Wednesday 8 January 2020

Session 4: ‘Onwards and can never tell with Gnomes!’

Towerday, 24th day of Rainmoot – 1491 DR (Cont)

Having saved Adabra Gwynn from the Manticore the group pondered what to do next. Heimund took some souvenirs from the Manticore to make into a trophy to be worn around his neck at a later stage. About 1 hour after the defeat of the Manticore, and as Adabra promised had given the group a letter for Harbin Wester, Bandur turned up.

Lionel decided that Adabra should not be left on her own and decided to stay awhile to make sure everything was ok and maybe learn some herb law to pass away the time.

The group set off for Gnomengarde, after Adabra put them on the right path and gave a brief description of what they were looking for. After 2 hours the group found the river and followed it to its source, a waterfall in a small canyon. On one cliff high up could be seen a wooden contraption which Eglath pronounced was a sophisticated lifting mechanism for goods or individuals. However it was far out of their reach and a sheer climb of over 50ft made them look for easier options. At the base of the waterfall a small lake was formed and on it were 2 islands, on the islands grew gree, red and purple mushrooms. Heimund taking a closer look and tried to spear one fell in up to his waste. 

Someone pointed out there was a slope leading up to an entrance on the other side of the river. "Let me boss", shouted Bandure as he took a running jump and splashed into the shallows, short of the bank on the other side. Fargrim shouted "This is how its done", jumped and was assisted out of the water by Bandur. Eglath waded in beside Heimund. Gimli followed Bandur and Farlgrim into the water and had to be assisted onto the bank. Hagnulf took a longer run up and jumped for all his might, only he too landed short. Wet and bedraggled he too was pulled onto the bank. Last to jump was Beowulf. He jumped far and landed on the far bank, dry.

Getting to the top was the easy part. Trying to find anywhere inside the entrance was to prove, for some, a little bit more tricky. 

After  the initial entrance the 2 Goliaths headed straight in, whilst the remainder headed off to the left. Finding the dining room ( long tables, chairs and a cupboard with plates etc in) and followed another exit by the smells emanating down it to a door. This turned out to be the kitchen, with 5 gnomes called, Dimble, Uppendown (male) and Joybell, Panana, Tervaround (female), making various oddities from the red, green and purple mushrooms. After learning they needed to see the king, neither of whom they had seen for more than 3 days, plus 2 missing gnomes, the group were given a loaf made from green mushrooms and left.

The 2 Goliaths had found an eccentric inventor, called Facktore (female), who tried to use them as target practice for her giant repeating crossbow made from woven mushroom fibres, which of course failed miserably. Heimund and Eglath, after a little confusion, decided to help the erstwhile inventor and find a source of good, hard wood to make a new crossbow out of.

(Facktore and the mushroom crossbow)

Missing each other in the tunnels the 2 Goliaths left the complex by how they entered as the rest of the group passed through the room with the eccentric crossbow inventor and found the way to the bridge that should lead them to the King(s). Bron realised that Beowulf was not behind him nor for how long he had been missing.

The entrance to the far side was shrouded in mist from the nearby waterfall and Bandur, leading, triggered a whirling blade trap. Fargrim followed and was struck too. So too was Gimli and Hagnulf. However Bandur made a further error by thinking he had passed under the blades only to set off a second set. He fell to the floor badly wounded. Hagnulf had spotted the mechanism working the 2 sets of blades and moved to immobilise the threat as Fargrim laid on hands and healed Bandur. Gimli gave further aid and Bandur managed to crawl out of the room into a corridor as Hagnulf pushed a lever up and switched off the whirling blades. Bron had managed to bypass the whirling blades but was glad to join the others.

Advancing further into the complex they found 2 gnomes called, Fibblestib (male and Dabbledob (female), arguing about something to mend their stricken king. Just as suddenly as Brom noticed Beowulf was missing, Beowulf was back with the group. (He was too embarrassed to tell them he had got lost).

After introducing themselves the group worked out there was a problem with the kings, 2 gnomes were missing and asked to be shown to the kings. They identified the treasury and that one of the 2 Gnomes had the key. An empty throne room led to the finding of not one but two secret doors and finally the 2 kings. One glued and restrained in a chair and the other babbling on about being attacked by a rug. (King Korboz, slightly insane and Gnerkli, the one glued and restrained to a chair).

Having cleared the room of potential threats they made their way to the treasury and found after about an hours searching 2 items they thought could be of use. One of which the 2 Gnomes pointed out was good for poking things with, a long pole. The other item had a mechanism of sorts and was worn round the neck. Neither Gnome knew what either item was nor its potential.

Shortly after the group was joined by Heimund and Eglath who had managed to find a tree and drag it to the bottom of the slope, for which the eccentric inventor was eternally glad. Eglath asked the question about a sword, a special sword called Dragon Slayer. They were told the Gnomes had made it but didn't know where it was. The King told them he had heard of a sword called Dragon Slayer. It was given to Lady Alagondar over a century ago. He though the sword was buried with her when she died. He also thought she was a member of the Order of the Gauntlet but he didn't know more about the Order. Eglath and Heimund used their immense strength to pull Gnerkli out of his restraints and free him.

At this point Bandur chipped in as he had found out that Daran Edermath, a silver haired half-elf well over a hundred years old and a retired adventurer who lives in a cottage in Phandalin, was once a member of the Order of the Gauntlet. A devout and vigilant group that seeks to protect others from the depredations of evildoers. Who's main foe is the Cult of the Red Dragon, an offshoot of the old Cult of the Dragon, who's main aim was the resurrection of Tiamat from the Nine Hells.

(A simplified Gnomegarde to ease play 7ftx4ft)

The 2 Gnomes found an old map of Gnomengarde and handed it over to the group.


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