Friday 3 July 2020





Born in a small clan village in the Spine of the World Mountains to the north of Mirabar in the year 1472.  Eglath dedicated himself from a young age to learn the Way of the Open Hand Monk. A strange vision he had seen pushed him in that direction. Later a second vision, which remains only known to himself, has led him southward along the Sword Coast in search of answers to the riddle of his vision. Moving ever southward he ended up in the city of Neverwinter in the employ of a group of minor nobles. 

Eglath has left the group to pursue answers to his strange visions.


Dove Strongheart is a wanderer, merchant caravan guide, who seeks to find the dragon that destroyed her homeland settlement. She joined the group when they attacked Wyvern Tor and has been with them ever since. After several adventures Dove returned to Triboar.



Born in the High Forest in the year 1391 in a small Wood Elf village to the north of The Lost Peaks. Orphaned at a young age the youngster fell in with a bad lot and was soon named and shamed as a criminal. Leaving the High Forest he headed for the Sword Coast he migrated towards Neverwinter. His last employment was for a group of minor nobles.

(Sadly Neil who played Hagnulf passed away, his memory shall live on as does Hagnulf, somewhere along the Sword Coast - RIP Neil).


Born in 1441 in a small Dwarf Hold in the Southern Sword Mountains, just north of Waterdeep. Dedicating himself from a young age to the service of the main Dwarven God, Moradin. He follows the path of a Paladin in his Gods service. He has traveled from the Mountain Hold to the Sword Coast. Moving northward he ended up in the city of Neverwinter in the employ of a group of minor nobles.

Born in 1470, Hiemund grew up in a Goliath enclave in Neverwinter. As soon as he was old enough he started to work to help provide for his family. He has worked for Lord Gharl Kalinwooda minor noble in Neverwinter for some years. A Goliath teamster who has thrown in his lot with the group during their current adventure.

                                                      LIONEL -  HIGH ELF BARD 

Born in 1370, Lionel was raised in Neverwinter. Following his lust for life, music and poetry, Lionel trained as a Bard and became a minor court musician to Lord Gharl Kalinwood. He has worked for Lord Kalinwooda minor noble in Neverwinter for some years. Presently a teamster who has thrown in his lot with the group during their current adventure.

                                                 ADRAN -  DROW WARLOCK 

Born in 1325,  A descendent of one of Drizzt Du'ordens followers,     his family clan moved away from normal Drow society and lived in seclusion. However, the small settlement was found and destroyed by another Warlock called Nezznar in the belief that the destruction would win him favour with the Drow Matriarchal Hierarchy. He was wrong. Adran was just a baby, abandoned to die by Nezznar but found and raised by wolves. After growing up Adran wondered awhile and soon his dreams were invaded by alien thoughts and desires. He was introduced through these dreams to a Great Old One. The Great Old One led him to his desires and meeting others who would train him how to be a Warlock. Once his training was completed he was sent into the world to find his own way. He befriended a Goliath named Uthal and together they travelled ever westward. Through these travels they heard rumours and picked up stories of a renegade Drow Warlock who had tried, and failed, to win favour by destroying a Drow settlement of outcasts. The very sme settlement that was Adran's home. Adran vowed to find this Nezznar and kill him for what he had done.

                                              BRON - HUMAN ELDRITCH KNIGHT 

Born in 1473, in a village on the far north east of the Sword Coast, Bron excelled in learning the ways of fighting he knew if he was to further improve his skills he would have to leave the village and find employment to gain the experience he required. Bron adventured with the group but left to find training to develop his path of Eldritch Knight. After a period of months Bron returned to Phandalin and re-joined the group.

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