Wednesday 10 July 2024

Session 6: "If you poke the hornets nest be prepared to be stung!".

 09 July 2024

21st Day of May 1492 

Weather: Clear.

High Temperature: 16 degrees Celsius.

Low Temperature: 7 degrees Celsius.

Mission:  Gathering information

Campaign:  Forest of Wyrms

Location(s):   Forest of Wyrms, Serpents Cowl Village.

Present:  Barlyn, Dameun, Zinalla, Seraphina, Brielle & Glepper.

Returning: Elysande.

Brielle continued his search for herbs, especially All Heale but all she found was a giant snake. Surprised by the snake it's first bite missed but it's second struck home. Seraphina darted in and struck the snake before deftly disengaging and prepared to strike again. Brielle manged to hit the fatal blow and the snake fell dead. Brielle failed to find any herbs but 6 more All Heale were found by others. 

That night they organised the watch roster, with Glepper and Brielle volunteering to do the 2nd part of the night with only Dameun covering the first part. A sudden noise made Dameun call out to alert the sleeping group but only Glepper and Brielle woke immediately. 

A host of Twig Blights swept into the camp and caused utter chaos with most of the group taking at least 1 hit before they overcame the attack, Zinalla took a serious hit. Dangerous as they were the Twig Blights were very brittle and too little damage before being neutralised.

The group spent  the rest of the night in wakeful watch, expecting more attacks. None came.

The air around Zinalla began to buzz and they all jumped to their feet. Suddenly Elysande was standing next to Zinalla.

Elysande: "Well that was different, unnerving really."

He then wretched uncontrollably. The two woodsmen told them it was normal the first time a token of Mielikki was used. But they would get used to it. They walked for a couple of hours then the woodsmen told them that Serpents Cowl was another hour in the direction they pointed they couldn't miss it. The woodsmen then took out similar tokens to the ones the group were given by Baelin. Snapped them, there was a sucking of the air, then a pop. Both woodsmen had gone.

Elysande: "Miss me?"

Dameun: "We could have used your axe yesterday, we had to cut some 'trees' down."

Elysande: "Rocks are more my thing."

After an hour of walking the forest thinned and they were walking amongst small patches of fields. The odd building here and there. They all were boarded up. As they continued the village of Serpents Cowl appeared before them. A settlement built on a hill, surrounded by a palisade.

As they walked closer they passed through an extensive graveyard. Over to their right there were a few buildings, one big one seemed to be religious in design.

The palisade had a dry ditch around it. The approach to the gates was across a wooden bridge. A voice shouted out for them to halt. Questions were asked and the group to be told to approach one at a time. The guards appeared nervous and very wary of the group. Indicating they had to wait on the far side of the bridge until they were called forward.

As they approached a small, square, hatch like door opened. It was built into the main gate. To get through the group had to step over 2ft of lower gate. They entered one by one. As Elysande approached the guards had to open the main gate to let him in. There was no way Elysande would fit through the small hatchway.

Guard: "Ok, so you are on your way to Boareskyr Bridge, well do you know where it is?"

Zinalla: "Yes, it's to the south west of here."

The guards laughed.

Guard: "Bloody hell mate, you're way off track. Boareskyr Bridge is to the north west of here".

Zinalla: "Ah, that explains it. Well it would be good to rest up, get our bearings and travel on".

Guard: "Only place is the Venomous Cobra, it's just down the road there, on the left, the corner before the market square.  Word of warning, you aint the first group of adventurers that have come here, nor the last. Don't go digging around, and don't go looking for a way into the Undercity. It's off limits. You found there or have been there we strip you of everything then thrown you outside. You've been warned."

Dameun: "The building, the large one in the graveyard, is that a church?"

Guard: "Nope. That's the embalmers. Do a good service they do. People bring bodies from all over to be embalmed here. They keep themselves to themselves, bunch of nutters if you ask me".

Zinalla: "What's that building then? Looks out of place"

Zinalla pointed to the large building that was located on another hill in the centre of the village.

Guard: "That's the citadel, where the mayor hangs out and our barracks. It's been here longer than the village, in fact they tell me the village was built around the citadel. Fancy that, eh."

Seraphina: "Thanks for your help. I'm for freshening up, don't know about you lot but you're starting to smell".

Elysande: "Good, honest sweat that is. Honest sweat."

Seraphina: "That may be but you need a bath!"

Elysande lifted his arm and sniffed.

Brielle: "Do you have a healer in the village?"

Guard: "No, a healer used to visit now and then, think she was from Whispering Woods Village, can't remember her name though."

Seraphina: "I think we've dallied here long enough, lets see what this Inn is like eh, might have a good drop of ale."

Barlyn: "Someone mention ale? Could down a long swig of good ale I could."

The group left the gate and the guards and headed up the road. Glepper notices a sign on a notice board near the Inn.
A jovial human welcomed them as they entered the Venomous Cobra. He introduced himself as Garivald. He bid them sit, explained the cost of a nights stay. They all took the 3 meals and a bed option.

When Garivald brought the drinks over he made a sign, rubbing his right collar with 2 fingers. Seraphina answered with thumb between for and middle fingers and rubbed her nose. Garivald winked.

Garivald: "Names Garivald, I own the Inn. First drink is always free."

Seraphina: "Listen, things aren't as they seem here. You didn't notice anything strange at the gate when we came in? Well Glepper and I did. Either side of the gate was a pole with a carved snake circling up it. The snakes head was pointing down and as each of you entered the eyes glowed green. Now I've just made a sign of the Zhentarim Thieves Guild with Garivald there. Glepper and I will meet with him by ourselves. Some of you should scout out the village, so we know the lay of the land".

Brielle: "I'll stay here with Elysande".

Zinalla: "Good idea, Dameun, Barlyn and I will see what the village has to offer. See you all back here in an hour".

Seraphina and Glepper followed Garivald out to the rear paddock and stables area. Brielle and Elysande remained in the main room of the Inn, whilst the others scouted the village.

Garivald: "I had no word that the Zhentarim were sending anyone to help me?"

Seraphina: "Not here to help, just passing through the area gathering information".

Garivald: "Who's this wee bugger then?"

Seraphina: "This is my Padowan, my trainee, I am his mentor, his name is Glepper".

Garivald: "Funny, 2nd Gobbo I've see in as many weeks. The other was following an Elf Bard around, seemingly he wants to form a choir for the Flower Moon Market in 2 days. Asking about an old oak tree, we told them the Old Oak Tree, the Yonder Oak, was near the Babbling Brook over Yonder Hill. That's why we call it the Yonder Oak."

Seraphina:  "What's with the Snake Totems and glowing green eyes at the gate?"

Garivald: "That's a throw back from long ago. Rumour has it after the Yuan Ti city was destroyed in some cataclysmic event and this village was built some years later a great wizard, supposedly from Candlekeep, arrived and set up the totems as you call them, there's another set at the east gate, they stop anyone tainted by the Yuan Ti from entering the village. Basically the village is here to stop anyone digging down into the Undercity and disturbing things."

Glepper: "Anything else going on we should know about or be wary of, like that church or embalmers building in the graveyard?"

Garivald: "In the last month we've had a few people go missing from the surrounding area. Strange lights flashing. Many of the outlying homesteads have either left or have moved into the village. The embalmers are just embalmers. They keep themselves to themselves, don't disturb anyone and aren't a bother."

Seraphina and Glepper returned to the main room as the others returned from their scouting trip.

1. Citadel.
2. West Gate.
3. Village Store.
4. Blacksmiths.
5. Market Square notice board.
6. Embalmers.
7. East Gate.

Rough population, 200-250.

Zinalla: "Ok, the embalmers. They never come into the village, never?"

Glepper: "That's what the man said, they keep themselves to themselves."

Zinalla: "Handy, they don't get scrutinised by the totems! The Kobold mentioned a building, then underground. I think the Embalmers are Yuan Ti. They are using the building as a means to get to the Undercity without having to enter the village. I think that is where we will find 'The Boss'."

Barlyn: "Perhaps we should go investigate then".

Elysande: "They might have some rocks that need breaking".

Brielle: "It's pretty far out from the gate. We should be able to do a quick recce."

The group left the village through the West Gate. It wasn't too long before they were outside the building. All they could see was a single room with 2 windows. The windows had bars.

As they checked the main doors they opened and a black robed, hooded figure emerged, taken aback he quickly asked what was their purpose here? 

Zinalla: "We are new in town and were wondering what this building was, so we thought we'd come check it out."

Figure: "This is where we embalm the dead so they can be laid to rest or can travel any distance to their homeland without the stench of decay travelling with them."

Zinalla: "Could we see inside? We have never seen an embalmers and we are curious."

Figure: "No. Strangers are not allowed. Our work is carried out within in secret. Now I must go I have work that awaits inside."

The figure turned and closed the double doors. They heard a heavy bar dropping into place on the far side.

Seraphina: "Well. No lock to pick there then!"

They scouted the exterior and found a similar room on the opposite side but no other windows, all the windows so far had bars. Both rooms were sparsely furnished and there was nothing that stood out.

Glepper: "There's a wagon approaching, perhaps we should hide?"

Seraphina: "Yes, quick around this corner. Glepper can keep watch, there's a small bush he can hide behind."

The group quickly moved out of sight. Glepper keeping watch, the others spread out. Dameun kept watch through the window into the 2nd room. Barlyn covered the groups rear.

Seraphina moved just behind Glepper. He informed her that a large, coffin like box had been removed from the wagon and was being carried inside. Seraphina informed the others.

Zinalla stepped out into plain sight. He could see there were now 4 black robes, 2 humans with spears, 2 humans with bows and a figure he recognised driving the wagon, Adi Abba Adidas, the merchant from Boareskyr Bridge that was after Seraphina.

Zinalla: "Hi again, couldn't help but notice that you have received a body? Could we observe your ceremony so we can understand more."

Black Robe: "No. We told you it was a secret process, conducted in private."

Zinalla: "We only would like to pay our respect and offer some copper coins for the eyes of the deceased to ease his passage into the afterlife".

Black Robe: "No begone. You are not welcome here".

Zinalla: "There's no need to take that tone. We only want to pay our respects."

Adi Abba Adidas had been watching the conversation carefully, now he knew where he had seen Zinalla before.

Adi: "He's a Paladin, I've seen him in Boareskyr Bridge. He's interfering, stop him."

The 2 guards with spears rushed to attack. The nearest 2 Black Robes whipped out flails from under their robes and swung them at Zinalla. Zinalla was badly struck and fell to the floor badly injured. Dameun rushed out and cast 'Sacred Flame'. It struck a Black Robe. Elysande moved out and attacked 1 of the 2 spearmen. Swinging his axe to confuse the spearman he then immediately swung his shield using the edge as a weapon but missed the spearman. Glepper darted between Elysande and Zinalla and killed a spearman with a deftly placed dagger strike.

Seraphina moved behind Elysande to engage the archers whose arrows were causing some distress.

Brielle rushed forward and cast a timely healing prayer, 'Cure Wounds', on Zinalla. Dameun cast 'Witch Bolt' and watched lightning arc from his hand to strike a Black Robe. A Black Robe moved to engage Dameun, now seen as a major threat, whilst a 3rd moved to engage Elysande who had just killed the 2nd spearman. Glepper darted in and out. Some of his blows struck home but many were just an annoyance to the Black Robes.

Zinalla now regained his feet and killed the Black Robe facing him. Dameun and Glepper dispatched the 2nd. The Dameun moved to assist Elysande kill the 3rd. Seraphina dropped both of the archers with well aimed shots of her own.

The enemy were all dead. 

Dameun: "I'm sure there were 4 Black Robes!"

Zinalla: "There were. The 4th one and Adi Abba Adidas ran inside when the fighting started."

Seraphina: "Shit. Shit. Shit. That bastard has it in for me!"

Barlyn was late to the fight.

Barlyn: "Nothing moving behind us. All clear there."

Glepper: "Glad you could join us, wasn't a hard fight after all, we mopped this little lot up ourselves!"

Zinalla: "Well, it's about to get worse. Look, the village guards must have seen the fight. They are coming mob handed. Be careful what we say and do!"

Glepper was looking at the Black Robes. Looking into eyes, lifting robes and checking bodies. The guards arrived and looking at the destruction challenged the group to explain themselves.

Glepper: "Better take a look at this. This Black Robe has a forked tongue! This one has snake scales all up his legs and this one has slitted eyes. Yuan Ti PureBloods if you ask me".

Guard: "Oh,'d better come with us. Bring one of the bodies too. We have to tell the mayor."

(DM: Excellent persuasion skill roll)

Zinalla: "Seraphina, Glepper.......keep watch here, Elysande can you handle a body? Brielle, Dameun, Barlyn and I will see the mayor and explain. Any of you guards staying here?"

Guards: "No fear, if there are Yuan Ti here, we are not waiting for them to come back!"

The others agreed, Elysande picked up a Black Robe and headed with the guards back to the village with Brielle, Dameun, Barlyn and Zinalla. Seraphina, Glepper remained to watch the building.


Mayor: "They did what? Attacked the embalmers broke up a committal party! Defiled the dead! Put them in chains."

Before the guards could react to the command, they appeared reluctant to do anyway, Dameun spoke up.

Dameun: "Well, that may be true but your embalmers are Yuan Ti PureBloods! At least 1 of them is hiding in the embalming building with the leader of those bringing the 'dead body' for embalming."

A guard entered and whispered into the mayors ear.

Mayor: "It would seem there is more to this incident than meets the eye. The captain of the guard had the coffin brought into the village. It was searched. The coffin has a false bottom, inside were bags of coin.......which we will insist on keeping for the betterment of the village I might add.........marked up with the symbol of the Companion Paladins, those high and mighty do gooders from Boareskyr Bridge! And he informs me that the other 2 dead Black Robes have the mark of the Yuan Ti on them too. That changes things. Let me think".

The Mayor sat in silent thought before seaking again:

Mayor: "Ok, You (pointing at Zinalla), I take are the defacto leader of this merry band of adventurers. We will hire you, we have money to spare now (laughing), We will pay you 50,000 pieces of copper for proof that the Yuan Ti problem has been eradicated. We wont take no for an answer, so what say you?"

Zinalla: "What if we need to enter the Undercity to , ehm, eradicate the Yuan Ti problem?"

Mayor: "Then you have Our permission.......but you cannot remove any artifacts. 

Money and gems you may take, We will take 75%......not negotiable. You'll get the 50,000 payment when the task is complete."

Barlyn: "Tough deal, but better than nothing".

The others looked at him with dismay, Zinalla was going to haggle.

Zinalla: "Ok, looks like the deal has been struck. We may need some time to heal and rest up but tomorrow looks like time enough. First though we'll finish clearing the Embalmers Building."

Mayor: "Do that, yes, I will send 4 of Our guards to accompany you in your endeavours. Oh and I insist!"

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