Wednesday 18 September 2024

Session 13: "All that glitters is not gold!"


23rd -24th Day of May 1492 

Weather: Clear.

High Temperature: 14 degrees Celsius.

Low Temperature: 9 degrees Celsius.

Mission:  Talk to Mara

Campaign:  Forest of Wyrms

Location(s):   Serpent Cowl Village, Whispering woods, Whispering Wood Village.

Present:  Barlyn, Zinalla, Seraphina, Brielle, Glepper & T'or

Remaining: Elysande


The adventurers left the village of Serpent's Cowl for the village of Whispering Woods early the next morning. They said farewell to Elysande who was making the cairn to commemorate Dameun.

The journey would take them back through the eerie Whispering Woods, if they could remember the trail that led them here. They know that this is the mysterious part of the Forest of Wyrms and known for its magical anomalies. The journey should take a day and a half.

The path started as a well-trodden trail but soon became more rugged as they entered the Whispering Woods. Dense trees and thick underbrush obscure the sunlight, the eerie silence pervaded their thoughts. Brielle, the wood elf cleric, led the way. In the morning, she found an Absess Plant and recovered six root stems she could make into a number of healing pastes. By mid afternoon the trail she was following twisted and turned through the trees, although her keen eye sight was Glepper, just behind her, say softly, “Take cover, there is a shimmering light over there and I think it doesn’t bode good”. As he said that the air popped and sure enough a glittering circle of light appeared 20 ft in front of him.

Glepper was already moving behind a tree, Brielle moved forward and did the same. T’or strode forward and faced the anomaly shimmering in front of him. Barlyn dashed off to the left, Seraphina prepared her sword as Zinalla moved up beside her.

Suddenly a very large bipedal lizard creature exited he portal. It spied T’or and leapt some 20ft thought the air. Landing atop of T’or who was felled under the weight of the beast as a large talon protruding from between its toes and slashed T’or across his chest.

Zinalla dashed forward to engage the creature as he did so it jumped over him and landed in front of Seraphina. Using the chance to dash away from under the creature, Seraphina caught her breath under a tree. Sheathing her sword, she drew out her bow.

Glepper dashed in a slashed the beast with a poisoned dagger, causing the creature to spin round, not fast enough to escape the clamping jaws as they closed around him, Glepper was lifted off the ground in the jaws of the beast. Zinalla rushed in and struck the beast just missing the whipping tail. Barlyn wasn’t so lucky and was flung 15ft away to land heavily under a tree.

T'or now back on his feet dropped his battle axe and running towards the beast leapt up and grabbed it’s lower jaw. He tried in vain to prize open its jaws to free Glepper. Seraphina launched an arrow from the shadows, it struck true. Zinalla hit it with a mighty blow. Brielle dashed into the open and cast a powerful prayer, spiritual energy cascaded across the beasts back. Glepper still had his dagger in hand slashed into the throat of the beast. The beast succumbed to the myriad of wounds and crashed to the floor. Unfortunately, Glepper, still in its mouth screamed out in agony as the jaws crashed tight together with the fall causing him more injuries.

Zinalla ran forward and pulled Glepper free. He knelt beside the little goblin and laid on hands, praying to his god for healing aid. Glepper stirred as he could feel the spiritual energy coursing through his battered and torn body. Wounds bound, Brielle worked her healing powers and soon Glepper was sitting up and able to walk. His wounds mainly gone he said he was fit to continue.

They made camp for the night. Splitting the night into three watches. T’or and Brielle stood the first, Barlyn and Seraphina the 2nd, Zinalla and Glepper stood the 3rd. The morning broke in the semi dark of the woods, an eerie mist lay on the ground. T’or and Barlyn tried in vain to get some of the foot talons from the mighty beast, to no avail, they just hacked away and destroyed any chance of gaining a trophy. Glepper, dagger in hand, took 3 of the beast teeth. He would try and have them made into necklace.


