Having learned of the Ronin Camp, Nobunaga and his force have managed to approach unseen and are poised to strike.
Note: Tadashi, a thug group and the Geisha are in the buildings (random placement). The yellow areas denote the lighted area surrounding the lanterns.
Nobunaga moves quickly forward, urging his men onward. Unfortunately his noisy ascent up the slope has been heard by the Ronin patrol in the center of the camp!
A shouted warning brings a Thug group and Tadashi out of the buildings. An attempt to bring on reinforcements fails.
Nobunaga advances cautiously down the hill, his Tanegashima unit opens fire after advancing but misses. Tadashi and a Thug unit move to attack Nobunaga. Tadashi misses so do the Thug group. Nobunaga is surrounded by enemies.
With Oda bow, musket and spear groups moving to support Nobunaga, Tadashi beats off another attack by Nobunaga.
Time and again Tadashi and Nobunaga moved in to strike only to have each blow blocked.
A shout from afar as more Ronin thugs appear, returning to their camp after another raid.
Nobunaga moves in with a final lunge at Tadashi. Tadashi tired and carrying an unhealed wound from their earlier encounter staggers back unable to block the blow. Nobunaga plunges is yari deep into Tadashi. The surrounding Ronin break and flee, knowing their leader has taken a fatal blow. Such is the fickle loyalty of masterless Ronin!
Searching through the buildings Nobunaga's men find a 'Geisha' and bring her before their lord. After questioning she is released to travel back to her village. Nobunaga failing to realise she is not the innocent 'Geisha' but a spy from a rival clan!
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