Friday 16 December 2022

Session 120: "The end justifies the means".


17th - 22nd day of Palesun 1492 

Mission:  Find the headwaters of Raer Tasa & find the sacred pool of the moon.

Campaign: Saving the Druid Grove of Karion

Location(s):  A village by the Unicorn Run. The mountains. Vel'Shara.

Present: Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion, Paskan


The group spent an uneventful night and awoke to the sight of Paskan stumbling around looking for them. Anor went outside their haven and told him he had found them. Paskan was quickly brought up to speed as to what had happened since they left him at the village.

Paskan informed them he had been treated well and the village was called Eldathyn Gates.

A quiet night and another journey into the mountains.

Another quiet night. They had fallen into a settled routine. Aramil casting his hut spell to ensure they had a secure, safe night to rest.

A 3rd quiet night.

The group were in a quandary. They discussed that they were over the 3 days travel time they were told it would take to get to the pools.

Bandur pointed up the stream, he had though he had seen a pure white horse, but it wasn't a horse. Standing on the left bank of the stream.

Paskan ran forward but could not find any tracks.

Karion turned into a hawk and circled the area for an hour. He saw nothing. It was decided that he would turn into a hawk again and retrace their steps south for 1 hour. Aramil was adamant they had missed the pools. If he found nothing he would fly north for 1 hour and return.

Karion returned after 2 hours retracing their journey along the river. He had found nothing to the south. He again took the form of a hawk and flew north. He returned after an hour. He had found the river had turned into a trickle north of where he had found a fast flowing stream coming out of the side of the mountain pass.

They proceeded northward, following the left bank.

The mountain sides were steep and were closing in on all sides.  Karion led them to the fast flowing stream. There was no safe way to cross so they back tracked to a rough fording point.

The waters next to them began to broil and a seven headed monster burst from the river and attacked them.

All were struck by the writhing heads. Spells were cast and blows struck, some successful others not. The creature lunged back into the depths of the river.

The group moved to cross the fording point when the creature burst forth once more. Aramil struck with a lightning bolt, followed by Anor and blows from Karion, Bandur and Paskan.

The creature slid into the river, dead.

The group headed across the ford to another that they could safely cross over to access a cave that Karion had spotted. Thinking that this would provide a gateway or entrance to where the stream was flowing from.

A strange light emanated from the cave and from where the stream poured forth from within the mountain side.

It was a tight climb bit eventually they passed through the passage, not into a cave, not underground but into a beautiful grotto, open to the skies above and surrounded by steep side slopes. 

At its centre were a series of pools. At the centre of which was a Unicorn and a Korred. They seemed to be arguing.

Weapons were sheathed and Karion approached, Aramil pushed his way forward to stand by Karion.

Paskan stood behind them as Anor and Bandur watched from the entrance.

Korred: "Ah, Karion I see you have brought the 'Self Doubter' with you then."

Karion: "Yes, we are all here".

Korred: "I see you've met my three sons, how many times did they get you to move the rock pile?"

Aramil: "Twice!"

Korred: "Twice, only twice, the last group shifted them seven times!"

Aramil: "Well they also told us it would take 3 days to get here and that was two days ago!"

Korred: "And so it should, for a Korred. Did you bother to ask how long it would take a human, a dwarf or an Elf to get here? No, well there you go."

Aramil wasn't happy at this.

Unicorn: "Now Grandmother, stop baiting them. They have suffered greatly to get here. Now go and tend to the others."

Grandmother: "Yes, Guardian of the Forest. My pleasure. Aramil try not to burn any more trees down, please!"

Unicorn: "Do you have the item with you Karion and the means to heal it, may I see."

Karion brought forth the Stone from his Druid Grove and the Acorn provided by the Grandfather Tree.

Unicorn: "Ah, yes, A gift from Silvanus himself. Now when the light of the moon strikes the pools you must make the decision as to which pool to cast the Stone and Acorn into. You will now when that time is. I leave you now. Fare thee well."

With that the Unicorn, The Guardian of the Forest, turned and disappeared into the undergrowth of exotic plants.

The moon slowly rose and was soon in sight. It was obvious to Karion that the small centre pool was the right pool. He waited and waited and slowly the moon filled the circle of the pool completely. He cast the stone then the acorn into the pool. The moon seemed to shine brighter and when it had passed the pool was empty of water and lying at its centre was the Druid Stone, completely healed, renewed.

