Monday 16 September 2024

Session 12: "By Yonder Tree, near the Babbling Brook"

10th September 2024

21st - 22nd Day of May 1492 

Weather: Clear.

High Temperature: 16 degrees Celsius.

Low Temperature: 7 degrees Celsius.

Mission:  Find the Embalmers

Campaign:  Forest of Wyrms

Location(s):   Serpent Cowl Village, Yonder Tree.

Present:  Barlyn, Zinalla, Seraphina, Brielle, Glepper, Elysande & Dameun & T'or. (4 Guards)

Gathering themselves the group travelled back to Serpent Cowl village carrying the body of their fallen friend Dameun.

It was agreed by Lord Alaric that certain funeral rites could be held and that if the group wanted a place would be found to inter the ashes of Dameun. He gave orders for the entrance to the undercity under the embalmers be collapsed and a regular watch kept on the building for any incursions by Yuan Ti. Although he was surprised by the lack of coin restored to him from what was recovered in the undercity he thanked the group.

Leaving the citadel the group retired back to the inn they had left the day before. They drank to their fallen comrade and made plans to visit Yonder Tree, by the Babbling Brook over Yonder Hill in accordance with the poster they had seen in the village.


T’or Barlyn and Glepper are in Serpents Fang drunken words spoken and a warning from Glepper to sleep with one eye open.


The next day they replenished supplies, arrows and healed from the injuries sustained in the undercity.

Zinalla went to the merchants and tried to barter for a fine bow. Short bow very fine & arrows & quiver 7000cp for Zinnalla he tries to barter fails so he pays up.

There are no potions or herbs.

That night they made their way to Yonder Tree,

Yonder Tree

Majestically situated near Yonder Hill and the gentle flow of the Babbling Brook, Yonder Tree is a grand and ancient oak that commands respect and admiration. Its imposing presence is a natural centre piece of the landscape, its sprawling branches reaching skyward and casting a vast, inviting shadow over the surrounding area.

The tree’s trunk is thick and gnarled, a testament to its long history and the many seasons it has weathered. Its bark is rugged and deeply fissured, a rich tapestry of earthy tones that blends harmoniously with the natural surroundings. The canopy above is a dense, verdant expanse of leaves that rustle softly in the breeze, creating a soothing, melodic whisper that complements the gentle murmur of the nearby brook.

Beneath the sprawling branches, the ground is dappled with patches of sunlight and shadow, providing a cool and shaded refuge from the sun. The roots of Yonder Tree stretch out in all directions, some rising above the ground in fascinating, twisted patterns, while others delve deep into the earth. This network of roots creates a natural, uneven terrain that is both intriguing and picturesque.

The area around Yonder Tree is a serene haven, enhanced by the proximity of Yonder Hill and the Babbling Brook. The brook’s clear, sparkling waters flow gently over smooth stones, their soft babbling providing a tranquil soundtrack to the peaceful setting. The hill rises gently in the background, its slopes covered in lush grass and dotted with wildflowers, adding to the idyllic scene.

Yonder Tree is not just a natural landmark but a gathering place for locals and travellers alike. It’s a favoured spot for picnics, quiet contemplation, and storytelling. Many find solace in its shade and draw inspiration from its timeless presence. Whether you come to relax by the brook, climb the gentle hill, or simply sit beneath the great oak’s boughs, Yonder Tree offers a tranquil retreat amidst the beauty of the natural world.

As they approached they could hear music, someone was playing a lute. Sitting under a great oak tree sat an Elf. An open book before him, he was strumming away. Without looking up he said "Hello, my name is Lionel, and you are Barlyn, Zinalla, Seraphina, Brielle, Glepper, Elysande & T'or if I'm not mistaken". Before they could answer a voice came from behind the tree and out stepped a Goblin. "Oh and this is Droop, my friend and yours. Say hello Droop". "Hello". The group were taken aback at this odd couple.

Droop was a small, wiry goblin with a distinctly regal air for his kind. Standing barely three feet tall, his green skin was marked with various scars and tribal tattoos, each telling a story of past conflicts and victories. His beady yellow eyes, which glitter with a mix of cunning and curiosity, were framed by a tangle of black hair. Droop wore a finely crafted set of leather armour adorned with the sigil of the Order of the Gauntlet—a silver gauntlet on a field of deep blue—embroidered into the chest piece. The armour is surprisingly well-maintained, reflecting a high status within the Order. Droop did not speak like an ordinary Goblin but was very articulate and well spoken. 

Lionel, the exact opposite, was a tall and striking High Elf with an aura of elegance and grace. Standing over six feet tall, his lithe frame and refined features were characteristic of his elven heritage. His silver hair, which cascaded in soft waves down his back, contrasted with his deep blue eyes that sparkled with creativity and wit. Lionel was dressed in flowing, richly embroidered garments that combine practicality with high elven style: a deep blue tunic with silver trim, paired with fitted trousers and a cloak that billowed elegantly with his every movement. His attire subtly displayed the emblem of the Order of the Gauntlet, seamlessly blending his bardic attire with his role as a member of the Order.

Lionel explained that Droop was an ambassador for the Order and they had sought out the group, in fact had been discretely following them since Boareskyr Bridge. They were very impressed that they had save Mara. As an ambassador, Droop was articulate and surprisingly diplomatic for a goblin. He carried himself with a mix of confidence and formality, a testament to his training and experience in dealing with various races and cultures. Despite his small stature and sharp features, Droop showed a keen intelligence and his negotiation skills admirable. His speech was punctuated with a touch of goblin gruffness, but he was capable of engaging the group with refined discourse when needed. He explained his primary role was to represent the Order of the Gauntlet and ensure that their interests and messages were conveyed effectively. Lionel explained his role as both a bard and a representative of the Order of the Gauntlet. His role involved not only entertaining and inspiring through his music and performances but also engaging in diplomatic and strategic discussions. Lionel was charming and articulate too, able to captivate his audience with his enchanting melodies and poetic words. His demeanour was warm and engaging, though he possessed a sharp intellect and a strategic mind, making him adept at navigating the complex negotiations and conversations with the group.

"This meeting at Yonder Tree, is two fold. First to offer you the chance to serve the Order, although a period of time as apprentices must be fulfilled before final selection was approved. Although our ploy to have you come to Yonder Tree initially to discuss a play we have collaboratively written. The play is intended as a cover to showcase our creativity and test how it resonates with the local villagers as an audience should any come to see. The performance would act as both a form of entertainment and a subtle way to gauge the reactions of the audience, including any potential allies or supporters of the Order of the Gauntlet in the area. Our main task is to investigate the mysterious flashing lights and effects observed in the Forest of Wyrms. The mission is a critical task for the Order of the Gauntlet, and they seek to gauge the interest and willingness of the group to assist in this endeavour. I cannot emphasizes the importance of the mission in protecting the region from potential threats and ensuring the safety of the local communities. I appeal to your sense of duty and responsibility." Droop said with much authority. Lionel the spoke more directly, adding his own touch by describing the adventure through the lens of a bard’s narrative, highlighting the excitement and potential glory of the quest. He used his storytelling skills to paint a vivid picture of the Forest of Wyrms and the significance of uncovering the source of the mysterious phenomena.

The group asked the following questions

1. Is Serpents Village still in danger from Yan Ti?

"Don’t know."

2. Lights when first seen and area to search?

"Speak to Mara."

3. What causes lights?

"Speak with Mara about lights"

4. Is it because of Yan Ti and Kobolds?

2Could be, Rumour of ancient time Yan Ti nation old capital Forest of Worm’s tunnels connecting settlements. Arcane magic user a hundred years ago homed in Lyran's hold in forest. Didn’t have the ability of flying city Crystals collapsed and fell."

A vote was taken decided to help Sword Coast Alliance. Unanimous.

The group agreed to carry out the tasks, it was one they were part way through undertaking anyway. Lionel thanked them on behalf of the Order and told them to keep in touch through the village elder in Whispering Woods village. He also advised them to speak more with Mara, she too was a valuable ally and may have more insight into the goings on in Whispering Woods and the Forest of Wyrms. Elysande told the group he would remain in Serpents Cowl and construct a fitting cairn for the remains of Dameun while they travelled to Whispering Woods village.


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