Monday 22 April 2024

Pre-Session Zero: The start of a new adventure or 10 volunteers are better than 7 pressed people.

Tuesday 30th April 2024.

The 3rd campaign for the S.C.A.G. or Sword Coast Adventurers Group.

The characters for this adventure are:

Seraphina: A female human Rogue from the Trielta Hills.

Seraphina, It has been a short journey from the Trielta Hills and you arrived in Boareskyr bridge a few days ago. The local inn was quite pleasant and you arranged a room for yourself. A trip over to the tented encampment and you saw the opportunity for rich pickings at some gambling tables set up in a tent. However, during a game you noticed that it was rigged. Calling out the vender only added to your problems. With the Vender and his bodyguards about to take matters into their own hands the local authorities turned up, who just happened to be from the Fort across the river…..Paladins. They have taken you into the fort for your own protection, the tented gambling area is notorious for doling out its own brand of justice. What you seek is not here.

Elysande: A male Goliath Fighter from the Sunset Mountains.

Elysande, Your home is deep within the Sunset Mountains. It has taken you just over 2 months to get to Boareskyr Bridge. You arrived in Boareskyr Bridge about 10 days ago. You found work breaking rocks for the Paladin order to be used in the construction of new roads. They feed you and house you and you are happy.

Daemon: A male Half Elf Sorcerer from Baldurs Gate.

Daemon, Travelling from Baldurs Gate you arrived in Boareskyr Bridge a few days ago with a caravan. You have taken lodgings in the local inn, you seek Stuffantle "Stuffings" Tinderkeg, you have been informed he is a one-eyed Dwarf who lives near the bridge. Unfortunately he is away on business to a village upriver called Whispering Woods. ……now where could you find a group heading into the woods?

Brielle: A female Wood Elf Cleric from Sella’Serin, located in the southern portion of The Reaching Woods.

Brielle, leaving your home and travelling north via Scornubel , Triel and Soubar you arrived in Boareskyr Bridge a few days ago with a caravan. You have taken lodgings in the local inn. You are a healer by trade. You worked your passage as a healer and the caravan owner was a kind man who gave you advice. The first was never to trust anyone, second was to wear a cloak with a hood. He had an old travelling cloak that he gave you for this purpose. You are looking for possible employment to further your aim of finding the lost healing tome.

Barlyn: A male Dwarf fighter from Scornubel.

Barlyn, with your termination as standard bearer of the Mercenary Unit in Scornubel , you travelled north via Triel & Soubar. Joining a caravan as a guard you arrived in Boareskyr Bridge a few days ago. You have taken lodgings in the local inn. You are seeking more worthwhile employment and adventure.

Tenver: A Wood Elf Ranger from Baldurs Gate.

Tenver, Following your dream to be a great monster hunter you have heard rumours that strange creatures have been reported in the Forest of Wyrms you have headed for Boareskyr Bridge. You arrived in Boareskyr Bridge a few days ago with a caravan. You have taken lodgings in the local inn.  Rumours abound of strange creatures that inhabit The Forest of Wyrms. Perhaps the beast you seek is one of them.

Zinella: A male Human Paladin from Baldurs Gate.

The 4th son of House Crassis in Baldurs Gate. Came to Boareskyr Bridge to serve with the Order of Companion Paladins. He has been given the task by Captain Harkonion to gather a group and head to the village of Whispering Woods to assist in the finding of a missing healer.

The campaign start point is the small settlement of Boareskyr Bridge.

1.     Start point: Boareskyr Bridge: Was the crossing over the Winding Water connecting Soubar, Triel and Scornubel to Waterdeep and the Trade Way.

2.     To the east of the bridge stands Heartwing Estate the personal residence of Aluena Halacanter.

3.     A small village/town has grown up around the bridge and Fort Tamal, built on the site of the previous Bridgefort.

4.     Fort Tamal is home to members of the Order of the Companion Paladins from Eltugard.

5.     The Paladins provide escort from the bridge north to Dragonspear Castle, where the Trade Way becomes a more formal road and south to Soubar to pick up the road of the Trade Way.

6.     The southerner Adi Abba Adidas, a trader, has settled here and opened a merchant business selling fine goods.

7.     Frequent visitors to the settlement are the group of Halfling travellers called the Grinning Ponies. They normally set up camp near to the settlement.

8.     There is but one inn at Boareskyr Bridge called the Travellers Rest.

9.     There is a thriving market but goods are not cheap. (During the daytime 2 ale tents can be found here).

10.  There is a large area for caravans to rest just outside the village.

11.  The bridge is constructed of black granite.

12.  Historical: Main threats are from Goblin/Hobgoblin tribes. Orcs are not numerous. There have been incidents of the odd Troll and many woodland creature/monster/animals etc. A group of paladins disappeared many years ago, supposedly by serpent folk.


Inn owner: Briar 'Diamond' McClure

Paladin Commander: Principes Spectator - Primus Paladinus Harkonion

Blacksmith: Luther Anvilson


BOARESKYR BRIDGE (including the Paladin customs station)

Young Zinalla Crassis , of House Crassis of Baldurs Gate, has completed his initial training as a Paladininus Aspirantus in the Fortress of the Order of the Companions in Eltugard.

He has been assigned a position, as Incumbentum Paladininus Aspirantus, under Captain Roland Harkonion, Commander of the Paladin detachment at Boareskyr Bridge.

On arrival, being the ‘new’ member and the youngest, he was given many daily mundane tasks to complete. His duties included:

·       Counting travellers, noting point of origin and destination.

·       Checking through countless wagons of goods for contraband.

·       Night guard duty, of which he did many.

·       Ensuring escort patrols were correctly provisioned from the stores.

·       And anything else, mundane and boring of course, Captain Harkonion wanted him to do.

·       Captain Harkonion had a nickname which none of the garrison would utter anywhere in earshot of the Captain, this was Captain Onion. His duties always brought tears to the eyes.

·       The Paladin garrison numbers 35.

·       Law and order in Boareskyr Bridge is left to the inhabitants.

·       Rarely do the Paladins get involved unless they stumble upon something directly.

It was during a very busy time of caravan escorts that Captain Harkonion, resigned to the fact the only free Paladin he had left to give this unpleasant task to was of course young Zinalla.

Captain: “Ah, young Zinalla. I have a very important task for you. Now if you complete this successfully, with no mishaps, it may go well for you in my next report to Eltugard. Now before you thank me, you will be on your own…….well only in so far as you will be the only member of the Order of the Companion Paladins. However you will represent the order in all respects and whatever you do, in whatever way will reflect directly onto the Order and your family.”

He paused….

“Now, there has come from the headman, Old Baelin, of the village of Whispering Wood about 15 miles east into the Forest of Wyrms from here, a message for assistance. It would seem their healer, who also supplies us with healing potions, has gone missing. I know you are not a Ranger, a tracker or…well anything…yet, but you may find in the inn some locals or strangers that you can, how shall I put it…..ah yes, persuade, to assist you. The woods can be dangerous so I would suggest taking a healer with you. I hear there is a newly arrived healer at the inn. A couple of fighting men might give you an edge should you run into any trouble, one of the locals might act as a guide, be nice!  Find some ingenious way to get others to accept being hired without them actually knowing that, but once accepted they have an obligation under the law to provide assistance. I would think you would need no more than a day to get there; 3 to complete the task and 1 to return. So don’t go overboard with payment, 5sp per ‘volunteer’ would ensure they are ‘hired’ for the duration plus I’m sure the village Hetman will have some kind of reward. Now as we are awaiting our pay on the next caravan I suggest you use your own coin, I am sure you have plenty and you will be reimbursed upon your successful return, I repeat successful return, oh and take that hulk of a rock breaker with you, the one with the girls name, he’s eating the kitchen out of rations and as I have no one to spare as a guard with a rotation take the gambler who we have under our protection…….only don’t let her dupe you”.

Zinella: ", can I get a wage advance or get some money from Mummsy? Zinella's a bit light on money after paying for my equipment. When I say light I mean nearly nothing."

The Captain bowed his head, reaches into a pocket and threw 5 gold coins onto the table. 

Harkonion: "And I want it back!"

Zinella bows and thanks the Captain, even though he reminded himself that it is as it should be, due to his families position!

Harkonion: "Wipe that look off your face, remember your place, after all your are a mere Aspirant not a fully fledged Paladinus....yet!"

Zinella: "Of course, My Lord. I am well aware of my.....important position."

Harkonion: "Good. Now before you go....muck out the stables and saddle the horse for the patrol.

The Captain waved his hand to dismiss Zinella but then coughed and added….Zinella turned to face the Captain.

“And don’t get killed, I don’t know how I would explain that to your mother!”

With that young Zinella, Paladin Aspirant, was dismissed.

On exiting the office Zinella made his way to the squires quarters.

Zinella: "Ok you lot. The Captain is sending me on an important mission. You are to make sure the horses are saddled for the patrol and the stables mucked out. Now get on with it."

Zinella was fond of using his families position to get the other squires and a few of the Paladins to do his bidding.

He made his way to the courtyard. Approaching the Goliath, Elysande, he talked to him directly.

Zinella: "My name is Zinella, I am going on a task appointed to me by the Captain".

Elysande: "Oh, the nice man who let me break rocks?"

Zinella: "What, um, yes, I suppose. Now look......(thinking).....Oh, how would you like to come with me, you can break rocks. How does that sound? I'll even pay you 1 copper piece a day for your troubles."

Elysande: "You sure there's rocks where we are going? Bet I can break more rocks than you. Ok, I'll get my stuff."

Elysande was told to wait in the courtyard for Zinella's return. Elysande said ok, but he'd break some more rocks whilst he waited.

Zinella shook his head and headed to the kitchens. He found the female gambler there.

Zinella: "The Captain has ordered you to come with me. There will not be enough Paladins left to ensure your safety here and he thinks a short trip to Whispering Woods village would ensure your safety from Lukhmar Quickeye and his cohorts from the tented camp. If they get their hands on you then thats your lot. Sold as a slave I guess. Whats your name?"

Seraphina: "Seraphina".

Zinella: "Ok, grab your equipment, meet me in the courtyard. And make it snappy."

Seraphina didn't like being bossed around but thought it would be safer away from here. Lukhmar had made it clear in no uncertain terms what her fate would be if he ever caught her.

30 minutes later they were in the courtyard as the patrol was already mounted and leaving by the main gate. The three companions followed on. The smell from the poisoned water of the moat was nearly overpowering and they quickly moved over the moat bridge and towards the village.

The Travellers Rest Inn was the first large building they came to.

Just as they entered a greasy haired and greasy bearded Dwarf pushed passed them and entered the Inn.

Zinella could see 4 individuals sat at separate tables. He approached them one at a time, introducing himself and enquiring as to whether they would be amenable to accompanying him on a small task, that they would be paid for.

Zinella was interrupted by the Dwarf at the bar.

Dwarf: "Hey shinney bollocks. Yes you. You heading into the woods. Know where your going? Been there before have you, thought not. You lot shouldn't follow Shinney Bollocks here. Hasn't a clue where he's going. But myself, yes me, Stuffantle Tinderkeg, Stuffings for short to my friends that is, knows the woods like the back of me hand, like the back of me hand."

Zinella: "Listen Stuffy, we don't need your help."

Stuffings: "Yes you do, and you know it. Been there and back many times. All the way passed Whispering Woods Village."

Zinella raised his eyebrows at the mention of the Village. His destination.

Stuffings: ""There, told you, you do need me. You ever been into the woods like?"

Zinella: "no."

There then followed an argument as Tenver insulted Barlyn, who was egged on by Stuffings. Then the argument got really heated when it was found out Zinella had offered differing amounts to each person.

Fearing a brawl was about to break out Zinella left the Inn. It was Seraphina who brought some order to the argument with calm and sensible talk. Another round of drinks appeared and as they quaffed the drink Zinella re-entered just as they each found a silver piece at the bottom of there drinking vessels.

Zinella: "You have all taken the Paladin's Shilling. That means you accept the task and will be under my command until it is resolved."

Even Stuffings was impressed at how the young Paladin had duped them.

Stuffings: "Nothing we can do. It's the law, Paladin law mind you, but it is the law. We either accept or we end up in jail or hunted down like animals. Ok, Shinney Bollocks, you win this round.!"

The others grudgingly accepted their fate. They filed outside to see what their new commander was going to order.

Campaign notes:

The town ‘officials’ are two old adventurers a renowned warrior Barim Stagwinter and a cleric of Tyr, Theskul Mirroreye. Barim owns the inn, but doesn’t run it. He is in all but name the defacto Hetman or headman of Boareskyr Bridge.

Water is a premium in Boareskyr Bridge. All water has to be transported here as the water down stream and for half a day up stream is corrupted and foul.

Remounts and other goods are traded for at the tented area on the far side of the river.

Once you get to Heartwing Ranch the water is drinkable.

There is a ferry of sorts at Heartwing Ranch.

The village of Whispering Woods is about 1 days travel from Boareskyr Bridge.

Monday 8 April 2024

Session 28: "The end justifies the means...." or " is this the end of the beginning?"

26/03/2024 & 09/04/2024

1st Day of Palesun1492 (Night of the full moon)

Mission:  Kill Strahd von Zarovich. (After dinner of course, one must observe etiquette).

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia, Castle Ravenloft.

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper, Bomber Longbeard. Ezmerelda, Rictovio, Father  Danovich (Dead) & Kasimir Velikov (Dead).

The group headed up the spiral staircase. Bomber leading the way with Bernadette and Moonwhisper close behind, the others followed, Niall bringing up the rear.

A door opened onto a small, short corridor and at the end another door. Bernadette listened but could hear nothing, the group opened the door.

On the far side a narrow corridor, leading to another door with an alcove left and right. In the alcoves stood two statues, in the gloom they looked like statues of knights. Suddenly the 'statues' collapsed into two separate writhing masses of rats. They swarmed over Bomber, Bernadette and Moonwhisper. The small creatures were ahrd to deal with but eventually they did. They opened the door and progressed into another room. The room was quite large with a window at the southern end, doors in the north and west walls but the room was dominated by a long dining table surrounded by chairs.....WHOOOMPF. Suddenly the room was engulfed by a fireball. Only Niall Tharivol escaped the balst  but his eyebrows were slightly singed.

Moonwhisper ensured the sun sword was still activated and everyone closed in under its protection.

The group pushed on as they could not see from where the fireball had come from!  Moonwhisper, Bernadette and Bomber entered the room through the north door. Rihadin, the chamberlain, lay dead on the floor in a pool of blood, whilst arms outstretched von Zarovich, arms outstretched moved towards them. As he advanced he voiced silent words.

The fight was one sided and Moonwhisper shouted out in victory as Strahd fell to the floor dead. Only it wasn't Strahd it was van Richten!

Ragul entered and took out his diamond powder, uttered the incantation to bring the dead back to life and van Richten opened his eyes. The group slowly entered the room and were just about to ask van Richten what was going on and why had he and Ezmerelda disappeared when...................

WOOOOMPF.......a second fireball erupted amongst the group.

But this time Niall, standing guard in the doorway had seen the streak of flame pass him from inside the other room! But there was no-one there!

(Poor Bomber he rolled a nat 1!)

All the doors re now closed and watched carefully. Ragul pointed out that the map from the accountant showed they had to move eastward! All that was in that direction was a fireplace. Bernadette started to inspect the fireplace.......I have it. She pulled the poker forward and a secret door at the back of the fire opened.

Bernadette and Roscoe climbed through the secret door and yelled back that there was a room, with a chest, and a skeleton lying on the floor. Hand pointing toward the chest. Bernadette warned Roscoe not to touch the chest. She thought it was booby trapped.

The others could hear a woman screaming, the screams came from behind the double doors to the west side of the room. They ignored the screams. Twice more the screams were heard then silence. Bernadette continued to search the room and identified a sconce for a torch was a mechanism that activated another secret door.

The double doors burst open and Strahd stood there. He glared at Moonwhisper then just as quickly, before anyone could react passed back through the double doors and a woman screamed again.

Roscoe handed over a torch from his backpack and Bernadette placed it in the sconce. Sure enough a second secret door opened onto a wide, long corridor. Cobwebs cluttered the ceiling but the floor was clear apart from dust.

The group pushed on through the secret doors as Bernadette checked the double doors at the end of the dusty, cobweb covered ceiling. Niall Tharivol kept a wary eye on the ceiling.

Niall & Bernadette pulled the doors open, revealing another chamber with a curved wall to the eastern side. The ceiling was some 50ft above and was quite dark. Some kind of markings could be made out near the curved wall.

Moving the dust on the floor aside it was obvious these were worn marks in the floor. They made a rough circle some 10ft in diameter. Roscoe could see the end of a rope, it hung some 7ft above the centre of this 'circle' and disappeared into the gloom above. He reached up with his spear and it snagged on the end of the rope. His constant pulling caused the rope to descend and rise. With each motion of the rope the deep booming ringing of a bell high above them could be heard.

Ragul and Bomber closed the secret doors. They stood guard. Bomber as he was closing the secret door nearest to them heard some scratching. Putting his ear near to the edge of the secret door he could hear a whisper:

Voice: "I'm coming to get you.......!"

Two sticky globules of web shot out of the gloom. Striking Roscoe and Dramos, who were now incapacitated trying to free themselves from the sticky web.

2 giant spiders descended and struck out at Bernadette and Moonwhisper.

Blows were struck by everyone but Roscoe and Dramos who in their attempts to free themselves only ended up entangling themselves more. The groups effort managed to dispatch one spider as a third descended to continue the attacks.

Suddenly the secret door opened, Ragul and Bomber could see the fireplace secret door was also open. A streaking blast of fire hurtled through the openings and sped up the corridor. 

The fireball exploded in the enclosed space of the small room. The spiders, their webs were incinerated. The group, although taking damage, were relatively unscathed. Dramos and Roscoe were now free of the sticky web.

Ragul and Bomber slammed the secret door shut, again Bomber heard the voice, whisper:

Voice: "I'm still coming to get you.......!"

Bomber: "I think Strahd is on the other side of this door here!"

Moonwhisper: "No think so.......I was beginning to wonder if You'd thrown the fireball at us!"

As Moonwhisper and Niall were proceeding to assist Bernadette, who had taken out the rod of secret door detection, indicated she had found another secret door.

Opening the secret door Bernadette could see a very narrow corridor. The wall to the left of the corridor was some 30ft square. In the centre she could make out the outline of a door but it was smooth to touch, no gaps and no handles. Some 5ft above the door she could see a line of opening that resembled arrow slits.

Jamming the secret door with another arrow head provided by Ragul both Ragul and Bomber joined the group. Ragul tried hitting the door in the wall with his hammer using all his might, his strike didn't leave a mark.

Moonwhisper, Niall and Bernadette tried to find a way in.

It was Dramos who came up with the answer after careful thought.

Dramos: "I think this is Dearns' Instant Fortress. It exudes magic, it has an aura, definitely magic in origin."

Moonwhisper: "Then get us in, use your expertise".

Dramos: "Unfortunately the Fortress is sealed by it's owner and can only be entered using a secret word, or words, known only to the this case Strahd, I would say."

The group took it in turns to say words, names and lots of other things they thought could hold the way to open the door. None worked.

Bomber, who was watching the double doors was suddenly engulfed in darkness. He took out a torch from his backpack and using his tinderbox, and by feel alone tried to light it. He could feel the heat but he could see no flame!

Roscoe: "Oh, Oh. I think He's here!"

Bomber was struck from behind, taking two mighty blows from what felt like clawed talons. Propelled forward he managed to find his way out of the darkness. Moonwhispers sword was ineffective. Dramos cast counter spell and the darkness dissipated, revealing a hideous, giant bat like creature with talons and huge tusks! Could this be Strahd in giant bat form!

The creature was just outside the effect of the sword and struck Bomber again. Bomber ran to the bottom of the corridor.

The Strahd/Bat creature was able to move quickly away from Moonwhisper and the effect of the sword and again attacked Bomber.

Bomber fell to the floor but was still able to take a massive amount of healing. This saved his life as Moonwhisper and Niall Tharivol closed in and attacked the Strahd/Bat creature.

Moonwhisper put everything he had and prayed for divine assistance with his strikes. Both bit deeply, as did Niall's attacks. Combined with the effects of the sword Strahd was unable to take mist form and escape. The Strahd/Bat creature slowly changed to Strahd. Strahd was dead.

The group checked the castle on this level and found a suit of armour standing on the battlements, strange. They had a long look and ended back in the upstairs dining room. The conversation was directed about how to enter the smooth doors behind the secret door. The conversation went on for some time and then........

In the car there appeared a swirling mass of arcane energy. Sparks of mini lightning could be seen as it swirled. Then ..............

Standing where he swirl of arcane energy was moments before were 3 human sized figures. One had a wicker basket over its head and was playing a flute very quietly.

Central Figure: "We mean you no harm. You are the saviours of Barovia. Strahd von Zarovich is dead. However, We no have a problem. There must be a ruler in Barovia. We put it to you that if one of you volunteer to take over the mantle of ruler then the remainder will be sent back from whence you came. If no one volunteers then you will all be sent back have no fear."

The music from the flute calmed everyone but the following discourse was heated:

Ragul: "Surely Moonwhisper the Paladin is the most suited?"

Moonwhisper: "Not I, I still have a divine quest to complete, so someone else can step up."

Bernadette: "Not for me."

Bomber: "Hey I'll do it, why not, right up my street".

Roscoe: "Why not, Bomber the Intelligent, Bomber the Wise.......let him do it".

Dramos: "and this from the 'famous' or should I say, 'Infamous', bell ringer!"

Niall: "I'll do it. I have nothing tying me back home, Elves live long lives, surely I can do great good here. I volunteer".

No one said anything against Niall.

Central Figure: "I will ask only once then, who amongst you will take over the mantle of ruler of Barovia?"

Niall: "I will, willingly."

Central Figure: "Then to the others I say, what single thing do you desire most?"

Bernadette: "Ooh, a big bag of money!"

A large bag appeared in front of Bernadette, it chinked with the noise of coin as it landed on the table.

Bomber: "Although I would love to own magical hand axes......I wish for My Lady's Heart, so I can complete my promise to the old dwarf."

As if by magic Bomber opened his hand and there in his palm was a huge ruby in the shape of a heart.

(DM Note: I changed this bit from the 2 silver hand axes and fight bit - I can because I'm SUBAROTU)

Roscoe: "Ooh, me next, me next. I would like a theatre and lots of lovely dancing girls to fill it".

A bag similar to Bernadette's appeared in front of Roscoe. They both opened them at the same time. A rough count would reveal that each bag held 1,000gp.

Moonwhisper: "I wish for nothing, I am done with Barovia and I do not trust you".

Dramos: Never mind him, I seek a long lost tome, I would dearly love to have it".

Central Figure: "Search the library. I am sure you will find what you seek there."

Ragul: "Dearns Fortress, please".

In Ragul's hand there appeared a small cube of adamantine in the shape of Dearns Fortress.

Just as farewells were being said a mist descended and Bernadette, Moonwhisper, Dramos, Roscoe, Ragul and Bomber were standing on the trail north of the village of Mere. Behind them they cold hear a voice:

Toby: "Hey Roscoe you forgot this, been keeping it for you...........why are you all looking surprised, it's only a dagger".

Roscoe: "How did you know we were here Toby, I know we are related but it's been awhile!"

Toby:  "Awhile, why you only left the village an hour ago. I've been trying hard to catch you. |good job I still know some of the back trails. Hey, where's that Elf, Ranger fellow, he up ahead scouting?"

Player Information: