Sunday 17 December 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 19 & 20: "Another bloody hill to climb........." or "Not seeing the tree for the wood..................!"

28/11/23  & 14/12/23

27th Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Destroy the Druids on Yester Hill

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia, van Richten's Tower, Yester Hill

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper, Bomber Longbeard, Ezmerelda. 

Bomber had misplaced an item of worth, he would delay following the group but told them he would catch them up.

Ezmerelda decided against talking her wagon and the group, minus Bomber, were led by Ezmerelda to Yester Hill.

The journey barely took 2 hours. 

As they approached the hill the trail through the woods leads to a hill covered with dead grass and cairns of black rock. Dark ominous clouds gather high above and a single bolt of lightening strikes the top of the hill. To the west of the hill the woods, land and the sky disappear beneath a wall of fog.

Dirt trails ran around the hillside between two concentric circles of black stone cairns. Atop the hill stood a circle of stones penetrated by the path, near its centre a 50 foot tall wicker totem. 

Roscoe heard a voice in his head and he felt drawn towards one of the cairns. The others followed bemused at their friends muttering, as though he was talking to himself.

Roscoe: "I know, I hear you voice in my head. I will, I will."

Roscoe reached a cairn and started to pull at the stones on one side. Ragul and Bernadette assisted him. It wasn't long before an opening was made. Inside the remains of a long dead warrior grasping a spear.

Voice: "Long have I waited, for one who is worthy it is yours take it and wield me, my spear desires to taste blood once more. Retrieve it and rule these mountains in my stead, just like the mighty warriors from the early days of the Whispering Wall".

Roscoe turned to the others, and held the spear aloft

Roscoe: "This is the Blood Spear of Kavan. I claim it for I shall wield it."

Bernadette and Ragul clapped Roscoe on the back then gasped in amazement with the others as the mighty spear shrank to a manageable size for the diminutive Bard to wield effectively.

The group approached the hill top, when Druids and Berserkers erupted from hidden pits/graves.

A desperate fight erupted the hill top.

Dramos unleashed a fireball with devastating effect.

The enemy were reduced to more even numbers but the Berserkers proved to be very resilient and stubborn. It took many blows to fell them.

Only a few enemy remained. Niall lay stunned, his weapons lying near to him as Moonwhisper moved to give him aid. A lone Druid, still chanting moved towards a grove of trees.

Bomber had tried to catch up to his friends. He was tired as he approached the hill and thought a stealthy approach better tha rushing into danger!

Looking ahead he saw 3 humanoid figures burst out of the trees on the lower slope of the hill. Bomber continued his careful, deliberate approach. What he couldn't see was the larger group emerging from the woods at the far side of the hill.

Ezmerelda and Dramos cast bolts of magic at the Berserkers.

Dramos then went one better and summoned up a mighty fireball spell that erupted over the larger group of Druids and Berserkers.

Moonwhisper had aided Niall to his feet, who quickly retrieved his weapons, they both looked in horror as a mighty tree creature started to emerge from the grove the Druid had disappeared into.

Ezmerelda stood ready to engage the enemy advancing toward her as more Berserkers gained th hill top behind her.

Ezmerelda and Dramos stood firm on the hill top as Bomber fought off a lone Berserker.

Ragul, trying to aid Ezmerelda and Dramos ended up falling a long way down the slope of the hill. Shaking off the effects of the fall he advanced to give aid to Bomber.

The Tree Blight advanced and swung its mighty spear and slammed its clawed fist into the ground near Moonwhisper. Moonwhisper manage to dodge as the fist smashed itself into the ground, only a stump was left as the tree limb/arm pulled back.

The Tree Blight battered Nall to the ground and delt Moonwhisper a telling blow before stomping to the top of the hill.

Still dealing with the last of the Berserkers the group were horrified when the Tree Blight started to swing it's mighty tree spear and raise one of it's legs to stomp down on to Roscoe. Without a moments hesitation, Dramos grasped the Gulthias Staff in both hands, the same staff that had replenished him with life saving properties as the battle progressed, and brought it down swiftly across his bended knee, snapping the staff in twain. No soon had this occurred when the Tree Blight gave a mighty shudder, staggered once and toppled like a mighty oak felled by an axe. A bright gem the same shape but of different colour they had retrieved at the winery lay near the rigid hulk of the Tree Blight.

