Friday, 23 September 2022

Sessions 109 & 110 &111: "Alarm, Alarm......stand to, stand to...." or "Now is the time to offer up a prayer for our salvation!"

24th & 25th day of Deepsnow 1492 (Full Moon)

Mission:  Defence of Triboar

Campaign: Black Maw Bog

Location(s):  Triboar.

Present: Aerie, Anor, Bandur, Garet, Heimund & Droop, Karion, Paskan, (Aramil)

DAWN (5am):

The group had slept well until the dawn broke. Distant horns were bellowing in the early morning light, but nothing stirred in front of the walls.

Aerie moved along the walls, as did the others. Hot meals were brought from within the town. At least they were secure in the fact they had ample food and water to stand a siege. What they were short of was arrows. Whatever had been in the armouries had been doled out. Some archers had their own stock and were better supplied than others, but each unit had enough to repel one attack, or two.

A few hours (7am) later Master Raemond arrived. 

Raemond: "A column of Orcs has tried to storm the Phandalin Gate. There were a few losses amongst the defenders, but the Orcs suffered worse, some 50 Orc bodies lay before the gates. But the archer unit defending the Phandalin Gate had used up 50% of its arrows. I fear they are probing attacks to evaluate our defences and fire power. 

There is still no word of the Yartar nor Phandalin patrols. We are optimistic that they have made it through, and help will shortly arrive."

Heimund: "All is in readiness here. However, any chance of some more men? We are stretched thin, and we counted well over 100 Orcs in front of the walls last night before they retired to the woods."

Raemond: "Everywhere is stretched thin. I am down 10 men at the Phandalin Gate. And you were right, they are using poisoned arrows. If they start firing keep in cover. We have no anti toxins. Some of the 10 will not make it, some will be ill for some time, the healer there told me 2 or 3 well enough to take to the walls again by tomorrow. You can work on roughly 3 out of 10 wounded will die, 3 or 4 will be ill for days and maybe 3 or 4 fit to fight the next day."

Aerie: "Damnation, I forgot I had these. She hands a vial to each member of the group. Protection from the effects of any poison for 8 hours or cures the effect of one poison".

The group nod their thanks.

Garet: "Any sign of their siege engines, ballista’s; the 'Raver' or the Dragon?"

Raemond: "None. And that worries me. We have also heard noises from the woods that they are felling trees!"

Karion: "Reason?"

Raemond: "Unknown".

Bandur: "Well Orcs don't build stuff right well. They are usually a blunt weapon in sieges, meaning they will attack, attack and attack to wear you down then exploit any weakness."

Karion: "Hobgoblins are a different matter, they have brains, can copy from what they see. I would imagine at the very least, ladders to scale the walls, at the worst........a ram or tower".

Anor: "From the way I look at it, they have limited choices, 1. They go through the walls, 2. They go over the walls, 3. They go under the walls. Any way we can get people, miners or ex miners into buildings next to walls, i.e. in cellars or anywhere underground near to the walls and towers and listen for digging? That way we will have advance knowledge of a tunnel either to come out in the town or to bring down a wall or tower by under mining them".

Raemond: "I'll check that, good idea".

Aerie: "I'm worried that we haven't located the big 3. First the 'Raver', second the Dragon and thirdly the devastation orb. We have seen what one of those can do. Under a wall or even against wall it would bring down at least 2 sections and a fair bit of the town on the other side!"

Raemond: "Well we tried sending scouts out last night. This morning they were seen tied to stakes out of bowshot of the walls, everyone captured alive and left out there for all to see. Did you send anyone out from here?"


Voice: "Stand to....Stand to!"

They quickly went to the walls and looked over, carefully. They could see a group of Orcs, one obviously a shaman of some sorts. Walking out of Ballista range, they could just make out some form of chanting. The Shaman would walk a distance, stop, chant, and then repeat. A soldier on the walls said they had seen him come down from the north and now he was heading south and round the wall along the southern edge.

Paskan: "What's he up to, can we go get him?"

Garet: "He'd disappear into the woods before you got there, you'd end up a pin cushion of arrows and, well, we'd just leave you out there.....hows that my friend?"

Paskan: "Well don't ask me to come save you if'n you get 'pin cushioned'.....hows that my friend?"

