eggs being above ground and not below. What if those creatures have captured the eggs and are using them to get the Blue Dragon to do their bidding?"

Heimund pointed out a sign on the wall near the Shady Gryffon tavern.

Heimund: "Might be handy to gather information that, fancy a try myself".

Paskan: "Yeah me too, I already put my name down, not many places left on the billing though".

Droop: " Ooh, you gonna pit fight?"

Heimund: "Yes Droop, I am".

Heimund failed to spot the gleam in Droops eye.


1.    Best of 5 rounds. Bare knuckle fighting.

2.    No special ability attacks (ie Breath weapons)

6.    Speciality moves like bear hug, bollock kicking and eye gauging, ear biting are allowed.

     No magic



Kylinor ‘Killer’ Hairfoot

1 to 2

Holgar ‘Slugger’ Tyndnang


Jubal ‘Lightning Hands’ Kane

2 to 1

Gronka ‘Crusher’

3 to 1

Brad ‘Pit’ Farthor

5 to 1

Paskan ‘Golden Boy’


Dorlang ‘The Butcher’

4 to 1

Granshkin ‘Viscious’ Gnor

1 to 3

Kylinor Hairfoot, Halfling, Small and Wirey, may do well, Ranger

Holgar Tydnang, Dwarf, A rotund figure, looks like he could take a beating. Cleric

Jubal Kane, human, a dark horse outsider, Monk

Gronka, Half Orc, tough as they come, should win easy, Barbarian

Dorlang The Butcher, Dwarf home talent, local boy hard hitter, Fighter

Brad Farthor, Human, Unknown in the pits, Fighter

Paskan, another newcomer, looks mean but looks can be deceiving, Barbarian

Granshkin Gnor, half orc, viscious,  sneaky Monk

LATE ENTRY Heimund, Goliath, very tall boy, says he's a Paladin (of sorts)

Having entered the competition and not wanting to draw attention to themselves they returned to the Order of the Gauntlet Temple towards evening.

Aerie returned not long afterwards. (See session 104)

21st day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Aerie still wasn't in good sorts, the journey through the teleportation circle had taken a lot out of her. 

Bandur: "Aerie my dear, you're not by chance with child?"

Bandur winked at Garet.

Aerie between bouts of sickness:

Aerie: "I would think not my small, rotund and very shiny Dwarf friend. I think I may have picked up a spot of marsh sickness, definitely not with child!"

Bandur apologised profusely as Garet escorted Aerie back to their rooms.

The fight at the Shady Gryffon tavern was scheduled for that night. The group rested.  Bandur said he had offered to polish the temple silver and then wanted to visit a small shop that sold polishing compounds and materials. Bandur indeed found Marjorie Magnificent shop of polishing kompounds. He chose one that looked like it would do the job. Marjorie's Marvelous Universal Rubbing Kompound. more commonly known as Marjorie's MURK, he bought 2 bars (each bar being 2.5lb's!).

The time quickly came for the group to head for the Shady Gryffon tavern. They would also try and make contact with One Eyed Jack

The fighters, that night, were paraded around the market square for all to see. The local butcher got a few cheers as his name was called out. Heimund and Paskan wondered who their opponents might be.

Inside the Shady Gryffon it was bedlam, The tavern was packed. Fighters would wait here before being called forward to the fighting pit, which was situated to the rear of the tavern.

Heimunds name was drawn out of the hat first, his opponent was to be Brad 'The Pit' Farthor, a muscley tall human. Heimund weighed him up. The Pit looked up and winked.

The Pit: "Taller they are, harder they fall my friend".

Heimund: "We shall see, we shall see".

Bets were placed, a lot of money going on The Pit, he was the favourite as far as the betting was going. Heimund looked at the person running the bets and said:

Heimund: "Will you take 200 on myself?"

Bet Taker: "Surely, surely, love to part a fool form his money".

Heimund then saw Droop place a bet on The Pit!

Heimund and The Pit climbed into the fighting pit. About 5ft wide and 30ft long. This was pure slogg fest fighting. The Pit charged forward and caught Heimund a glancing blow but failed to follow up with a bear hug. Heimund countered with a feint and spun The Pit round and held him in a bear hug, biting into his ear for good measure. Round 1 to Heimund!

