Saturday, 29 October 2022

Session 113: "Off to pastures new....." or "The grass is greener on the other side."

 26th day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Mission:  Seeking information in Silverymoon

Campaign: Druid Grove of Karion

Location(s):  Triboar, Womford, Silverymoon

Present: Aerie, Anor, Aramil, Bandur, Garet, Heimund, Karion, Paskan, Droop. 

The distance from Triboar was roughly 340 miles. The merchant guild of Triboar advised them against using the northern route, skirting the Evermoors. It was fraught with danger. The safer route was along the southern edge of the Evermoors. The first leg was 54 miles, a simple 2-day journey, to Yartar.

Bad weather was on the way. Otherwise, the next window of clear weather was the 1st of the next month.

Paskan asked Aerie to pray a sending prayer to Mathew or Selene to make sure they were both alright. She received a simple answer 'Yes'.

Aerie left the ring with Maester Raemund and the concocted story of Selene's demise.


Karion used this time to pray and use his Druidic skills to cast Plant Growth and enriched the land surrounding Triboar. Over 2 days he cast the prayer 4 times. Karion enriched an area some 2 miles in diameter, the expected harvest this year would indeed be truly bountiful.

The last night before they departed a ceremony was held. During the ceremony gifts were bestowed on the group:

Aerie was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Comprehend Languages'.                                                    And would henceforth be known as 'The Healer of Triboar'.

Anor was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Spellguard'.                                                                        And would henceforth be known as  'The Defender of Triboar'.

Aramil was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Absorption'.                                                                       And would henceforth be known as 'The Protector of Triboar'.

Bandur was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Free Action'.                                                                  And would henceforth be known as 'The Guardian of Triboar'.

Garet was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Etherealness'.                                                                   And would henceforth be known as 'The Preserver of Triboar'.

Heimund was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Displacement'.                                                            And would henceforth be known as 'The Avenger of Triboar'.

Karion was presented with a ring, a 'Moon Ring'.                                                                                      And would henceforth be known as 'The Restorer of Triboar'.

Paskan was presented with a ring, a 'Ring of Speed'.                                                                                 And would henceforth be known as  'The Valiant of Triboar'.

Droop was honoured with the title 'Friend of Triboar'. Droop was promoted to Castellan of the Order of the Gauntlet Temple.

The group departed Triboar on March 1st arrived Yartar late evening 2nd. Clear weather.

The group less Aramil departed 3rd by midday it was pounding rain. The distance from Yartar to Calling Horns was roughly 90 miles.

4th Steady Rainfall.

5th Clear. Arrived that night. Stopped at the Wagoner's Way Inn.

Departed 6th.  Distance from Calling Horns to a small village 53 miles.

7th mid-morning fell in with 2 wagons heading for Olostin's Hold. Arrived village late evening

8th Departed for Olostins Hold 54 miles. Clear Skies.

9th Clear skies arrived Olostins Hold early evening.

Olostin's Hold was a fortified keep lying between Everlund and Yartar just off the Evermoor Way, in the northwest edges of the High Forest

Olostin's Hold was home to about 200 people and provided security for about 600 farmers and ranchers in the surrounding area. It was the only permanent human settlement in the High Forest.

This particular section of the High Forest was sometimes referred to as Turlang's Wood. The locals were very careful to not irritate the forces of the forest. The woodcutters cut down dead trees only.

  • Mardan Elthondsson, lord of the village
  • Borstad Nomephel, leader of the largest shrine in the town
  • Felevel the Green a Druid.
  • Uhrieved Hartshorn, owner of the Flaming Flagon tavern.
  • Aedelvana, an arcane spellcaster
  • Keled Strongarm, constable of the town

10th Departed for the city of Everlund 54 miles. Strong Breeze all day. 

11th steady rainfall late afternoon.

12th Arrived city of Everlund early evening. Steady rainfall. 

Population 23,000

13th Depart for Silverymoon. Stop over at a small village. 

14th Depart small village for Silverymoon, 18 miles. Arrive early evening. 

15th March to 30 April:
Elminster leaves a message for the group:

'To the illustrious defenders of Triboar, I have important business to attend and shall be gone for some while. At some point in your future I may return, for now there are other pressing matters that require my attention. You have all the skills to succeed in anything you put your minds to do. Trust in each other, support each other, live your lives to the full.

Be wary in your travels, do not openly trust everyone you meet. I feel, that although the Cult of the Dragon is a danger, it is not an immediate one. Deal with this scourge on Faerun wherever you meet it.  But take care, they are not fools and you have given them a bloody nose. Take care when dealing with anything resembling demons. You have most certainly upset plans there. But I emphasise again that I do not feel that this is a pressing matter but one that will take many years to come to fruition.

I shall not say farewell but fare you well in your endeavours.


(15th) Bandur hands over the central pendent to Garet. Apologises to the group but states he must leave for Mithral Hall. He will re-join the group later. He is given permission to use of the teleportation circle to return to Mithral Hall.

The remainder of the group begin training at various locations and establishments throughout Silverymoon.

Spring Equinox:
At the end of March, the group took part in the Spring Equinox celebrations.                                            Aerie revelled in this festival for it was the holy day of Aerdrie Faenya.

11th April:
Karion completes his training to make potions. (15 days left)
On 4 separate days Karion was sent for by Alustrial Silvermoon. (email to follow)

14th April:
Garet completes training in short sword skill +1 to hit. (16 days left)

21st April:
Aerie completes her training in 2 sword combat using longsword. (9 days left)

30th April:
Anor completes training in Light Crossbow skill +1 to hit +1 damage
Paskan completes training to become proficient with using the Maul and skill +1 to hit.

Aramil 6th March to 30th April:
6th Aramil waited for a barge. departed Yartar for Womford.
12th Aramil arrives in Womford.
13th Aramil visits Susans family told to go away.
14th Aramil visits Susans family, better reception is asked inside to speak with father.
15th Aramil finds out that Susan is pregnant with his child, 3 months.
16-18th Aramil stays in Womford discussing his future with Susan with Susan and her family.          19th Aramil departs Womford.                                                                                                                21st arrives at the southern landing south-east of Waterdeep. Stays at his 'house'.                               22nd Arrives at Blackstaff Tower.
23rd Aramil starts to copy spells into the Jade Tome of the Moon Spell Book. Quickly copies 3 cantrips and start on 2 2nd level spells.
25th Completes copying 2 2nd level spells.
26th March - 16th April Aramil copies 2 4th level spells
16th -30th April Aramil copies 1 5th level spell.

CURRENT GP TOTALS TO APRIL 30TH 492 (includes travel/training/living expenses)

AERIE                             SILVERYMOON                    9 days left for training
ANOR                             SILVERYMOON
ARAMIL                         WATERDEEP
BANDUR                       MITHRAL HALL                   45 days left for training
GARET                           SILVERYMOON                   16 days left for training
HEIMUND                     SILVERYMOON                    45 days left for training
KARION                        SILVERYMOON                    19 days left for training
PASKAN                        SILVERYMOON

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