Sunday, 16 May 2021

Neverwinter Nights News Sheet 33


"Neverwinter Nights"

Published weekly                                                                                                   Issue 1491/33

Neverwinter Council decrees will be made public shortly.

From the Protectors Enclave District:

Trade route to Triboar City now fully open. 

The Docks District - Neverwinter fishing fleet:

The Council has failed to find any reason other than natural during their investigation as to why quotas are low. The advice by HIgh Priest Pyrman Yzen is to move the fishing grounds to a more productive location.

Blacklake District:

The Council have failed to raise sufficient funds from private enterprise for the rebuilding of the area to the south of the Blacklake District.

The River District:

Lord Neverember unveiled the rstored Dolphin and Sleeping Dragon bridges/. Lord Arlon Bladeshaper had donated a sum of money for the complete restoration of the Dragon Bridge from his own purse. 

High Sherriff appointed to the expanding town of Phandalin: 

With the road to Triboar now open, Lord Neverember has granted the position of High Sherriff of Phandalin to Lord Arlon Bladeshaper. Work has already started repairing Tressedar Manor and the walls of Phandalin. Lord Bladeshaper intends to take up residence as soon as the work is complete. In a statement to the council, "I look forward to taking up my position and ensuring the safety of the people of the town of Phandalin and the continued safety of travellers on the Triboar Road.

White Dragon Seen:

There are unconfirmed rumours that a white dragon has been seen in the mountain region west of Phandalin.

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