Anor strode forward and handed the central pendent to Karion.

Anor: "Go, we will follow you.

Karion exchanged pendents with Anor and then thought of home. He opened his eyes and he was standing in the middle of his village. Not 5 seconds later and all the group were there.

Karion: "Welcome to the village of Vel'Shara, you must wait here whilst I tend to the Druid Grove.".

Karion was gone for an hour. The village looked grey, dying. The people they saw were ashen faced with dark hollow eyes. No one came near them.

Karion returned with his sister and informed them that all was well , although it would be a slow process, the village and it's people would get better. So too his mother.

21st & 22nd:
Two days are spent recovering and healing in the village of Vel'Shara. Karion introduces the group to a number of individuals.

On the 22nd Aramil informs the group he is heading back to Axeholm and returns the same day.

Whilst in Axeholm Aramil tears out a number of pages from various spell books and puts them in to the receptacle for the Teleportation Circle. In so doing Aramil recharges the Teleportation Circle with 66.5 charges. He also purchased a number of replacement items:

3 Backpacks (Bandur, Karion & Paskan)
3 blankets (Bandur, Karion & Paskan)
3 bedrolls (Bandur, Karion & Paskan)
3 mess kits (Bandur, Karion & Paskan)
3 waterskins (Bandur, Karion & Paskan)
3 tinderboxes (Bandur, Karion & Paskan)
25 days of rations (5 days for each member of the group, (Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion & Paskan) 

Rumours and Jobs:

Orcs in the Dagger Hills

Posted: 30 April 492

Mission: A small break-away faction of the nearest Orc Tribe has journeyed into the Dagger Hills where it has established a base. The local Lord fears that the faction seeks to establish its own tribe. Travel into the Dagger Hills, locate the Orc faction, and destroy it or at least drive it out.

Reward: All treasure gained +500gp

Employer: Leader of Shalain Freehold

Undertaken and Completed: 

Beast Marches - Beholder - Homunculi

Posted: 13 March 492

Mission: A Beholder is reported to have taken up residence in the depths of the Beast Marches! But this is no ordinary Beholder (if there is such a thing). Rather than serving in the stereo-typical guardian role, this Beholder is a power in itself that seeks to control its own forces. Rumors indicate that the creature is being worshiped as a God by the local humanoid tribe (Orange Crescent Goblins). It is believed that the Beholder is urging his new Goblin servants to increase their raids on the citizens of Yulash and Trenahass and their surrounding environs. The rise of the Beholder Lord is also causing considerable hardship for the woodland creatures of the Bast Marches. Slay the Beholder Lord.

Reward: The Beholder treasure + 6 pouches of pixie dust

Employer: Chassinine the Dryad

Undertaken and completed: 

Bulettes near Hap

Posted: May 10th 492

Mission: A group of Bulettes is terrorizing the Halfling village of Hap in the West Harrowdale. Hunt them down and slay them. Evidence required.

Reward: All treasure gained + 1000 gp

Employer: The Sheriff of Hap

Undertaken and Completed: 

Find Karion’s Father

Posted: Jan  491

Mission: Find my husband. He went to find a cure to what ails our Druids Grove.

Reward: All treasure gained. Healing Potions for the journey.

Employer: Guardian of the Grove of Vel’Shara

Undertaken and Completed: 

Merchant Caravan Escort

Posted: Apr  492

Mission: Escort various merchant caravans to and from Hillsfar, Harrowdale, Yulash.

Reward: 5gp/day plus food.

Employer: Various (Merchants from these urban centres)

Undertaken and Completed: 

Player Information:

Vel'Shara is situated near Elventree

The Village of Vel'Shara

People of Note in the Velorna Grove (Vel’shara) 

·       Eillisande Velorna – (Karions mother) Current Archdruid of the grove and head harper of the village 

Asha Velorna – (Karions sister) Next-in-line to be caretaker of the grove
Tavion Ra’shayel – Drow druid, patron of Eilistraee
Kyzen – Violet-scaled faerie dragon that resides within the grove. Likes playing with others and making new friends. Likes giving nicknames to people by their appearance
Kordan – A brown bear, acting as one of the guardians of the grove
Navarone Amakiir – Wood Elf druid of Mielikki, instructor for moon circle druids
Obelisk – Earth Genasi warden of the grove, ranger of the village
Brynjar Hollok – Firbolg druid of Silvanus, instructor of forest circle druids
Septimus von Karma – Human Druid of Silvanus and Herbalist of the village
Lilli Wildwander – Forest Gnome. Druid-in-training and acolyte of Silvanus
Geledorn Sylvaranth – Wood Elf Cleric of Mielikki, Eillisande’s brother
Einalis Velorna – Karion, Asha, and Naelhorn’s father. High Elven Herbalist from Silverymoon (Whereabouts unknown)
Naelhorn Velorna – Wood Elf rogue. Asha and Karion’s brother. Had little interest in becoming caretaker to the grove (Whereabouts unknown)

Link to High Resolution map of Faerun. Elventree is to the east of Hillsfar, near the Moon Sea. The village of Vel'Shara is near to Elventree.

Sunday 4 December 2022

Session 119: "Look like and smells like...." or "That's no halfling!"

13th - 16th day of Palesun 1492 

Mission:  Find the headwaters of Raer Tasa & find the sacred pool of the moon.

Campaign: Saving the Druid Grove of Karion

Location(s):  A village by the Unicorn Run. The mountains.

Present: Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion, Paskan

On Aerie's behest the group made off at best speed. Karion and Paskan leading the way.

Around midday they passed through some more ruins but thought it prudent not to stop. Some several hours later they espied a river meandering through a wooded valley. The mountains to the north seemed a lot closer now the trees had thinned a little. Smoke was rising from above the trees near the river.

They approached cautiously and were surprised to see a small hamlet.

They crossed over a small stone bridge and past a small house.

The path opened up and they could see more buildings. The hamlet was deserted. The group stood around when a small voice was heard behind them:

Voice: "and what would you be doing here then?"

Turning round they saw a small, hairy creature.

Bandur: "Are you a Gnome good sir?"

Voice: "Do I look like a Gnome? Well, I 'aint afore you say it."

Bandur looked to Karion, who just shrugged his shoulders.

Voice: "Now then, what be a Dwarf, an Elf, a Half whatsit, a Human and a small dragon looking person be wanting here? Come on, I aint got all day."

Bandur took the lead once more.

Bandur: "My name good sir is Bandur von Grom, and my companions are, Karion, Aramil; who is part elf and part human, Anor and Paskan".

Aramil was none too pleased but kept his own council on the matter.

Voice: "I'm Neldhu Wild Prowler Dependent Lookout, you may call me Neldhu".

Anor: "Are you alone, are there others like you here?"

Neldhu: "Why do you think I'm called Dependent Lookout.......silly!"

Anor: "So where are these others?"

Neldhu: "They aren't that silly.....silly"

Neldhu: "You may wait. You can sit over there, or if you're inclined you can help me by moving that pile of rocks from over there to over here....but that is your choice."

Neldhu pointed to a very large pile of large rocks at the bottom of the field, and then to a point about 50 feet from where the group stood.

The group shrugged their shoulders, they had nothing better to do so thought they would lend a hand moving the rocks. They looked around but Neldhu had gone.

Aramil told them to keep an eye out for any trouble that might be brewing.

The group laboured all day and at last, near the close of day they had moved the rocks. They didn't see who but turned when they heard a voice.

Voice: "Now then, now then, now then. What's all this? Why have you moved my rocks from down there to up here?"

Anor: "Because you asked us to do it Neldhu, that's why".

Voice: "No I didn't. And I aint called Neldhu, I am Feldhu Rock Keeper Bottom Garden, now be so kind as to move those rocks back where you found them, please...But tomorrow is soon enough."

Paskan: "Let me hit him, please let me". He said half-heartedly.

Karion: "I think this may be some sort of..... test?"

By the time they had finished discussing this they noticed that 'Feldhu' had disappeared!

The group kept a watchful eye on their surroundings as they tried to get a modicum of rest. 

The morning of the 14th was no different than the others. No-one was around. Shrugging their shoulders they started to move the pile of rocks back to where they started yesterday. No sooner had they finished when a voice was heard behind them:

Voice: "Now then, now then, now then, what be all this now?"

The group looked behind them, they saw the same figure that had greeted them twice before.

Anor: "Now look Neldhu.....Feldhu....whatever your name is...."

Before he could finish, Anor was interrupted.

Voice: "Ah, you've met my two brothers then. Neldhu and Feldhu. I am Feldhu Deep Warden Keeper. Well you've moved the rock pile.....twice. We Korreds are the keepers and my two brothers are very mischievous. You must now meet the Grandmother for she is now waiting your arrival. Karion, she knows what you carry. May I see it....and the other thing too?"

Karion brought forth the stone and the acorn.

Feldhu: "The stone is truly cursed. The acorn, a gift from Silvanus himself will help cure it of it's ills. But for that you need the High Priestess, or as we call her 'Grandmother',".

Karion: "Did you ever meet Eillisande Velorna. she travelled through these parts before becoming the High Priestess and guardian of our grove?" 

Feldhu: "No, I don't think I ever met your mother. Now young Aramil half a human, just whose backside where you going to set on fire?"

Aramil smirked a half smile.

Aramil: "So, Feldhu, how do we find the Grandmother?"

Feldhu: "Now, as to the we, first there is strength in numbers and in numbers there is strength, but as my mother always said too many cooks could spoil the broth".

Anor: "So are you now saying only Karion should go, or all of us?"

Feldhu: "Well certainly Paskan cannot travel. He is still not over his near death experience and shall stay in the village until your return or he is well enough to join you."

Aramil: "So how far is it to the pools and how do we get there?"

Feldhu: "Come with me".

Feldhu led them to the river.

Fedlhu: "Now is it that way, (he pointed up stream) or that way, (He pointed down stream), You tell me"

Aramil: "We were told the pools were in the mountains so which way are they?"

Feldhu struck his forehead with the palm of his hand.

Feldhu: "Which way is the water flowing? Does water flow up hill or down hill?"

Anor smiled at Aramil.

Anor: "I think he is telling us that the water is flowing from the mountains so we should go up stream or up river".

Aramil: "He didn't tell us how long it would take us to get there!"

Feldhu: "About 3 days travel!"

Aramil: "So, it's 3 days there, 3 days back then we have to get to Karion's village and thats well over 1,000 miles as the bloody crow flies. So how are we going to get there in time, I ask you?"

Feldhu: "Aramil 'Self Doubter', You have the means".

Bandur: "Aramil, we have the central pendent, Karion can take us there in an instant. We just have to get to the pools."

Aramil: "Well, I was just....thinking out loud. Someone has to!"

They turned around and Feldhu was gone.

Karion led them up stream for the rest of the day they travelled in silence keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. They made a hasty camp that night and split the watch between them.
The night was uneventful.

They set off early travelling into the mountains.
Another uneventful night.

The group set off, Karion taking the lead, followed by Bandur, Aramil and Anor bringing up the rear. Karion stopped. A short distance away he could see a fine stag, standing proud on a mound of earth.
The hairs on Aramils neck started to stand on edge, a sure sign. He warned everyone that something wasn't right and to be on their guard.

Karion attempted to communicate with the stag but suddenly two large tentacles grabbed it from behind the mound and pulled it down out of sight. Two doe's, feeding in the long grass, came bounding past eyes bulging in terror.

The group moved into a position to strike and saw a 6 legged, feline creature with two large tentacle appendages coming out of its shoulders.

Aramil cast a fireball on top of the creature. All that was left was a burned area of bushes and the smouldering remains of the stag.

Karion detected a strong evil presence off to his left and the group circled around to try and gain surprise on the creature. Karion cast Faerie Fire on the area that had indicated a strong evil presence.

Bandur led Anor and Karion on a flank move to the right whilst Aramil kept a watch on the area of danger. When suddenly the feline creature burst out of the tress to his left and launched a surprise attack.

Aramil cast shield as a reflex defence and then Fire Shield once it's attacks had failed to strike. Bandur rushed back to help Aramil and managed to strike the creature with 1 blow, Anor had similar luck, only one strike hitting the creature.

The creature evidently wounded, leapt away as Aramil sought to strike it with Tomb of Ice, but again the creature managed to elude the spell. Karion followed up with another druidic prayer, Ice Storm. Yet again the creature eluded the effects of the spell.

Anor and Karion watched as the creature leapt away into the trees and undergrowth. They last glimpsed it jumping across the river.

Anor: "I think that was a Displacer Beast, a big one too. I think it was stalking us at the beginning.  We did kind of spoil it's meal....Aramil!"

Aramil: "We don't have time to follow it. It's probably headed back to it's lair. We must press on, this is the third day we must be close".

Karion and the other agreed. They pushed on well into the dark. It was too dark to continue safely, that pathway was getting narrower and the rushing sound of water was louder. Aramil stopped.

Aramil: "We can't go further tonight. I'll cast Leomund's Tiny Hut, at least we will be safe tonight."

Bandur: "Good idea. We can push on tomorrow, it can't be much further."

Players Notes:

Thursday 1 December 2022

Session 118: "Here doggy, doggy...." or "I can see a bright light before me....."

 11th -12th day of Palesun 1492 

Mission:  Find the headwaters of Raer Tasa & find the sacred pool of the moon.

Campaign: Saving the Druid Grove of Karion

Location(s):  High Forest, ruins of an unknown place.

Present: Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion, Paskan

Bandur threw his axe around him smiting foes to left and right but still he was surrounded.

Karion was still surrounded as Aramil fought off a ghoul. The skeleton above Paskan kept slashing down into the paralysed Dragon Born. A ghoul horde was heading for the fighting.

Bandur stull surrounded was using his battle master skills to the full, slaying countless enemy before him. But still he was surrounded. The approaching horde surged forward and was about to overwhelm the group near the encampment.

Aramil said word of protection, hoping it was enough, and unleashed another fireball over the top of the group by the encampment. Another backpack and equipment went up in flames, but the undead horde had been badly hit.

Paskan succumbed to his wounds and fell to the floor as Anor stepped forward to protect him from further attacks. Karion was badly wounded and near to dropping himself when he cast change form, into a dire wolf. Aramil defended himself against a ghoul but was paralysed.

Karion took two hits as he moved to where Bandur was surrounded and helped him fight off the undead there. Bandurs battleaxe swept left and right again, taking foes down with each hit, but he was tiring and could not bring himself to swing his battle axe so effectively as he had done.

Anor moved to protect Aramil then swung around and dispatched the remaining ghoul.

KAarion having taken significant hits as a dire wolf, changed back to his normal Wood Elf form and smashed a skeleton to the ground. Bandur dropped two more.

At long last it was over, the group stood in shock and horror. They had taken a lot but given a lot too. Only poor Paskan lay on the floor, dead.

The group stood around the inert body of their friend. They were at a loss.

Karion: "If only Aerie was here, she could bring him back".

Aramil: "Well she's not, so that ain't going to happen".

Anor: "If only we could call her, get her to come here. After all the central pendent is."

Bandur reached into his belt pouch and pulled out the stone that Garet had given to him before Aerie, and He left for Axeholm.

Bandur: "Would this help, it's one of the 2 sending stones?"

All: "YES! Bloody great Bandur. Now you tell us.......!"

Bandur took the stone, as he had with the other stones that both he and Fargrim used many months ago.

Bandur: "Aerie, we have need of you, here, now."

Scant seconds later Aerie arrived beside Bandur.

Aerie: "What ails yo.......oh, is that Paskan on the floor?"

Bandur: "Yes, he's dead I'm afraid. Can you help?"

Aerie: "Of course".

Aerie started to chant in the lyrical tongue of the Avariel. She moved her hands as she chanted, a gleaming diamond in her hands. Slowly the diamond faded into nothing, and they could all see Paskan's chest rise up and down.

Aerie: "Before I go, I will use what healing prayers I have and heal you as much as I can. Paskan, take heed you will be weak for a few days but with each passing day you will get better.  I would advise that once I am finished here you make best speed and move towards your goal."

Aerie cast as much healing as she could, bade her farewell and departed once more for Axeholm".

Some hard lessons learned!

Player Notes:

Aeries prayers used:
3rd Beacon of hope.
1st Cure Wounds
2nd Cure Wounds
3 x 3rd Cure Wounds
4 x 4 Cure Wounds
Plus 45 points of healing hands

Curing a total of 306HP of damage on 5 players.
Anor 43HP
Aramil 64HP
Bandur 57HP
Karion 74HP
Paskan from -69HP to 1HP using raise dead and then 68HP

All 5 characters are now at full Hit Points.

Experience up to the end of this session:

Paskan, Bandur and Karion have all lost their backpacks and contents thereof. 
(Aramils 2 fireballs).

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Session 117: "Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones....." or "How much is that doggy in the windo.......?"

11th day of Palesun 1492 

Mission:  Find the headwaters of Raer Tasa & find the sacred pool of the moon.

Campaign: Saving the Druid Grove of Karion

Location(s):  High Forest, ruins of an unknown place.

Present: Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Karion, Paskan

Aramil: "You may come and go as you please, but I cannot leave this area otherwise the spell will end. He marked out the rough area of the spell effect. Inside here you are protected. Nothing can enter."

The group settled down for what they hoped would be a quiet and uneventful night.

Anor, Paskan and Bandur were instantly awakened by something prowling nearby.

Paskan: "It's Grymm."

Anor threw him his night goggles and told him to be quick. Paskan moved out towards the far side of a roadway. He kept getting glimpses of a white furred animal but each time he tried to call Grymm he couldn't quite get the call correct. He reverted to calling out in Draconic. Still the beast wouldn't come closer.

Bandur decided against his better judgement to follow Paskan and give him some moral support. Without his night goggles Anor soon lost them both. He tried to wake Aramil and Karion, but they slept on.

Paskan charged off to his left from some bushes into a rubble strewn area. He noticed movement, only this time it was two skeletal warriors and not Grymm! Paskan swiftly felled a skeleton as more appeared.

Bandur slightly perturbed at being left alone noticed movement in the bushes and identified the cause, skeletons, he yelled out:

Bandur: "I say, I say Anor, be a good chap and rouse the others, we seem to have a spot of bother over here with some animated, walking skeletons!" 

Bandur whirled his battle axe and yelled:

Bandur: "To be or not to be, that is the question, whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the indignities of the walking dead, tis not mine to question why....NOW GET OVER HERE AND DAMN WELL GET STUCK IN....CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING.....ARE YOU BLIND?"

This time Anor, using the dim light afforded by Aramils spell roughly awakened his sleeping companions. Briefly telling them what was happening.

Karion grabbed his club, turning it into a shillelagh, then moved to engage 2 skeletons. Before Anor could yell, Aramil moved out of the confines of his magical dome of force and fired off a magical bolt at a skeleton. Bereft of any light now that the spell had been dispelled by Aramil leaving the dome of force, Anor yelled:

Anor: " I am blind. Can't see a bloody thing. WE WERE OK IN HERE! Now we have no protection, and I CAN'T SEE. Now where was that bloody wall?"

Anor stepped to the side and practically fell into the wall. At least his back was secure.

Anor could hear Aramil chanting another magical incantation, suddenly Aramil was surrounded by light and Anor had a point of reference as to where at least Aramil was. He moved to support Aramil. More undead were arriving out of the dark. 3 packs of Ghouls approached from different directions.

The group were split up. Anor and Aramil the only 2 that stood in support of each other. Karion was fighting 3, Paskan and Bandur were all but surrounded.

The Ghouls would add a number of deadly creatures with the ability to paralyze! Paskan activated his ring of speed and ran through the creature surrounding him towards Aramil, Anor and Karion. Anor managed to sweep creatures away from Aramil and himself. Aramil unleashed a fireball spell, killing 3 Ghouls but incinerating half the belongings in the camp.

Paskan engaged the other Ghouls, Karion was surrounded fighting off skeletons and Ghouls as was Bandur. Aramil thumped his Mage Staff into the ground and channelled magical energy from himself through the staff, sending out a shockwave of magical energy that struck many creatures.

Paskan turned and picked up a skeleton attacking Aramil, he raised it over his head to throw it in the opposite direction when a Goul struck him with its claws. He could not move.

Karion cast daylight. The battleground was lit up like day all around them were undead and more were arriving.

Bandur was struggling but he swept his axe this way and that but eventually even he was struck by a Ghoul and paralyzed.

Anor and Aramil held their own in a little tight group. Pushing back the undead and not giving them an inch of ground.

Paskan could only watch as the undead moved in to attack him. There was nothing he could do.

Suddenly Bandur could move his leg, then his arm. Gradually he could move all of his body, he was no longer paralyzed.

Player Notes:

Experience up to the end of this session: