Wednesday 18 January 2023

Session 122: "Where there's smoke there's......." or "Into the frying pan.....again!"

 27th - 29th day of Palesun 1492 

Mission:  Find Terananya.

CampaignFind Karion's missing Father

Location(s):  Shattered Stone. Ashabenford, Abbey of the Golden Sheaf.

Present: Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion, Paskan


The group decided to gather information. Paskan went in search of Rangers, Karion went in search of healing potions. Bandur and Anor propped up the bar and engaged with the locals for information.

Paskan noticed he was being followed by a person, slim of build and dressed in browns and greens. Every time he turned round the person was there

When he approached the individual managed to elude him but he would notice the furtive figure following him later on. The process was repeated many times. Paskan eventually made his way back to the Quarry Inn. He decided not to draw attention to the group and sent  cryptic note written in Orcish to Bandur. Bandur could not read Orcish so ignored it.

Anor and Bandur managed to find out that a new merchant company was setting up trade links and routes. As to where they were based, when they would arrive in this region was all pure speculation as every tale countered the last and rumour followed rumour.

Karion returned with a good haul of healing potions and split them between the group.

No sooner had Karion returned and was brought up to speed by Bandur and Anor a stranger, to the group, walked in and sat down at their table.

Stranger: "My name is Inialos Oakwood, Ranger. I have been following that one at the bar all morning so you might as well tell him to join us."

Paskan was waved back to the table.

Inialos was tall, slender, and an Elf. She then produced her closed hand and quickly flipped her hand over and opened her fingers. Inside, lying on her palm was a Harper Pin. Quick as a flash it was removed from sight. Anor followed suit and both looked at each other before Inialos continued.

Inialos: "The soul of a Harper...."

Anor: "Must be incorruptible".

Inialos: "I am on Harper business and must depart tomorrow. I needed to give you fair warning not to ask so many questions about Terananya, she is a Harper too. So, you have questions, what are your plans?"

Karion: "We have information that Terananya met my father 12 months ago and may know of his whereabouts."

Anor: "Karion too is a Harper. We were discussing pans to search for Terananya near to Myth Drannor, as that is where she has gone."

Inialos nodded her head toward Karion in acknowledgement.

Inialos: "Terananya is normally away from here for about 3, maybe 4 days. No longer. She has been away 2 days. She will return tomorrow or the next day at the latest. As for your going to Myth Drannor. Don't. It will be the end of you. It is one of the most dangerous places in all of Faerun. Be guarded about asking more about Terananya. Act like you are seeking her employ. I have a room here but must depart for the South, for the Halfling village of Hap early tomorrow morning."

Anor: "We hear they have a Bulette problem. After we meet with Terananya we may be heading that way ourselves."

Inialos: "If you do seek out the Hetman, village elder, he is called Bingo Loudfather. I wish you well."


At breakfast a dishevelled, blood spattered individual entered the inn.

Stranger: "Innkeep, a flagon of Meade, and make it quick for I have a deep thirst and the fires of hell to quench".

Innkeep: "Here's your Meade, Terananya. Lost another group of misfits then?"

Terananya grabbed the Innkeep and pushed him backwards.

Terananya: "Do not rile me this morn, do not!"

After Terananya had downed her second flagon of Meade Anor approached.

Anor: "Am I correct in asking you if you are Terananya?"

Terananya: "What if I am, what do you want, in fact go away. I don't need another group of misfits.....yet".

Anor: "Inialos told us you could help, however I will leave you to your....Meade."

After downing a third flagon Terananya approached the group, slamming down her flagon and shouting loudly that if the group wanted work, and didn't mind the danger she would take them on.

Karion: " But we don't want work, we want your help with..."

Terananya leaned closer to Karion and whispered in his ear.

Terananya: "Listen Druid and listen well we don't blab business out loud. So listen the rest of you. Go with the flow".

Karion: " father. You met 12 months ago his name was Einalis Velorna".

