Wednesday 30 August 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 11: "We just gotta get out of this place...." or "If it's the last thing we ever do!"


20th Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Take Ireena to Vallaki

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, (Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper) Plus Mule. Ireena and Ismark.


Niall: "Vallaki then?"

Father Danovich gave Bernadette a small pouch. The pouch contained dust. 

Danovich: "This has only one use left. Use it wisely. Throw the dust in the air and everyone within 10 feet of you will become invisible. However, should an individual use violence or magic of any kind that individual breaks the power of the dust and becomes visible again. The effects last for some minutes."

Bernadette thanked the Father.

Danovich: "If you are heading for Vallaki then go to the church of St Andrel and ask for Father Lucian Petrovich. He will help you."

The group left shortly after and headed for the bridge to the south west of Barovia. As they approached they could see a lone rider on a horse on the other side. Fearing it could be Strahd again Niall Tharivol approached cautiously. The rider did the same. As the rider approached. Niall could now see the rider was not a living being. Skin hung off a skeletal form, his mount no better. His armour was old, worn and in sad need of repair.

Niall: "Hail. Are you well? I am Niall Tharivol. We mean you no harm. We travel to Vallaki".

Janus: "Well said. I am Janus Hunyadi, knight of the Order of the Silver Dragon. That said are you friend or foe to Strahd von Zarovich?"

Niall: "Foe, we have met him 3 times. The last only this morning. We fought off Zombies, Wolves and bats. Zarovich himself was there but we fought him off."

Janus: "Then you are indeed foes to be feared. However Strahd does not give in that easily. There must have been a reason. May I ask were the wolves on 4 legs or 2?"

Niall: "4."

Janus: "Then again you are lucky. As you travel to Vallaki stay on the road. The forests are full of Strahd's minions. Wolves on 2 legs, werewolves, are the most dangerous. I would love to kill Strahd but I will await orders from the leader of my Order Vladimir Horngaard. If you have time visit him at the centre of our order at Argynvostholt. He may give you more advice and help."

Niall: "We shall, once we have been to Vallaki."

The rider ambled past the group neither looking right nor left, head down.

jhe group pushed on until Ragul at the rear jumped to one side as a hunters trap snapped shut barely missing his leg. Niall checked the road either side but it looked like an isolated incident. A trap surely forgotten by a hunter long ago. The trap looked old and rusty but still nasty.

Taking the left hand fork they proceeded around some high ground and were heading down a spur back towards the forest when Niall stopped. To the left were 3 poles. On each pole hung a scarecrow.

The group gathered around Niall and Bernadette when the Scarecrows started to move toward the group. 

Dramos moved to the right and let fly a firebolt. It hit the scarecrow and it burst int flames. The scarecrow closed with Niall and attacked. A second attacked Ismark and a third was attacked by Ragul. Dramos hit the second Scarecrow with a firebolt and it too burst into flame. Niall was hit once before he downed the scarecrow. Bernadette killed the second and moved to assist Ragul, who had been hit twice. Moving in she slipped her rapier plunging into Ragul. Ragul glared. They both dispatched the third. Bernadette saw the mid riff of the scarecrow moving. She moved the straw away with the tip of her rapier, ready to strike. It was a bird. A raven with a broken wing. Ragul splinted the broken wing and set the raven on his shoulder. It seemed happy.

The approached a second bridge. They could hear before they saw the falls off to their left. Water thundered down nearly 1000ft to the river below. As they stood a wagon approached from a trail to their right. They recognised it as belonging to Madam Eva.

Madam Eva offered to take them to Vallaki as there was no other way they could leave Barovia. Agreeing to travel with her it was about an hour later when they approached the western gates. They were a copy of the eastern ones. Gargoyles standing watch either side. The gates opened as soon as Madam Eva's wagon approached and closed as soon as she had passed through.

Shortly after they arrived before the gates of Vallaki. Before gaining entrance they were asked a barrage of questions, had the law of Vallaki, and registered all of their weapons,  told to them by a very officious and serious captain of the guard. They were then directed to the Blue Water Tavern. Madam Eva had not had to go through the interrogation and her wagon was nowhere to be seen when they came out of the guard room.

Captain: "and remember, the festival of the Burning Sun is in 3 days time. If you are still within the gates it is mandatory for you to attend. Otherwise...................?"

Bernadette: "We will be arrested, yeah we got it."

It was a short walk to the Blue Water Inn. It's sign, a blue waterfall. The inn was slowly filling but the genial owner made them welcome and offered them rooms, at a price.


Wednesday 23 August 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 10: "For whom the bell tolls...." or "Better dig 3 graves then!"


20th Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Find Our Lady's Heart

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, (Moonwhisper) Plus Mule.


Ragul rested but as request was woken very early so he could perform a long prayer to Moradin. As the others awoke he told them of his prayer and the answer he had received. To cure the priests son would take very strong prayers, prayers he did not have access to. First Danovich's son would have to be killed then resurrected. That was the only way to cure what ailed him.

Rested, healed and breakfast, for what it was, eaten. They started to prepare for the burial of the Burgomaster. The burial party set off after Dramos cast his floating disc spell to enable the coffin to be moved easily. As they left the church they were alerted by the crypt grate being banged repeatedly. Moonwhisper and Roscoe told the others to continue, they would check it out.

The burial party continued to the churchyard gate.

The gate was that rotten as soon as Tharivol opened it, the gate just fell to pieces. They entered the graveyard.

As the party neared a central monolith with faded reliefs carved into each of its sides a huge plume of blackness came out of the older part of the graveyard. A swarm of bats!

The bats swarmed around the monolith, diving down and distracting the group but they continued on, steadily.

Danovich: "Zarovich!"

Dramos uttered words, he pointed his hands, fingers splayed and a cone of fire erupted into the swarm. 

The distraction had allowed a number of wolves to approach stealthily towards the graveyard.

Ragul charged a wolf and it quickly fell to the swipe of his battleaxe.

Niall attacked a second wolf over the graveyard wall, Bernadette could hear the wolf but could not see it, yet, on the other side of the hedge and prepared for its attack.

Wolves were all around them.

A gust of wind blew across the graveyard and suddenly standing near the old part of the graveyard was Zarovich. 3 times he raised both his hands from his knees to above his head then a horde of zombies burst from the ground all around the group.

Zarovich: "As she approached, I came to see that she was as beyond beauty as a river in spring flood is beyond a drop of water."

The group prepare to stem the assault as Roscoe stepped around the corner and into sight of a wolf. Baring its teeth it crept slowly then charged towards Roscoe. Danovich stopped his prayers and slammed the but of his staff into the ground, brilliant light cascaded from it and 2 of the zombies fell dead.

Niall dispatched the wolf with ease then rushed over to assist Bernadette who was no fighting 2 zombies.  The wolf took advantage of this and jumped over the hedge to attack Dramos. Ireena moved as if in a trance toward Zarovich.

The swirling swarm of bats disappeared for a fleeting second. The group could now see what they faced.

The zombies shambled, did not move with speed but there were enough of them to keep the group busy, distracted.

The wolf attacked Roscoe but could not bite the elusive, small Bard. His rapier struck out, once twice and missed. Then it struck out twice more and the wolf lay dead. Danovich struck down with his staff again and another 2 zombies fell dead.

Ireena seemed to be struggling, she was trying to take a step forward but some internal struggle was fighting back and she hesitated. The group fought on. Ragul charged forward to attack Zarovich.

Ragul was assailed by 2 zombies but he shrugged them off and his battleaxe whistled down towards Zarovich. It struck something hidden, a force he could not see. Blue light exploded where the battleaxe hit.

Ragul was hit by the 2 zombies and an almighty blow from Zarovich. Ragul slumped to the ground.

The remaining zombies attacked the group and blocked off any chance of getting through to Zarovich, Ragul or Ireena. Suddenly Zarovich threw his hands up to his head and screamed in agony. 

Zarovich: "Tatyana......aghhh"

Roscoe had cast a minor spell but it had caught Zarovich unprepared. The distraction caused Ireena to pause once more as her internal struggles continued. 2 zombies began ripping and biting the body of Ragul as it lay on the ground, unmoving.

The fight was frantic, friend helping friend where they could, Dramos using spell and dagger. One by one the zombies were felled and the wolves closed in. No one saw that Dramos was down, hidden by the two raised graves.

Ireena moved up to Zarovich, his task nearly done his minions had done their work well in delaying the group from stopping him. Niall was free to act and he charged Zarovich, casting a spell as he attacked. Vines sprang up around his feet, distracting him again as Niall's short sword hammered downwards and into the blue force surrounding Zarovich. 

Bernadette rushed over and assisted Danovich killing the wolf attacking him.

Ireena started to move away from Zarovich and towards Roscoe. Roscoe had cast a charm of his own, Zarovich distracted, his own charm broken again could do nothing but watch. Zarovich turned to mist and disappeared.

Danovich used his remaining power to bring life back to Dramos and he slowly opened is eyes. The group stood around the dead body of Ragul. 

Danovich: "Unfortunately I could only help one of you, poor Ragul."

Smoke started to rise from the ground near Ragul's inert body. It coalesced into an old man cloaked in grey with a grey beard. It uttered strange words whilst its hand hovered over Ragul. The old mans form turned back into smoke and disappeared into the ground. Ragul opened his eyes.

Ragul: "Now why did I have a dream where you chopped off my head?"

The group were alive, the burgomaster had been buried and prayers spoken over his grave. They all looked at each other and Niall spoke......

Niall: "Vallaki then?"


Wednesday 2 August 2023

A BARDS TALE: Session 9: "Grey skies and overcast" or "Nice day for a funeral".


19th & 20th Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Find Our Lady's Heart

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, (Moonwhisper) Plus Mule.


Ireena: "Ismark, brother, I will not go anywhere whilst father lies unburied. We must take him to the graveyard, find the priest Donavich. He will make sure the correct prayers are said and their father interred correctly. Only then would I agree to leave."

Dramos: "I make it just passed midday. 

Ismark: "Time is of the essence, Strahd seems distracted, now is the time to get Ireena out of Barovia."

After making their plans, Ireena changed into more suitable clothes and could be seen with a hefty purse of coin.

Ismark: "It will take 4 of us to carry the coffin, none of the villagers will help for fear of upsetting Strahd. The church (E5) is at the other end of the village. The priest there is called Danovich."

Niall: "Well we have Moonwhisper, myself, Dramos and you. No offence Ragul and Roscoe but you're a little bit vertically challenged to help."

Niall and Ragul went looking for a cart in the Mansion (E4) outbuildings. They came back with bad news, a cart there was, but one wheel was badly broken and Ragul could not fix it. Dramos asked for some time to prepare a magical spell. After a short period of time a shimmering field of force. Moonwhisper commented that it looked circular and floated a mere 3 feet from the ground.

Dramos: "You are quite correct, 3 feet round, 1 inch thick, will always stay within 10 feet of me and will support 500lbs in weight with ease and will last for roughly 1 hour. It should handle the coffin.....don't you think".

Moonwhisper: "I still think we should rest up here, regain some of our powers before tangling with any more surprises von Zarovich can throw at us!"

Niall: "As much as I agree with you, I think we need to press on, now that Dramos has given us the means to move the coffin without exerting ourselves."

Ragul: "Bernadette can you cover us from the shadows, doing your sneaking here and there bit again?"

Bernadette: "Of course, what I do best."

Moonwhisper: "Ok, if the decision has been made, lets go."

The group loaded the coffin onto the floating disc of energy and were astounded as Dramos moved it moved, always keeping within 10 feet of him. If he came closer than 10 feet, the disc stopped moving.  They set off, Dramos leading with Ireena and Ismark close behind followed by the floating coffin. Ragul stood to the left of the disc and Roscoe, leading the mule, to the right. Niall and Moonwhisper were at the rear as Bernadette flitted from shadow to shadow. Stopping every now and then, then satisfied moving on to another vantage point.

They passed villagers, in small groups. They just stared passed the funeral procession into space, eyes soulless and empty of a spark. They did notice 1 individual who seemed more active who attempted a small wave but winked at them instead.

The group passed the house (E3) with the person sobbing inside. They ignored it. Crossing the square another Vistani came out of the tavern (E2) to watch them pass. It was not the same one as earlier.

Bernadette kept watch from the shadows until that Vistani returned inside the tavern and closed the door. As the group approached the church (E5), Bernadette stepped into the shadows once more and kept a look out at a crossroads.

Roscoe and Ragul were pushed to the front to check the door. Niall moved to the left and saw a gate at the end of the church, he presumed it led into the graveyard. Moonwhisper, as nobody else was doing it, took control of the mule. Bernadette moved to the group and told them they were not being followed.

Roscoe opened the door just as Ragul was about to thump it with his hammer. A long passageway seemed to lead into a larger open space, a space well lit. An alter of sorts could be seen and behind a person seemingly in prayer.

Cautiosuly Ragul and Roscoe entered with Bernadette and Niall moving to a mid way point along the passageway. Off the passageway were 4 doors, evenly spaced two on each side.

The group slowly entered the large open space and a man, obviously a priest of some sort by his dress, stood up to face them. Dramos kept watch by the door and Moonwhisper held on tightly to the mule!

Before anyone could speak an unholy scream came from below. Then soft words, pleading words.

Voice: "Father, you have abandoned me. Feed me for I am starving. Feed me father".

The voice repeated over and over. Niall thought it prudent to get everyone inside. Dramos moved and the disc moved with him. Shortly they were all in the main part of the church. They noticed that it was so well lit not one shadow could be seen in the room.

The priest introduced himself as Father Danovich. They exchanged pleasantries and when asked he recalled the story of his son and his demise at the hand of Strahd. He and a few villagers had been convinced to attack Castle Ravenloft by a wizard dressed in black. Only his son came back, quite mad, the priest had locked him in the undercroft of the church. He had been there for over a year. Danovich prayed night and day for the saving of his sons soul for he knew he was one of Strahd's vampire spawn. Dead, yet not undead, but not a full vampire....yet.

He welcomed Ireena and Ismark and knew of their fathers death. Danovich would be happy to bury the Burgomaster but the best time was just after the sun had risen, the sun for what it was.

The coffin containing the Burgomaster was placed atop the alter.

Niall and Moonwhisper ensured the church doors were barred, the 4 rooms empty and the grate leading to the undercroft was secure.

Danovich recalled the history of Barovia and Strahd's downfall. Then Roscoe cast a charm person spell, making the priest more susceptible to his lullaby poem. Danovich fell into an untroubled seep. They put him into the room he had indicated was his.

Moonwhisper, Bernadette and Niall took turns at watch. The others when sleeping slept with weapons drawn ready in an instant to face any danger.


Ragul rested but as request was woken very early so he could perform a long prayer to Moradin. As the others awoke he told them of his prayer and the answer he had received. To cure the priests son would take very strong prayers, prayers he did not have access to. First Danovich's son would have to be killed then resurrected. That was the only way to cure what ailed him.

Rested, healed and breakfast, for what it was, eaten. They started to prepare for the burial of the Burgomaster.