They entered the village of Whispering Woods a few hours after breaking camp. Smoke from the early morning fires giving them a guide to follow. The palisade was nearing completion, the gate finished and a rudimentary watch tower built. The guards recognised the group and let them enter, Baelin was there to meet them. The village of Whispering Woods is a serene, mystical settlement with wooden homes and glowing lanterns. The villagers are welcoming but curious about the adventurers' experiences in the Whispering Woods.

They moved the discussion into the tavern and Mara joined them there. Upon arrival, the adventurers are greeted by the village elder who will be interested in their findings, especially concerning the strange tracks and the magical portal. Baelin and Mara are intrigued by the party's experiences and the strange phenomena they encountered. Zinalla also added that he had found the  missing pay chest of the Paladin Order in Boareskyr Bridge, however it was mainly claimed by the leader in Serpents Cowl.

Mara expresses deep concern about the strange tracks and the portal. She explains that such occurrences are rare but not unheard of. The tracks might be connected to ancient beings or creatures displaced by magical disturbances. The portal, however, is particularly troubling, as it indicates a tear between worlds that could be part of a larger, more ominous event. Baelin told Zinalla he would pass on to the Primus the information about the pay chest.

Mara reveals that the Whispering Woods is not the only place affected by these magical disturbances. She mentions Lyrans Hold, a fabled and enigmatic location in the centre of the Forest of Wyrms. It is said that Lyrans Hold holds great power and ancient secrets, but it is also infamous for being the site where no one who ventures there ever returns. According to legend, Lyrans Hold was once a powerful fortress of a forgotten civilization, said to have been abandoned after a cataclysmic event. Many believe that it is now guarded by powerful magical wards or monstrous guardians. The village has old tales of strange occurrences and ominous signs linked to Lyrans Hold, and Mara hints that the recent disturbances might be connected to whatever is happening there. Mara suggests that investigating the source of the magical disturbances might lead the party closer to understanding Lyrans Hold and potentially finding a way to unravel its mysteries. She believes that the events in the Whispering Woods could be a precursor to something more significant linked to the Forest of Wyrms and Lyrans Hold. Mara provides the party with an old map of the Forest of Wyrms, marking various significant locations, including a rough location of Lyrans Hold. The map is incomplete and worn, but it offers a valuable starting point for further exploration. Mara also tells the party the page with the map is from an old worn journal with cryptic notes about the Forest of Wyrms and ancient prophecies. However, The journal is hidden at the ruined Shrine of Mielikki written in an archaic language but includes illustrations and descriptions that might help in understanding the forest’s mysteries.

Two chests were produced and in one Mara had a large quantity of healing herb potions. The group could buy them at a reduced cost, to cover her time and effort in making them and to replace certain ingredients she had to buy from other merchants, they could keep them for personal use or sell them in Serpents Cowl Village to make a small but handsome profit. The group bought a large quantity of potions.

Baelin opened the 2nd chest and took from it an amulet and a cloak. Both of which he had had for some time and were no use to him anymore.

    • Moonstone Amulet: An amulet with a moonstone pendant that provides the wearer with advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see hidden or invisible creatures while in the Whispering Woods.
    • Whispering Woods Cloak: A cloak that grants advantage on Stealth checks made to hide in wooded environments and provides resistance to damage from magical sources.

Seraphina was granted the amulet, whilst Glepper the cloak. The items more suited to their talents than the fighters in the group.

With their rewards and new information, the adventurers had a few options. They could delve deeper into the Whispering Woods to further investigate the source of the disturbances or prepare for an expedition to Lyrans Hold, a place of legend and danger. The tome hidden in the shrine offered possibilities and was closer to the village. They decided to collect the tome from the shrine of Mielikki and make a decision once they had retrieved it.

The connection between the recent phenomena and Lyrans Hold hints at greater adventures and challenges that lie ahead.

That night, Brielle made 6 pots of healing paste from the Absess Root she had found on their journey through the woods.

Player Information:

Potions: d4 (1200cp for 1000cp), 1d4+1(2500cp for 2000cp) and 2d4+2 (5000 cp for 4000cp). The group can use them or take them to Serpents Cowl and sell them for full price.

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