Ragul cast healing prayers, Niall cast the last of his cure wound spells and the group downed what healing potions they had left. Lying on the ground was an axe, an axe engraved with woodland designs of leaf and twig. 

It was determined that this was a magical axe, 'Natures Foe'. The axe would deal additional damage when fighting against plant based creatures.

Having delt with the 30 foot tall Tree Blight, a dozen Druids and the same number of Bersekers, Ezmerelda prompted the group that now might be a good time to return to the safety of van Richtens Tower. As they approached the Tower the sky turned purple and red and a full moon started to peak out of the clouds. A blood curdling howl could be heard in the distance.

Thursday 9 November 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 16 & 17: "A good day for a white wedding........" or "Better see the undertaker first!"

31/10/13 & 07/11/23 

23rd Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Find the bones of St Agatha

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia, Vallaki, Church, Undertakers

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper, Bomber Longbeard. Ireena and Ismark. 

With no sign of Ragul nor Bomber the group decided to head to the church to find out what Father Lucian wanted to tell them.

Father Lucian was waiting on the steps.

Lucian: “What kept you, this is of the utmost importance. Never mind. I’ve found out that the gravedigger Milivoj coerced information from Yeska, the young alter boy, who I had unwittingly told about the secret hidden place of the bones of St Andral. I fear that Milivoj is the thief!”

Niall: “Where can we find this…Milivoj the Gravedigger?”

Lucian: “He has a small hut, nestled against the north town wall just to the left of the church.”

Following Father Lucians directions they approached the hut cautiously, Bernadette having to hide herself when the raggedy, dirty cloth curtain was suddenly pulled aside and she could see dirty fingers and even dirtier fingernails on the bottom sill of the window opening.

The others had crept closer and Niall readied himself to open the door. The door suddenly swung open, Milivoj taken aback reacted first ad seeing swords drawn swung his shovel, hitting Niall in the head and sending him crashing to the floor. Milivoj was quickly overpowered and made many excuses for his action. When questioned about the bones the threatening pose of Bernadette forced Milivoj to cower and inform the group that he was the thief but that he only did it on the orders of the Undertaker, Milivoj needed money to feed his family. He told them that Henrik, the Undertaker, had given him 50 pieces of gold for the bones.

Niall now stood back up made Milivoj promise not to do anything so evil again and look after his family otherwise they would be back. Milivoj thankfully agreed

Heading back towards the church the group informed Father Lucian of what had transpired and he gave them directions to the undertaker.

Moonwhisper: “And if two slightly worse for wear Dwarves should come asking where we are please tell them and to hurry up, we can’t wait all day, such as the day is, for them!”

10 minutes and the group entered the courtyard that the undertakers house was located and Arasek's stockyard, where Rictovio’s wagon was stored.

Another cautious approach and Niall found the stockyard double gates unlocked. He pushed the gate slightly open but could not hear anything.

The group approached the unimposing two story building. Above the door swung a sign with a coffin painted crudely on it. No explanations needed. All the windows had shutters and all the shutters were closed.

Roscoe: “Perhaps he’s a late riser?”

Dramos: “Shush, we don’t want to alert him!”

Bernadette tried the door.

Bernadette: “Locked and I suspect barred from the inside!”

Niall strode up to the door and with a swift kick the door all but flew of it’s hinges and crashed open.  A man stood in the centre of the room his mouth open staring aghast at the group as they entered.

Niall: ” Now, you are Henrik (the man nodded) we know you have the bones of St Andral and we want them otherwise you know what happens to you (Niall pointed to Bernadette, a frightening look was all it took)!”

Henrik: “Yes, yes, yes…..I have them. Please don’t hurt me. They are upstairs in my cupboard. Top of the stairs turn right, in the room you’ll see the cupboard. Please, please don’t hurt me!

Henrik pleaded for his life. Niall and Dramos and Roscoe watched Henrik whilst the others searched downstairs. Moonwhisper, Roscoe and Bernadette thundered up the stairs. 

Roscoe stood watch at the top of the stairs as Moonwhisper and Bernadette searched the first room then the second. 5 minutes later a shout came down stairs….

Bernadette: “We’ve got it!”

The door at the top of the stairs, opposite the one Bernadette and Moonwhisper had gone through burst open. Six creatures with grey/white skin and long taloned fingers burst out of the room. Roscoe retreated back downstairs.

 Two ran into the room where Bernadette and Moonwhisper was. A third, using the wall and ceiling for purchase scuttled into the room and dropped down to the side of Moonwhisper. The other three stormed down the stairs.

Henrik started a low, maniacal laughter which he kept up throughout. Niall, Roscoe and Dramos were fighting two of the vampire spawn. The fight was hard but gradually they gained the upper hand and the creatures, when they succumbed at last, fell to the floor as a pile of ash.

Upstairs Bernadette and Moonwhisper were fighting a gradually loosing battle against the three vampire spawn. Hit after hit they took but still they wouldn’t die.

Niall rushed the door to block the creatures from gaining access into the lower room. Niall slashed and stabbed at the creature. His attacks were getting through but he was taking damage too. Suddenly his 2nd sword was knocked from his grasp. Dramos, who had been supporting Niall with magic fire bolts, jumped down from his vantage point and grabbed the sword. Twice he tried to thrust it into Niall's back stretched palm but he succeeded on the third attempt.

Bomber and Ragul had gone to the church and learned from father Lucian that the others were at the undertakers. They headed there and entered the square.

Niall was fighting a hard battle, his hunters mark was helping not it was not enough. Roscoe tried his best but could only offer bardic inspiration for he was sorely wounded and close to unconsciousness.

Upstairs Bernadette and Moonwhisper were fighting a gradually loosing battle against the three vampire spawn. Hit after hit they took but still they wouldn’t die.

Entering the undertakers rushed Bomber and Ragul. Just in time. Ragul cast a mass healing prayer and gave much needed healing aid to all. The fight carried on. Niall dropped back, allowing both Ragul and Bomber to aid in the attack on the 2 vampire spawn on the stairs.

Upstairs, Moonwhisper was succumbing to the blackness of unconsciousness when a wave of healing energy flowed through him. Similarly for Bernadette, both attacked with renewed vigour. The combing efforts of Ragul, Dramos, Bomber and Niall finished off the two vampire spwan downstairs, both of them again falling to the floor as ash. Niall bounded up the stairs to assist his two companions fighting for their lives. Bernadette had to reach for her last healing potions to stop her certain death and again Moonwhisper was near to succumbing to unconsciousness and certain death. Ragul, behind Niall, sent out another healing prayer aimed at Moonwhisper and he lifted his shield and sword to once more fight off the deadly vampire spawn.

Moonwhisper: “These evil spawn just will not die!”

Ragul uttered words that made the two vampire spawn scream in pain. One lept over Naill and disappeared into the room from whence they came the second retreated into another room away from Moonwhiper and Bernadette.

Bernadette: “Right, you bugger, I’m coming after you and this time I will get you.”

Moonwhisper, still sorely wounded, slumped against the walls in the corner.

Moonwhisper: "I'll watch both doors.....go get em Bernadette!"

Before Niall could shout a warning Bernadette had rushed after the vampire spawn. He followed and they cornered the spawn in a corner, it fought to the death.

Bomber and Ragul entered the room to the left at the top of the stairs. No vampire spawn to be seen.

Unseen the vampire spawn had scuttled along the rafters and dropped down behind Bomber.

Slashing him badly he turned to face just as he stared in surprise as a rapier blade thrust through the vampire spawns left eye socket, eye ball impaled on the tip.

Spawn: “Master, we have failed you”.

The vampire spawn cried out as it fell to the floor, another pile of ash.

Player Information:

Wednesday 25 October 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 15: "A barrel a day...." or "Water into wine, swimmingly"


21st -22nd Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Bring the wine

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia, Vallaki, Winery, Lake Zarovich, Vistani Camp

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, (Roscoe Tosscoble), Moonwhisper, Bomber Longbeard. Ireena and Ismark. Family of Davian Martikov.

The group spent an uneventful evening in the building of the Winery.


Ragul-Nur prayed to his god and researched the words of a prayer to replace his prayer of Detect Magic, with Purify Food & Water. Before he could use the prayer the group transferred the contents of 1 of the poisoned large storage vats back into the 3 smaller grape crushing containers. He prayed for 30 minutes, incanting his prayer of each container. Satisfied that he had purified the wine contained it was poured into barrels. Time was pressing as the wagon was loaded with barrels of wine. Ragul-Nur told the group to fill more barrels from the last vat. He would purify those on their return to Vallaki.

The group reached the shores of Lake Zarovich and observed a man sitting in a boat, in the middle of the lake. He just sat staring into the distance. The wife of Davian Martikov told the group it was just Bluto Krogarov, a drunkard and a hollow shell of a man who had  failed to catch fish for weeks.

Moonwhisper: "Ok, lets deliver the wine!"

The group decided to continue on their way when they heard a high pitched scream and a splash. Turning round they saw the man in the boat standing up, looking down at the still, mirror like waters of the lake with his arms outstretched pointing at the water.

Ragul-Nur was the first to respond, he ran towards 3 empty boats pulled up on the shore line. Bomber was close behind and they launched the boat. Rowing as fast as they could until they reached the ripples that were extending from the boat where something had been thrown into the water. Ragul-Nur reached down and could feel just below the surface a rough, sack, sinking. He pulled as hard as he could and the sack flopped down into the boat.

Bomber used the blad of his axe to slice through the rope tying the neck of the sack and a young girl fell to the deck of the boat coughing and spluttering, spewing water onto the deck. Bluto swung the oar as hard as he could the blade just missing Ragul-Nur's head. The swing made him topple over and he fell backwards into the boat. 

Bluto: "You swine, you ingrates, now I shall never pacify the goddess of the lake and catch fish, I hope your wine turns to vinegar and your beer curdles. Die you swine, I curse you".

Bluto was gesticulating widely, obviously mad with rage or drink or both. His actions caused the boat he was standing in to move from side to side. He lost his balance and fell into the waters of the lake.

Ragul-Nur and Bomber rowed back to the shore. The Martikov females gathered around the girl and dried her off, giving her a blanket to keep warm. Arabella spoke to the Martikov's in a dialect the group could not follow. 

Davian: "She tells us her name is Arabella, she was kidnapped by Bluto, she doesn't know why. She also asks if we could return her to the Vistani camp which is very close by, about 15 minutes walk?"

The group quickly decided that Roscoe would accompany the family and the wine to the Blue Water Inn whilst the remainder took Arabella back to the Vistani camp, Bernadette carried the young girl on her shoulders. Arabella thought it fun to pull Bernadette's hair or push her head forward whenever Bernadette asked which way to go on the many trails through the wood. Davian told the group to take a barrel of wine with them, it may help with the Vistani.

The wagon, Roscoe and the family headed for the gates of Vallaki.

Some 15 minutes later  he woods parted and they saw lay an expansive open clearing, a small grass covered hill with low houses built into its sides and a wagon enclosure on the top lay before them. A man approached, a Vistani by his dress and two tall dark individuals their heads covered by the cowls of their cloaks.

Arabella told Bernadette to put her down, the man was her father. She ran to the man who hugged her tightly, tears rolling down his cheek.

Luvash: "I am Luvash, Afrabella is my daughter, I thank you for bringing her safely back to me".

Bernadette: "We thought it best, we rescued her from a certain death. She was thrown into the waters of Lake Zarovich in a sack, some kind of offering by a man called........Bluto!"

Luvash: "The drunk fisherman. Yes. Now come with me, be my guest, take food.......and you brought wine.......then you are very welcome."

Niall: "We thank you for your hospitality".

As the group made to follow Luvash one of the dark strangers took hold of Niall's arm, leaned closer and whispered in the language of the Elves. 

Elf: "Come and see me before you leave the clearing, my house is the one to your left."

Before Niall could answer the two tall Elves had walked away.

Moonwhisper: "Those looked like Dusk Elves, I thought they were just a legend".

Niall: "Yes, strange, you heard what he told me?".

Moonwhisper: "Yes. I think it may be worth our while".

Niall: "I agree".

They caught the others up and entered a large round tent in the centre of the wagon enclosure.

Inside they were shocked to see a young man, stripped to the waist and tied to the central tent pole being whipped by another Vistani man.

Luvash: "Fear not my friends, he is being punished for not watching my daughter more closely, it is his fault she was take. He is punished according to Vistani law, I hope that I make myself clear."

Arabella: "Father it really wasn't Alexei's fault, it was mine. I sent him back to the wagon to fetch my cloak. It was cold and I forgot it."

Luvash looked at his daughter and told the man to free Alexei.

Luvash indicated that the group should be fed from the central pot over the fire pit. A Vistani woman filled bowls and handed them out. The food was tasty and good.

Luvash indicated to Bomber to follow him. He took him to the back of the tent and he saw some wood steps leading up into a Vistani wagon backed into the rear of the tent. Luvash opened the door. Bomber could see two chests, 1 wood, 1 metal: 2 small boxes of wood, a rug, exquisitely decorated with a Unicorn, a throne studded with what looked like gems.

Luvash: "Choose one. Choose one and receive my gratitude for saving my daughter".

Bomber choose the rug with the unicorn and carried it back to the group.

Luvash: " Receive this gift with my thanks."

Ragul-Nur: "We didn't save your daughter for a reward Luvash".

Luvash: "If you do not accept then you insult me, you insult the Vistani".

Niall: "We mean no disrespect. Please explain we do not know Vistani laws."

Luvash: "You have given me a gift, my daughter, I owe a debt of gratitude. I have offered a gift in return. We now owe each other nothing. It is Vistani law. If I gave you something, then you would owe me something in return. That is Vistani law."

Moonwhisper: "Then we accept your gift. The balance is restored. We adhere to Vistani law. It is just."

Luvash: "Well spoken Elf."

Moonwhisper turned away from Luvash to hide his expression at being called Elf. Although it stung his pride as one of the High Elves he vowed to himself to remain calm. He looked at Niall, if Niall felt the same way he did not show it, his facial expression remained calm.

The group stayed awhile but the night was now dark. More Vistani were returning to the main tent and were surprised to see strangers in their midst. Luvash put them at ease. They kept their distance from the group but where not overtly threatening.

As the group left, Bomber at the back saw the wine barrel being broached. Parched he grabbed a tankard and marched over to get it filled. He would have a drink before leaving. Luvash stood in front of him, barring his path. Quietly Luvash prized the tankard out of Bombers hands and spoke quietly:

Luvash: "You were offered food to eat, you were not offered wine to drink. Leave."

Bomber nodded and followed the others 

At the bottom of the hill the group swung left and walked towards the house indicated by the Elf. Outside were 2 guards. Only Moonwhisper and Niall were allowed to continue.

Elf: "Come in. My name is Kasimir Velikov and yes I am a Dusk Elf. Please sit."

The house was decorated in the style of Elves but not of the Wood nor High Elf.

Niall: "Thanky......".

Kasimir held up his hand and stopped Niall midsentence. 

Kasimir: "We have been here for over 4 centuries. We have been here from the very start of Barovia. You may wonder why you have seen no females, nor children. We have Strahd to thank for that. He married my sister and turned her into an abomination. We, the Dusk Elves, killed her and set her soul free. Strahd, in revenge, slaughtered our women and children. We cannot procreate. We are the last, barely a dozen of us left. We try not to anger Strahd but we would help in anyway with his downfall".

Niall: "It is our aim, to try and get rid of Strahd and free Barovia, if we can."

Kasimir: "You carry a book Niall, may I see it please?"

Niall handed the book over and recalled the incident at the Winery.

Kasimir: "You have in your possession the Book of Strahd. Find Rictovio the bard, I believe he resides at the Blue Water Inn, he should be able to help you."

Moonwhisper: "What of the Druids and this Baba Lysaga witch?"

Kasimir: "Yester Hill is home to a druidic cult. I believe they are in league or allied to the Witch Baba Lysaga, a very, very powerful witch. She is a very dangerous opponent. As evil as Strahd is."

Moonwhisper: "Do you have anything else or other information that may assist us?"

Kasimir: "You may find the answer to break the curse at the Amber Temple. Yes, that is the only way for you to go home to break the curse, I'm sorry."

Niall: "Could you offer a guide to Yester Hill?"

Kasimir: "Yes, but they will only take you as far as the last road to Yester Hill. I am sure you understand our reluctance."

Moonwhisper: "We do. Can you then give us anything else that may help us?"

Kasimir: "Meet my guides the day after the festival in Vallaki, they will have something for you. If you are not there by midday then I will take it you want neither guides nor help."

Niall: "That is fine, we thank you".

They said their goodbye's and thanked Kasimir again before joining the others outside. Kasimir sent wo Dusk Elves as guides so they didn't get lost in the woods on the way back to Vallaki.

Approaching the gates to Vallaki they were challenged. Identifying themselves they were relieved to find out that Roscoe had informed the gate guards that they would be late and that they had assisted in bringing wine to Vallaki.

On the way to the Inn they heard running footsteps behind them. Turning they observed the priest.

Priest: "I'm sorry for the late hour but I have been awaiting your return. I must see you tomorrow morning, early, it of great importance, promise me?"

Ragul-Nur: "We will, now we need a drink".

The group headed for the Inn but it was quiet. The innkeeper informed them that it was a good night. Rictovio and Roscoe had entertained the customers with song and prose and the wine flowed. They took an offered drink of wine before heading for their rooms. Rictovio and the priest could wait until the morrow.


Unicorn Rug value roughly 750 gold pieces.

Congratulations to Bernadette, level 5 Rogue/Assassin.

Wednesday 11 October 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 12, 13 & 14: "Little old wine drinker me...." or "Red, red wine....must have some!"

 26/09/23 - 03/10/23 - 10/10/23 (Triple session report)

21st  Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Take Ireena to Vallaki

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia, Vallaki, Winery

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper, Bomber Longbeard. Ireena and Ismark.

On arriving downstairs for breakfast at the Blue Water Inn the group observed a heated discussion between Urwin, the owner and a Dwarf. It transpired the delivery of wine had  not arrived that morning form the winery and the Dwarf was adamant that he wanted wine with his breakfast.

The Dwarf informed Urwin that he would go get himself but couldn't do it alone. The group offered to assist and finding out that the way to the winery was on the way to the church they could do both jobs at the same time. Deliver Ireena safely to the priest and then travel to the winery and find out why the delivery was late.

At the church all was not well. Father Lucien informed them that the holy bones of St Andral have been stolen. They are what protects the church and to some extent Vallaki from Strahd. SO leaving Ireena at the church is not an option, yet. He also cannot provide them with any spiritual items to aid the priest in Barovia. He will research the times and cost to procure what items needed to complete this and inform them on the return.

The group decide to push on to the winery and after 5 hours arrive at the bottom of the hill. Vine adorn the hillside and at the top they can just make out a building.

As they approached Niall spotted a figure waving to them from the tree line to their right. Carefully approaching they saw an old man, cloaked but not threatening. In the tree line they could see other figures, some of them children.

Old Man: "I am Davian Martikov and this is my family. The winery was attacked but a few hours ago and we were forced to flee. Can you aid us?"

Niall: "Of course Davian, we were actually here to collect the wine for Vallaki".

Davian: "Now you know why the delivery was late!"

Davian drew a rough map of the layout of the building. It had two storeys and a cellar.

The group made a quick plan. They would circle the vines and use them for cover to approach the building. They would be in single file. As they approached the building they would split into two groups. Group 1, Niall, Dramos, Ragul and Roscoe: Group 2, Moonwhisper, Bomber and Bernadette. Group 1 would enter via the loading bay (W2), whilst group 2 would enter by the side door (W8), they would meet up in the fermentation room (W9).

As they moved through the vines the vines seemed to come alive as 6 groups of vine creatures attacked them. The group were hard pressed but managed to kill all 30 of the vine/twig creatures. Moonwhisper thought it prudent to provide a guard for the family and offered his services as the enemy had attacked them so close to the group hidden in the trees. Ragul moved from group 1 to group 2 and they moved more cautiously towards the entry points. Group 1 entered the loading bay (W2) as group 2 moved to the side entrance (W8).

The door (W8) sprang open and Twig Blights poured out. Group 1 entered the fermentation room and Twig Blights attacked them from all directions.

Niall and Roscoe were hard pressed and outnumbered but the restrictive space worked in their favour. Dramos assisted where he could. Bernadette and Ragul were outnumbered too, Bomber had been forced back by the power thrown at him from a human.

Slowly both groups got the upper hand as Bomber charged back into the melee and Ragul dispatched the Druid with his own spiritual power and his battleaxe.

They searched the body of the Druid as the Twig Blights had just crumpled into twigs. Some healing was taken and as the groups re-joined in the fermentation room Ragul cast spiritual healing. Bomber informed them he would guard the entrance outside in case any more Twig Blights or Druids showed up. Also he could see Moonwhisper and wave to him if either needed help.