Garet just smiled. The banter was good, it relieved tensions.

Garet: "What are you doing now can't hit him from here......sto..."

TWANG-THUD, the twisted sinew hit the stops and the bolt launched itself towards the Shaman just as he got opposite Paskan.

Heimund and Anor stood there laughing.

Garet: "It's not funny, we only have 10 of those for each ballista!"

Garet watched as Paskan counted 1, 2 3......10.

Garet: "I don't understand.......what did you fire? One of Anor's?"

Anor: "Nope, a little trick we learnt. Look. The 'bolt' has landed barely half-way to its maximum range, The enemy will now think that is its maximum range. Won't they get a shock."

Paskan held up another bolt like that which he fired.

Paskan: "Same length, same head, fluted to fly, but half the weight, lighter see".

Paskan threw the 'bolt' for Garet to catch.

Garet looked at Anor and Heimund. They stood there with big, broad smiles on their faces.

Garet: "And of course you 2 knew? May the gods save us".

Aerie started to pray. She touched Garet's arm.

Aerie finished her prayers, onlookers gasped as Aerie unfolder shimmering wings of glassteel. 

Aerie: "A gift from Aedrie Faenya".

They both quaffed their potions of protection v poison, then her hand tightened her grip and squeezed Garet on the arm.

In the blink of an eye both Aerie and Garet had disappeared.

Karion: "Look, look out there......the mad fools!"

Garet was not prepared for the WHOOOOOSH effect and was a trifle dizzy when they both popped out into bright sunlight (Rolled a NAT 1....sorry). Garet staggered but Aerie with quick thinking launched herself forward, her glassteel wings to the fore and truck the Shaman with one wing. The Shaman surprised, staggered back.

Aerie moved into strike again, both times she missed. Using the wings was a new experience for her, they handled differently to her normal wings. The Shaman swung back, his glaive like longsword sliding over the glassteel wing Aerie brought up as a shield and down into his leg, he reeled back incapacitated (Well I suppose I rolled another Nat 1...what turns around comes around!).

Garet was still dazed and unable to react.

Aerie again moved into attack. Again, she only managed to strike with 1 wing. The Shaman still incapacitated and with fear spreading across his face, tried to counter but could not raise his sword.

Garet shook the dizziness from his eyes, shadow stepped behind the Shaman and struck....Glaeth bit deep (Nat 19 on dice still a crit though - no 1's or 2's on damage dice) and Gwathren bit deeper (Nat 20.........I am bad! - no 1's or 2's on damage dice + 1 additional damage dice!) Garet had already prepared himself mentally and was totally focussed on the strikes. The strikes did further damage (+3d6 sneak attack and a point of KI for a stunning strike bonus on Glaeth, to add insult to injury another point of KI allowing 2 unarmed strikes) and added 2 vicious kicks for good measure.

The Shaman hit the floor, dead a curse dying on his lips before the words could form!

Garet looked up: The sky was dark.............................arrows.

Garet: "Shit, time to go".

Garet hit his pendent and arrived back on the walls he turned to Aerie.....she was not there! (rolled a DEX save of 19)

Karion: "Oh no......AERIE!"

Everyone on the walls turned to look. Somehow Aerie's hands had got caught up in the glassteel wings, arrows thudded all around her. Aerie slowly turned 3 arrows sticking out of her chest. She freed a hand and managed to touch her pendent. Aerie collapsed in front of Bandur in the blink of an eye later. (3 arrows out of 20 struck: Nat 20, Nat 20, and a Nat 19, with pluses they all hit for a total of 52 hit points. Aeries life was saved as she took the protection v poison potion!)

Bandur tenderly lifted the badly wounded Aerie and took her under cover unable to conceal the shock on his face. Aerie mumbled words of self-healing and slowly sat up; she thanked Bandur for his tenderness.

Aerie: "and that's why you don't pull a 'hero move', gentlemen. I was lucky that Garet reacted quickly, and the Winged Mother protected me."

Anor knelt with his sword in front of him said out loud:

Anor: “Oh great and mighty Kellemvor, Lord of Death and honoured judge of the damned hear my prayer.

I humbly ask for your patronage and assistance. Today you will receive many souls for judgement, both human and non-human! May you look kindly upon the humble defenders of Triboar and give what judgement is deserved upon the fallen attackers of this town.
I respectfully request you look favourably on my companions and ask for your deliverance from harm, especially my friend and companion Karion.

I happily intend to send you as many souls as I can for judgement and if I should fall, I welcome the chance to stand before your grace and accept your judgement as I deserve.
My prayers and glory to you to you, my Lord Kellemvor."

During the rest of the morning the enemy made two more attacks:

9AM: 120 Orcs attack north wall. 4 orcs killed. G.Fyrd 3 KIA. 3 WIA. 4 WR

10AM: 104 Goblins attack south wall. 12 Goblins killed.  G.Fyrd 4 KIA 3 WIA 3WR

Note:                                                                                                                                       KIA = Killed in Action                                                                                                           WIA = Wounded in Action d6+1 days delay to return                                                        WR = Wounded return the next day)

11am Nothing stirs:

12am Nothing Stirs.

1pm Nothing stirs.

2pm Horns blare and drums beat as an Orc host left the cover of the trees in front of the east wall and the Yartar Gate. Anor estimated:

Anor: "I estimate there to be over 100 Orcs..... get ready. Do we hold fire with the Ballista or let them have it too?"

Aerie: "Before they get to where Paskan's 'bolt' hit, then let them have it. Should come as a Shock to them.

The Orc Horde came on at a steady trot. Anor judged the time to be right, TWANG-THUD.      A few seconds later Paskan's Ballista fired, TWANG-THUD.

Anor's bolt flew straight and level and smashed through the front two ranks of Ogres. They shuddered to a halt, then came on slowly. Paskan, forgetting that he had set the Ballista up when firing the make-shift dummy bolt, fired at full tension. His bolt sailed far over the intended target unit.

The Horde came on again. Again, Anor and Paskan fired their respective ballista. Again, Anor's aim was true, and more Ogres fell. The Ogre unit slowed, hesitated then turned and ran. Paskan lowered his aim, the watching Orcs waited for the flight of the bolt. The bolt flew true, but the line of Orcs stepped to one side and the bolt thudded into the ground!

(Note: small dice indicate rounds of firing left to that unit or character)

Now the line of the Horde was in effective archery range. Garet yelled; FIRE. Bows twanged along the battlements. Karion, and Garet fired their short bows, Aerie and Garet fired their longbows.

 Heimund, commanding the northern section ordered his archers to fire, but their aim was dreadful and they waisted many arrows. The Orc horde let fly a mass volley from the northern part of the line and a huge, massed block of archers to the south. Karion was the only one who hadn't taken effective cover and was slightly taken aback and had to scramble for cover. The archer unit he was near didn't take too kindly to him scabbling around looking this way and that for effective cover.

The 2 Orc archer units held their ground as the centre mass of Orcs advanced. Anor let fly another bolt. Again, the bolt flew true. It hit the side of a unit and caused many casualties amongst the tightly packed Orcs. This unit halted, turned and fled. He fired a 2nd bolt causing more casualties.

Karion took careful aim and fired ten well aimed shots, the archer unit next to him followed his aim. This time their aim was true. More Orcs fell dead and again that unit fled the field.

Garet and the archer unit next to him added more misery to the Orc Horde as did Heimund and the northern archer unit. Paskan added a bolt for good measure. This time the remaining Orcs fled the field.

Heimund led his men in a mighty cheer. Paskan continued the cheer as did Garet. The cheering rippled down the battlements to Anor now standing tall and proud on his tower. He had routed two enemy units and with Karion had all but destroyed a third. The Orcs managed to drag away many wounded Orcs, but a number of dead were left on the field of battle below the battlements.

The group congregated on Paskan's tower.

Aerie: "Any casualties amongst our men?"

Heimund: "None form the northern section of wall.

Paskan: "None from my tower".

Bandur: None from the Gate section of wall nor the southern section".

Anor: "None from my tower either".

Garet: "Look like all the casualties belong to the enemy!"

Karion: "They are testing the wall, they fled too easily. They did not take that many casualties. Many they took with them! They will come again, but they will come at night. Tonight, is the last full moon."

Anor: "Let them come, I have glasses that see in darkness now. Garet can equip Paskan with night sight, all you others have no problems in darkness and with Aeries far sight we can hit them again!"

