Saturday 29 October 2022

Session 113: "Off to pastures new....." or "The grass is greener on the other side."

 26th day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Mission:  Seeking information in Silverymoon

Campaign: Druid Grove of Karion

Location(s):  Triboar, Womford, Silverymoon

Present: Aerie, Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Garet, Heimund, Karion, Paskan, Droop. 

The distance from Triboar was roughly 340 miles. The merchant guild of Triboar advised them against using the northern route, skirting the Evermoors. It was fraught with danger. The safer route was along the southern edge of the Evermoors. The first leg was 54 miles, a simple 2-day journey, to Yartar.

Bad weather was on the way. Otherwise, the next window of clear weather was the 1st of the next month.

Paskan asked Aerie to pray a sending prayer to Mathew or Selene to make sure they were both alright. She received a simple answer 'Yes'.

Aerie left the ring with Maester Raemund and the concocted story of Selene's demise.


Karion used this time to pray and use his Druidic skills to cast Plant Growth and enriched the land surrounding Triboar. Over 2 days he cast the prayer 4 times. Karion enriched an area some 2 miles in diameter, the expected harvest this year would indeed be truly bountiful.

The last night before they departed a ceremony was held. During the ceremony gifts were bestowed on the group:

Aerie was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Comprehend Languages'.                                                    And would henceforth be known as 'The Healer of Triboar'.

Anor was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Spellguard'.                                                                        And would henceforth be known as  'The Defender of Triboar'.

Aramil was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Absorption'.                                                                       And would henceforth be known as 'The Protector of Triboar'.

Bandur was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Free Action'.                                                                  And would henceforth be known as 'The Guardian of Triboar'.

Garet was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Etherealness'.                                                                   And would henceforth be known as 'The Preserver of Triboar'.

Heimund was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Displacement'.                                                            And would henceforth be known as 'The Avenger of Triboar'.

Karion was presented with a ring, a 'Moon Ring'.                                                                                      And would henceforth be known as 'The Restorer of Triboar'.

Paskan was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Speed'.                                                                                 And would henceforth be known as  'The Valiant of Triboar'.

Droop was honoured with the title 'Friend of Triboar'. Droop was promoted to Castellan of the Order of the Gauntlet Temple.

The group departed Triboar on March 1st arrived Yartar late evening 2nd. Clear weather.

The group less Aramil departed 3rd by midday it was pounding rain. The distance from Yartar to Calling Horns was roughly 90 miles.

4th Steady Rainfall.

5th Clear. Arrived that night. Stopped at the Wagoner's Way Inn.

Departed 6th.  Distance from Calling Horns to a small village 53 miles.

7th mid-morning fell in with 2 wagons heading for Olostin's Hold. Arrived village late evening

8th Departed for Olostins Hold 54 miles. Clear Skies.

9th Clear skies arrived Olostins Hold early evening.

Olostin's Hold was a fortified keep lying between Everlund and Yartar just off the Evermoor Way, in the northwest edges of the High Forest

Olostin's Hold was home to about 200 people and provided security for about 600 farmers and ranchers in the surrounding area. It was the only permanent human settlement in the High Forest.

This particular section of the High Forest was sometimes referred to as Turlang's Wood. The locals were very careful to not irritate the forces of the forest. The woodcutters cut down dead trees only.

  • Mardan Elthondsson, lord of the village
  • Borstad Nomephel, leader of the largest shrine in the town
  • Felevel the Green a Druid.
  • Uhrieved Hartshorn, owner of the Flaming Flagon tavern.
  • Aedelvana, an arcane spellcaster
  • Keled Strongarm, constable of the town

10th Departed for the city of Everlund 54 miles. Strong Breeze all day. 

11th steady rainfall late afternoon.

12th Arrived city of Everlund early evening. Steady rainfall. 

Population 23,000

13th Depart for Silverymoon. Stop over at a small village. 

14th Depart small village for Silverymoon, 18 miles. Arrive early evening. 

15th March to 30 April:
Elminster leaves a message for the group:

'To the illustrious defenders of Triboar, I have important business to attend and shall be gone for some while. At some point in your future I may return, for now there are other pressing matters that require my attention. You have all the skills to succeed in anything you put your minds to do. Trust in each other, support each other, live your lives to the full.

Be wary in your travels, do not openly trust everyone you meet. I feel, that although the Cult of the Dragon is a danger, it is not an immediate one. Deal with this scourge on Faerun wherever you meet it.  But take care, they are not fools and you have given them a bloody nose. Take care when dealing with anything resembling demons. You have most certainly upset plans there. But I emphasise again that I do not feel that this is a pressing matter but one that will take many years to come to fruition.

I shall not say farewell but fare you well in your endeavours.


(15th) Bandur hands over the central pendent to Garet. Apologises to the group but states he must leave for Mithral Hall. He will re-join the group later. He is given permission to use of the teleportation circle to return to Mithral Hall.

The remainder of the group begin training at various locations and establishments throughout Silverymoon.

Spring Equinox:
At the end of March, the group took part in the Spring Equinox celebrations.                                            Aerie revelled in this festival for it was the holy day of Aerdrie Faenya.

11th April:
Karion completes his training to make potions. (15 days left)
On 4 separate days Karion was sent for by Alustrial Silvermoon. (email to follow)

14th April:
Garet completes training in short sword skill +1 to hit. (16 days left)

21st April:
Aerie completes her training in 2 sword combat using longsword. (9 days left)

30th April:
Anor completes training in Light Crossbow skill +1 to hit +1 damage
Paskan completes training to become proficient with using the Maul and skill +1 to hit.

Aramil 6th March to 30th April:
6th Aramil waited for a barge. departed Yartar for Womford.
12th Aramil arrives in Womford.
13th Aramil visits Susans family told to go away.
14th Aramil visits Susans family, better reception is asked inside to speak with father.
15th Aramil finds out that Susan is pregnant with his child, 3 months.
16-18th Aramil stays in Womford discussing his future with Susan with Susan and her family.          19th Aramil departs Womford.                                                                                                                21st arrives at the southern landing south-east of Waterdeep. Stays at his 'house'.                               22nd Arrives at Blackstaff Tower.
23rd Aramil starts to copy spells into the Jade Tome of the Moon Spell Book. Quickly copies 3 cantrips and start on 2 2nd level spells.
25th Completes copying 2 2nd level spells.
26th March - 16th April Aramil copies 2 4th level spells
16th -30th April Aramil copies 1 5th level spell.

CURRENT GP TOTALS TO APRIL 30TH 492 (includes travel/training/living expenses)

AERIE                             SILVERYMOON                    9 days left for training
ANOR                             SILVERYMOON
ARAMIL                         WATERDEEP
BANDUR                       MITHRAL HALL                   45 days left for training
GARET                           SILVERYMOON                   16 days left for training
HEIMUND                     SILVERYMOON                    45 days left for training
KARION                        SILVERYMOON                    19 days left for training
PASKAN                        SILVERYMOON

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Rumours and Employment:

 Rumours: Identity of Merchant Company:                                                            confirmed as T. A. Maits and Sons during the siege of Triboar.

Fabien and Zindra have both kept their eyes and ears open. They overheard 2 wagon drivers talking over ale of the over the large payment they received for transporting goods from Triboar to Waterdeep via Red Larch. It would seem that regular journeys would be made. The 2 wagons are being escorted by 10 well armed outriders. These too have added over a drink or 3 that they have been well paid for escorting the 2 wagons to Waterdeep.

Zindra took a gander outside and saw the crates were stamped with a design she had never seen before, perhaps a new trading company set up by one of the Lords of Waterdeep, who knows? 



Job Offers:


Posted: 10th September 1491 DR

Mission: Locate and destroy a possible Dragon Cult Cell in Neverwinter. Must be done with great stealth and not brought to the attention of the ruling powers.

Employer: The Harpers

Reward: All treasure gained + 500 gp

Posted: 15th September 1491 DR

Mission: A small break-away faction of the Many Arrows Orc Tribe has journeyed into the Silverymoon Hills where it has established a base. The local Lord fears that the faction seeks to establish its own tribe. Travel into the Silverymoon Hills, locate the Orc faction, and destroy it or at least drive it out.

Reward: All treasure gained + 500 gp

Employer: Ruler of Silverymoon

Posted: 29th September 1491 DR

Mission: There is a group of coral caves on a rocky and remote south-eastern shore on Orlumbor Island. Long have these caves been off-limits to the local populace due to persistent stories of mysterious, alluring, but deadly dangers that dwell within and without. Travel to Orlumbor Island, explore the sea-caves, and report fully to the local Lord. Evidence of findings required.

Reward: All treasure gained + 550 gp

Employer: Baronet of Orlumbor Island

Posted: 15th November 1491 DR

Mission: Something old stirs in the Mere of Dead Men. Local settlements say it is the evil spirit of the Mere come to punish humans for mistreating her gifts. Travellers and settlements around the Mere need to know what is stirring and how to respond. Gather intelligence on what stirs.

Reward: 500 GP Plus all treasure gained

Employer: Constable of Leilon

Posted: 3rd December 1491 DR

Mission: The woodcutters of The Cloakwood are refusing to go deep into the forest interior. They report casualties. More to the point, they report woodcutters being found murdered and “displayed” in elaborate traps. We have no leads as to who or what is killing the woodcutters of The Cloakwood. But if they don’t cut wood…well, no wood gets cut and that isn’t good for anyone. Find out what is doing the killing and kill it. Evidence required.

Reward: All treasure gained + 1000 gp + Crossbow of Blasting

Employer: Baron of Southshire and the Baron of East Shire, Baldurs Gate

Kheldell Logging Company: Posted 27th January 1492

The trail to Kheldell, the Kheldell Path, is not safe. An unescorted supply train was found attacked some 8 miles from Kheldell itself. Although blood was found at the scene the horses and drivers bodies were not found. A bloody trail led into the forest to the south of the Path.

Reward: 500GP For the safe delivery of missing goods to Kheldell and the return of the Drivers Bodies. Plus any  treasure found to be kept by any who undertake the job. Report to logging manager on arrival.

Waterdeep Garrison in Amphail: Posted 25th January 1492

Hegrash the renowned bandit Ogre is reported to be in the area to the north west of Amphail.

Reward: 50GP for information leading to the capture of Hegrash. Or 250 GP plus all treasure found for the head of Hegrash delivered to the garrison commander Amphail.

Missing – Daughter: Posted 22nd January 1492: Part Completed

Daughter and escort missing near Black Maw Bog. Reward for safe return to Triboar.

Reward: 250 GP for safe return of daughter to Arvin Glitterdale, Triboar.

Kheldell Logging Company: Posted 28th January 1492

Escorts required for 1 month trial period. Safe escort of convoys to and from Kheldell.

Pay: Initially 2.5 Gp/day plus food. (Negotiable) Rising to 5 GP/day dependent on results. Report to logging manager on arrival.

Scouting of Ironslag: Posted 15th January 1492

The Lady of Silverymoon requires information as to who or what have installed themselves in Ironslag, the fabled Dwarven Forge complex.

Reward: 1000 GP plus all treasures gained. Report to the Captain of the Place Guard, Silverymoon.

Troll clearing in Nesme: Posted 12th January 1492

A hardy group of adventurers are required to clear certain areas surrounding Nesme of an infestation of Trolls.

Reward: 50 GP per troll head collected. Report to Town Council on arrival.

Escorts Required: Posted 9th January 1492

Guards required to escort shipments from Phandalin to Triboar and return.

