Friday, 20 December 2019

Session 2: ‘Flushed out of the shallow end or we're going in....!’


Location: Cragmaw Goblin Cave Hideout.

Saintsday, 22nd day of Rainmoot – 1491 DR

After some hasty healing was doled out, the party lined up with Hagnulf in the lead followed by, Fargrim, Bandur, Gimli, Heimund, Eglath, Lionel then Beorwulf. Gimli had though ahead and cast light on Beorwulf's fearsome great-axe.

Hagnulf stealthy creeping forward stopped as Fargrim and Bandur approached behind. Seeing that there was an opening on the right they wisely left the final approach and recce to the not so stealthy rogue. The remainder of the party closed up, Beorwulf and Eglath splashing up the sluggish stream. Sounds of snapping chains and snarling echoed into the narrow stream passageway. Hagnulf, faced by 2 chained wolfs was nearly taken aback as one of the wolves managed to pull out of the wall the spike holding the chain secure.

Fargrim, with Bandur close on his heels, moved forward and right to support Hagnulf. The wolf lunged at Hagnulf and managed to draw his sword and hit the wolf. Fargrim stepped in and finished off the badly wounded wolf. Unseen by the group in the cavern a sneaky goblin hidden in the shadows unleashed the second wolf as Bandur swung his 2 hand axes at the charging, ferocious bundle of fur with snapping teeth in a drooling mouth. Badly wounded, the wolf, stopped in its tracks by the swinging hand axes, slinked backwards. Heimund charged into the cavern after Bandur and thrust his spear over Bandur's head, into the head of the wounded wolf. The 2nd wolf slumped to the floor dead.

Back in the tunnel with the sluggish stream, Eglath moved forward and took a long while trying to establish if what he thought he saw was a stone bridge or a low roof. A loud rushing noise, as Eglath failed to spot the goblin guard on the 'bridge' who had warned his buddies in the cavern behind him to unleash a deluge of water and they pulled 2 large boulders aside with a simple mechanism, signalled the imminent arrival of an unleashed torrent of water from the lower pool of two.

Fargrim and Hagnulf had found a cave-in at the back of the wolf cavern, a cool breeze could be felt coming through a very tight fissure. Hagnulf stated that Fargrim could fit through the fissure if he removed all his armour and clothes. Fargrim, using his stone sense, wisely declined - he knew better. The sound of rushing water made them turn and move back towards the entrance to the cavern.

Eglath had managed to grab onto the wall and protect Beorwulf as Heimund was stepped around him. Hit by the full force of the torrent, Heimund was swept passed Eglath, hitting Gimli on his way passed, both were swept out of the cave mouth, much to the consternation of Skjord. Picking themselves up, the waterlogged and bedraggled two sloshed their way back to rejoin the party.

The party decided to move up the sluggish stream in the direction of the 'bridge' Eglath had spotted. An opening appeared on their left which they decided to explore further. On coming to a 'T' junction Beorwulf, leading at this point, decided to go right, followed by Gimli. The others went left. On entering a large cavern, on two levels,  Fargrim was stopped by the sight of 5 Goblins on the upper level with a 6th dragging an inert body towards the edge.

"Hey, Dwaff" a Goblin shouted. "If yaz wanna save yer Pal then back off. If ya do me a fayvah and go kill the bigun in 'nother cave, Aal let yer Pal live. If'n ya dont, I'll kill im, then kill all youze."

Fargrim attempted to parley and used his immense skill to intimidate the Goblin. Unfortunately this Goblin was not the leader but the Goblin holding the inert body, now identified by Lionel and Heimund as Sildar, pushed his knife further into the neck of Sildar. Fargrim backed away but still kept up his attempt to intimidate the goblin. The Goblin holding Sildar moved closer to the edge, to close, and Sildar's weight dragged the Goblin over the edge and they both hit the lower cavern floor. Fargrim threw a javelin as both Goblin and Sildar fell. An expertly aimed throw impaled the Goblin in the leg. Both Lionel and Hagnulf were targeted by the Goblins with bows as the 2 bodyguard Goblins charged to the lower level. Heimund moved to support Fargrim, throwing his dagger at the goblin, now bending over to remove the javelin from his leg. The dagger hit him in the head and he toppled forward pushing the dagger further into his skull killing him outright.