Niall guarded the bottom of the stairs leading up to the next level. The others spaced out around him. Bernadette checked the other doors. The double sliding doors were chained on her side. The door behind Niall was locked, no key hole so she presumed (rightly) that it was barred from the other side. Checking a third door it opened. Cautiously she peeked inside. It was full of barrels but in the left corner by the door was a very narrow, circular staircase leading up. She informed the others.

Ragul started a long mass healing prayer as Niall suddenly jumped to one side. A blast of energy, channelled by the wall either side of the stairs thundered into the ground where he stood and blasted the door that was behind him into matchwood.

Niall: "It's another bloody Druid, I'm going to t..t him for that!"

Bernadette thought they could hit him from two sides and put forward a plan to go up using the main stairs, if they were clear and the narrow circular stairs she had found in the side room full of barrels.

Dramos followed Bernadette as Roscoe and Ragul followed Niall as he ran upstairs. He saw nothing but a corridor going left and right.

Niall: "Bugger, he's gone. Stay behind me in case he pops out again."

Bernadette and Dramos found themselves in a corridor with several doors on the right and at the far end she could just make out the door was open. She could hear noises coming from the room but could not make them out.

Suddenly the Druid advanced down the corridor and blasted Niall. Niall advanced and swung both his short swords hitting the Druid. Niall could see 2 Twig Blights behind the Druid and as Roscoe stepped forward to fill the void left by Niall he saw 3 Twig Blights advancing from his right.

Bernadette advanced stealthily and indicated Dramos to do the same. Listening at each door as she passed by, Dramos copied her but neither of them heard anything.

Niall struck the druid down and leapt over his body to attack the Twig Blights. The Druid with his last action managed to trip Niall and he fell face forward, hard. Both short swords clattered to the floor as Niall tried to shake the blackness from his eyes. Ragul advanced and stepped over Niall to protect him but he slipped and the Twig Blight tried to capitalise on his mistake. However the chainmail shirt of Ragul stopped the blow. Roscoe dispatched one Twig Blight After another. Ragul dispatched the last twig blight and raced to assist Roscoe killing the last Twig Blight he was facing. Niall sat up.

Niall: "Well that was kind of silly! Let's find the others, Roscoe lead the way.

Bernadette crept up to the open door and stealthily looked inside. A human figure, cloaked like the other 2 Druids was searching for something, between the Druid and Bernadette stood 2 Twig Blights facing away from the door!

Bernadette swiped her rapier with great skill and managed to drop both Twig Blights with one swipe of her deadly blade.

The cloaked figure stood and staff in hand cast a thunder wave of force that knocked Bernadette prone, into the corridor behind her. At that moment the door to her right opened and Roscoe stepped through as the cloaked creature advanced. Roscoe aided Bernadette. Dramos who was out of sight hurled a prepared shocking grasp at the figure, evidently a female Druid. The electricity from the cantrip flowed around but did not strike the figure. The Druid swung her staff with both hands but failed to hit Dramos. Dramos managed to hit the Druid as did Roscoe. The Druid failed another attack and then dove out of the widow behind her. All 3 heard the snap as her neck hit the ground first. The female Druid was dead.

Back together the group searched the winery to ensure no more enemies lurked hidden. They searched the Druids and a number of items were recovered. Davian and his family came into the winery and were upset to find the vats poisoned. Ragul told them he could fix that but they would have to wait until the next day before he could.

Davian again thanked the group and handed Niall a book wrapped in an expensive cloth, embroidered with gold thread it depicted a scene of the castle overlooking Barovia village bathed in bright sunlight and a wedding procession.

The group healed. Worked out a watch rota and settled in for the night.

Dramos identified the objects they had found.

A cloak of many fashions.

A Mace

A short sword

A Druid Staff called Gulthias Staff

A wand of secrets

A green gem about the size of a goose egg.

During the night Niall read a few excerpts from the Book of Strahd.

(Green gem will be explained at next session).

Player Information

Bernadette: Cloak of many fashions (aids disguise) and Wand of Secrets (finds traps and hidden doors)

Niall: +1/+1 short sword which also gives out light on command as a bonus action.

Book: Is the book of Strahd.

Bomber: +1/+1 Mace which also allows the holder to have his voice carried 300ft as an action.

Dramos: Staff of Gulthias, evil scary aura to beasts. replenish hit points from a successful attack. Evil plant based creatures view holder as non hostile. If destroyed by fire or broken will destroy all evil plant based creatures within 300ft.