Pay: 2 GP/Day Bonus 50 GP on safe delivery of shipments. Report to Phandalin Merchant Exchange.

Missing Person: Posted 8th January 1492

Investigate disappearance of Councillor Agath Redholt. Missing travelling to Waterdeep from Leilon.

Reward: 1000 GP for safe return. 25 GP for information leading to safe return. Report to Town Council on arrival.

Sunday 23 October 2022

Session 112: The council of Triboar: "The morning after the night......." or "How did I end up here........."

 26th day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Mission:  Defence of Triboar

Campaign: Black Maw Bog

Location(s):  Triboar.

Present: Aerie, Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Garet, Heimund, Karion, Paskan, 

It was later that day that a council meeting was held at the Lord Protectors tower. The townsfolk were in the streets rejoicing at their good fortune, mourning the fallen and some trying to tidy up the destruction caused by the rampaging Orcs once they had got within the walls.

Elminster: "Good people may I introduce to you High Lord Methrammar Aerasumé, High Lord of the Silver Marches as well as the ruler of Silverymoon, and the High Marshal of the Argent Legion, the army of the League of the Silver Marches."

Methrammar: "A miracle you ask, no. We have been tracking a very large band of Orcs moving south from the lands of The Many Arrows Orc tribes. We rested awhile in Yartar when 2 days ago a merchant with a weird contraption of a wagon arrives, with some bodyguards and tells us that Triboar is under siege! Then a mounted patrol of your '12' turn up and tell the same story. As soon as we could my 500 mounted Elves of the Argent Legion with what forces could be mustered from Yartar rode as fast as we could to your relief. It would seem the gods smiled on us today. Elminster"

Elminster: "Through ways and means that I will not divulge it became known to me that Triboar was indeed in danger. Not from the Orc Horde, they were just a means to an end. The demon, who I have found out was named Rahini, who long ago tried to enslave Helms Hold near Neverwinter and who many thought dead, had actually implanted herself here to do whatever master she follows bidding. She sought an artifact long buried. One of many. A millennia before the era of upheaval a mighty foe walked the Prime Material Plane. Tiamat. Although she went under many names. Great was the destruction she and her dragons wrought upon the land. Many peoples were enslaved. The Vonindod, (meaning "titan of death" in Jotun) was a colossal construct used against dragons during the ancient wars between giants and dragons.

The Vonindod stood 80 feet (24 meters) tall, three times taller than any titan. and was humanoid-shaped with a horned helm and a greatsword. It was almost entirely composed of adamantine with huge rubies for eyes. The Vonindod fought for most of The Thousand Year War. Though it travelled slowly and was hindered by being earthbound, it proved effective in raiding dragons' lairs and slew more wyrms than even Hjurner Wyrmrever. During the latter half of the war, it was deployed to the northern cities of the then nation of Ostoria.

After the war, what remained of the construct was dismantled and scattered throughout the north. Pieces were shared amongst all the cities of Ostoria. One of which stood here, where Triboar now stands.

The limbs of the Vonindod were held together with rods made of Glassteel, fashioned by your ancestors and Aedrie Faenya. Not wishing to lose the rods it was rumoured that Aerdrie Faenya fashioned 12 mighty swords and gave them to the Avariel.

I was nearly delayed at the final battle, so I sent young Aramil along to help where he could until I could arrive. You may ask where I went, and I will tell you. I travelled to the Isle of mist, where you found the Blue Dragon eggs. And as you quite rightly surmised were not in the right place. By whatever means the enemy had managed to steal a clutch of eggs and bend the Blue Dragon called Velzemogarrox to her will. When I arrived the guardians were slain, the eggs destroyed. I brought the shards of those eggs back here. I have asked Garet how many eggs there were, he has told me 7. There were indeed 7 incubation stones but of the shards, when put back together there are only 6 eggs. 1 egg is missing so too the Red Wizard of Thay, for only a Red Wizard could have constructed the Raver.