Hagnulf aimed at a goblin archer and missed, as did Lionel. Meanwhile, Beorwulf walked around the corner leading to (5) the bridge and straight into an arrow. A 2nd Goblin charged passed Beorwulf to attack Gimli, taking cover behind the barbarian. Beorwulf swung his axe round to hit the charging goblin. The axe skimmed across Gimli and the Goblins heads. Gimli, attacked by the Goblin, fell to the floor unconscious and deathly pale. Beorwulf, back to the 2nd Goblin swung his great axe down and smote the goblin dead!

Fargrim intimidated the Goblin waving his scimitar on the 2nd level. Frightening him enough to throw his scimitar over the edge and run around like the proverbial headless chicken. The 2 bodyguards were attacked by Heimund who impaled a Goblin, still alive.....just. Hagnulf shot from the darkness and killed a Goblin archer.

The 2nd Goblin fired another arrow into Beorwulf, who had jumped over the prone Gimli, but miss timed his swing and struck himself. Beorwulf slid to the ground unconscious, bleeding profusely and deathly pale.

Eglath hearing sounds of fighting behind him rushed back up the corridor to support Gimli and Beorwulf.

Fargrim supported Heimund by attacking the 2nd bodyguard. Bandur, seeing Fargrim miss his swing, charged in to support the paladin. But Fargrim swinging his sword put off Bandur enough that he too missed.

Eglath charged round the corner, scared the goblin into running away. Eglath, with his long reach, struck the goblin as he turned away and killed him.

The goblin impaled on Heimunds spear decides to surrender, the Goblin facing Fargrim took offence to this and struck his ally dead. This left him open to attack and succumbed to multiple attacks. Lionel, up to this point finishing the last line of his 16 line quartern:

as the sun set in the forest,
we entered the cave so dark
wolves, chains and water
to follow this is no lark!
a bridge or not a bridge,
as the sun set in the forest,
the trail went cold for wet
and weary coldest.
the moon caught a glimpse of sun
but shadow clouds surrounded her
as the sun set in the forest.
there was nothing i could explain.
more Goblins we met in the dark
of not having their promises,
not that they could ever keep them,
as the sun set in the forest.
.....took up his bow and let fly and arrow, straight passed Hagnulf's ear. Fargrim charged the last Goblin archer and nearly made it. Bandur charged passed and swung his axes in attack. Heimund jumped up on to the top level and made a friend, who he called Deacon the Goblin. Deacon promised to cook, clean and fetch for his new friend. He showed his affection by hugging the Goliath's leg, refusing to let go. Bandur missed as an arrow whizzed past his head, Bandur was inspired. Lionel decided to run towards Sildar as Hagnulf killed the last Goblin with an arrow. 
Eglath stabilised Gimli and Beorwulf as Lionel did the same for Sildar. A long period of rest was taken to enhance healing. Followed by a short period. After which the group scouted the remainder of the caverns and realised that, probably more Goblins, had made a hasty exit. They did find another large stash of goods. Sildar now well on the way to full health identified as belonging to the Lionshields, a merchant company based in the city of Yartar over a hundred miles to the east. 
It took awhile to exit the cavern with the other goods. Skjord told them he had seen no-one leave the cave during the night. After loading the waggons the group continued the journey to Phandalin in a light drizzle, arriving on the late afternoon of: 
Moonday, 23rd day of Rainmoot – 1491 DR

1. Waggons and Skjord are left here.
2. Ambushed by 2 Goblins from here.
3. Encounter with the 2 wolves.
4. On the way here the rushing water flushes out some of the party.
5. The rickety bridge.
6. Encounter with the Goblin 'Leader' and his bodyguards.
7. After a deep reconnaissance of the caves they find the 2 pools and
8. A quickly exited cavern by whom or what remains unknown.

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