Friday 3 January 2020

Session 3: ‘Phandalin - Here's another fine.......or taking Umbrage!’

‘Phandalin - Here's another fine.......or taking Umbrage!’

Towerday, 24th day of Rainmoot – 1491 DR

Having settled into the Stonehill Inn the night before, run by  a very friendly and pleasant human called Toblen Stonehill, they met up with Sildar for breakfast the next day. He thanked them for their assistance but he said he must depart in search of his friends Gundren Rockseeker and Iarno Albrek. Albrek was to have arrived here 3 weeks previous to set up a town constabulary/militia as mining exports expanded.

 Sildar has presumed that the Cragmaw Goblins have waylaid him too. Before he departed he asked Bandur to assist him around the village before he left.

The group overheard a rumour at the bar of the Stonehill Inn about a White Dragon. A lone human fighter tells Toblen not to scoff at what he hasn't seen. He falls in with the group and introduces himself as Bron, fighter, looking for work. He tags along and informs the group they might get more information from the Town master, Harbin Wester.

The town scribe directs them to Westers house as he hasn't seen the Townmaster in 3 days. Scared of white dragons the townmaster refuses to open the door but tells them he'll trust them if they do a few jobs for him, which he will pay them for.

On returning to the Townmaster Hall the scribe gives them 3 of the tasks Harbin left at the Townmasters Hall for anyone willing to complete them, Asking for directions they decide to get Adabra Gwynn, the Midwife, on Umbrage Hill before heading to the Gnomes of Gnomengard, leaving the Dwarven excavations to last.

On approaching Umbrage Hill they observe a flying creature circling the windmill. A women appears shouting for help. Most of the group run towards the windmill as the flying monster (Manticore) attacks. Manticore tail spikes flew at the group causing minor damage. The Manticore circled left. Eglath charged the windmill door, miss timing his charge and head butted the lintel and knocked himself into the ruined fireplace of a ruined building.

Fargrim entered the door as Beowulf and Bron ran around trying to engage the Manticore. Lionel and Hagnulf fired arrow after arrow from a distance but found it difficult to hit the elusive flying terror.

Stepping out from cover Bron fired a crossbow bolt which slammed into the Manticore, followed by a javelin or 2 from Beowulf. Bron was hit twice and fell to the ground mortally wounded. Eglath gained his feet and rushed to his aid, arriving in time to stablise the dying fighter and dragging him into cover.

The Manticore circled back to the right and engaged Gimli. Lionel and Hagnulf moved closer and engaged the Manticore. Heimund charged round the building with Beowulf only to be confronted by the Manticore on the ground. Beowulf fell to the ground badly wounded. Arrows slammed into the Manticore.

Gimli aided Beowulf who recovered quickly enough to launch his last javalin at the Manticore now in full flight away from the battle. It crashed to the ground as Heimund threw an impossibly long throw with his dagger and hit the Manticore felling it for good.

Having fainted at the sight of Eglath picking her up Adabra Gwynn at last awakened to thank the group for saving her. She gave them four potions of healing. Bron took one immediately, so too Beowulf. Eglath stored the remaining two safely in his pack.

Refusing to return to Phandalin she penned a quick note for Harbin Wester which would be enough to secure payment she told them.

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