Sunday, 11 February 2024

Interim Session Report: "Remember the 7 P's..." or "Curses......damnation...........!"


30th Day of Rainmoot: 1492 

Mission:  Destruction of Strahd von Zarovich.

Campaign:  Tales from the Bard

Location(s):  Barovia, van Richten's Tower.

Present: Bernadette Greycastle, Dramos Ethrane, Niall Tharivol, Ragul-Nur, Roscoe Tosscoble, Moonwhisper, Bomber Longbeard. Ezmerelda and Rictovio.


Rictovio: "It would seem that we, I mean you  have a problem. The only one not affected would seem to be Bomber here."

Moonwhisper: "Here we go again, more shit to deal with!"

Rictovio: "I have used some of my magical powers to discern that 3 (or 4?) of you have been bitten and are afflicted with the curse of Lycanthropy. Whilst the money you stole from the fact from in front of the 'Wolf Totem' was in itself cursed. Hence why you have not been able to rest and suffered nightmares or bad dreams throughout the night."

Ezmerelda: "Nothing worse than the smell of wet dog!"

Bernadette: "Thanks!"

Moonwhisper: "We're doomed, doomed I tell ya. Nothing has gone right since we arrived in this god forsaken place, nothing!"

Niall: "Easy, easy. Coming here was out of our's getting home that worries me. First of all though, Rictovio how do we get rid of or stop or whatever.... these curses?"

Rictovio: "From what I can tell giving the wolf den treasure away or taking it back will not stop that curse. That said, anyone else touching the wolf den treasure will not be afflicted. So we can do some good with it. We have today and tomorrow to figure out the double curse thing.

1. You will not heal or gain back powers without removing the wolf den treasure curse. There are 6 of you affected by this.

2. If we don't figure out the Lycanthrope curse by tomorrow midnight, then I'm afraid those bitten will turn into werewolves. There are 3 (4?) of you affected by this.

3. On the bright side. You have money, we can buy healing potions for you but they will cost.

(1 x 1d4+1 = 50gp - 1 x 2d4+2 potion = 75gp 1 x 3d4+3 = 100gp)

I take it that you, Ragul, are able to learn a new prayer, possibly Cure Curse.  You have enough power to cast this once today? Unfortunately I do not have enough power to cast it myself today.

Tomorrow you could cast it 4 times and I could cast it 3 times. That is 8 cures and we need 9 (or 10!)".

Ragul: "Careful planning I think, careful indeed."

Rictovio: "Oh, we have also received an invitation tomorrow for dinner at Castle Ravenloft".


The Invitation:

(My friends, let us put to rest this game of ours. You know that only I can release you from these lands, I bid you dine with me at my castle, so that we can meet in civilised surroundings. I am sure you will find my company to be pleasant, your passage here will be a safe one. I await your arrival, your host, Strahd von Zarovich)

You also have the following:

The Sun Blade

The Holy Symbol of Ravenkind

4 x Potions of invulnerability.

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