Saturday, 27 October 2018

Test of Honour House Rules for Solo Play:

Test of Honour House Rules for Solo Play:

more X than swords
all blank
= swords and X
More swords than X
5+ swords
Mounted Hero
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 9" towards
Move  9" charge
Other Mounted
move 9" away
move 6" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 9" towards
Move  9" charge
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 6" towards
Move 6"  charge
Other Foot
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire if missile weapons
Move 6" towards
Move 6" charge
Commoner missile
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards and fire
Move 6" towards
Move 6"  charge
Commoner Hand to Hand
move 6" away
move 3" away
move 3" towards
Move 6" towards
Move 6" charge

If during a move towards enemy result, an enemy is within that move distance then the group, if armed with melee weapons, will charge the nearest group. Samurai will always attempt to charge other samurai and may have to take a Test of Wits to pass a group that is closer.

1. This is an ongoing document and will be updated as more games are played.

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