The Demon was very powerful in that she could bend and sway people to her will. Paskan, I am sorry but unwittingly you were one. Through you she knew most of your plans. You are not to blame, nor should anyone here cast blame."

Protector of Triboar: "It seems we owe you much High Lord Methrammar, Elminster and to the brave warriors who held the Yartar Gate, destroyed the Raver and the Dragon. We found a large cache of gold left when the Orcs ran away. From this there is enough to rebuild Triboar, strengthen the defences and give each of you 500 pieces of gold. Further your group shall receive 1000 pieces of gold for 5 years to be paid on the anniversary of this battle."

Methrammar: "Triboar will come under the protection of the Lords Alliance. Word has been sent to Waterdeep and the Lords of Waterdeep are in agreement. So too Lord Neverember of Neverwinter. A permanent garrison shall be stationed here of Elves, Dwarves and Humans from the Lords Alliance for the continued protection of Triboar and the artifact buried beneath. There are other matters to discuss but that will wait until after our victory feast tonight."

The meeting broke up. Aramil received a message from one of the High Lords bodyguards. It simply read, 'We will meet soon'.

The battle of Triboar was over, the initial relief that the fight was won had subsided, dazed and bewildered at the heavy losses the towns folk were released from the ‘safe places’ of refuge. As they spilled out onto the battle strewn debris on the streets.

The group met at the Temple of the Gauntlet. Garet was missing, but Aerie told them he had business with Mavrithan and the others that travelled with him.

A strange meeting

Later that night Elminster turned to Aramil, looking at him with a keen eye and stern face, with what Aramil thought looked like a little smile just in the corner of his mouth. Well, Aramil at least hoped it was a smile and not the start of another of his famous snarls. "My young padawan, come with me, I have someone you should meet". Without another word of explanation Elminster turned and was away flight of foot as ever, Aramil realizing it wasn’t an invitation, but an instruction started running to try to just keep up, dodging the people dazed and just standing looking at the carnage and the bodies of all armies dead and dying on the ground. 

Aramil rapidly lost any sense of direction and location just focussed on keeping up with Elminster, after a few minutes which seemed like ages to Aramil, Elminster stopped at a door, it took all Aramils strength to stop in time and not go crashing into the back of Elminster. Elminster stood at a larger than normal wooden door, arched top and three very strong metal, iron Aramil thought, hinges. Elminster muttered something that Aramil neither heard properly nor even had any chance of understanding. Elminster pushed the door and stepped inside, Aramil paused, was he supposed to follow, ‘come in’, was his answer uttered by Elminster. ‘Wait here’, Elminster was never one to mince words unless he was telling stories.

Aramil thought back to his first encounter with Elminster at the inn where, he paused, Susan, damn how she always entered his thoughts, he missed her so. He realised he was in a very small hallway, no furnishing or furniture, two doors and a single wall mounted brazier with one very well used end of a candle in it and nothing else. After what seemed ages to Aramil, Elminster appeared through the other door, not the one Elminster had left the hallway through, strange thought Aramil, but no longer surprised by anything Elminster did, he had quickly learnt not to be surprised, just accept. Elminster looked straight at Aramil, that same piercing stair again, "when you enter the room bow, do not speak until you are invited to speak, say nothing until you are offered the chance to speak, do you understand?" Aramil nodded in reply…what was he walking into now he wondered…

Elminster stepped back opening the same door he had initially entered through allowing Aramil to step into the room. The door closed behind him Elminster did not follow. Aramil saw in front of him a table about six feet by four feet, two chairs on the side nearest him and one on the far side, no one hear he thought. Then he caught the slightest movement in the corner of his eye to his right, he turned and bowed as instructed, he held the bow unsure of what he should do next.  Standing before him was Methrammar.             

Methrammar: “Rise young Padawan, or should I say Aramil”.

As Aramil stood up he saw stood before him a very tall, well over six foot six, very well built, male half elf, dressed in battle equipment, of extremely high quality, he carried a regal air about him, natural not forced, his clothing indicated the same, a fighter in every sense of the word, though not an obvious battle scar visible on him anywhere.

Methrammar: “Take a seat young Aramil”, the stranger indicated. Aramil nodded and moved to the left of the two chairs, he stood waiting. He thought this must be the noble who rode past that morning, for noble he must be dressed in such rich finery. The stranger smiled, and moved to the opposite side, and again proffered his hand “please be seated”, he said. “Padawan as Elminster calls you, or should I call you young Aramil, I think Aramil is more appropriate and relevant for this occasion”.

Aramil said nothing it clearly was not a question but a statement of fact. The words spoken with confidence and with regal air without any hint of condescendence in his voice.

What we are about to discuss will I am sure, be not only of significant shock to you but in many ways potentially challenge your whole belief and perception of your life to date, putting much of it into doubt. Everything I tell you can be ratified by others and confirmed by scripture. However, I sincerely hope that you will be able to trust my word and the way I tell it to you and will be sufficient for you to believe it. No doubt you are wondering just who I am and why I have summoned you here?

Aramil said nothing, looking intently at the person across the table from him.

I am High Lord Methrammar Aerasumme, High Lord of the Silver Marches”, on hearing this Aramil’s ears picked up, staring intently at this until now stranger, a Half-Elf like himself. The mention of the Silver marches or at least the wars of the Silver Marches he recognised from the scripture from the tomb Bandur had read to him, were where his father had supposedly met his end….his conscious thoughts returned to the here and now back in the room, Methrammar continued, “I am the ruler of Silverymoon and the High Marshal of the Argent Legion, the army of the league of the silvery marches”. He waited for Aramil to take all this in. “And, I am your half-brother”.

Aramils eyes felt like they had pooped out on stalks, his mouth open jaw hanging limply, he was glad he was sat down, he felt like he would faint. Half-brother but how, did they have the same mother, surely not, his mother had not been out of his comfort and care for a day of his life until such time as he entered the Black Staff Tower and only after that when she left his side for good passing away at the cottage.

It was obvious that this half-brother sat across from him was a good number of years older than Aramil, then slowly like a flaming candle in his mind…his father.  “Aramil”, his newly found half-brother paused. “You have or at least had 12 half-brothers, and possibly more, sadly three of my brothers are no longer walking this earthly world”. Aramil could not contain his look of shock and surprise, he stared at Methrammar across the table from him, looking back at him a smiling, kind face. “I know this is a lot to take in and we can talk at length about your ‘new’ family, but I understand you have been ‘told’ of your father’s demise and the way in which it occurred. No doubt you have many questions, but allow me to recount the events, for I was indeed there, not for the very end but for sufficient time to be able to confirm all that is written, after which we can talk through your questions. We have the time and will not be disturbed other than food and drink.

So, the story began, recounted by Methrammar, he explained in detail about his half- brothers, each in turn. He talked about Silverymoon and the Argent Legion. His mothers’ seeming demise which made his father leave Silverymoon for a long time. He patiently waited as Aramil asked countless questions, he answered them all.

It was not a surprise to Aramil to discover that Methrammar was indeed a fighter and a great commander of renown, but it was a surprise to find that he was also a Wizard of elevated abilities, being a wizard, something they had in common, Aramil liked the thought of that, Aramil was warming to Methrammar a big brother in more ways than one, indeed he now had many big brothers!

They talked, Aramil quickly found it so easy to ask all the ‘difficult’ questions, that the story of his father’s death just didn’t make sense in comparison to the father he thought he knew from his life experiences with him, around Aramil he was never argumentative, arrogant, impetuous, hot headed, the likes the story portrayed him as, but quite the opposite, kind, caring, loving, considerate, deeply thoughtful.

One thing stuck in his mind throughout, Aramil just couldn’t see how the father he knew was the same person whose actions were depicted in the story of how he died. He couldn’t see how his father would have chased the orc hordes into the mountains, going against the other commanders and majority of the force, and certainly not falling into the trap as it was described. Methrammar listened, smiling, nodding and with the patience a big brother naturally shows a sibling explained the circumstances, the pressure, the desires to end the wars and all the many traits that their father displayed, how the events had unfolded, not once decrying their father or his actions, but soundly reassuring Aramil that the facts as recorded in the story were indeed correct.

Methrammar covered every doubt, concern and question with brotherly love and compassion, the questions only stopping for drinks and to eat, other than that they were left alone, completely alone for hours and hours. Aramil did question, and Methrammar answered, question followed question and answer followed answer. Not once did Methrammar tire or show even the slightest tiredness at Aramil’s almost unending questions. Slowly as Aramil’s doubts ebbed away a whole new perspective of his father’s life became known to him. Aramil lost none of his respect or love for his father, but admiration, respect and affection grew, his only thought…..if only I had known.

The conversation for that was what it had become, no longer a discussion moved toward Aramil, he found himself talking of his growing years, his love for his parents and the love they gave him, his memories of his father and his teachings, Aramil sat on his father’s knee, his time at the Black Staff Tower, his choices of Evocation and Conjuration, why and what he had learnt, followed by Aramil’s more recent interest   in Alchemy and his first tentative steps at his own laboratory / alchemist shop in Axeholm. How he had struggled to produce his first healing potion and the even worse attempt at a poison, they laughed together as Methrammar recalled some of his early attempts at not a to dissimilar potion production. Aramil felt a real ‘bond’ was forming between them. Methrammar gave a very small ‘snap shot’ of the great wizards at Silverymoon. Aramil recounted his desire to visit Silverymoon when he had learnt of its significance when he was searching for information about his father.

The only thing Aramil felt guilty about not mentioning at all was the gift that his father had given him of the Ioun Stone, he remembered the council he was given on that matter.

Aramil jumped at the sound of the loud knock at the door behind him, other than for food and drink they had not been disturbed at all. A bodyguard of significant size filled the doorway, bowed and spoke briefly, “My Lord, the hour of high ten, the vanguard is assembled and ready to depart and await your instructions". “Very good fifteen minutes and we depart”. “Very good my Lord”, the bodyguard bowed and gently closed the door once more leaving the two brothers alone.

“Well, my dear newly found brother", said Methrammar, "it appears that we have been together the night through and it is but late the next morning, I trust that you are more at peace with yourself and our father now after our time together, though I am sure, indeed I insist, this will not be the last time we shall meet each other".          

Aramil stood ready starting to bow once more, Methrammar placed two firm hands on his shoulders, “My dear younger brother bowing is in respect to the title and only in front of others, not when we are together alone”. He stepped close to Aramil and hugged him, squeezed him so tightly Aramil thought he was going to burst. “My young brother you are to be proud of yourself and your family, indeed all of your family”. Smiling Methrammar stepped back, holding out his right hand.

Aramil went to shake his hand stopping when he noticed the ring in the palm of the hand. A ring of exquisite design a symbol inscribed into the dark blue gem set into the centre of the ring. “Take this my brother, it belonged to our father, who in turn gifted it to me. May it serve you as well as it has served me. If ever you are in need, meet a member of the Argent Legion or come to Silverymoon, then It will also help you as identification when people who can help protect you see the symbol upon this ring, they will know from whom the ring came.”

 Aramil’s jaw dropped, “I have no words, ‘thank you’ is so trivial.” “Thanks, are not required. Until we meet again, stay safe, stay well, happy adventures my brother”. With that Methrammar strode out the room and was gone.

Almost instantly to be replaced by Elminster. “Come my young Padawan let’s get you back to the group of adventurers shall we, as for sure they will have need of you in what lies in store for them". Without another word, turned and was striding away.                                                     

Yet again Aramil was almost running just to try to keep up with Elminster…                      Aramil thought to himself… some things never change….