Again The Pit came forward and Heimund expecting a bear hug was hit with a solid punch. Heimund again resorted to the bear hug but was beaten off and The Pit claimed round 2!

Heimund drew The Pit forward and took the punch but managed to get the bear hug in place. The Pit could not break the hold and succumbed after a few short minutes. Round 3 to Heimund.

The crowd weren't happy, many had placed bets on The Pit. They roared him on to beat Heimund.

Round 4 was a copy of round 3 and Heimund took the bout 3 rounds to 1. The taker of bets handed over the 600gp pieces as many of the onlookers glowered at the Goliath who had their bets in his purse! Droop was not happy. Not understanding the betting odds, he had lost half his money!

In the 2nd fight the Cleric, Slugger, beat the halfling, Killer, easily. In the 3rd local boy, The Butcher, beat Crusher in 3 straight rounds. The 4th was a strange affair as Viscious got a walk over as no opponent had come forward.

The last bout was Paskan versus Lightning Hands. Droop bet on Paskan this time, as did Anor. Karion abstained from betting altogether. Heimund but a small bet on Paskan.

Lightning Hands came out and hit Paskan before he knew it. Paskan went into a rage and struck back with a mighty blow which sent his opponent reeling. Paskan made short work of the Monk and took all 3 rounds easily. Droop was happy as he had recovered his loss from Heimunds bought and Anor and Paskan had made a little profit too.

After the fighting the crowd headed back into the tavern. Heimund had made eye contact with One Eyed Jack but he had shook his head. 

As the tavern emptied in the early hours of the morning and only a few die hard drinkers were left, Heimund caught One Eyed Jack as he rolled a barrel outside. He nodded towards Heimund.

The only way to meet One Eyed Jack was to go outside and walk around the side of the tavern. Heimund stayed inside with Droop as Paskan, Karion and Anor went round the back.
Heimund noticed the tavern owner leave by the back door then he heard shouting outside.

Heimund and Droop rushed out the back door to find Karion standing over the body of One Eyed Jack, a dagger dripping with blood in his hand. Heimund looked at Droop:

"What's the Elf doing wif me dagger in hiz handz Heimundz? Eh?"

Heimund: "You sure it's yours, are you missing a dagger?"

Droop checked his belt, he looked up at Heimund and nodded.

The tavern owner was shouting for the town militia, their tower not being 50 yards from the fighting pit.

Karion: "He's dead, found this in his back". (Karion raised the dagger up).

The militia Sgt and 2 soldiers quickly arrived.

Sgt: "What happening here then?"

Tavern Owner: "Came round the corner and saw him (pointing at Karion), with the dagger in his hand. I tell you He's killed One Eyed Jack he has".

Sgt: "Ah, so it was the Elf, with the knife, by the fighting pit?"

Heimund: "Now listen I think..........."

Paskan pushed his way to the front, flames licking around his mouth and growled:


Paskan: "Now listen to me I think you'd better back up before things get out of hand!"

The militia and tavern owner took to their heels and ran for their lives.

Anor: "That blew it. Let's get back to the temple before we're really in the shit!"

Heimund grabbed Droop and threw him over a low wall. Karion, Anor and Heimund ran through the market. They heard a horn blast from the wall behind them. They managed to duck into an ally way as they heard running footsteps heading toward them from the opposite direction to the tavern.

Karion: "Where's Paskan?"

Anor: "I thought he was right behind me".

Droop: "Nope he stay behind".

A short while later Karion, Anor, Heimund and Droop made it safely back to the Order of the Gauntlet temple.


Monday 29 August 2022




Population: 1500 approximately

Exports: Caravan supplies, horses, leatherwork

Ruler's type: Lord Protector Darathra Shendrel

Triboar (pronounced: /ˈtrbɔːrTRY-bore), nicknamed the Town Where Only Gwaeron Sleeps, is a trading settlement found on a lively crossroads town full of the hustle and bustle of roaming merchants, caravaneers and other travellers.

Triboar was full of activity all day and night. It was commonly used as a meeting point for a number of armies and militaries that banded together when threats appeared in the North.

As a crossroads town, it was centrally located amidst a number of prominent settlements. Triboar was located about 145 miles east of Phandalin, if traveling along the Triboar Trail60 miles west of Yartar, as travelled along the Evermoor Way; 100 miles north of Westbridgeand 200 miles north of Red Larch, by way of the Long Road.

The landscape surrounding the town was lush and well-suited for farming. The town was ruled by a democratically-elected lord protector. His or her task was to command the town's militia and to settle disputes. The town's legal system was called the "Lord's Decrees" and the lord protector had the power to amend this system at will.


Mountain ponies and horses are sold in Triboar, along with harnesses and wagons. It featured markets where local farmers, ranchers and roadside salespeople offered their wares.

Triboar was home to a number of guides, all of whom were knowledgeable about destinations anywhere in the North.


The town operated a defence force called The Twelve, which consisted of this many mounted patrols that rotated in a tenday cycle. As of the mid-14th century DR, the town could rally together a well-armed militia of fifty rapidly and up to three hundred in a day.


Triboar, along with Red Larch, were some of the first settlements that were founded in the Dessarin Valley, after the the city of Watwrdeep grew to prominence. Over the centuries, it was the assembly point for human armies in response to the Orc hordes from the mountains in the north along the Surbrin.

Rumors & Legends

The town's name was thought to reflect the 11th tale of a traveller who killed three boars on the same day. The lord protector's banner consisted of three black boars on a red background.

It was said that the god of Rangers, Gwaeron Windstorm, was laid to rest in Triboar. The grove of trees that marked this spot was free of any shrine, but was protected by local laws forbidding its disturbance.


As of the mid-14th century DR, Triboar was a large town with a population of around 1500 individuals. Over half of the residents lived in the farms and ranches located beyond the town proper.

Thursday 25 August 2022

Session 104: Axeholm & Triboar

19th day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Mission:  Gather information about Dragons

Campaign: Black Maw Bog

Location(s):  Triboar, Axeholm.

Present: Aerie, Anor, Bandur, Garet, Heimund & Droop, Karion, L'Aalratic Paskan

It was mid-afternoon when Aerie was happy with the way things were progressing in Triboar. Now she could use the pendent to travel to Axeholm. Before departing she cut a piece of parchment taken out of the back of her journal into 6 pieces and drew the symbol they were looking for onto each as reference. She used a second sheet to copy the map she and Karion drew out for Heimund to show his Master/peers.

Garet: "Be careful and don't vent your feelings on young Aramil."

Aerie: "I'll try."

Aerie hit her pendent. This journey was somewhat different. It seemed more powerful as she felt herself drawn magically, spiritually but it was a split second as she arrived and promptly threw up.

Aerie arrives in Axeholm.

A voice: "Nice, just nice, bloody well didn't tell me to expect unexpected, unexpectedness, persons................ooh you're pretty.

Aerie was still trying to get her wits, her feet, but felt giddy, unbalanced.

A voice: "First time dear, he was like that first time too, they all are. It wears off. So they tell me. Never been myself, too much to do here, cleaning, washing, all the good jobs I get. Never mind. I'm Dabbledob, pleased to meet your prettyness".

Aerie decided that sitting was the better option until the dizziness and nausea went away. Dabbledob she could see was a female Gnome.

Aerie: "My name is Aerie and I'm here to talk with a good friend of mine, Aramil. Do you perhaps know him and where can I find him, please?"

Dabbledob: "At least you got proper manners, Lionel has, he's pretty too. Likes to play tunes and sing a lot. Sourpus Aramil aint. But I'll take you to him if'n you want to. Ooh you are pretty."

Aerie nodded.

Dabbledob took Aerie down unfamiliar corridors until she arrived at a door and knocked. There was no answer. She knocked again. No answer for a third time. Aerie looked at the Gnome with despair in her eyes. Suddenly Dabbledob began banging and kicking the door.

Dabbledob: "If'n you aint comin out I'll take the pretty lady to meet Lionel or King Gnerkli".

The door was wrenched open. Aramil was about to let out a tirade of.......when he saw Aerie!

Aerie: "Hello. We need to talk".

Aramil: "Well , yes, are the others here too?"

Aerie: "No I'm here by myself".

Aramil: "Ah, ok, Dambledib thankyou, you may go now".

