Thursday, 1 November 2018

Novembers Workbench

Test of Honour is now 2 games into the Solo Campaign and I'm thinking what next?

So on the workbench for November will be:

1. A ninja strike force. (Up to 14 figures).
2. More villagers. (I have 20+ on the bench).
3. More men for Nobunaga. (9 figures on the bench).
4. Starting a 2nd and possibly a 3rd Clan, either Takeda or Mori. (All plastic from the ToH rule box).
5. Building a simple Japanese 3 level castle with surrounding wall.

Quite a lot to be going on with, plus I'll be adding more scenario's to be fought out and linking all the ToH rules into a quick sheet/consolidated list.

Looking ahead for ToH I have mounted,  monks, bandits and onna-bugeisha to complete. I am also thinking of adding in some of the 'fantasy' elements of Japanese myths and legends in the way of, Oni, Bakemono, Bakemono Sho, Dai Bakemono, Tengu, Ainu, Undead etc. Working out stats for these will be the hardest to ensure they fit in with the ToH world and don't dominate the game to much.

I am working on a creature (D&D firebelcher) as a fit in for the creature from the film 47 Ronin. (Keanu Reeves).

What do you think?

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