Wednesday, 5 July 2023

A BARDS TALE - Session 5: "When is a tree not a tree?" or "When it's a Paladin in disguise".


16th Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:                                                                                                                                          Find Our Lady's Heart

Campaign:                                                                                                                                    Tales from the Bard

Location(s):                                                                                                                                AMN: Small Teeth Mountains, Goblin Hideout

Present:                                                                                                                               Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper &                   (Talila Watercup) Plus Mule


Near nightfall but still light enough to see the trail of the Goblins led them to a box canyon. At the head a cliff face. They could make out a winding path that lead to a platform some 50 or 60ft above the ground. Off to the right they could make out a cave entrance. From the cave entrance a stream flowed. Niall an Talila investigated. They returned and told the group that there was an awful stench of death and decay coming from the cave mouth but that they could hear the sound of falling water, possibly from a waterfall inside the cave.

Niall suddenly froze, nudged Talila, both nocked an arrow and aimed at a tree some 15 ft away.

Niall: "Come out slowly with your hands where we can see them!"

A figure stepped out from behind the tree, arms raised, sword swinging from his hip a crossbow and shield slung across his back. The figure wore chainmail under a tabard.

Moonwhisper: "Easy, easy, I'm a friend. I came across the dead man and followed your trail here and before you ask it was the vultures which led me to the man. And it looks like you could use an extra sword."

As the stranger lowered his hood they could see he was an Elf. Niall addressed the stranger in the language of the Elves.

Niall: "Where do you come from 'friend'?"

Moonwhisper was slightly taken aback. Niall had addressed him in High Elf, though he dressed as a Wood Elf. Moonwhisper looked to the female Elf, she was similarly attired but he could see the difference, she was a Wood Elf.

Moonwhisper told them where he was born, Silverymoon, but had travelled far from his home until he heard of the Orc invasion of Murann and decided he would take his chances in this region.

Talila: "Now that you two 'High and Mighty Elves' have finished, perhaps you could switch to a language that everyone can understand!"

Moonwhisper bit his lip, silently counted to 10 then nodded his head.

Niall and Moonwhisper would check the cave out whilst the others waited. Niall had remembered seeing large footprints and two smaller set enter the cave. They assumed they were the mother and the two children.

As the rest watched Niall and Moonwhisper entered the cave. There was no indication they had been seen from above.

Some 10 minutes later Niall appeared and beckoned them all to come to the cave. The group entered and in the low light could make out the body of a fallen Ogre.

Niall: "Don't ask, bloody thing started throwing rocks and nearly was the death of us".

Roscoe: "And you're wet?"

Niall"Let's say I miss timed my jump across the stream! And leave it at that".

Moonwhisper had taken Niall to one side, speaking in hushed High Elf, and had offered his advice to take more care when crossing streams.

The Lower Level

The others looked on as the two Elves chatted and were amazed at the 20ft high carved dragon statue. Dramos leaned down and noticed some scratchings on the base of the statue. He started a ritual incantation to comprehend languages and after some 10 minutes he told the group:

Dramos: "The scratchings say Klauth, means nothing to me."

Niall: "I'm sure that is the name of ancient red dragon that was last heard of hundreds of years ago."

Moonwhisper: "If I remember correctly he was nicknamed 'Old Snarl', lost a wing and was last heard of in 1373, The year of Rogue Dragons. My father used to tell me tales when I was a child."

Niall: "Indeed!"

The group searched the cavern. It was really just the Ogres den, but they noticed he was chained and the length of the chain meant he could only go as far as the Dragon Statue.

It was hard to hear as the noise from the waterfall drowned out all but shouting unless you stood close.

Suddenly a blood curdling scream came from above. Looking up they could see a small square of light in the cavern ceiling some 50ft above their heads.

Ragul-Nur: "What was that, went right through me, sent shivers down my spine?"

Dramos: "Whatever it was it doesn't bode good!"

They didn't hear but saw a platform descending through the hole in the ceiling. A wooden platform suspended by 4 chains linked to a single chain which was part of the mechanism to lower the platform.

Niall: "Be ready for whatever comes off that platform".

Dramos, Roscoe retired into the shadow of the dragon statue. Moonwhisper used a rock formation for cover and Niall prepared to pounce.

Ragul: "Enough pussy footing I'm going to splat whatever is on that platform!"

Ragul took a stance ready to charge.

The platform hit the ground, on the platform were two small, reptile like creatures, red in colour with tails. Ragul charge forward swinging his warhammer, he miss timed his swing, hit the chains and his hammer flew out of his hands to go 'plop' into the stream. It sank out of sight. 

Roscoe: "Kobolds!"

Roscoe moved forward and slid his rapier into the Kobold Ragul had tried to hit. It just starred at the blade stuck in it's chest then slid off the end dead.

Niall moved forward and with a free hand grabbed the 2nd Kobold by the arm swinging it off the platform. He had seen it reaching for a rope hanging down. Moonwhisper was close behind and his blade sliced effortlessly through the Kobolds neck. Niall dropped the dead Kobold in disgust as the blood gushed from it's neck just missing both Moonwhisper and himself.

Niall: "Shame, could have questioned it."

He turned away from Moonwhisper.

A quick plan was hatched. Roscoe and Ragul would ascend and deal with whatever was above, whilst the other waited for the signal and they would ascend one by one. (Hopefully)

Moonwhisper: "Don't you want a weapon?" He said to Ragul.

Ragul: "Ah yes, it would come in handy and he went to jump in the stream.

Niall: "Let me, I'm already wet!"

Ragul was shocked at the depth of the water.

Niall handed back to Ragul his warhammer.

Niall: "Yes, it was deep, you might have drowned, and it's cold. No don't thank me I'll find a way to keep warm".

Talila had brough the mule into the cavern and overheard the last conversation.

Talila: "Well don't look in my direction to help you get warm!"

Niall blushed.

Working out that the rope was the signal for the platform to ascend Ragul reached up and pulled the rope. The platform shuddered. Shuddered again.

Kobold 1: "What is happening the mechanism is stuck, call the overseer."

Kobold 2: "If we do that he will beat us, hey  come and help us".

A third Kobold joined the other two and they slowly cranked the handle. The teeth biting on the anti slip mechanism as it slowly clanked round and round.

The platform took an age to clank it's way through the opening. Roscoe jumped off the back as  Ragul swung his hammer at one of the 3 Kobolds. The fight was short and quick, although Roscoe had to chase down the 3rd Kobold who was trying to flee the chamber. He caught him before the last step, his rapier plunged into the Kobolds back and it rolled back down the stairs, dead at Ragul's feet.

In the cavern there was an alcove, in the alcove behind a barred gate were huddled two small children. They were fraught with fear and wouldn't raise their heads. The little girl just mumbled 'mam' 'dad' over and over.

It took some time to raise the others but as they came up 1 by 1 the next to come up was quicker.

Moonwhisper led the way up the stairs. Niall to his left, Dramos at the top of the stairs, Roscoe had entered a small side passage, too small for the others and Ragul stayed on the stairs so he could watch up and right. They left the traumatised children back in the chamber. there was only one entry/exit, and they stood in the way of any attackers.

Moonwhisper had been distracted by the movement of the others but as he looked to his right, his back against the wall he could see a small, furtive figure glowering from behind a chair he had been sitting on unnoticed. Before he could react the Goblin pulled a rope. A bell peeled out....ding, ding, ding. (A warning) Then charged forward, Moonwhisper already taking a defensive stance was taken by surprised as the Goblin darted to his left into an unseen opening.

Niall: "Retreat back into the chamber, we can funnel what ever comes and be better prepared for them."

"The cowardly goblin ran away ran away, 
soon to follow the heroes brave calloo callay.
The cowardly goblin belled so quick
what is to come may make us sick!"

Dramos moved passed Ragul back into the chamber, Niall was crossing over to the stairs when......twang....twang.

Moonwhisper shouted a warning then suddenly an arrow skidded across his chainmail and clattered down the corridor. Another arrow struck Niall. Moonwhisper closed on the Kobold archer, Roscoe closed in on the goblin archer. Then all hell broke loose, footsteps, many footsteps could be heard coming from all directions.

Roscoe and Moonwhisper were fighting the archers, Niall had been healed by Ragul and moved forward to block 2 goblins with a larger 3rd coming down the stairs opposite him. Ragul moved to block the tight passage way that Roscoe had entered a short while ago.

Moonwhisper sheathed his sword and let a firebolt blast a Kobold. Roscoe turned and killed a 2nd. Niall dealt with a goblin on the stairs as Dramos killed the 2nd. The larger goblin glared at Niall...

Hegrash: "I am Hegrash the Bandit Leader and I will cut you down Elf kind!"

Niall now faced the Goblin Bandit, Hegrash. Ragul found the passageway to tight to engage the kobold archer firing at him and tried to kill him with spiritual prayers, he failed.

One by one the enemy were felled, Niall cut down the Bandit Leader Hegrash. Dramos and Moonwhisper cast firebolt after firebolt and killed many goblins and kobolds. Ragul eventually managed to dispatch the archer as his spiritual prayer was answered. Tired, exhausted, bloodied and wounded the group surveyed the corridor of death. Not one enemy was left alive.

Ensuring the cavern complex was clear of enemy they group started to tip the dead bodies into the cavern below. Talila was brought up the stone path with the mule then the gate was closed. They found the mother of the children in the back of the complex, she had been slain and chopped up ready for eating. Such was the nature of Goblins and Kobolds. Ragul said a quick prayer over the body before it too was disposed of in the cavern below out of sight of the children. When asked all Ragul would say was they hadn't found their mother, perhaps she had managed to escape.

Talila helped search the complex and her talents cam to the fore as she found the hidden chest, under the rug in Hegrash's room.

They decided to spend the rest of the night and part of the day resting before making a decision as to where to go next. The children were given food from the groups stock and water. They fell into a troubled sleep.

They counted out their spoils:
1088 copper pieces
1058 silver pieces
6 electron pieces
50gp worth of gems
13 gold pieces

Ragul: "I'll take first watch, that ballista vantage point seems a good place. You can see the whole approach from there."

Talila: "I'll take 2nd. Don't need as much sleep as you lot and don't take offence but you lot look pretty beat up and probably need the rest more than I.

Niall: "It's nearing midnight. Keep a good watch."

The Upper Level

Cavern Hideout in 3d

Player information:

Experience after session 5:

Money after session 5:

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