Aerie: "But the human archer units can't see in the dark. Their range will be restricted to very short range. We'll be lucky if we can keep the Orcs from reaching the walls at night".

Karion: "I have a plan that may aid us in that".


The group split up and ensured the men on the walls were fed, watered and were happy to see they were in very good spirits. Many were chatting of how 'they' beat off the assault. They were chatting non-stop about the next attack and how they would blast that into oblivion too.

Garet waited until he was out of sight and took from his bag of holding the quivers he had in there. He gave all the crossbow bolts to Anor. He was the only one with a crossbow. The longbow arrows were divided equally between Bandur and Aerie. Karion and himself restocked on short bow arrows. He even had enough to replenish the archer units, especially Heimund's as they were down to but a few arrows each.

Aerie and Karion went to Anor's tower and slept. They would take the night watch between them. Heimund and Garet organised a rota between the men in the units so at least 1 was awake at all times. Paskan and Anor organised the tower defences and ensured each ballista was ready for immediate action. Toward evening Garet beckoned Paskan over. He touched him lightly on the forehead between his eyes and chanted a short verse. Paskan could now see in the dark if the enemy should attack that night.

Aerie and Karion arose to start the watch through the night. 

25th day of Deepsnow 1492 

8am - 6pm 

Nothing stirs. A constant watch is kept on the woods.


The group had moved to Paskan's tower and were enjoying a meal when the air began to shimmer. Karion quickly had a feeling that all was ok, this was not an enemy attack. Everyone still grabbed their weapons and shields ready if he was wrong.

The air pooped and a badly wounded goblin appeared at the feet of Bandur. It was Droop!

Droop: "Danger........both once.....both....danger.....sides....."

As Droop lay Heimund lay his hands onto his friend and companion and healed his physical injuries. Droop had been badly tortured. Paskan offered him a gold coin to cheer him up. Droops fingers could barely close around the coin, but he forced a smile then closed his eyes deep in sleep.

Heimund: "I will take Droop to the safety of the Gauntlet Temple, I will seek aid there for Droop. I also want to see if I can purchase an item that may come in handy!"

Paskan: "I will go with you, I will bring Grymm back with me".

Aerie raised her eyebrows at that comment.

Paskan: "Well you never know when a good Dire Wolf may come in handy".

Garet: "Aerie and I will go to the council meeting. All the wall commanders will need to give a report of today's activities. Plus, I want to ask more questions about the well and the water that runs under it. There is something fishy about this, no pun intended, but I don't believe Droop was talking about the enemy attacking both the west and east gates at the same time. I think they may attack this gate from both sides at once."

Karion: "Has anyone noticed that Droop is wearing nothing more than a rag and his pendent! Why wasn't his pendent taken too?"

Aerie: "Do you think this could be a ploy by the enemy?"

Karion: "I don't know".

Bandur: "I may just have to sit here awhile and polish and sharpen my blade some more.       I feel it may be needed afore long".

Before she left Aerie went to Anor's tower. She quietly and discretely pulled a small whistle from her pouch, cupped her hands and blew a long, silent call into the night.


The streets were full of people cheering and dancing. The town of Triboar had withstood the siege for 1 day. It was like they, the people, had won a great victory. It took a while for Heimund and Paskan carrying Droop, now wrapped in a blanket to conceal his features, to make their way to the Temple of the Gauntlet. 

Along the way Garet and Aerie parted company and headed through the throng gathered in the main square to the Lord Protectors Tower.

Master Raemond was about to leave the Temple when Heimund and Paskan arrived. He ordered the servants to look after Droop and a minor healer was sent for, one that belonged to the Temple and knew who Droop was. Before leaving for the council meeting Master Raemond thanked Heimund for holding the east wall. He handed over an ornately carved silver horn.

Raemond: "This may be of more use to you than to I. Use it well for it is the Horn of the Gauntlet. When blown I will know you are still alive. I have to go. Keep safe."

With Master Raemond gone Heimund carried Droop up to a room reserved for healing the sick

Aerie and Garet were already at the council hall when Master Raemond arrived.

Raemond: "Your friend is being well cared for, Heimund and Paskan are heading back and should meet you in the square once this meeting is concluded".

Aerie: "Thank you Master Raemond".

The other captains were there, and each gave a report of what had befallen their individual areas. They were glad that the eastern wall had held and with more success than the other stretches of wall.

Garet turned to the question on his mind:

Garet: "Can anyone tell me of the flow of water in the well in the square near the Yartar gate?"

Captain Brad: "No-one has given it much thought. The water was just there and had been for as long as Triboar had been there and before. Why do you ask?"

Garet: "We have had a spy in the enemy camp, he has just returned to us. Don't ask why or how, it is complicated. However, he has been badly tortured. Our friends Heimund and Paskan have taken him to the Order of the Gauntlet to be looked after and hopefully recover".

Master Raemond nodded his agreement. Garet continued:

"His ramblings indicated that there was danger, from both sides at once both of which he repeated many times, and he also mentioned the Raver. Now this may by a ploy by the enemy, but I think not. As to the 'both sides at once' part, that could indicate both the east and west gates will be attacked at the same time or the enemy will try and take the Yartar Gate from both sides at once. Hence my question about the well."

Select Fyrd Commander: "The tower we guard is called the 'Water Tower', it has a grilled access to a deep well shaft."

Master Raemond brought out the map of Triboar.

Aerie: "Where is the 'water tower' commander."

Commander: "Name's Hengist M'Lady. And our tower is here".

Hengist pointed to a tower on the north-west of the map. Master Raemond drew a line from there to the well in the main square, it also passed under the Lord Protectors Keep, and on to the well near the Yartar Gate.

Aerie: " My thanks, Commander Hengist, it would seem then that the aquifer under Triboar links all the water sources."

Garet made his excuses and raced down to the 2nd basement level and found what he was looking for, a grill. The Grill was hinged, and pad locked. Below he could hear water he could just make out the surface of which some 10 feet below the grill.

He re-joined the council meeting and informed them of what he had heard in the basement of the tower.

Master Raemond: "Put a guard on the well in the square, the unit of the '12' that are there can cover it. Garet I would suggest you do the same at the well near the Yartar Gate".

Captain Brad: "It is good to hear that 10 of those wounded today shall return to the walls tomorrow. There is hope that 9 more will return in the days after tomorrow. Unfortunately, 11 have died of their wounds being poisoned by enemy arrows."


The council meeting broke up and the commanders each met to say a farewell and wishing each other well for the coming of tomorrow. Heimund and Paskan, with Grymm firmly held,  were already there waiting for Aerie and Garet. They noticed that Heimund carried an ornate silver horn, slung over his shoulder on an embroidered tabard of exquisite quality. Seeing their glances Heimund said:

Heimund: "A gift from Master bring good cheer and raise spirits tomorrow".

A shout carried on the still night air rippled around the walls:

Voices: "Stand to....stand to.....they come....they come!"



The sounds of drums and horns filled the night.

Paskan mounted Grymm and tried as he might to race for the wall, Aerie and Garet followed but the streets were still filled with a multitude of people now with worried looks on their faces. Heimund burdened with his tower shield took an angled side street that he thought would be a quicker route through the market of the Minotaur.

Bandur had moved to take over the ballista in Paskan's tower, Anor popped his goggles of dark vision on and prepared his ballista. Karion took control of the archer units on the gate walls.

Out of the darkness mighty war machines lumbered forward down the road. Against the Yartar gate was levelled a mighty battering ram, covered and protected. A tall tower lumbered down the road towards the merchant gate. Ork units were gathered in the darkness. Some were covered by angled Pavese type shields.

With a roar the horde charged the wall. The same was happening all round the walls of Triboar.

Anor and Bandur let fly with ballista bolts and archer units replied as best they could. Missiles arced high towards the battlements from massed archers. The missiles took a deadly toll on attacker and defender alike.

The orcs replied with ballista bolts of their own. Two mounted on the tower provided support for the berserker orcs pouring onto the battlements.

Anor repeatedly fired into the tower causing devastation amongst the leading ranks of berserkers. All too soon he ran out of bolts. 

Bandur fared no better, depressing his ballista to engage the orc ballista's on the ground below, he over balanced and the ballista plunged off the tower, smashing to the ground below.

