Monday 29 July 2019

D Day charity game: It all comes together

Here are some of the pics from the massive Bolt Action charity game played on June 8th 2019.

The team before the start (rt to lt)
Corey (German Omaha), Dillon (US Omaha), Chris (British 50th Gold), Alex (British 3rd Sword), Al (German Gold), Andrew (German Juno), Simon (Canadian 3rd Juno), Neil (German Sword), Megan admin support, Graeme admin support, (Paul (behind the camera taking the pics)

The results of the game are at the bottom of this page after all the pics so as not to give the game away.

Our 18ft x 4ft playing surface with an 18ft x 2ft holding area for the Allied landing waves to the left.

Shots from Fridays intro game, Pegasus Bridge.

Some 180 obstacles lined the 18 ft stretch of beach, with 16 minefields.

Brave US Rangers chance the minefield.

US Rangers moving below Pont du Hoc

Canadian Avre's help to push the attack forward.

A lone sniper on Sword is heavily pinned by Allied fire

2 of the 18 landing craft models

More landing craft negotiate the Belgian Gate obstacles