Monday, 8 April 2019

April update: D Day boards build

April Update:

Apologies for being away for so long but real life things and a new project have taken up a lot of my time.

The gaming group I am part of are putting on a D Day 75th anniversary Bolt Action mega game on 8th June.

The event will be held at Ashington YMCA. We are trying to raise money for the British Legion and the YMCA.

There will be 8 players, over 1,000 figures, vehicles etc all played on a table 18ft long and 4ft wide.

here are a few building the terrain pics so you will get an idea of it's size.

Sizing up the trench for height with figures.

The mortar pit.

The full board that will eventually become Omaha Beach. 2nd Bunker still to be added on the far left.

                                            A quick tester game with sea/beach board in front of Omaha.                                           2nd bunker started, some wire entanglements added.

All beach defences finished, primed and trenches lined.
 Looking from Pont du Hoc towards Sword in the far distance.
The 4 bare boards will have an 8 to 10inch sea and remainder beach  added later.

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