Before Dabbledob turned around to go Aerie spoke up.

Aerie: "Thank you Dabbledob, many thanks for your valuable assistance."

Dabbledob smiled and curtseyed to Aerie then stuck her tongue out at Aramil before rushing back the way she had come with Aerie.

Aerie: "You could try and remember her name Aramil!"

Aramil: "You've been here all of 5 minutes and you think you know the way this place runs! It's a madhouse of mayhem. And the two Kings, yes two are the worst of the lot. I tell you. That's why I spend all of my time here, or the library. Yes we have a library, of sorts, I'm starting to extend what we have or have not. My latest addition to the library is my Dragonomicon, everything you need to know about dragons in one handy tome!"

Aerie was about to speak when Aramil continued. She guessed he was unused to having other people to converse with other than Gnomes.

Aramil: "I need to have a break. Let me give you the guided tour".


Aramil: "And of course this room opposite the stables, yes stables, is my laboratory where we first met". (Blank room with no title)

Aerie: "So is this it, is this Axeholm?"

Aramil: "Oh no, this is sanity, Axeholm is up there the Madhouse of Mayhem and Bedlam, my pet nick names for the two Kings.".

Aramil walked towards a wall and it opened before him, another wall stood 5ft in front of that and it too opened. Aramil stepped forward and Aerie followed.

Aramil: "This is an old store room, as you can see we keep basic needs stuff in here. There are only 4 Gnomes who know how to get into the Sanctuary and when the group arrive they will all have access too".

Aerie: "Dobbledab mentioned Lionel, a bard?"

Aramil: "He's like Fabien, but a true Elf, he's aloof, always playing tunes and singing but he has done a lot of research on the teleportation circle".

Aramil led Aerie upstairs and proceeded to take her around Axeholm proper.

Ground and Upper levels:

A1. Outer Gauntlet

Axeholm’s primary entrance and exit is this defensible passage, which is blocked by a sturdy                                          portcullis. Arrow slits are spaced along the walls and murder holes line in the ceiling,                      enabling  fortress defenders to shoot ballistas at invaders or pour boiling oil on top of                          them. 

A2. Western Bulwark

This area contains seven ballistas pointed at arrow slits, a winch that raises and lowers the                                            portcullis, and a stone staircase leading up to area A22. Each ballista is equipped with five bolts.

A3. Eastern Bulwark

This area has the same features as area A2.

A4. Mustering Hall

This great hall has a 40-foot-high ceiling supported by four thick stone pillars. In the middle                                             of each wall past the entrance is a double door. Arrow slits are set high up in the north and                                      south walls, and a small stone balcony protrudes from the wall above the east exit, 20 feet                                       above the floor. (See areas A22, A24 and A25 for details of these features.)

A5. West Hall

A6. Armory

A7. Main Barracks

A8. Privies

Wool curtains conceal three neglected privies, each with a wooden bench set against the                                           back wall.

A9. Smithy

Standing before two hearths are a pair of anvils, which dwarves once used to fashion and                                        repair their armour and weapons. Unfortunately the Gnomes are not weapon smiths but                                             gem smiths!

A10. Tool Storage

Dwarven armoursmiths and weaponsmiths stored their tools here, which still hang from                                              hooks along the walls. 

A11. Inner Gauntlet

Four arrow slits line the walls of this corridor leading to Axeholm’s throne room (Area A14).

A12. West Guard Post

Two ballistas point toward arrow slits in the east wall. Each ballista is equipped with five bolts. 

A13. East Guard Post

Two ballistas aimed at arrow slits in the west wall come equipped with five bolts apiece.

A14. Throne Room

The 2 Gnomish kings hold court here.

A15. Dining Room

In the middle of this room, a carved stone dining table (15 feet long by 5 feet wide) is flanked                                         by a pair of equally long wooden benches. Above the table hang two iron chandeliers. North                                          of the seating area is a fireplace and an alcove containing a rough-hewn pit that descends 60                                     feet.

A16. Kitchen

The room has all the trappings one expects to find in a dwarven kitchen, including metal                                     dishware, utensils, and drinking mugs. A stone sink is equipped with a faucet which, when                                     turned, spouts hot water channelled from a naturally heated underground spring.                                                        May I introduce to you, Dimble, Uppendown (male) and Joybell, Panana, Tervaround (female),                                     the kitchen staff.         

A17. East Hall 

A18. Empty Room

A19. Shrine

A21. East Upper Barracks

A22. Upper Bastion

This large chamber extends over the outer gauntlet of the main entrance (area A1) and contains                              many former defensive measures. Arrow slits to the north allow outside light to enter, filling the                             northern half of the room with sunlight or moonlight depending on the time of day or night.

Other defences include two fireplaces, which were used to heat cauldrons full of oil that the                                 Gnomes pour through narrow slits in the floor. Three empty cauldrons are lined up along one of                               these slits. Arrow slits along the south wall open up onto area A4, and stone staircases descend to                         areas A2 and A3.

A23. West Upper Barracks

A fireplace is built into the west wall of this room. Hanging from a hook above its mantelpiece                                          is a nonmagical steel shield bearing the symbol of Axeholm: a dwarven gauntlet clutching a hand axe. 

A24. Old Haunted Hall

A25. Upper East Hall and Balcony

A26. Bath

In the middle of this room stands a carved stone tub. The tub is equipped with a faucet which,                                   when turned, spouts hot water channelled from a naturally heated underground spring.                                                    A stone plug seals the drain in the tub’s bottom.

A27. Bedchamber

This bedroom was set aside for honored guests.

A28. Kings Bedchamber

A stone-framed bed with a mattress stands in the middle of this room. Set into the south wall                                           is a fireplace. 

A29. Secret Vault

A30. Privies

Rusty chain mail curtains conceal a pair of privies, each with a wooden bench set against the                                    back wall. The chutes for these privies descend deep into the mountain, passing just east of                                       area A10.

Aramil introduced Aerie to the two Gnome Kings along with their Gnome servant Fibblestib, husband of Dabbledob.

King Gnerkli

                                                                       King Korboz
King Gnerkli launched into a potted history of Axeholm which went on for some considerable time.

King Gnerkli: "Axeholm  was a dwarven fortress and is carved into the base of a mountain fifteen miles south of Phandalin. 


The site was abandoned and sealed up long years ago after being haunted by a banshee — the restless spirit of a moon elf ambassador named Vyldara who tried and failed to foment civil unrest among the dwarves. The dwarves imprisoned the elf and sent messages to her people, asking that they come to collect her. Before envoys could be sent, Vyldara killed two guards trying to escape, only to be cut down by dwarven axes before she could succeed.

The Sword Coast Adventurer Group cleared Axeholm and took it for their own. They brought                                           in the Gnomes of Gnomengard when the White Dragon attacked and destroyed our homes.                                      The We Gnomes look after Axeholm, we have restarted the old workshops and conduct our business                                      affairs from here.

When visitors arrive at Axeholm,they will see: Thrust out from the base of a dark gray mountain is the entrance to the old dwarven fortress — a dark, fifteen-foot-wide passageway flanked by forty-foot-high bulwarks of smooth, seamless stone. An iron portcullis blocks the entrance. Arrow slits carved into the bulwarks are dark, revealing no hint of occupation."

With a nod from the King, Fibblestib ushered out Aramil and Aerie.

Aramil: "Ok you're not here for a guided tour, what are you after?"

Aerie: "Aramil?" 

Aerie internally winced as her voice cracked a bit. Clearing her throat, she continued: 

"I know you must be busy with your studies, and I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now- but I- ...the party needs your help. We're facing a hell of a big problem, and we were hoping you might be able to help with some information- dragons, specifically." 

Dry mouthed, and shoving her emotions brutally to the back of her mind, Aerie awaited his response.

Aramil: "Sanctuary, Library, bookshelf, 4th shelf, tome called Dragonomicon by yours truelly. Help yourself, copy what you need but leave the tome......please".

Lionel: "Good morning fair maiden, Lady of the Avarial, it is a welcoming sight you are to                                      drab environment. I take it you've met the recluse........Aramil I think he's called. Elminsters pet                              I call him. He arrived and no sooner had he than he upped and left for Neverwinter. No sooner                          was he was back than he took over an empty room, calls it his laboratory you know, what of my                            friends Bandur, Heimund and Droop?"