Terananya: "Ok, um, that's awkward. I need a bath, a clean up. Meet me outside tomorrow morning. I'll tell you everything on the way. INNKEEP, INNKEEP; I need a hot bath, and a good scrubbing brush to get this muck off me. And you lot, if it's to Myth Drannor you want to go, them I'm your guide".


The group met Terananya outside that morning. They left Shattered Stone by the west gate and headed into the woods. After an hour Terananya led them into a thicket of bushes which obscured the group but gave good visibility all around. Terananya positioned them so they were in a circle, looking outward shoulders touching.

Terananya: "See anything, hear anything indicate with your hand don't speak."

They all nodded. They stayed there for another 2 hours. Terananya stood up and uttered a quick prayer. As they followed Terananya they noticed they were leaving no tracks.

Terananya circled through the woods and began walking eastward. After another 2 to 3 hours they were at the edge of the tree line. They could see a tree line in the distance and a roadway running east to west between.

Terananya: "Decision time. You want answers Karion, I'll give them to you but not here. Head east until you come to the town of Ashabenford. Cross the river and you will see off to your right a large Abbey, the Abbey of the Golden Sheaf. I will meet you there and tell you what you want to know. Or head back west to Shattered Stone. Choice is yours. Either way anyone you meet you tell them we had a fallen out and you've decided not to go to Myth Drannor but try your luck elsewhere. Got it. Good."

The group turned to each other and chatted awhile. When they looked around Terananya was gone. No trace of her could be found.

Bandur: "We've come this far. Lets continue. Only way we're going to get answers to questions."

The group agreed. They made their way to the roadway and turned east. After a few hours they came out of the woods and into more open, farming land. They could see a small hamlet to the south nestled into the trees. Further ahead as they crested a small rise a small town below, straddling a river. They passed many workers in the fields, none seemed interested in the group. They entered the small town and again the townsfolk, although some may look, never stared. They passed merchant shops, a fletcher, a shop belonging to the Black Eagle Coster ( a food stock and grain merchant company). Eventually they crossed the ford and saw the Abbey, sitting on a slight rise off to their right.

As they entered the grounds Terananya stepped out from behind an out building. She bade them follow her and she took them inside a magnificent Abbey. In a side room they were introduced to Mazan, High Abbess of the Abbey of the Golden Sheaf.

Mazan was very aloof and spoke mainly through Terananya. Mazan acknowledged that Karion's father had been here at the Abbey. However before she would impart further information she asked the group, through Terananya to perform a small task, if they did this then she would tell them what she knew.

High Abbess Mazan wished for the group to take a small chest to the village of Glen. There they would hand over said chest to the village Hetman, Borin Deepdelver, in exchange for 2 chests. The 2 chests would not be heavy, and could easily be carried.

Aramil asked is there was a library here. When he was told there was he informed the others that he would remain here in the library until there return.

Shortly after lunch the group collected the small chest. Terananya gave them a warning that they were not to open any of the chests, the group agreed and set off. They retraced their steps of yesterday. As they passed through Ashabenford two warriors, wearing the same insignia on their shields approached the group but walked past to the watering pool. They ignored the group.

Shield Insignia

The group continued on. As they turned off the main roadway towards Glen they could see a low pall of black smoke had settled on the hamlet. As they approached they observed blast marks on the buildings and dead lying everywhere. A low moan from behind a fallen wall and they found a young Dwarf lying injured. Paskan cast a quick healing spell and Karion set the youths broken arm. They found no one else alive.

Youth: "They came last night, no warning. Made off south into the woods. Is everyone dead?"

Players Information:

After living expense charges and buying healing potions this is where characters stand money wise.

This is characters experience points after session 122.

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Session 121: "Oh father where art thou?" or "In search of Terry"

 23rd - 26th day of Palesun 1492 

Mission:  Find Terananya.

CampaignFind Karion's missing Father

Location(s):  Vel'Shara. Evertree. Hillsfar. Shattered Stone.

Present: Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion, Paskan


The group spent the day gathering information about Karion's missing father. Karion, Aramil and Paskan headed for the grove but stopped outside. Karion called out:

Karion: "Kyzen, Kyzen ....where are you?"

He was hit on the forehead by an acorn. Once more he was hit but caught the 3rd one. 

Karion: "Stop it Kyzen and come out I need to ask you some questions."

Kyzen: "Do you have a treat for me?"

Karion did and brought forth his hand. The faerie dragon flew and landed on Karion's palm. It was no bigger than 6 inches, like a small dragonfly. 

Karion: "Kyzen I need to ask you about my father, did he come to the grove and do you know where he went?"

Kyzen: "He asked the gods about the Horn of the Unicorn and where he could find it. He was talking to himself about a person called Terananya, must find Terananya he kept saying to himself as he left the grove in a hurry."

Kyzen took to the air and landed on Aramils shoulder, Aramil felt something wet poke him in the ear. 

Kyzen: "Oh look 'Pointy Head' has pointy ears too. and that one I'll call 'Fishscales'."

Karion: "Stop fooling around Kyzen."

But Kyzen was already heading back into the grove laughing in a gurgling sound of way.

Anor and Bandur went looking for Obelisk, the village ranger. They found him tending his garden. Obelisk was an Earth Genasi.

Anor: "Hello, are you Obelisk by chance?"

Obelisk: "Not by chance but by birth. You must be Anor and the small one, who I can just see the top of his shiny helm, must be Bandur. You are the talk of the village. We owe you a great debt".

Anor: "Perhaps then you could help us as we are trying to find Karion's father but are at a loss as to where to start."

Obelisk: "I remember he was talking about finding the druid Terananya. I told him I heard she was living in Shattered Stone, a town some 30 to 35 miles from here. But that was over a year ago."

Anor: "It's a starting place, hopefully we can pick up the trail there and head for Myth Drannor."

Obelisk: "I would think long and hard before going there. All kinds of bad things are rumoured to live around Myth Drannor, ever since the Netharese flying city crashed down onto it. A demon army even conquered it a few centuries ago. Not a good place."

Anor: "We thank you for helping us and we will leave you to your garden, which looks good."

Obelisk: "Do you garden, if you do you are welcome to join me tilling the soil, it is very fertile in the valley."

Anor: "In my younger days I tended the farm with my father, we grew corn. If we have time before we go I would like to help you though."

Obelisk was already back at work and murmured his thanks and wished them well.

The two groups met up near the middle of the village and compared notes. So the person whom Karion's father had gone to see was the druid Terananya, who at the time that Karion's father left lived in Shattered Stone.

Karion's mother had made up a healing pack of potions, which they distributed amongst themselves. She also gave them Elven Whey bread for emergencies if they needed it. They would leave early next day.


It was a short, uneventful day, as they left early for Elventree. They decided to stay that night in Elventree. It was surrounded on three sides by low hills dotted with caves. Elventree had been built up with wood on ruins of stone buildings. There was an elegant but natural-looking palace. There were also a number of structures in the branches of trees, which were linked by rope ladders, walkways, and bridges of silver rope and white planks. The ground was reserved for cooking fires and gathering spaces where residents met to pass news or share a song.

They stayed that night at the 'Swaying Bough Tavern'.


Another uneventful day as they made their way to the City of Hillsfar. As the city was now ruled by the leader of the 'Red Plumes', a member of the Lords Alliance, the laws restricting none humans from entering the city had been relaxed. They found themselves wandering around looking for a decent nights lodging. Anor managed to procure a nice light crossbow and gave his old one to Paskan to train with. Lodging found they settled in for a quiet night.


A long, hard days walk along the road saw them entering Shattered Stone around late afternoon. The town was quite large, they could see from a hill they walked down that it was surrounded by an palisade atop and earthen bank, they estimated it had a population roughly some 3,000 in number. The gate guard knew nothing of Terananya but directed them to 'The Quarry', a nearby Inn. Whilst there they overheard mention of Terananya and asking some locals found out that Terananya was away, probably with a group such as there's somewhere near Myth Drannor and up to no good.

They decided to wait for her return.

Players Notes:

Experience to date:

Balance of Money to date: