Sunday 18 August 2024

Session 11: "Never turn your back on danger!"

13th August 2024

21st Day of May 1492 

Weather: Clear.

High Temperature: 16 degrees Celsius.

Low Temperature: 7 degrees Celsius.

Mission:  Find the Embalmers

Campaign:  Forest of Wyrms

Location(s):   Undercity.

Present:  Barlyn, Zinalla, Seraphina, Brielle, Glepper, Elysande & Dameun & T'or. (4 Guards)


Seraphina slowly walked back to the others. Seeing the destruction and death in the room she looked down:

Seraphina: "Dameun's dead!"

Brielle knew that her healing skills could not bring back Dameun from the dead. He was gone.

Barlyn: "First claim on his backpack, bedroll and waterskin".

Seraphina looked at him with a stern expression.

Barlyn: "Oh, come on, not like he needs it now. And I could then carry my own stuff. Anyone disagree?"

Zinalla: "There is a logic to what he says."

Seraphina and Brielle unceremoniously dumped Barlyn's 'gear' on the floor. He hastily repacked it in his newly acquired backpack.

Brielle: "Anyone mind if I take the longsword?"

No one did so she took the longsword and scabbard lying next to Dameun. Brielle asked if anyone objected to Dameun's healing potion being given to Glepper. Elysande had carried his unconscious body round from the other room. Again no one did and Glepper was soon awake although still badly injured.

Glepper took the 2 finely crafted daggers. He was very happy. Dameun's body was taken to the room with the guards and they were told to guard the body and if necessary take it back to the village for a proper burial.

The guards agreed to remain in the room, guard Dameun's body and ensure the route of retreat was secure. Zinalla closed the door with disgust.

They moved around to the scene of the battle.

Zinalla: "Right, those b'stards get nothing more than what we offer them. There is a lot of coin here let's count it." 

The total came to a very large sum. They divided it 6 ways, each gaining over 5,000 copper pieces. Glepper smiled as he had already relieved the Kobold he had dibbs on, of it's copper. The large lance/halberd Elysande volunteered to carry, along with Dameun's staff. He tied them together and slung them over his shoulder. Brielle was given the cloak. She shivered as she put it on. Not from cold but the magic ripple that caressed her body.

They had left a small amount of coin on Dameun's body, knowing full well that the guards would search the body and hopefully put them off the scent that there was more to be had!

Brielle cast a mass healing prayer which healed all but the last lingering wounds in 2 of the group.

Barlyn: "Hey, if you lot haven't noticed there is a definite breeze coming through that double door, the one the snake rider came through, the air seems warmer!"

They moved to cover the door as first Glepper then Barlyn stepped through to investigate. They couldn't see far and it became obvious why, steep stone steps went down to a jetty made of stone. Tied to the jetty was a boat. On the boat a tarpaulin covered something that moved every now and then. Glepper, dagger in hand ready to strike, moved forward covered by Barlyn.

Glepper, whipped the tarpaulin to one side and revealed a body, human in size. Gagged and bound by feet and hands lying under it. The eyes opened and looked in horror at the yellow skinned Goblin leaning over with a vicious dagger in it's hand. Glepper noticed the rather large bruise on it's head. He uttered an incantation and a hand appeared. Glepper directed the hand to check through a heap of articles, items and a backpack lying in the boat next to the body.

Barlyn moved closer. There was something familiar about that face. Glepper removed the gag.

Glepper: "Rise and shine friend” 

Stranger: " Scaly things hit head”.

Glepper:  “Kobolds dead”

Stranger: "You.... f'kn Goblin get orf me or I'll do ya."

The first thing Glepper noticed was the row of steel like teeth and steel fangs in the front of it's mouth. The second was Barlyn who let out a belly laugh then said:

Barlyn: "Bloody hell......T'or Steelfang, what shit have you got caught up in this time?"

T'or: "Nowt. Came north looking for you after the split. Got side tracked into the forest. These b'stards jumped me at night and put me on this boat. Here I am........SURPRISE!"

Barlyn: "It's ok Glepper, hey guys come meet an old comrade of mine. Served together in a mercenary company in Secumber before it was disbanded 6 months ago. This is T'or Steelfang, surname obvious once he opens his gob. And don't be offended by his smell, he's half Orc!"

Zinalla:  "Ok, you know him, we don't. We can't leave him here, I don't want to leave him with the guards. Will you come with us? Help us and be loyal to the group? If you agree you'll get a fair share of what we find, including danger!"

T'or: "What he sez ok Barlyn?"

Barlyn: "Yes."

T'or: "Ok then, sign me up, got nowt better to do".

T'or was introduced to the others.

It had now been nearly an hour since the fight in the other room and Dameun's demise.

Glepper: "Are we moving? Or standing chewing the fat?"

Zinalla turned to Glepper.

Zinalla: "Take point, same order, T'or go between Seraphina and Brielle."

Glepper moved off. As they passed by the door with the table propped up against it on the other side, (Barlyn was very good at knowing just where he was underground), they could see it was hacked and slashed at by bladed weapons. The door must have been very thick or the blows not very strong. Barlyn and Elysande measured the blades of their own weapons against some of the marks. They appeared to be made by smaller, bladed weapons. Glepper pushed onwards and indicated the corridor widened. He came to a junction, he could see a door in a recess to the west and the corridor turned sharply south. He hugged the southern wall.

Barlyn moved up behind. Glepper indicated the door and they both moved that way. Barlyn was surprised when Glepper suddenly threw himself into a forward roll, he barely got his shield up in time as two arrows thudded into it. More arrows skimmed by and due to the angle of the corridor some were deflected into the path of Elysande!

Elysande let out a roar, he was sick of being shot at and thundered down the corridor and around the corner. His impetuous rush took him towards a table, up turned and blocking the corridor. He put his shield down and continued the charge. Such was the force as he hit the table it split in two and he saw 4 Kobolds in front of him. Brielle moved down the corridor in support as Zinalla cried out from behind.

Barlyn charged forward in support of Elysande only to mistime the charge, careen into Elysande pushing him towards the Kobolds as Barlyn staggered backwards.

Zinalla: "They're behind us.  They're behind us!"

Zinalla, Seraphina & T'or spun round as arrows thudded off the wall behind them. Fortunately none struck.

Seraphina was surprised when T'or slapped his left wrist, he wore some kind of gauntlet which went up his forearm and instantly a shield appeared.  The Kobolds pressed closer.

Zinalla:  “Shall we dance?!!” Glepper switched to short bow as the bulk of Elysande filled up most of the corridor. 

Seraphina fired an arrow into the semi darkness of Brielle's cantrip light . Hard to discern targets she was rewarded with a whelp of pain. Brielle cast her sacred flame and hit as the Kobold dodged the wrong way, right into the flame. 

Barlyn moved to help Glepper and the others but mistimed his charge to assist Elysande.

Zinalla moved closer to the Kobolds, hugging the wall corner to the left of the entrance to the room. T'or moved to the opposite side.  They both waited for the opportunity to strike. Seraphina launched a second arrow but missed.

Glepper loosed an arrow but missed.

Elysande watched the Kobold blows miss and swept his axe in riposte. 

Elysande: “one down three to go Glepper”

Glepper let fly an arrow with deadly accuracy. One of the Kobolds in front of Elysande fell down.

Glepper: "Dibbs on his stuff!"

Zinalla watched the Fire Snake and rider slither past, uttering a prayer he swung his sword down, a divine smite. T'or struck at the same time from the other side, the snake and rider were badly wounded.

Seraphina backed into the corridor as more Kobolds charged into the room. Zinalla and T'or were surrounded. Looking over her shoulder she could see Barlyn charging back towards her to help.

Zinalla and T'or killed 2 kobolds as the Fire Snake and Rider attacked Seraphina.

Elysande hits with a sweeping attack which slays all 3 Kobolds dead.

Elysande: “cleared em up lads and lasses cleared em up”

Brielle moved into the door recess to prepare another Sacred Flame. 

Fire Snake and Rider, badly wounded, missed their attack on Seraphina. Seraphina unbalanced fired an arrow but missed, hitting T'or instead!  A Kobold tried a deadly strike on Zinalla but Zinalla moved his shield to block the blow.

Zinalla: "ha”.

Glepper moved to where Seraphina was fighting the Fire Snake but missed his shot.

Elysande surveying the destruction of his axe blade and smiling to himself suddenly realised he was alone!

Elysande: “hold on, where is everyone”!!!

He see's Brielle step out of the recess and move back the way they had come not 5 minutes before. He moved after Brielle.

Again Brielle cast Sacred Flame and yet again missed. Barlyn was not amused, he was mad, he struck down with his hand axe and split a Kobolds head in 2.

Zinalla using his divine prayers to enhance his blows swung and killed another Kobold. T'or now full in barbarian rage smashed his Maul into another Kobold and shouted out:

T'or: "Am gonna eat you".

T’or licking lips grapples another Kobold then proceeded to rip the Kobolds throat out with his steel fangs. The Kobold tried to strike back but was dead before the thought came to light.

Barlyn had finished off the Fire Snake and Rider but in it's death throws the fire substance within it's gut had splashed onto several of the group.

Seraphina searched the bodies and found a potion of clear liquid with a very large fingernail floating in it and a tidy sum of copper some 48,559cp

Brielle found a scroll, written on top were the words Aura of Life and next to it the symbol of Zinalla's Paladin Order. She gave it to  Zinalla.

Zinalla: “these thieves, these deviants they stole the pay chest and other things.”

Brielle cast healing word on Seraphina, she mouthed a silent 'thank you'.

They retraced their steps to the jetty where T'or was found. A second boat was tied up. The water, although flowing wasn't moving fast. Barlyn looked around and stated:

Barlyn: "Tunnel, natural. Don't know how long or where it goes in either direction. After this lot.....might be prudent to leave well alone".

They again moved back, passed the room where the fight had been the hardest

Glepper opens door room 7 and enters he hears a str to the door in the recess that Brielle had taken cover in. Glepper couldn't hear anything so opened the door. As soon as he stepped inside the strumming of a harp could be heard yet there was no harp in the room. The furniture in the room had long since been smashed up. They surmised that someone or something had smashed up the furniture in frustration for not finding the hidden harp! They left the room and proceeded to the junction where Elysande had smashed the table and killed the Kobolds. He listened at that door and again hearing nothing opened it. Glepper opened the door and shut it again straight away.

Glepper: "Dead, composing and very smelly lots of rats. Let's leave it".

As before Glepper moved ahead of the others. Coming to a very large, high ceilinged room he stopped in the shadows. To his right hung a curtain, it looked heavy, ornate. To his left he could make out a body strung up between two pillars by it's arms. The head raised and he recognised Adi Abba Adidas. Behind Adi, in an alcove, lay a huge pile of bones. He moved quietly over towards the curtain.

Brielle entered the room, moved to a corner and again prepared Sacred Flame. Barlyn prepared his hand axe, ready to attack any enemy. Seraphina moved to assist Glepper. Zinalla and T'or moved in between the 2 Rogues ready to defend them if necessary.

Glepper moved the curtain to one side, he was astonished by what he saw. The others moved closer to see what Glepper had revealed.

Elysande: “is that a bidet?” 

Someone answered for the rest of party “Does Elysande know what a bidet is!!!!”

On the north and south walls were 2 snake fountains and on the east wall a door carved with snakes.

Elysande moved to right snake fountain, Seraphina checked the snake door but could not find any handles or even a lock.

Zinalla: “Glepper check door”

He turned around to inform the others when................................................................................


Suddenly Adi Abba Adidas looked to the ceiling and screamed. They could see beams of green light shooting out of the rear of the pillars and down into the pile of bones. T'or had moved quickly forward to check Adi:

T'or: "His bodies a dried out husk, skin is shrivelled......"

To'r was mid sentence when the noise from the bone pile caught his attention. A giant snake skeleton had risen from the bone pile. It moved to strike Brielle but missed. It should've hit but didn't. The others looked on in amazement. Brielle's cantrip missed. Barlyn and Glepper took one look at the giant bone snake and froze to the spot.

Elysande: “that’s a big un!!”

Seraphina was frightened and dropped her bow.

Zinalla:  “what the fudge that’s a bloody big snake”

T’or stepped back, Barlyn cried out in a frightened voice........a thought entered his head, just one word.


Barlyn: “FLEE, it's a Bone Naga!” 

Glepper moved in to strike the Naga and missed. Elysande and Brielle managed to strike the Naga as Seraphina missed. Zinalla hit the Naga with his sword but there were no words of divine help this time. T'or put his head down and bellowed out a war cry and went into another Barbarian rage. T'or was struck and staggered as the poison from the Naga's bite started to work instantly. Brielle seeing this stepped in and cast a protection from poison prayer on T'or.


Zinalla called forth in a shout.....


and struck a mighty blow. One by one the others, still frightened missed their strikes. Elysande stepped forward and swung his battle axe. It bit deep. The bones of the Naga clattered to the floor. Whatever magic that had sustained it's form gone.


Barlyn: “Ohh does this hurt?”  and poked T’or in the ribs.

T'or: "What ya do that for?"

Barlyn just shrugged his shoulders.

Glepper: “think I’m getting hang of this magic”. He had been watching Dameun and Brielle and was copying some of their semantics and verbal complexities and thought he had mastered the start of 'wizardry'.

Players Information:

Taking stock and searching the bodies.

Missed from Dameun:
1 recall token back to Whispering Woods Village.

From the Naga Chamber:

Scroll: Aura of Life (To Zinalla)
Duration 10 minutes
Range Self+30ft
Moves with person. Resistance to necrotic damage. If HP reduced to 0, HP is reduced to 1.

Scroll: Command
As the spell Command.

Scroll: Detect Magic
As the spell Detect Magic.

1 x Potion (Unknown with fingernail in it)
1 x Oil (Unknown cloudy looking)

off the bodies/chests etc
48,190 + 48,559 = 96,749 copper pieces (=13,714 copper each with 751 to the guards).

Experience points: