Thursday 8 October 2020

Neverwinter Nights News Sheet 31


"Neverwinter Nights"

Published weekly                                                                                                   Issue 1491/31

A word from our publishers, 1491 rolls on. Lord Neverember has issued important decrees that the Neverwinter Council will be making public soon.

From the Protectors District:

General Sabine has confirmed that trials will now be held weekly.

More Neverwintans have joined the Neverwinter Guard and are now more numerous than the Mintarn Mercenaries.

There will be a central celebration in the Temple of Tyr this Saintsday.

Merchants report an increase in trade with the eastern cities as the Triboar Trail is fully open for merchant caravans now.

From ‘Inside’ The Peninsular:

Prison numbers on the Peninsular have dropped for the first time this week.

The Neverwinter fishing fleet:

Quotas are down for the third week in a row. Fishermen are perplexed as to the reasons.

Blacklake District:

Several buildings have been daubed with strange arcane symbols; the Wintershield Watchmen are keeping a close eye on the area to catch the culprits.

Disturbing News:

Lord Arlon Bladeshaper’s only son has died in mysterious circumstances whilst on a hunting trip. Lord Bladeshaper is said to be distraught and inconsolable. His son’s funeral is planned for next week. His son, Favric who would have celebrated his 21st birthday in 2 weeks, will be interned in the family crypt in the Neverdeath Graveyard.

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