Ladders slammed up against the walls. The tower dropped its ramp as the ram thudded against the gate.

Bandur withdrew his horn and blew long and loud. The defenders took cheer but that was not his aim.

The air shimmered before him and the Djinn Ahtayir appeared, suspended in the air before Bandur.

Djinn: "I am Ahtayir, I will do you bidding, once and once done will return to my world".

Bandur: "Oh mighty Ahtayir, I summon you to do my bidding, destroy the enemy before me".

The Djinn nodded and disappeared.

Karion fired off a bolt of electric mayhem, felling many Orcs below, he did the same to the tower and more fell. But now he was in danger of being cut off. He yelled for the oil barrel to be poured over the wall onto the battering ram. The archers behind him complied and another lit a torch and hurled it over the wall. He was premature, the torch hit the sloped roof and bounced to the ground. Karion told him to try again. Rushing, the archer lit a torch but slipped and the torch fell onto the 2 other barrels stored in Bandur's tower.

Bandur looked over the tower into the town and could see fighting below. Realising there was smoke pouring through the hatch from below he climbed onto the battlements, jumped out as far as he could and activated his ring of feather fall. The lone survivor of the '12' fighting below, surrounded was taken aback as Bandur landed beside him and struck the mighty Lizard warrior in front of them.

Bandur managed to defeat the mighty lizard warrior as Garet dispatched 3 Lizardmen before stepping back into the shadows.

Heimund entered the market square to see a horde of Lizardmen assailing the barricades. He took out the Horn of the Gauntlet and blew a long, loud clear note. He prepared himself for battle as he was joined by the spirits of eleven fallen warriors.

Karion looked along the battlements, more Orcs were pouring onto the wall above the gates, Orcs were heading through Anor's tower to attack the southern wall. He turned and yelled to his men to jump, save their lives.

Of the 4 archers only 1 failed the jump and fell dead to the ground. Karion and 1 archer landed on 1 building, luckily the roof held. A 2nd archer landed on the roof opposite and a 3rd jumped into the cart full of hay before the Yartar gate.

Anor used his crossbow to great effect firing down onto the Orcs attacking through his tower the south wall defenders.

The mighty Djinn had not ignored Bandur's request. Turning into wind he had flown down and appeared within the battering ram. He flung Orcs this way and that before turning into a mini whirlwind and with great force destroyed the war machine. He considered his work done and returned to the Elemental Plane of Air from whence he had been summoned.

Paskan made the wall, Aerie just behind. Being mounted had only given Paskan a slight advantage. Garet was stopped by Aerie as she had seen movement to the south below the wall. She hesitated, wanting to be sure, Aerie indicated that there was fighting below the wall, inside the town, Garet took off as fast as he could in that direction, Glaeve and the Ki sword now in his hands.

Heimund let out a roar and charged forward with his Spiritual Warriors of the Gauntlet. They slammed into the rear of the Lizardmen, and the fight was on.

Garet, stepping in and out of the shadows downed many Lizardmen. Bandur and the lone '12' defended from behind a fence and struck down many Lizardmen too.

Paskan pushed himself to the front on the battlements above the town. Things had taken a turn for the worse. Orcs had managed to gain the wall in force.

Aerie let fly a spiritual wind spell that pushed many Orcs backwards along the wall towards Bandurs burning tower.

Orcs were now pouring over the walls, the Yartar gate was opened. Anor, the tower now on fire, shouted for his men to jump. Anor landed hard but ok, of the 2 soldiers one landed on his neck. It snapped and killed him instantly. The other broke his leg on landing. Anor half carried him into the market square.

Garet, was joined by Bandur and the remaining '12', gradually they were forced down the street south of the Shady Gryphon by a solid phalanx of slowly advancing Orcs. Heimund called out and Garet, Bandur and Anor joined him. There were now 6 militia men with them 1 with a broken leg. 

Aerie knew they didn't have long as more Orcs poured onto the wall. The militia men around them were dead. Aerie changed shape into a young silver dragon, grabbed Paskan and flew towards the market square. Paskan, astounded, et out a shrill whistle and was glad to see Grymm running after them.

Bounding round a corner came Grymm as Aerie dropped a shaken Paskan to the ground beside Heimund. Aerie changed back into her normal form.

Aerie: "The wall has fallen, the gates taken and the north wall too."

Anor: " Hate to say it but the south wall has fallen too".

Heimund: "I'll order the spirit warriors to hold this line whilst we try to get away, head for the Shrine of Kelimvor".

The spirit warriors formed a shield wall and prepared to take on the Orc Phalanx baring down on them. The group, plus the militia, made it back to the Shrine of Kelimvor to find Orc Phalanxes advancing from the north and south. They were trapped. To the north the tall lumbering shape of a giant could be made out.....The Raver!

The Orcs halted.

A huge female Orc Shaman stepped forward.

Shaman: "I call forth my warriors to witness the final destruction of this pathetic group of survivors and the fall of Triboar".

(Load yells and shouts, drums banging)

Garet smirked and stepped forward.

Shaman: "Do you think you can still win?"

Garet: "It's not over until I'm down!"

Garet tried to step forward and attack the Shaman, but he was dropped to his knees by an unseen force, his arms held behind him and bound by unseen bonds. Aerie stepped forward to protect Garet and began an Ice-Breath prayer, but no sounds came from her lips as she too was forced to her knees as Garet was. None could move, as one by one they were forced to their knees by an unseen force. No sounds were uttered as their lips were tight sealed. Arms forced behind their backs and restrained by unseen bonds. Struggle as they tried, it was to no avail.

Shaman: "My, my how the mighty have fallen. But first, I will tell you what is to befall you. You will die, you have failed. I will claim the artifact beneath this shrine, hidden for more years than have been remembered. Then we will have power untold".

(Load yells and shouts, drums banging)

Shaman: "The Raver that stands before you will be the engine of your destruction."

(Load yells and shouts, drums banging)

Shaman: "I call upon Velzemogarrox, come mighty one."

(Load yells and shouts, drums banging)

With a woosh of wings and a thump the adult blue dragon called Velzemogarrox landed beside Aerie.

Shaman: "Velzemogarrox, I promised you a tasty morsel and here she Avariel.....just for you".

(Load yells and shouts, drums banging)

Velzemogarrox craned it's neck down and with drool dripping from its maw prepared to strike.

Shaman: "Graaknol, orthingal., kalashgar".

The yells and drums suddenly stopped. The Blue Dragon looked menacingly at the Shaman who had now transformed into a demon and then towards the Raver. The group, on their knees, looked towards the Raver as a huge explosion ripped the Raver apart. But the Demon expecting the explosion to engulf all around for some distance, the dragon included, let out a cry of despair as the explosion seemed to be contained in some kind of shield.

The dragon smiled and whipped its neck around ready to rip Aerie's body into pieces. At that exact moment Aramil, who had been invisible to all, appeared between the Raver and the Dragon and let forth a blast of such power and intensity from his mage staff that all were blinded for an instant.

When everyone could see again, they knew their bonds were released, they could speak. Standing before them was Elminster. The demon was now in bonds that even it could not break. Of the dragon, nothing, Velzemogarrox had been engulf and consumed by the power Aramil had let forth from his staff, the power of the Orb of Destruction.

Elminster: "I am sorry for the subterfuge, but I knew that if Aramil was known to be here the plan would fail. I also had to wait for the demon to reveal itself in its true form before I could act."

Horns could be heard coming from the Yartar gate. The Orc horde broke and fled. They were Elf horns.

It wasn't long before a group of well-dressed riders rode up to Elminster. One leaned down and slapped Garet on the back. He turned....

Mavrithan: "Seems I'm always pulling you out of the shite young Garet!"

With Mavrithan were Arwen, a beautiful Elf; Horst, a grizzly, bearded Dwarf; Myst, a gnome, who gave Aramil a big wink and Toll a Goliath as tall as Heimund.

Myst: "See ya later big boy.....bound to be a party after this shindig. You can buy me a drink or three.......then your all mine!".

Elminster bowed as a tall, well dressed, Elf rode up to him. Elminster bowed low.

Elf: "Call a council meeting Elminster, there is much to discuss".

Elminster: "Of course my Lord".

The well-dressed Elf rode past with another 10 riders, as he passed Aramil he looked down and smiled.
Aramil was astonished and taken aback for this Elf had the face of his father.

(End note....Aerie banished the Demon)

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